View Full Version : My Points of Contention With Lee on Mingling

11-21-2021, 12:25 PM
Hi everyone,

I am a first-time poster to this forum. I am a current member of "the Recovery" and am finding it less and less a place of growth in Christ and instead a place where you conform to the image of Lee's theology instead of experiencing the Word.

In any case, I've done some research on one of Lee's central themes, mingling and have written up some rebuttals to the standard Ministry replies to the "opposers" who don't see mingling as Biblical. I am interested in bringing this up at one of the home meetings or in speaking to a fellow "saint" one-on-one, but wanted to get some feedback if this makes sense.

My main point about mingling in Lee's ministry is that it seems like he is manipulating the English language and concepts to say that both the human and divine natures in Christ are mixed as two parts of a whole to produce Christ at incarnation AND that this does not produce a "third thing" because the two parts are still "complete" in some sense. To me this is wrong at it's face since when you combine two whole things (think blue ink and red ink or one element with another element), you produce a third thing, whether or not the parts are broken up to pieces or not (think purple color, or a new substance called a compound of two elements). So, basically Lee is playing with the word mingle, which means to combine two parts and saying Jesus is NOT part human and part divine (although, confusingly he also says this very thing in a different piece of "Ministry material") because look - both his humanity are completely mixed, we didn't just take a piece from one and a piece from the other. But, this completely twists the idea of what mixing and altering is - you can combine a whole thing with another whole thing and make a third whole thing that's a composite of the former two.

In The Experience and Growth in Life Witness Lee writes:
...in the mingling of the fine flour with oil to become the cake in the meal offering (Lev. 2:4), two elements are mingled to become one substance. They do not produce a substance with a third kind of element. The oil is mingled with the flour. Flour signifies humanity, and oil signifies God. This also speaks of the mingling of God and man. https://bit.ly/30A5Y49
Notice here that lee is saying that two elements produce a third substance, but he claims that's not a third thing, simply because it's not a third element. However, if we recall our basic chemistry, each element is a substance and when you combine two substances to make a third substance, you are making a third thing. So in this way, I believe Lee is trying to conceal what he's doing by claiming that what he's doing is just first element + second element = first substance, when what he's actually doing is first substance (humanity element) + second substance (divine element) = third substance (a mingling of divinity with humanity).

The analogy WL often for uses for mingling is tea mixed with water. Confusingly, he uses blending (mixing thoroughly so there is no distinction between parts) interchangeably with mingling (mixing so the two parts are still distinguishable) even though they have different definitions, so when he says mingle tea with water he most likely means blend them into a homogeneous mixture. In any case, in theological literature you frequently come across statements like the union of humanity with divinity in Christ is definitely NOT like mixing the two natures. Instead it's a mysterious process each nature is preserved unchanged and yet the two still exist simultaneously within the Second Person of the Trinity, the Son of God, Christ. It appears that what Lee is trying to do is take a mysterious process and turn it into something that is relatable to us, but doesn't actually match scripture and that doesn't make conceptual sense.

In Life-Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians Witness Lee writes:
Once again I would like to take as an illustration the simple matter of making tea. Tea is an element, and “tea-ification” is the process of making tea. Suppose you have a cup of plain water. In order to tea-ify the water, you need to place a tea bag into it. When a tea bag is first put into water, the water may seem to remain the same. It seems to be little more than plain water. But after a period of time and some action of stirring, the water will become tea-ified; that is, tea is added to the water and mingled with it. Hence, we may say that the water is under the process of tea-ification. Eventually, the tea is in the water, and the water is in the tea. This means that the element of tea is mingled with the water. As a result of this tea-ification, the tea and water are blended together to make one beverage. Actually, this kind of drink is tea-water. https://bit.ly/3qYofma
Notice here that in blending the tea and water, there is no distinction between the two (which is the meaning of the word blend – “combine so the separate constituents cannot be distinguished”).

