View Full Version : Couldn't resist the moniker
07-13-2008, 06:22 PM
I'm "SpeakersCorner" of old. I didn't get a return email allowing me to register here so I re-registered with this new moniker. It was a tough call: I really liked the pun here, but it leaves me with the conundrum of using "LC" as my shorthand ID. Not good.
Maybe you can just call me "Span." I'll have to think about all this.
07-13-2008, 06:54 PM
I'm "SpeakersCorner" of old. I didn't get a return email allowing me to register here so I re-registered with this new moniker. It was a tough call: I really liked the pun here, but it leaves me with the conundrum of using "LC" as my shorthand ID. Not good.
Maybe you can just call me "Span." I'll have to think about all this.
Or maybe
07-13-2008, 07:17 PM
Or maybe
how about
(Remember I said I live close to Salt Lake City!)
07-13-2008, 07:19 PM
Or, as my confused mom calls it the LSD church
07-13-2008, 07:59 PM
If it's alright with the gentleman, I think I'll stick with SC! ;)
07-14-2008, 05:30 AM
If it's alright with the gentleman, I think I'll stick with SC! ;)
because this was going to get pretty confusing
Plus, C-Span always bores me.
LC-Span really sounded worse.
07-14-2008, 07:40 AM
Ok, hopefully the glitch has been fixed.
For some reason I think the system is either not sending the confirmation email or maybe it's going to people's SPAM box. In those cases we can manually change the user status to "Registered Users" category.
Anybody who has NOT received the confirmation email (which contains the link that you must follow to get activated) please let me know.
I'm "SpeakersCorner" of old. I didn't get a return email allowing me to register here so I re-registered with this new moniker. It was a tough call: I really liked the pun here, but it leaves me with the conundrum of using "LC" as my shorthand ID. Not good.
Maybe you can just call me "Span." I'll have to think about all this.
07-14-2008, 09:48 PM
Yep, I'm back to my old moniker. That C-span thing was pretty dumb, on second thought. But since I'd used a British venue for debate as my original moniker (Speakers Corner in London ... a wonderful, nutty place) I thought maybe I'd use an American equivalent of sorts this time. Personally, I never watch C-Span (except those author things sometimes) but ...
Why am I explaining this, anyway? It's even too boring for me to type let alone expect you to read it. (If anybody is reading this still, I've got five dollars for you. Claim it by coming to one of our meetings in ... well, I'm not quite ready to divulge that. Besides, isn't that the sin of Constantine?)
Carry on.
07-15-2008, 03:55 AM
Besides, isn't that the sin of Constantine?)
Carry on.
I'm liable to hold you to that $5.
The Lord already knows I'm a sinner and I can use the gas money. [laughing smiley goes here]:D
07-15-2008, 07:10 PM
The saints that I know of that visit the Berean site would ask one another if they saw such and such a post on the "Bereans".
Does anybody have an idea how to refer to this site in such a sentence.
Or should we just let it happen just as I heard of a university that built the buildings and then added the pathways once they had observed the pedestrian traffic patterns based on the worn out grass between the buildings.
Only by Grace
07-15-2008, 08:30 PM
The saints that I know of that visit the Berean site would ask one another if they saw such and such a post on the "Bereans".
Does anybody have an idea how to refer to this site in such a sentence.
Or should we just let it happen just as I heard of a university that built the buildings and then added the pathways once they had observed the pedestrian traffic patterns based on the worn out grass between the buildings.
How about...LC Crossroads?
crossroads - WordNet (r) 2.1 (2005) :
n 1: a community of people smaller than a village [syn:
hamlet, crossroads]
2: a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision
must be made; "at that juncture he had no idea what to do";
"he must be made to realize that the company stands at a
critical point" [syn: juncture, critical point,
3: a point where a choice must be made; "Freud's work stands at
the crossroads between psychology and neurology"
Above is an on-line definition of "Crossroads"...seems like it might fit in a couple of ways. Of course, if this (or something else) becomes the "name" of the forum, might be good for UntoHim to put a title at the top somewhere. Right now, the title is pretty long and gets shortened to things like: LCD or LCD.COM...doesn't have much of a ring to it -- unless your'e a battery! ;)
How about...LC Crossroads?
I like it.
Thankful Jane
07-15-2008, 09:25 PM
[quote=Only by Grace;520]
I like it.Me, too. I just asked someone today how we could refer to the new forum by a name as succinct as the Bereans. How about dropping the "LC" and just calling it the Crossroads to make it a little shorter.
Thankful Jane
07-16-2008, 03:34 AM
I like Crossroads, but isn't there already a Chrisitian site called Or does that even matter?
I do like crossroads. It signifies to me a meeting place of sojourners, whose paths have come together. Ultimately, of course, our destiny is to blended and mingled with one another and the Triune God unto the eternal consummation of God's eternal purpose.
