View Full Version : "Poor, Poor, Fallen Christianity" to the rescue

Paul Cox
08-24-2008, 08:41 AM
I recently learned that the Living Stream Ministry had suspended their radio programs in the United States, because they had become unpopular during the lawsuit with Harvest House.

As we know Hank Hanegraaff (President of Christian Research Insittute, founded by Walter Martin) and Gretchen Passantino (formely associated with CRI, along with her late husband Bob) wrote an amicus brief in support of LSM for their appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

It seems that one or both of these (Hanegraaff and Passantino) recently accompanied some Living Stream Church members on a visit to China. They were impressed with the Living Stream Church, and gave some kind of endorsement that the LSM Church is doctrinally sound. As a result of that episode, LSM has decided to resume their radio programs. I'm not clear on all the details. Perhaps someone can fill in the facts.

How ironic it is that LSM would now rely so heavily upon the endorsement of those they previously categorized as parts of "Poor, Poor, Fallen Christianity." They also rely heavily upon the "expert testimony" of world renown vampire expert G Gordon Melton.

Is this just image building, or is it a legitimate effort to be accepted by the Church at Large, which they still teach their young people to shun. Not only do they teach their young people to shun “Christianity,” but they also pay close attention to those Local Churches which, in their view, may be tending toward the practices of Christianity. This was much of the problem with the Local Churches in the Midwest.

Prior to the “quarantine” of Titus Chu there was much spoken and written about how those churches had started, in their view, to become more and more like “Christianity.”

So, LSM, which is it? Is Christianity fallen, and to be guarded against? Or, are we only to believe them when they endorse you. Otherwise, beware.

What say ye?


08-24-2008, 12:35 PM

08-24-2008, 06:17 PM
I used to listen to Hank Hanegraaff in the late 80s & 90's. My-my what intelligence that man exhumed.

In truth, that is actually why I listened to him and even liked him!!

His doctrines & explanations were acceptable to me back then.

But in the last few years, his views on certain Biblical teachings have changed substantially.

I wonder if the LSM is going to try to 're-convert- him to the Biblical teachings. Yeah...right.

I will not expound on his teachings. This is not the place for my personal views based on the scriptures. So...anyway that is why I don't listen to him anymore...plus if you ask me, he's got a big head to boot too.

:eek: Did I just write that? :eek: :D

Paul Cox
08-25-2008, 06:53 AM
I'm just wondering if ole Hank and Gretchen are in the "trainings," and "feasts."

Which Living Stream local church did they join themselves unto?

Paul Cox
08-25-2008, 06:56 AM
Christian Research Institute (CRI)
Hank Hanegraaff Lawsuit*
Christian Research Institute's Hank Hanegraaff had been accused of financial fraud and other criminal activities. A lawsuit was filed ("wrongful termination suit") on March 7, 1994, in Orange County Superior Court, California. The suit alleged that Hendrik (Hank) Hanegraaff, president of CRI, was guilty of numerous ethical lapses, financial theft, tax fraud, and a shocking list of other criminal activities and deceptive practices. The plaintiffs also charged CRI and its president and officers with violation of the federal racketeering act, defined as a criminal conspiracy or a "combination." Some of the details of this suit follow:


Just a little teaser to the link provided by djohnson.

08-25-2008, 07:25 AM
Thanks for the reminder Roger... I forgot he was also under a very serious investigation for the things you named. It's been a very long time since I've given that man any thought. I know he is still on the radio. <barf>

Paul Cox
08-25-2008, 08:08 AM

The document you pointed us to is dated 1996. A Living Stream Church supporter tells me that since the suit is so old and still hasn't been resolved (an assumption), then it must just be the complaint of a disgruntled former employee.

Do you know the history of this suit?


08-25-2008, 10:13 AM
The information about the results of the suit is in the link I provided.

08-25-2008, 10:39 AM
In another matter regarding CRI


Final Dissolution of CRI/Hanegraaff vs Alnor
By Bill Alnor
June 20, 2007 Hank Hanegraaff? Why should any saved Christian donate money supposedly intended to support the work of God to Hank Hanegraaff so he can misuse the money to sue other Christians with bogus law suits in his direct rejection of the plain teaching of the Word of God in l Corinthinas Chapter 6? James Jacob Prasch Colleagues,

The final tally is in from my legal team. In court documents just filed in Orange County, California my legal team has petitioned the court for a payment of $254,302.58 from CRI and Hank Hanegraaff personally to cover my expenses in their ill-advised defamation law suit they lost against me.

It also turns out that my initial article about a criminal probe against Hanegraaff and CRI was entirely accurate at the time it was written....

Additionally, let us not forget that Mr. Hanegraaff and CRI initiated a frivilous law suit against me. I am going to protect my family. If CRI would have suceeded they could have ruined me, my family and all income possibilities in the future. AT the same time, I never had any doubt about my eventual victory; God revealed it to me, and now CRI will have to pay dearly.

William M. Alnor