As an example of a theologian explicitly mentioning that Lee's tea-fication of water is unorthodox (although he doesn't specifically have Lee in mind), Matt Perman of King’s College writes:
The truths of Christ’s two natures — his full manhood and full Godhood — are pretty well understood and known by Christians. But for a right understanding of the incarnation we must go even further. We must understand that the two natures of Christ remain distinct and retain their own properties. What does this truth mean? Two things: (1) They do not alter one another’s essential properties and (2) neither do they mix together into a mysterious third kind of nature. First, it would be wrong to think that Christ’s two natures mix together to form a third kind of nature [Eutychianism]. This is one of the heresies that the early church had to fight. This heresy taught that the human nature of Christ was taken up and absorbed into the divine nature, so that both natures were changed somewhat and a third kind of nature resulted. An analogy to [this] can be seen if we put a drop of ink in a glass of water: the mixture resulting is neither pure ink nor pure water, but some kind of third substance, a mixture of the two in which both the ink and the water are changed. Similarly, [this view] taught that Jesus was a mixture of divine and human elements in which both were somewhat modified to form one new nature. This view is unbiblical because it demolishes both Christ’s deity and humanity. For if Christ’s two natures mixed together, then he is no longer truly and fully God and truly and fully man, but is some entirely different kind of being that resulted from a mixture of the two natures. Second, even if we acknowledge that the natures do not mix together into a third kind of nature, it would also be wrong to think that the two natures changed one another. For example, it would be wrong to conclude that Jesus’s human nature became divine in some ways or that his divine nature became human in some ways. Rather, each nature remains distinct and thereby retains its own individual properties and does not change. As the Council of Chalcedon stated it, “. . . the distinction of natures being by no means taken away by the union, but rather the property of each nature being preserved . . .” Jesus’s human nature is human, and human only. His divine nature is divine, and divine only. For example, Jesus’s human nature did not become all-knowing through its union with God the Son, and neither did his divine nature become ignorant of anything. If any of the natures underwent a change in its essential nature, then Christ is no longer truly and fully human, or truly and fully divine. What we have seen so far about the deity and humanity of Christ shows us that Christ has two natures — a divine nature and a human nature — that each nature is full and complete, that they remain distinct and do not mix together to form a third kind of nature, and that Christ will be both God and man forever. But if Christ has two natures, does this mean that he is also two people? No, it does not. Christ remains one person. There is only one Christ. The church has historically stated this truth in this way: Christ has two natures united in one person forever. At this point we find another heretical view to beware of. This view, while acknowledging that Jesus is fully God and fully man, denies that he is only one Person. According to this view, there are two separate persons in Christ as well as two natures [Monophysitism]. In contrast to this, the Bible is very clear that, while Jesus has two natures, he is only one Person. In other words, what this means is that there are not two Jesus Christ’s. In spite of the fact that he has a duality of natures, he is not two Christ’s, but one. While remaining distinct, the two natures are united together in such a way so as to be one Person. To put it simply, there is a certain sense in which Christ is two, and a different sense in which Christ is one. He is two in that he has two real, full natures — one divine and one human. He is one in that, while remaining distinct, these two natures exist together in such a way so that they constitute “one thing.” In other words, the two natures are both the same Jesus, and thus are one Person. As the Chalcedonean Creed says, Christ is “to be acknowledged in two natures . . . concurring in one Person and one Subsistence, not parted or divided into two persons, but one and the same Son, and only begotten God, the Word, the Lord Jesus Christ . . .” https://bit.ly/3CsYnRx
The takeaway here is that Lee's understanding of the "hypostatic union" of the two natures existing in one person Christ is what is specifically denied as heretical. But, the most frequent Ministry rebuttal you see to this criticism is that Christ is not a part man-part God third thing because the two natures were complete upon mixing. What they are missing is that it's the mixing part that the critics have a problem with, for in mixing you are by definition combining two parts into a third thing and turning what was whole into only a part of that third thing.

I found some further discussion of orthodox beliefs about the two natures of Christ in a forum called Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange. I would like to highlight the specific references to the fact that Christ was not some hybrid entity and that the two natures were not confused.
In the early church several alternatives were proposed and eventually declared heretical: That Christ’s human nature was only an illusion (Docetism). That Jesus had some sort of combined or hybrid divine-human nature (monophysitism, Eutyches). That Jesus does not have a complete human nature, having a divine mind in place of a human mind (Apollinarism). https://bit.ly/3CxgyWe

However, in A Thorough View of the Body of Christ Witness Lee writes:
The church, however, is not only men; there is God within. That which has only men and not God is not the church. A single constituent is not enough; there must be both the divine constituent as well as the human constituent. We can say that the church is both man and God. It is the mingling of God and man, the blending of humanity with divinity, a hybrid entity of divinity joined with humanity, with two elements or constituents. https://bit.ly/30wgHfr
Lee is explicitly using language of "hybrid entity" that is understood to be heretical (also note that he uses blending here, which is different from mingling). How is a hybrid entity not a third thing? It is by definition a product of two different parts to form a third (think horse and donkey producing a mule).

