- Law Suits and the Local Churches
- Comparison and Contrast - Witness Lee versus The Blended
- The Incompleteness of WL's Ministry
- LSM Suppression of Individuality, a Chinese Trait?
- We should just sense life and not discern right and wrong?
- Is an "Appeal to Caesar" Really the Scriptural "Second Principle"??
- AFaithfulWitness.Org - Warning re: Dong Yu Lan
- Is the pot at the boil?
- Regarding "Beseeching.Org
- History of Hiding and the Need to Examine Ourselves
- Open Letter to Ron Kangas
- Twenty-five Years in the New Way
- Blending Bros Turning Their Backs on Church History
- Crystallization Study of Isaiah
- YouTube
- Mark them which cause divisions...
- Andrew Yu (of LSM) and Paul Wu (of Taiwan Gospel Book Room) Banned by CCP
- Numbers 1:1 - The Numbers Don't Lie
- Man is Just a Water Bottle?
- Leaving The Local Church Has Consequences
- 12 Directions of Prayer for North America
- stay or go....
- A LSM/LC New Website
- Current status of the Local Church?
- Yet another web site
- Testimony by Howard Ho
- Early vs Modern Local Church Traditions/Rule
- Ambition vs selfish ambition
- What Not To Wear
- The Local Church and the Internet
- Holidays
- Local Church Speak - Merged with The Lexicon
- Gravl
- Network Norwich and Norfolk
- Taking the Ground
- What's wrong with the LC?
- Age Turners
- Defense and Confirmation Project
- labor day conference
- picketers outside conferences
- Reasons why people are in the LSM churches
- An outsider's look into a Local Church
- Age of 35
- Christianity in China in the 21st Century
- Can someone please explain Lee vs BB?
- GTCA -- "Cities Selected for 2017"
- Grace Terrace Memorial Association
- "The Matter of Gaining African-Americans"
- DCP - 2016 in Review
- Are The Local Churches Growing?
- Christians on Campus Kicked Out - Tuks
- Fox News: "I'm glad that lady forced a Bible on me"
- "Flashcards for Spiritual Terminology in German"
- The Local Church in Russia
- Defining the LCM's authority roles
- Sheep stealing
- Predators in the church
- False Narrative of Church History
- Does anyone know who is the main person/people in LSM these days?
- Local Church going strong in Taiwan/Asia?
- Deceptions on Campus
- Minoru Chen: "Growth in The Local Church in USA flat since 1985"
- Brother Nee - Brother Lee- Brother We!
- New Zealand? What's going on there?
- Definition of "The Lord´s Recovery"
- Audio recording to FTTA alum meeting re: Jo Casteel
- Witness Lee repents, "local churches are Laodicea"
- Bible Timeline
- Narrow view of the church by Local Church
- Co-workers In The Lord’s Recovery Declare Themselves as APOSTLES!
- Merged Thread: Ron Kangas
- Fixing the Problems Helps Everyone Concerned, even LC Leadership
- Idealism
- Factual or not?
- The Old Way vs. the New Way
- "We Were Wrong"....not really though(?)
- What a Lack of Increase Really Means for the LC
- Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle Paul!
- The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam
- Church in Irvine: Enjoying Christ, Loving His People, Building His Church?
- Excerpts from "The Beliefs and Practices of The Local Churches"
- The pursuit of the "Soul"
- The Lost and Found of the Local Church Kids
- It's the Local Ground and it has to be with us
- The Vapor of Human affection in the Local Churches
- Insight into the the reeducation camps of FTTB and FTTA
- The Place of Love in the Local Church Denomination
- Only the Lords Recovery can cause the second coming of Christ
- What's going on in OKC?
- Mireya Testimony of Neglect and Abuse
- Coworkers-"Reading the pure word is unbiblical and dangerous"
- New FB Group Exposes Christians on Campus Cult in NZ
- Generalizations Of The Characteristics Of The Local Church
- Anecdotal Observations of the LC Over the Years
- Gods life vs Lee life
- A dead faith that is absent of God and his commandmdents
- Come on in and make a dialogue of the Lords Recovery!
- The Empire Strikes Back, Minoru Chen battles Nigel Tomes.
- How long does the Recovery last?
- Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com
- Former LC members vs former JW ?
- Online Bible Classes by Titus Chu Ministry
- Is there a compensation structure for positions in the LC?
- Local Churches Never Care About Local.
- DCP, Separate Legally, But One Intrinsically
- I Tell The Truth!
- Church Kid Testimonial Living Stream Ministry The Local Church
- Website: My Local Church Experience
- Message to the Local Church Leadership
- Chan's Morningside Foundation Donated $625,000 to Hank Hanegraaff's C.R.I.
- Lee Family Documents and Results
- Midwest Christian Outreach, Inc
- All-Inclusive Christ: How an Asian-Friendly Church from China Swept the US
- Article Regarding Prominent Local Church Member/Billionaire Ronnie Chan
- Cookie cutter web sites
- Takes from a ACuriousFellow
- An Open Invitation From The Blendeds
- The Roman Road vs. Lee's "road"
- Is The Local Church Movement Dying?