View Full Version : The Local Church in the 21st Century

  1. Law Suits and the Local Churches
  2. Comparison and Contrast - Witness Lee versus The Blended
  3. The Incompleteness of WL's Ministry
  4. LSM Suppression of Individuality, a Chinese Trait?
  5. We should just sense life and not discern right and wrong?
  6. Is an "Appeal to Caesar" Really the Scriptural "Second Principle"??
  7. AFaithfulWitness.Org - Warning re: Dong Yu Lan
  8. Is the pot at the boil?
  9. Regarding "Beseeching.Org
  10. History of Hiding and the Need to Examine Ourselves
  11. Open Letter to Ron Kangas
  12. Twenty-five Years in the New Way
  13. Blending Bros Turning Their Backs on Church History
  14. Crystallization Study of Isaiah
  15. YouTube
  16. Mark them which cause divisions...
  17. FTTA-OL?
  18. Andrew Yu (of LSM) and Paul Wu (of Taiwan Gospel Book Room) Banned by CCP
  19. Numbers 1:1 - The Numbers Don't Lie
  20. Man is Just a Water Bottle?
  21. Leaving The Local Church Has Consequences
  22. 12 Directions of Prayer for North America
  23. stay or go....
  24. A LSM/LC New Website
  25. Current status of the Local Church?
  26. Yet another web site
  27. Testimony by Howard Ho
  28. Early vs Modern Local Church Traditions/Rule
  29. Ambition vs selfish ambition
  30. What Not To Wear
  31. The Local Church and the Internet
  32. Holidays
  33. Local Church Speak - Merged with The Lexicon
  34. Gravl
  35. Network Norwich and Norfolk
  36. Taking the Ground
  37. What's wrong with the LC?
  38. Age Turners
  39. Defense and Confirmation Project
  40. labor day conference
  41. picketers outside conferences
  42. Reasons why people are in the LSM churches
  43. An outsider's look into a Local Church
  44. Age of 35
  45. Christianity in China in the 21st Century
  46. Can someone please explain Lee vs BB?
  47. GTCA -- "Cities Selected for 2017"
  48. Grace Terrace Memorial Association
  49. "The Matter of Gaining African-Americans"
  50. DCP - 2016 in Review
  51. Are The Local Churches Growing?
  52. Christians on Campus Kicked Out - Tuks
  53. Fox News: "I'm glad that lady forced a Bible on me"
  54. "Flashcards for Spiritual Terminology in German"
  55. The Local Church in Russia
  56. Defining the LCM's authority roles
  57. Sheep stealing
  58. Predators in the church
  59. False Narrative of Church History
  60. Does anyone know who is the main person/people in LSM these days?
  61. Local Church going strong in Taiwan/Asia?
  62. Deceptions on Campus
  63. Minoru Chen: "Growth in The Local Church in USA flat since 1985"
  64. Brother Nee - Brother Lee- Brother We!
  65. New Zealand? What's going on there?
  66. Definition of "The Lord´s Recovery"
  67. Audio recording to FTTA alum meeting re: Jo Casteel
  68. Witness Lee repents, "local churches are Laodicea"
  69. Bible Timeline
  70. Narrow view of the church by Local Church
  71. Co-workers In The Lord’s Recovery Declare Themselves as APOSTLES!
  72. Merged Thread: Ron Kangas
  73. Fixing the Problems Helps Everyone Concerned, even LC Leadership
  74. Idealism
  75. Factual or not?
  76. The Old Way vs. the New Way
  77. "We Were Wrong"....not really though(?)
  78. What a Lack of Increase Really Means for the LC
  79. Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle Paul!
  80. The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam
  81. Church in Irvine: Enjoying Christ, Loving His People, Building His Church?
  82. Excerpts from "The Beliefs and Practices of The Local Churches"
  83. The pursuit of the "Soul"
  84. The Lost and Found of the Local Church Kids
  85. It's the Local Ground and it has to be with us
  86. The Vapor of Human affection in the Local Churches
  87. Insight into the the reeducation camps of FTTB and FTTA
  88. The Place of Love in the Local Church Denomination
  89. Only the Lords Recovery can cause the second coming of Christ
  90. What's going on in OKC?
  91. Mireya Testimony of Neglect and Abuse
  92. Ron Kangas- THE BODY IS THE FATHER
  93. Coworkers-"Reading the pure word is unbiblical and dangerous"
  94. New FB Group Exposes Christians on Campus Cult in NZ
  95. Generalizations Of The Characteristics Of The Local Church
  96. Anecdotal Observations of the LC Over the Years
  97. Gods life vs Lee life
  98. A dead faith that is absent of God and his commandmdents
  99. Come on in and make a dialogue of the Lords Recovery!
  100. The Empire Strikes Back, Minoru Chen battles Nigel Tomes.
  101. How long does the Recovery last?
  102. Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com
  103. Former LC members vs former JW ?
  104. Online Bible Classes by Titus Chu Ministry
  105. Is there a compensation structure for positions in the LC?
  106. Local Churches Never Care About Local.
  107. DCP, Separate Legally, But One Intrinsically
  108. I Tell The Truth!
  109. Church Kid Testimonial Living Stream Ministry The Local Church
  110. Website: My Local Church Experience
  111. Message to the Local Church Leadership
  112. Chan's Morningside Foundation Donated $625,000 to Hank Hanegraaff's C.R.I.
  113. Lee Family Documents and Results
  114. Midwest Christian Outreach, Inc
  115. All-Inclusive Christ: How an Asian-Friendly Church from China Swept the US
  116. Article Regarding Prominent Local Church Member/Billionaire Ronnie Chan
  117. Cookie cutter web sites
  118. Takes from a ACuriousFellow
  119. An Open Invitation From The Blendeds
  120. The Roman Road vs. Lee's "road"
  121. Is The Local Church Movement Dying?