Another post on the same Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange forum is as follows:
According to Chalcedon, he is of two natures "unconfusedly, unchangeably." That is, his human nature and his God nature did not fold into one another to become a third thing [tertium quid] neither human nor God. https://bit.ly/30B8arN

In the post above, we notice that one nature being folded into and confused with another is explicitly brought up as unbiblical, yet another favorite illustration of mingling for is the oil "folded into" flour from Leviticus. Witness Lee in The Move of God in Man writes:
Because of the wrong teaching of Eutyches in the fifth century, most Christian teachers dare not to say that God and man are mingled together. The Eutychians denied the distinctness and coexistence of Christ’s divinity and humanity, and they asserted that the two natures were merged into one, resulting in a third nature being produced (see Concerning the Person of Christ). But this teaching is in contradiction with the revelation of the holy Word. We need to see the wonderful truth in the Bible concerning the mingling of divinity with humanity. According to Leviticus 2:4, the fine flour mingled with oil as the meal offering is a type of Christ as the One who was a mingling of divinity with humanity. Although oil and flour were mingled into one, they were still two in nature; they were not merged into one to become a third nature. https://bit.ly/3HCm9ye
Note here that Lee brings up the Eutychianist heresy of the "third thing being produced" and then goes on to speak of how oil and flour were mingled to one (is oil not literally folded into flour when making dough?). Note he immediately follows "mingled into one" with "not merged into one" as if the second sentence somehow makes us forget about the first. What is the "one" Lee was speaking of if not a third nature! In Leviticus, oil and flour were combined to produce a blended offering, where the two ingredients were no longer distinguishable, a single whole made up of two components folded into one another. That is not what the Word teaches us with respect to the two natures in the Second Person. Christ's two natures were not blended together into one, he was both fully (read NOT part) human and fully divine, mysteriously, in one Person not a commonplace blending of the two. That's why the old covenant was temporary and fading all the time, because it relied on human concepts and rituals, as opposed to the new covenant, which is based on the mysterious and divine work of the Trinity (and no, that doesn't mean the processed Spirit).

11-21-2021, 01:37 PM
Hello, Russian 95!

Long post.

I do recommend to read all posts from thread : is God Trinity, and Biblical evidence of man becoming God... .
This may be very helpful and will give You a few answers.
Of course there is a place to discuss all this crazy teachings and philosophical thoughts of Witness Lee, but detoxification will lead at least to reading only Bible and rejection of all these ideas, comparisons, new definitions.
He was kinda brother philosopher who believed that he will explain everything and translate and unveil truths.
Word of God is to apply in action. Those who are "mingled" ( in Bible one with) Him, Lord Jesus, will shine. Will bring fruits. Will be His witnesses giving testimony in life. And so on, and so on.
Blended, mingled, mixed...
You can call it as You wish.
The main problem in his teaching, was directing saints to his teaching.
Teaching has only one purpose: take the knowledge given to us.
But what knowledge? Only mental?
Or spiritual?
1 Pet 4:11

If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

I suggest to ask Yourself who is actually WL for You? Is he minster of this or previous age? If each age has minister, so why there is no certain name for 21 century?
Was he the only one and omniscient man? Or just brother, which did good job with research, symbols?
Ask Yourself also what is actually Your own experience of this being one with Lord? Why we have to name things already existing and named in Bible?
I think he trusted too much in himself and it led him and this movement where it is now.
Once again, dear Russian95, read those threads first if You have a little time.

11-21-2021, 03:54 PM
Thank you for your reply. And, I will certainly read the posts you have suggested. It seems the LC culture is "oneness," but oneness in the erroneous teachings of Lee, not oneness in Christ.

I'm honestly not certain if Lee was genuine in his theology or was just trying to gain tape-recorders of his spoken messages to boost ego. I read in one of his books "mingling" just popped into his head one day and he decided to roll with it. Elsewhere, Lee states that we should use "attractive words" like "the infinite became finite" to gain "new ones." So, it might have all been marketing gimmicks to amplify Lee's "unique flavor" of theology which he felt most Christians "did not know."

And, I agree that teaching should be of many forms. Lee's over-focusing on subjective truths distracted his loyal army from him objectively deviating from fundamental doctrines about which Christ we're worshipping. Those things which should be non-negotiable.

