Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
02-26-2024, 04:16 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,855
Re: The LCS Factor
-Every parent, regardless of how smart or foolish he is, has a talent for raising children. Child raising is not a special talent; it is a talent given by birth.
A talent? Idk about that. I know of...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
02-25-2024, 10:49 AM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,855
Re: The LCS Factor
Yeah this is a tough one because the Bible portrays fornication as like the worst thing a person can do almost. "sin against their own body." Ok, but is jumping into a bad marriage better? Which is...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
02-25-2024, 10:23 AM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,855
Re: The LCS Factor
I gotta chime in on this one because it's such a big and kinda terrible issue in a lot of ways. Where the "elders giving the blessing on marriage" thing came into play I don't or why, but...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
02-23-2024, 08:49 AM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,855
Re: The LCS Factor
1,360 posts is a lot to go digging into. Any number from those you'd recommend looking into?
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
02-23-2024, 08:44 AM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,855
Re: The LCS Factor
Ya know that's one book that I have yet to delve into in my years of studying LSM publications. I am reading a little bit from chapter 3 on the appointment of elders by the apostles and it seems that...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
02-21-2024, 05:45 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,855
Forum: Regarding The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery
02-17-2024, 07:00 AM
Replies: 121
Views: 13,826
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-15-2024, 07:08 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: God's Economy is in faith
Honestly I love being connected to the Lord in my spirit. It's like having continuous access to the well of life. If I don't turn to my spirit by opening up deep within, which is accompanied by...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-15-2024, 06:34 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-15-2024, 02:13 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: God's Economy is in faith
There are plenty of verses in the Bible where calling on the Lord publicly happened. I think you're chasing after windmills here sir
Forum: Regarding The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery
02-15-2024, 02:11 AM
Replies: 121
Views: 13,826
Forum: Regarding The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery
02-14-2024, 09:10 PM
Replies: 121
Views: 13,826
Forum: Regarding The Co-Workers in The Lord's Recovery
02-14-2024, 08:59 PM
Replies: 121
Views: 13,826
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-14-2024, 08:56 PM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: God's Economy is in faith
I think you're taking something, distorting it, and then running with the distortion you've created. If you actually attend LC meetings they don't just chant mindlessly over and over. Certainly they...
Forum: Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching
02-14-2024, 09:20 AM
Replies: 39
Views: 8,677
Re: Three questions for Local Church Christians
There were lots of brothers who were speaking in the 80's. I get the impression that Lee was training a lot behind the scenes. Even from some old videos you get the impression that he was constantly...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-13-2024, 03:49 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: What is God's Economy?
I'm definitely not saying works aren't needed, necessary, helpful, important, etc. Surely works express God, and frankly I think the LC is very very short in the works department. And I will say that...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-12-2024, 10:05 PM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: What is God's Economy?
Ephesians 5:18 says 'do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit'
And we all know the passage of Jesus turning water into wine and later likening himself to the...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-12-2024, 03:23 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: God's Economy is in faith
Thank you for your kind words
Much of my learning about transformation (most of which has been from Nee and Lee and their expoundings on the Bible and the footnotes), I've learned it is...
Forum: The Local Church in the 21st Century
02-12-2024, 03:02 AM
Replies: 83
Views: 9,451
Re: Merged Thread: Ron Kangas
I've heard it being described as social climbing. But good points yeah. I've seen this in the Western Washington region. We had a new transplant brother from the church in Los Angeles or somewhere...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-11-2024, 01:09 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: What is God's Economy?
Also it's funny to note that you guys are contradicting yourselves. Earlier someone was saying that the LC is not the only place where they practice calling on the Lord. But now you're claiming that...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-11-2024, 12:42 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: What is God's Economy?
How are you not attacking though? You're just bashing. Which is whatever I guess. If you've been hurt it's understandable. But at least have some solid points in your attacks. Some of the stuff you...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-10-2024, 08:18 PM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: What is God's Economy?
In the book of Acts when Paul was persecuting the Christians, he identified them by hearing their calling on the Lord in their houses. How would he be able to do that if they weren't calling over and...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-10-2024, 07:10 PM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: God's Economy is in faith
Can you admit you're wrong for punishing me for having some slight condescension towards members on this site, while totally ignoring how I've been attacked and maligned here on this site? Can you...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-10-2024, 07:07 PM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: What is God's Economy?
You make some good points, and he makes some good points. Neither are fully correct. Balance and nuance is necessary. I believe Lee is wrong to say "we don't need doctrines" because the Bible is just...
Forum: Apologetic discussions
02-10-2024, 07:00 AM
Replies: 591
Views: 134,861
Re: God's Economy is in faith
.....but I'm not downplaying your experience and relationship with God. I do think talking to him and listening to him are very valid ways to experience him and maintain a relationship with him. But...