But today, we are sojourners, destitute and afflicted, endeavoring to make our way back to the Father. I sometimes remember the line from the hymn, "It was a lonely path He trod." Jesus was despised, forsaken, and rejected, and we follow Him back to the Father, to our eternal home. In the meantime, we can take some temporary encouragement and strengthening from fellowship with one another. My point is that I like the impermanence of it. We are sojourners.
But I want to put a vote in as well (if it's possible to vote for two things at once -- yeah, why not :) ) for another word already there: discussions. I really like the word discussions. I mentioned this already in my "Where I don't want to go from here" thread. I don't like the adversarial exchanges which characterize some (ahem) forums out there. I would rather have mutually profitable exchanges. To be sure, there will always be misunderstandings and disagreements (see the 'sojourning' part, above), but the goal is to escape from the rounds of sniping at one another, which damages the testimony of Christ, and instead find mutually advantageous fellowship.
So in my mind's eye I see something like "Crossroads: Local Church Discussions" so that AndPeter's friends can say "Did you see aron's excellent post on Crossroads yesterday" :D and it can stay registered as it currently is, or somewhat near it anyway.
Anyway, I like crossroads very much, but I also like the word 'discussions' as well. Thanks for letting me share.
07-16-2008, 08:40 AM
I had not given this thread much thought but as I began to follow it, it peaked my interest.
I am cautious to write this but going out on a limb, I'll take the chance. :D
I believe the Lord gave me a word early this morning as I was reading this thread.
The word was Rivercrossers.
So I'm tossing this word to the wind of this forum. :)
We by and large are Rivercrossers in more ways than one. We've crossed the Red Sea...from the world into Salvation into the LC. Many of us have been or at Crossroads with our lives upon leaving the LC...but others still are crossing over the Jordan into the Promised Land.
Eventually none of us will be at Crossroads. We will walk in the path of Rightesousness for eternity.
Thus we are & will be Rivercrossers. :)
So that's my .05 worth. (it went up from .02 cents to .05 cents due to inflation.) :D
Thus we are & will be Rivercrossers.
So that's my .05 worth. (it went up from .02 cents to .05 cents due to inflation.)
cmw, thanks for a good laugh. I need at least one every day. And you have done your fair share ... :)
07-16-2008, 04:11 PM
Hi everyone,
I have been a lurker over at the Bereans site for quite some time and now one at this site. This will be my first post ever. So please bear with me as I might make some mistakes. :o Regarding a reference/moniker for this site I thought of "Discovery" which might be a good fit. The Synonyms are very close to many of our experiences in the LC. Their definitions describe our situation and exactly what ex-LCers are doing today...
Here are the definitions of "Discovery" according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
1 a: the act or process of discovering
b (1)archaic : disclosure
(2)obsolete : display
c obsolete : exploration
2: something discovered
3: the usually pretrial disclosure of pertinent facts or documents by one or both parties to a legal action or proceeding
"Discover" is transitive verb
1 a: to make known or visible : expose
b archaic : display
2 a: to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time : find <discover the solution>
b: find out <discovered he was out of gas>
Synonyms: discover, ascertain, determine, unearth, learn mean to find out what one did not previously know. discover may apply to something requiring exploration or investigation or to a chance encounter <discovered the source of the river>. ascertain implies effort to find the facts or the truth proceeding from awareness of ignorance or uncertainty <attempts to ascertain the population of the region>. determine emphasizes the intent to establish the facts definitely or precisely <unable to determine the origin of the word>. unearth implies bringing to light something forgotten or hidden <unearth old records>. learn may imply acquiring knowledge with little effort or conscious intention (as by simply being told) or it may imply study and practice <I learned her name only today> <learning Greek>.
There is life abundant after the LC as we are discovering the truth in the Word and the facts which had been hidden from us for so many decades. It is so refreshing to have found a group of believers who truly seek after Him, are following Him and not a fallible man.
PS: This is only worth 2 cents since it's my first post. :p
07-16-2008, 04:50 PM
Hi everyone,
I have been a lurker over at the Bereans site for quite some time and now one at this site. This will be my first post ever. There is life abundant after the LC as we are discovering the truth in the Word and the facts which had been hidden from us for so many decades. It is so refreshing to have found a group of believers who truly seek after Him, are following Him and not a fallible man.
PS: This is only worth 2 cents since it's my first post.
Here's waving at ya, glad you discovered us ! :D And this might be your first post.........but those .02 cents are GOLD!! They're worth a lot!! :)
Now....... don't forget to post your testimony of how you came into the long you were in it..and what led you out.