11-21-2021, 04:46 PM
Thank you for your reply. And, I will certainly read the posts you have suggested. It seems the LC culture is "oneness," but oneness in the erroneous teachings of Lee, not oneness in Christ.

I'm honestly not certain if Lee was genuine in his theology or was just trying to gain tape-recorders of his spoken messages to boost ego. I read in one of his books "mingling" just popped into his head one day and he decided to roll with it. Elsewhere, Lee states that we should use "attractive words" like "the infinite became finite" to gain "new ones." So, it might have all been marketing gimmicks to amplify Lee's "unique flavor" of theology which he felt most Christians "did not know."

And, I agree that teaching should be of many forms. Lee's over-focusing on subjective truths distracted his loyal army from him objectively deviating from fundamental doctrines about which Christ we're worshipping. Those things which should be non-negotiable.


Robert is right. Your post is loooonnnnggggg. Too long. Specifically, 2,522 words 14,187 characters.

Please shorten your posts. Limit your word count to 350-400 words. Try addressing one or two subjects per post. Have mercy on your readers. We want to read you, but don’t have the time to spend reading and replying to such lengthy posts.

Robert’s post is 334 words 1,802 characters, so you can see what 350-400 might look like.


11-21-2021, 07:57 PM

Robert is right. Your post is loooonnnnggggg. Too long. Specifically, 2,522 words 14,187 characters.

Please shorten your posts. Limit your word count to 350-400 words. Try addressing one or two subjects per post. Have mercy on your readers. We want to read you, but don’t have the time to spend reading and replying to such lengthy posts.

Robert’s post is 334 words 1,802 characters, so you can see what 350-400 might look like.


Understood. Thank you for letting me know. I will write shorter posts.

11-21-2021, 08:04 PM
Understood. Thank you for letting me know. I will write shorter posts.

Can you summarize your original post?

11-21-2021, 08:42 PM
Welcome to the forum, Russian95!

It is excellent that you are thinking, actually thinking, using the mind that God gave you to use, about whether Lee's teachings hold up or not!

You are asking for input of what you wrote....specifically related to you possibly sitting down and talking to "saints" about it. If I try to put myself in your shoes, the first thing that comes to my mind is this: they won't care about what any theologian says or what BH Stack Exchange says or anything like that. If you are going up against Witness Lee's ministry, using ANYTHING from "Christianity" will be like using a wet noodle to hammer in a nail. Remember, the LC has been called a cult for years, and the local church both rails against "Christianity" and has been railed against BY "Christianity". Telling them that what Witness Lee teaches is called heretical by someone in that same "degraded Christianity" won't have any effect on them and will only close their ears to you and make you "poisoned" in their minds that much quicker.

In my opinion, for whatever it's worth, the best you can do is pit Lee's doctrines against the Bible itself and against logic/reality itself. They may still think you are poisoned, but you will give them a good dose of cognitive dissonance because inside they will be uncomfortable because they know they are disagreeing with the Bible, and not just with "evil Christianity."

(I'm not sure how many of the posts on this forum you've read.....I currently don't hold to the doctrine of the Trinity myself, but from what you've written it seems like you do, and you will be speaking to people who do....so I'll respond to you from within that framework. I will keep my own questions/issues with the Trinity out of it in my response.)

For example, in The Experience & Growth in Life, Lee says this: Incarnation is God entering into man to mingle Himself with man, making Himself one with man. God was incarnated in the man Jesus Christ. He is a wonderful person, a unique person, with two natures. He has the divine nature and the human nature, yet these two natures do not stand separately; they are mingled together. He is the unique God-man.

The two natures of Christ being mingled together can be illustrated by tea and water. Tea is composed of two elements: tea and water. When we say that we are drinking tea, we actually are drinking tea and water. Therefore, we can say that we are drinking tea-water. God can be likened to tea, and man can be likened to water. As tea and water are mingled together to make tea-water, God and man were mingled together to make a God-man, the Lord Jesus. This God-man is the mingling of two elements, two natures, into one entity without a third nature being produced. In tea-water the two elements of tea and water remain distinct but are not separate. They exist together in a mingled way. It is the same with the Lord Jesus Christ as the God-man with the two natures of divinity and humanity.
But wait, wait, wait.....the Bible doesn't say "God entered into man to make the Lord Jesus." I mean, what Witness Lee is describing with his tea/water example, is a situation where you have God (tea leaves) and you have a regular man (water), and they got swirled together to create Jesus, a God-man (tea-water).

