View Full Version : Blessings to all!

07-14-2008, 11:07 AM
Hi Everyone,

I decided to make the jump this morning, I have been greatly helped from the previous forum to sharpen and have a greater understanding of why I believe what I do, from many of your posts.

I'm not sure what I may contribute here, but know I have been helped and look forward to future fellowship!

Grace to you all,


(Oh yes, in my past "virtual" life I was Faithful Follower)

07-14-2008, 05:48 PM
Hi Everyone,

I decided to make the jump this morning, I have been greatly helped from the previous forum to sharpen and have a greater understanding of why I believe what I do, from many of your posts.

I'm not sure what I may contribute here, but know I have been helped and look forward to future fellowship!

Grace to you all,


Grace to you as well. Thank you for joining us. May God bless your day abundantly, with all the riches of Christ. Joy, peace, love, and everything else that God has willed you in Christ Jesus, above what we could ask or think.

I am sure that if you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you have something to contribute. I look forward to your portion. Peace be with you. aron