View Full Version : Apologetic discussions

  1. Minister of the Age
  2. Authority and Submission
  3. Triune God, modalism, or are you heretic?
  4. A Free Pass
  5. Christ in His Humanity
  6. Last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
  7. spirit, soul and body
  8. Witness Lee's economy
  9. "Poor, Poor, Fallen Christianity" to the rescue
  10. Semantics, Authority, and Translations
  11. The Anointing
  12. apostasy of Jeroboam
  13. Warning in Revelation 22:18-19 and the RcV footnotes
  14. The introduction of leaven
  15. 3 things
  16. God became man that man might become God
  17. Christ and the church is the Kingdom (semi-private discussion)
  18. Pray-Reading
  19. Apostles
  20. Lee and the book of Job
  21. Transformation: Did Lee Miss the Point?
  22. Can "cult" members still be saved?
  23. The Local Church Lexicon — Common Phrases
  24. The Psalms are the word of Christ
  25. Self-control vs. Lee's Economy
  26. Good vs. Lee's Trees
  27. God's economy vs Deputy authority
  28. Four Areas where W. Lee was Flat Wrong
  29. One Thing Witness Lee Got Flat Right
  30. Another Look at the Trinity
  31. 1000 Years being Disciplined
  32. What is the church?
  33. The "Functions" of the Parts of Man
  34. Organic Salvation
  35. "Heavenly Language"
  36. 1 Cor. 15:45 - what does it really mean?
  37. Desiderius Erasmus Versus Martin Luther
  38. Do Most Unbelievers Go to Hell for Eternity?
  39. Witness Lee has Seven Gods
  40. The book of James and the LRC
  41. The ground on which the church should be built
  42. Nullification of the function of the body members
  43. Does Job reveal how God builds a man?
  44. Is The Bible Inerrant?
  45. Open/Honest discussion on Speaking/Praying in 'Tongues'
  46. Keeping score
  47. Is Repentance and Taking the Cross Necessary for Salvation?
  48. Lee's definition of faith versus the biblical definition of faith
  49. Love vs. Purity
  50. post sharing "Why LC-Lee should Drop Lee"
  51. international house of prayer vs local church?
  52. Outer darkness: A thousand years? or for eternity?
  53. You probably are not an apostle if......
  54. Became or Not Became - Interpreting 1Cor 15:45
  55. Melodyland and the Trinity
  56. The Asian Mind/The Western Mind
  57. The truth about Building the Church
  58. Theodicy of the Spirit
  59. Rene Girard and scapegoat mechanism
  60. God's Eternal Purpose
  61. Use of Jehovah in the RcV of the Old Testament
  62. That They Be One
  63. The God who died
  64. What Does Mind Renewal Really Mean?
  65. Changing attitudes about "worldliness" in the LC.
  66. Drop your concepts
  67. Love to the loveless shown
  68. The Danger of Witness Lee Books by Jeremiah Sargent
  69. The Ground — Lee's Answer to Jesus' Prayer for Unity
  70. By their fruits will you know them
  71. "God in life and nature but not in the Godhead"
  72. David, Saul, and Deputy Authority
  73. Misrepresenting God: Delegated Authority (Nee)
  74. Theological Questions, please help (Darby, "na ling", God man)
  75. Bipartite or Tripartite Nature of Man?
  76. Lee's "Economy" and the Fall
  77. Spiritual Discernment
  78. Darby and the Secret Rapture
  79. What is God's Economy?
  80. Different weights and measures
  81. Do you think Christianity is degraded?
  82. What is the New Testament Definition of a Church
  83. What is the Local Church view on baptism?
  84. Is the "One Trumpet" doctrine aligned with the fellowship of the apostles
  85. Mere Christianity or Degraded Christianity?
  86. Precious stones -- deeper experiences of Christ
  87. "The Multiple Invisibilities of Witness Lee"
  88. "Globalization of Chinese Christianity: A Study of Watchman Nee and..."
  89. Lee's Trinity
  90. The Unique Move of God
  91. Justification for One City-One Church dogma?
  92. Repetition, Ritual, Religion
  93. Today's Jerusalem for Christians
  94. Brainwashing
  95. The Church in Sardis prefigures the Protestant Reformation?
  96. God in Life and Nature... Oh Really?
  97. What is the boundary of the Local Church?
  98. The local church, the Work and the New Testament Ministry
  99. Antioch Principle vs. Jerusalem Principle of Church Administration
  100. Apostles in The Church: Yesterday and Today
  101. Disturbing scriptures, Your interperetation please.
  102. Poor, poor Christianity...
  103. Paul, An Apostle of Christ movie take away
  104. Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, & the Lord's Recovery
  105. Christ or faith the Savior?
  106. Plumb the depths of Adoption
  107. Judge not that ye be not judged...
  108. Hypostases
  109. Soul-Life, Kundalini, and Watchman Nee
  110. Is this a perverted word?
  111. Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?
  112. The LC Practice of Open Meetings (circa 1960s & 70s)
  113. One City One Church, any of the Church Fathers Practice it?
  114. Challenging Lee’s Good Samaritan interpretation
  115. Analysis of Local Church Statements regarding the Godhead, by Alan W. Gomes
  116. A System of Error?
  117. Partial Rapture And Dispensational Punishment
  118. The Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life
  119. Taking Christ as our person? What's the meaning of person here?
  120. Who is the Minister of the Age now?
  121. Thougths on John C. Myer
  122. What are the Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones in 1 Cor 3:12?
  123. "The Ministry of the age."
  124. Good land in Deut. 8 really means all inclusive Christ?
  125. Learning from Beyond the Fundamentals
  126. A Chilling Discovery?
  127. Vessels To Contain God?
  128. "We Don't Care for Right and Wrong"
  129. 2 Cor 8:5, Hebr 10:25
  130. Why I Dropped Out from the Full Time Training
  131. 99 Trumpets
  132. Does anyone see a problem with this teaching?
  133. Fearing God
  134. Free Will in the Day to Day Life of a Christian
  135. Nigel Tomes on 1 Corinthians 15:45 "Let's Get It Right"
  136. Critical Issues Commentary on Watchman Nee
  137. Is the Processed, Four-in-One God a sound doctrine?
  138. Biblical evidence for becoming God in life & nature?
  139. Overcomer Doctrine (Merged Thread)
  140. Heresies in LC?
  141. My Points of Contention With Lee on Mingling
  142. Deeper Dive Into The Origins Of The Lord's Recovery
  143. The Four Horses - Revelation 6
  144. Jesus Christ = “The tree of Life”, where is that in the Bible???
  145. Recovery Bible = Corrupted Word Of God!
  146. No Place Like Hell
  147. Infallibiliy of the Bible?
  148. Are we to be “Drunk with the Spirit?”?
  149. God has a dream? I’m glad I’m not a part of it!
  150. LC Doctrine and Practice through the Lens of God's Love and Hatred for Sin
  151. Is the church a LITERAL BODY of Christ?
  152. Celebrating birthdays
  153. What Does The Spirit Mean According To Witness Lee
  154. Local Church and Jehovah's Witnesses
  155. Seeking The Truth In Love YouTube Channel