But who is the regular man who God swirled with? Where did that man go post-swirl? This is totally unscriptural.

The Bible says in John 1 that "the Word became flesh". One thing became another thing.

I would also look at Philippians 2:5-8 (ESV)

5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,
6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

The Greek for "form" there is "morphe", which means "form, shape, or outward appearance". It's the same word used in Mark 16:12 after Jesus' resurrection and it says He appeared to them "in a different form".

Whatever form He was.....He took another form when He was born on earth in the likeness of men.

None of these descriptions of the incarnation, word becoming flesh, form of God taking the form of a servant/human, none of those are anything like tea leaves and water being mixed together to make tea.

It literally says that Jesus "came from heaven" (John 6 re: the bread of life), and that Jesus "came from the Father and entered the world" (John 16), that "since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity..." (Hebrews 2). It seems to me that it is much more like a caterpillar morphing (there's that word "morphe") into a butterfly than it is taking tea leaves and water and soaking tea in water to make tea-water. Actually what I think it is, is simply a being with a spiritual body clothing itself with our earthly flesh/blood body. Either way, nothing the Bible gives us by way of description is like mixing tea leaves and water.

I personally think that the transfiguration of Jesus in Matthew 17 might have been a brief glimpse on His part of what He really looked like before taking on human flesh, but I'll leave that be......

Not sure if any of that helped, but I better stop here for length. My main point is.....pit Lee against the Bible, not against any other teachers.


11-21-2021, 08:45 PM
Can you summarize your original post?

The short version is - Lee concealed the unorthodox view of mingling human nature and divine elements in Christ's incarnation by saying it was "not merging into one." In other words, to Lee, since the flour (humanity) and oil (divinity) were mixed in such a way that the flour is still "complete" (the flour is still flour and not oil) and the oil is "complete," (the oil is still the oil and not flour), nothing was changed. This never made sense to me - when you mix to complete things, like red ink and blue ink, a third thing - purple ink is produced. Change is inherent to mixing. Lee tried to twist the English language to say that mixing does NOT necessarily equal change. To conclude, Lee would have us worship a "hybrid Jesus," who is not the Second Person. And that is not any minor point of doctrine but a critical aspect of any Christian's belief system.

11-21-2021, 09:03 PM
Welcome to the forum, Russian95!

It is excellent that you are thinking, actually thinking, using the mind that God gave you to use, about whether Lee's teachings hold up or not!

You are asking for input of what you wrote....specifically related to you possibly sitting down and talking to "saints" about it. If I try to put myself in your shoes, the first thing that comes to my mind is this: they won't care about what any theologian says or what BH Stack Exchange says or anything like that. If you are going up against Witness Lee's ministry, using ANYTHING from "Christianity" will be like using a wet noodle to hammer in a nail. Remember, the LC has been called a cult for years, and the local church both rails against "Christianity" and has been railed against BY "Christianity". Telling them that what Witness Lee teaches is called heretical by someone in that same "degraded Christianity" won't have any effect on them and will only close their ears to you and make you "poisoned" in their minds that much quicker.

In my opinion, for whatever it's worth, the best you can do is pit Lee's doctrines against the Bible itself and against logic/reality itself. They may still think you are poisoned, but you will give them a good dose of cognitive dissonance because inside they will be uncomfortable because they know they are disagreeing with the Bible, and not just with "evil Christianity."

(I'm not sure how many of the posts on this forum you've read.....I currently don't hold to the doctrine of the Trinity myself, but from what you've written it seems like you do, and you will be speaking to people who do....so I'll respond to you from within that framework. I will keep my own questions/issues with the Trinity out of it in my response.)

For example, in The Experience & Growth in Life, Lee says this: Incarnation is God entering into man to mingle Himself with man, making Himself one with man. God was incarnated in the man Jesus Christ. He is a wonderful person, a unique person, with two natures. He has the divine nature and the human nature, yet these two natures do not stand separately; they are mingled together. He is the unique God-man.

