View Full Version : Andrew Yu (of LSM) and Paul Wu (of Taiwan Gospel Book Room) Banned by CCP

03-06-2012, 11:48 AM
I was just informed of recent developments in mainland China:

Andrew Yu [LSM board member & former LSM manager] & Paul Wu [manager of the Taiwan Gospel Book Room—LSM’s Taiwan affiliate] have both been banned by the Government from entering mainland China.

This should be related to the fact that earlier In November 1995, the General Office of the Central Committee of CCP [China's Communist party] and that of the State Council forwarded the document entitled: “Concerning the Investigation and the Banning of the ‘Shouter Sect’ and Other Cultic Organizations and Their Situation and Suggestion for Action” issued by Ministry of Public Security’” (ting zi [1995] No. 50). In this document it was clearly stated that the “Chang-shou Sect,” [“Witness Lee Sect” also known as "the Shouters" ("Callers or Yellers")] the “Administrative Deacon’s Station for Mainland China,” the “Power Lord” and “the Practical God” are clearly identified as cults.”

Anyone with further and/or more detailed information, please feel free to post it here.

Paul Cox
03-07-2012, 05:49 AM
Well there you go. Proof that they are on the mark - persecution.

Oh wait. They've probably do that with all groups that compete for the devotion of their public.


03-07-2012, 01:09 PM
TC spends a considerable amount of time in China. Fortunately he does not carry with him the baggage that LSM is saddled with. One of the major factors of his quarantine by LSM was his work there in China, which Blended spies eventually found out about. Isn't it ironic that Blended Bureaucrats tried to stop him from going, and now they cannot go themselves.

Paul Cox
03-07-2012, 08:57 PM
A thorough review of the work that is really going on in China will reveal that those engaged in the work don't have time or care for petty arguments over favorite ministries. Over seventy million strong and they are mostly meeting in homes, caves and open fields. Shame on LSM.


03-08-2012, 01:56 PM
A thorough review of the work that is really going on in China will reveal that those engaged in the work don't have time or care for petty arguments over favorite ministries. Over seventy million strong and they are mostly meeting in homes, caves and open fields. Shame on LSM.


Outside the LSM fellowship many Christians have gone and go to China as English teachers. One to teach English and Two to bring the Gospel. Within LSM fellowship this isn't recognized. Having heard it myself there's an impression given the underground churches is a product of Lee's ministry, Christians in the underground churches are considered part of "the Recovery". This must be part of the reason why LSM didn't want Titus Chu being active in mainland China. That mainland China is their monopoly, their harvest. Bottom line is the ministry of Witness Lee and even that of Watchman Nee are one of many in the underground churches. Just as Paul said in the previous post, "those engaged in the work don't have time or care for petty arguments over favorite ministries." The objective for working in China is not to get underground churches to lineup under a specific ministry, but to spread the Gospel in China.

Paul Cox
03-08-2012, 10:25 PM
Oh yeah. And didn't your hear? Witness Lee is responsible for the sun rising in the morning.

Paul Cox
03-08-2012, 10:36 PM
There is reported to be over 70 million Christians meeting in China. I'm sure a few of them are followers of Witness Lee, but the majority are not. Everywhere throughout China, from the city to the countryside and even in caves these saints are all singing the songs of a peasant girl named Xiao Min (Canaan Hymns). She is probably in her forties now, but began writing her hymns when she was in her teens. There are now probably over 1500 of them. With very little formal education, and no music education, the Lord gave her these songs and she can sing anyone of them from memory. They have been placed in numerical order. These songs have swept throughout China.

China Soul for Christ is the ministry that has been responsible for making her songs known to the west and even putting them to very professional music. Go to their sight, and look at their materials. No mention of Witness Lee and the Local Church. The closest they come is a historical mention of Watchman Nee, among others, in one of their videos. LSM is delusional.


04-01-2013, 06:07 AM
Praise the lord for the great job they have done in the ministry .He will lead the way no one can stop.

04-01-2013, 06:16 PM
Praise the lord for the great job they have done in the ministry.

Don't know much about Paul Wu, but I have heard Andrew Yu has served many years for Living Stream Ministry.
According to the testimony of one brother, if it wasn't for Andrew Yu, John So's Word in Manila in 1990 would have never become readily available on the internet.

04-01-2013, 07:26 PM
Don't know much about Paul Wu, but I have heard Andrew Yu has served many years for Living Stream Ministry.
According to the testimony of one brother, if it wasn't for Andrew Yu, John So's Word in Manila in 1990 would have never become readily available on the internet.

Are you sure that Andrew Yu was responsible for John So's testimony in 1990 being available on the internet?

IIRC Al Gore had not even invented the internet by that time, because he was not even VP yet. ;)

04-01-2013, 07:31 PM
I think it could have been Andrew Yu.
After all, he is the one who told the Bible Answer Man, when asked "what is the Recovery"...he told him that "anything positive could be considered the Recovery". :eek::blahblah::rollingeyesfrown:

04-01-2013, 07:34 PM
Are you sure that Andrew Yu was responsible for John So's testimony in 1990 being available on the internet?

IIRC Al Gore had not even invented the internet by that time, because he was not even VP yet. ;)

I think you're misreading the post. John So spoke the message in 1990. Sometime between 1990-2000 LSM had the message transcribed with the intent to refute John So. The document had been available for maybe the last 10 years or so (via internet forums).

04-01-2013, 07:54 PM
I think you're misreading the post. John So spoke the message in 1990. Sometime between 1990-2000 LSM had the message transcribed with the intent to refute John So. The document had been available for maybe the last 10 years or so (via internet forums).

Thanks for the clarification. I still find it difficult to believe that LSM would make this transcription of a message available for public consumption.