View Full Version : Introductions and Testimonies

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  1. Greetings from Hamilton, NZ
  2. Any Acaciawood School Graduates or Attendees?
  3. My History And My Testimony Today
  5. My Wife and I are in Late 20s We both grew up in the Churchlife
  6. seekinganswers
  7. What is the point of control? What do they want?
  8. I've Decided to Leave The Recovery and Not Look Back
  9. Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) reason I left LR
  10. Mario and Dora Sandoval Testimony of Grotesque Leadership
  11. Trying to find a good church in AUSTIN TX
  12. GraceAlone - The Lord is still healing us!
  13. Current Church in Austin Member
  14. Why People Leave
  15. Testimony of ex LC member Dave Zimmerman
  16. Finding a church life post LC in the bay area(CA)
  17. Ex LC Kid, Now a Practicing Jew (Testimony)
  18. Love the Lord and coming to the full knowledge of the truth!
  19. A Short Testimony/Introduction
  20. Website full of hate, finger pointing and blaming
  21. The Lord Called Me Out Of The Church Life
  22. A different Perspective!
  23. Our God, Is An Awesome God!
  24. Relationship
  25. Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?
  26. Who’s really causing the division?
  27. I'm Still In The Lord's Recovery, But I Never Really Understood This
  28. Questions to ask current members?
  29. Declining Meeting and Reading Invitations
  30. "Cultist" Podcast
  31. Short presentation
  32. Lord's Recovery in the UK - Amana Trust
  33. Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
  34. Ex Church Kid - Thankful I left!
  35. Genesis 3:22 vs “God’s economy”
  36. Suicide
  37. The Brethren Leaders Divided
  38. It’s only the Love of God that can change things!
  39. Nee was the Master Mind of this, Lee was the Enabler of it.
  40. Church kid from the 80s (Anaheim)
  41. Mind-blown.
  42. 9 months since I left the Lord's Recovery, and I stand by my decision.
  43. Closing My 17 Years Chapter In The Lord’s Recovery
  44. God's Word to help me keep living with Him.
  45. What I wanted to tell you, but could not.
  46. If anyone experienced this, please advice.
  47. The Local Church does not Value Family, Children or Relatives
  48. Introduction and Testimony
  49. Share my opinion as a server in Local Church
  50. Local Church of Witness Lee Testimony, by Joy Hillary
  51. Things I Witnessed in The Local Church as a Church Kid
  52. A Curious Fellow's Introduction
  53. Just left The Local Church
  54. My experience
  55. TheStarswillFall Testimony
  56. Brief Introduction- I Started Leaving the Local Church 5 Years Ago
  57. ATTENION NEW MEMBER "Michael87mil" - Please read notification
  58. Testimony of RCTW
  59. Titus Chu spin off-help?
  60. How Do I Leave As A College Student?
  61. From the Frying Pan...into...Another Frying Pan
  62. God Is Silent In The Local Church.
  63. Sort Of New To LCD
  64. After I Left The Local Recovered Church
  65. LSM Posts Full Page Advertisement
  66. Not Sure How Much I Should Say...
  67. InconvenientRuth
  68. It Took Me Years To Get Over The Guilt Of Leaving The Local Church
  69. 2 Months Out Of The Local Church And Feeling Guilty
  70. Hello (Truthinlove)
  71. Pauls message to LSM
  72. My Struggle With The Church Life