The two natures of Christ being mingled together can be illustrated by tea and water. Tea is composed of two elements: tea and water. When we say that we are drinking tea, we actually are drinking tea and water. Therefore, we can say that we are drinking tea-water. God can be likened to tea, and man can be likened to water. As tea and water are mingled together to make tea-water, God and man were mingled together to make a God-man, the Lord Jesus. This God-man is the mingling of two elements, two natures, into one entity without a third nature being produced. In tea-water the two elements of tea and water remain distinct but are not separate. They exist together in a mingled way. It is the same with the Lord Jesus Christ as the God-man with the two natures of divinity and humanity.
But wait, wait, wait.....the Bible doesn't say "God entered into man to make the Lord Jesus." I mean, what Witness Lee is describing with his tea/water example, is a situation where you have God (tea leaves) and you have a regular man (water), and they got swirled together to create Jesus, a God-man (tea-water).

But who is the regular man who God swirled with? Where did that man go post-swirl? This is totally unscriptural.

The Bible says in John 1 that "the Word became flesh". One thing became another thing.

I would also look at Philippians 2:5-8 (ESV)

5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,
6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

The Greek for "form" there is "morphe", which means "form, shape, or outward appearance". It's the same word used in Mark 16:12 after Jesus' resurrection and it says He appeared to them "in a different form".

Whatever form He was.....He took another form when He was born on earth in the likeness of men.

None of these descriptions of the incarnation, word becoming flesh, form of God taking the form of a servant/human, none of those are anything like tea leaves and water being mixed together to make tea.

It literally says that Jesus "came from heaven" (John 6 re: the bread of life), and that Jesus "came from the Father and entered the world" (John 16), that "since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity..." (Hebrews 2). It seems to me that it is much more like a caterpillar morphing (there's that word "morphe") into a butterfly than it is taking tea leaves and water and soaking tea in water to make tea-water. Actually what I think it is, is simply a being with a spiritual body clothing itself with our earthly flesh/blood body. Either way, nothing the Bible gives us by way of description is like mixing tea leaves and water.

I personally think that the transfiguration of Jesus in Matthew 17 might have been a brief glimpse on His part of what He really looked like before taking on human flesh, but I'll leave that be......

Not sure if any of that helped, but I better stop here for length. My main point is.....pit Lee against the Bible, not against any other teachers.


Thank you for your post. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, but it seems like the "hypostatic union" within Christ is much more mysterious than the cold mechanical process of a homogeneous mixture of two chemicals. Cold/distant seems to be reflective of the old covenant where Lee god the word "mingle" from, but the New Covenant presents a God revealing Himself to us in a much deeper way - like the transfiguration that you mentioned. Your post also reminds me of the idea that Jesus was still the same Second Person. God is the same and unchanging inside Creation as well as outside Creation. It's not as if there was a separate human person and at incarnation, Jesus possessed his body. Which is really why Lee's theology is so offensive - that he doesn't respect the notion that the Word becoming flesh never meant that the Second Person had some other being incorporated into him.

As far as the Trinity, I do still hold to that myself, but am very puzzled that Lee's theology is based on taking the "difficult passages for Trinitarians" = life-giving Spirit, "Lord is Spirit," Romans 8:9-11, etc. and interpreting them as Oneness believers would. Very curious that's the route he takes and then still claims to believe in a Trinity.

Finally, a lot of my research is based on Anaheim's written responses to "opposers" and it seems like they rely a lot on quotes from respected theologians. When I dug deeper, however those same quoted theologians don't seem to agree at all with Lee's understanding of the nature of the Trinity or much else. It was just quotes taken out of context, it seems. In any case, it appears at least LSM leadership takes these theologians seriously. Even though the rank-and-file "saints" might be more likely to see them as "suppressive persons" to use the cult Scientology's terminology.

I will continue to try to discuss Scripture, but it's challenging sometimes as Lee-ites take the route of shoehorning their interpretation (a life-giving Spirit for example), and not caring at all what the immediate or Biblical context has to say about that interpretation or how much it doesn't fit. It really is mind-numbing at times.

Thank you for the words of wisdom. I appreciate it!

11-21-2021, 09:35 PM
As far as the Trinity, I do still hold to that myself, but am very puzzled that Lee's theology is based on taking the "difficult passages for Trinitarians" = life-giving Spirit, "Lord is Spirit," Romans 8:9-11, etc. and interpreting them as Oneness believers would. Very curious that's the route he takes and then still claims to believe in a Trinity.

You're right! Lee was such a mish-mash of such a variety of teachings....