'Inquiring & Curious minds' want to know! :D
And to the ADMN: Uh.......could you somehow come up with some more smilies for us? Much obliged sir! :)
Hi everyone,
I have been a lurker over at the Bereans site for quite some time and now one at this site. This will be my first post ever. So please bear with me as I might make some mistakes. :o Regarding a reference/moniker for this site I thought of "Discovery" which might be a good fit. The Synonyms are very close to many of our experiences in the LC. Their definitions describe our situation and exactly what ex-LCers are doing today...
Hi UnderGrace,
Thanks for posting, welcome. I like the word discovery because it is in line with my previously stated sentiments about 'discussion' (as in "Local Church Discussions", our present letterhead), which is closely related to one of my favorite words, 'conversation'. You see, a conversation is a process where 2 people engage in mutual discovery. This contrasts to a lecture, where one person talks and the other (ostensibly) learns. I think many of us sat through a few of those!
In the local churches it was not called a 'lecture' or a 'sermon', it was called a 'meeting', or a 'training', or some such, but it was really a speech by Lee, with a few 'amens' at the end; the good ones simply repeated Lee word for word without adding a new word or thought of their own.
I prefer conversations to lectures. I prefer discussions to arguments. And I prefer a process of mutual discovery to one where only one person gets to have all the fun, and explore, and the rest of us have to sit there and take notes. Why did Lee only get to figure out what the Bible said? God put brains in us as well as human spirits and hearts. Don't be afraid to think, y'all. Don't be afraid to discover. God is good.
That's my 'amen' to UnderGrace's idea.
07-16-2008, 08:25 PM
:D Looks like the Rivercrossers were at crossroads when they made a DISCOVERY! :D
Corny & silly but cute....even if only I think so. :D
:D Looks like the Rivercrossers were at crossroads when they made a DISCOVERY! :D
I wanted to say something like that, but I didn't dare! ;)
07-17-2008, 04:26 PM
Now....... don't forget to post your testimony of how you came into the long you were in it..and what led you out.
'Inquiring & Curious minds' want to know! :D
Thank you COUNTMEWORTHY for your encouragement. Indeed I have discovered all of you Rivercrossers at the Crossroads and am very blessed!!! :)
At this time I am not ready to reveal where I am coming from. By giving the testimony of how I came into the LC, the duration I was in the system and how I finally got out of it will surely "blow my cover". :eek: At the moment I'm not comfortable in doing so. I want to be able to freely express how I feel on issues if I would post again. At least you know that much I was in the LC and now am out of it. May be at a later date I might feel led by the Lord to have the freedom to write something of that nature in the forum. I hope you would understand. Thank you for asking and showing the interest.
Before I forget, I would like to tell you that I have always enjoyed your sharing and testimonies.
07-17-2008, 04:42 PM
Welcome, UnderGrace.
We are glad to have you here and posting. And we all understand your feeling the need for privacy. I certainly understand.
Welcome aboard!!!
07-17-2008, 04:56 PM
Hi UnderGrace,
... the good ones simply repeated Lee word for word without adding a new word or thought of their own.
I prefer conversations to lectures. I prefer discussions to arguments. And I prefer a process of mutual discovery to one where only one person gets to have all the fun, and explore, and the rest of us have to sit there and take notes. Why did Lee only get to figure out what the Bible said? God put brains in us as well as human spirits and hearts. Don't be afraid to think, y'all. Don't be afraid to discover. God is good.
That's my 'amen' to UnderGrace's idea.
Hi Aron,
Thanks for your warm welcome and the "amen" to "Discovery". What you wrote was very well put. It was exactly my feeling at the time when I had this thought that "Discovery" could be a good fit for people to refer to this forum. However I just couldn't put it into words the way you did. Thank you for being in your mind and using your "brain". :p
I have been to almost all the trainings, live or video. When it came to the testing time I could never understand why I had to utter brother Lee's or BB's messages word for word. If I felt led to go up there I usually shared my own thoughts. No wonder I didn't get too many "amens". I was not supposed to do that!!! :confused: I was told that brother Lee and the BBs were afraid that the saints would say it wrong or misconstrue the teachings. They want to play it safe and we must play out the messages like a "tape recorder" so we won't screw things up because we don't necessarily have the correct utterance. The saints ended up memorizing the portions they were going to share, got up there, tried hard to be in their spirit and hoped that they wouldn't miss anything. As long as they did that they would pass the test. Is this supposed to be the demonstration of "thinking the same thing" and "speaking the same thing"? To this day, I still don't understand the point to this kind of exercise. It was too mechanical to my taste. Oops, not supposed to have my own natural taste!!! :rolleyes: Shouldn't the saints share what they have come away with after hearing a message? It would be more meaningful, encouraging and life-giving. That's my opinion anyway. Oops, not supposed to have opinions too!!! :rolleyes:
Please keep posting as I really enjoy what you have to say...
07-17-2008, 05:25 PM
Shouldn't the saints share what they have come away with after hearing a message? It would be more meaningful, encouraging and life-giving.
All I have to say to this is,
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