Finally, a lot of my research is based on Anaheim's written responses to "opposers" and it seems like they rely a lot on quotes from respected theologians. When I dug deeper, however those same quoted theologians don't seem to agree at all with Lee's understanding of the nature of the Trinity or much else. It was just quotes taken out of context, it seems. In any case, it appears at least LSM leadership takes these theologians seriously. Even though the rank-and-file "saints" might be more likely to see them as "suppressive persons" to use the cult Scientology's terminology.

I will continue to try to discuss Scripture, but it's challenging sometimes as Lee-ites take the route of shoehorning their interpretation (a life-giving Spirit for example), and not caring at all what the immediate or Biblical context has to say about that interpretation or how much it doesn't fit. It really is mind-numbing at times.

Thank you for the words of wisdom. I appreciate it!

You are so right on all of this. Anaheim will prop up theologians and such from Christianity when it supports their own viewpoint, but shrinks back from those same theologians and other Christian teachers when they are in opposition to Lee. Since you are taking the "I disagree with Lee" stance.....theologians and other Christians won't be as welcome. It's maddening. I don't mean to discourage you from going that route at all.....I can just imagine you encountering pretty blank stares from them. Although, it depends on who you talk to. There are a few saints scattered around who actually do read other things and who would be able to engage!

And you are very right on the Scripture part too, and how they will only be able to see it from their Lee-taught interpretation and not from what Scripture actually says. I guess all you can do is pray beforehand that their eyes would be opened and the Lord would prepare their hearts and minds beforehand, and that Satan's strongholds would be broken.


Paul Vusik
11-22-2021, 09:51 AM
Hi Russian95,

Firstly, before I say anything about your post here, I like seeing my own countrymen slowly waking up from this bliss and delusion and asking some questions, rather than just eating this junk without even going through some basic smell tests. The communist did some mighty work on our people, and continue to do so today, where you just “eat it”, and “don’t ask any questions, we know what is good for you”. TLR, has kind the same theme going, I have no doubt where the inventor got the idea from, but that’s for another time and another post. Now, I will just make couple of comments regarding your post:
1. I had similar issues and questions regarding this matter, and after the Lord took me out of it, I’ve been told on multiple occasions from people that are still in it, that “Paul, we are different, but it should be the same”. That statement got me to pray and stand before God, and ask “what’s going on here?” Am I way off base, or there is something that I just don’t see? Is there something I’m not getting, not catching, not understanding? Well, today after praying and putting in a lot of hours into this matter, I can state clearly, “we are different!, and we are not of the same!”. Those teachings may be and probably are true, however as you can see by the results of the past 80 years or whatever the time this junk has been around, I can state that whatever Jesus this creature is represented, he is NOT the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus of the true believers, not the Jesus of the true church that’s been around for 2000+ years, (2 Cor 11). The name of Him is being used to sell this doctrines of demons, and fables of man to people. It’s called “Bait and Switch “. They give you a “Bible”, (I put in quotations, because it’s a joke that they call it Bible, one should think and pray on this and see why this creature had to write his own bible, “it’s hard to fit a square peg, into a round hole, need to shave off some edges to do so”), and as soon as you even take a bite, it’s no longer about the Bible, it’s about the scam, and you better keep buying it, the more the better! Get your latest truth delivered to you in the form of HWMR, or for more of the advanced eaters, there is ministry magazine, but wait, if you are really really into it, we got the collection of works for you! Not sure what the next update will be, but the truth is still being recovered from some bunkers in Anahiem or China, so they will keep you posted, no worries! So my questions regarding this matter ended, and I have no more! No point to discuss matters regarding anything else, when the foundation of the whole thing is not the same.
2. Read some church history, and you will find a lot of these things have been around since the time of the apostles. The church has fought most of these issues throughout the century’s . None of these teachings and ideas, revelations, are new, they have all been around in some form or another. And if it’s not been around in religious form, you can find them in secular systems, ideas and beliefs. It’s just been recycled, repurposed, repainted, modified into a one bouquet. People refuse to put time, prayer, and study, which is why we are where we are, I was there, I ate that junk too. But God is merciful and graceful, and if we are after Him alone, Christ Alone, His Word alone, he will show us the narrow path.

I hope that it helps in any way.
To God be the glory!

11-22-2021, 12:55 PM
Hi Russian95,

Firstly, before I say anything about your post here, I like seeing my own countrymen slowly waking up from this bliss and delusion and asking some questions ...
I was mildly shocked to learn this since your English diction is so good.

11-22-2021, 03:35 PM
The short version is - Lee concealed the unorthodox view of mingling human nature and divine elements in Christ's incarnation by saying it was "not merging into one." In other words, to Lee, since the flour (humanity) and oil (divinity) were mixed in such a way that the flour is still "complete" (the flour is still flour and not oil) and the oil is "complete," (the oil is still the oil and not flour), nothing was changed. This never made sense to me - when you mix to complete things, like red ink and blue ink, a third thing - purple ink is produced. Change is inherent to mixing. Lee tried to twist the English language to say that mixing does NOT necessarily equal change. To conclude, Lee would have us worship a "hybrid Jesus," who is not the Second Person. And that is not any minor point of doctrine but a critical aspect of any Christian's belief system.

Take a look on ingredients.
In this case I can accept this picture of Tea and water. No body claims that tea and water example was in Bible. This idea is scriptural. God indwelled in Mary. This is mystic and we do not try even understand this. This is a fact in Bible. Jesus has Father God and mother Mary.
Sometimes we do not read carefully what we quoted from WL and can unknowingly missrepresent his words:
.the Bible doesn't say "God entered into man to make the Lord Jesus."

Nope! Bible doesn't say it either WL.
God Himself became a flesh. This is biblical fact.

Luk 1:30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.
1:31 And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
1:32He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
1:33 and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
1:34 And Mary said unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: wherefore also the holy thing which is begotten shall be called the Son of God.
1:36 And behold, Elisabeth thy kinswoman, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that was called barren.
1:37 For no word from God shall be void of power.
1:38 And Mary said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

The Bible says in John 1 that "the Word became flesh". But what does it mean if we hear:One thing became another thing?

Word became flesh" Yes. But really became ANOTHER THING???
hetera- diferrent but among the same species. Hetera colour. hetera trees.
homoiomati- likeness
mathamorfothe- change of shape
διαφορετικός - diaphereticos, dissimilar, different,disperate.
So the question is: what You mean by another and verses plaese to support.
Word "form" rather does not make bigger problem.

Phil 3:21 Who will transform (συμμορφον -symmorfon) our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
Math 17.2 And was transfigured (μετεμορφωθη -metemorfōthē, he was tranformed)before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
Math 17:4 And Peter answering said to Jesus, Lord, it is good to us to be here; if thou wilt, we may make here three booths -- for thee one, and for Moses one, and one for Elijah.`
Note, that Jesus got Glory, but was still recognizable.
Ad 6. Phil 2.6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

We can see in this mysterious event:
Unique and only one ( probably, if I my memory is short correct me) situation, where living persons could see dead ones in one place on the Earth.
Jesus was still Jesus Himself, God gave His own acceptation to listen to His Son. Remember verses, that we will live by word of God.
Appearance of Moses and Elijah is also recognizable, so Lord Jesus was over time lapse.
He was, He is, and He will be.
So having this view we can better understand of this so called mingling.
If we want to discuss about mingling we have to know firstly what are substances we join or mingle.
And by the way, when we use words " he took flesh" what we mean by this?
Do we remember that he was 1,2,3,4, 12 years old? 27? Do we think sometimes what kind of live this "mingled" Son of God and Son of Man lived?


Paul Vusik
11-22-2021, 08:38 PM
I was mildly shocked to learn this since your English diction is so good.

Hi Ohio,
I appreciate the comment, had to learn the hard way. I came here as a teenager, with no knowledge of any English, but after 20+ years, one better learn to speak the language. I have harder time writing and speaking in my native tongue, since I have transitioned to basically thinking in English. I have a long way to go, to be able to speak and express some things in the easy to understand way, need to learn bigger vocabulary base, but I guess you only learn by doing so. Speaking of a great vocabulary base, I got the quote for you from my favorite preacher, Charles Spurgeon, who in his sermon in the mid 1850s said the following regarding new discoveries and revelations:
“You may apply to us any contemptuous titles you please, but we know that, if we were to express the truth about you, there is no adjective of contempt which you do not deserve. Therefore because we know of no language, no language sufficiently strong to set forth our hatred of your false doctrine, we will let you pass in silence. My brethren, when you hear that an man has made a new discovery which contradicts the scriptures, don’t feel alarmed. Don’t imagine that he is a really great man, but believe that he is just an educated idiot or self-conceited fool. If you find the time to read the works of scholarly skeptics, you will soon see that their statements of fact are not reliable, their deductions are not logical, their inferences are monstrous, and their speculations are insane!”

Have a great evening,
God bless.