View Full Version : Pursuing Him in Scottsdale!

Sons to Glory!
09-05-2011, 02:02 PM
I have been meeting with what would probably be termed a LC spin-off here in Scottsdale, AZ, since 1998. Prior to that I was involved with the LC in Berkeley (starting 1974), then Columbus, Ohio. Just found this forum last night.

My overall impressions of God while I was in the LC was that He was all about His eternal purpose (i.e., building the church), and if you got in His way, He would be like a big steam-roller and crush you. Sort of like Mt. Sinai (representative of the law), where if you approached this fearful place, you would be stoned and die.

I had several years where I didn't meet with the LC in the 1990's, and I view that as a most sovereign "drying out" period. When I came to Scottsdale, the main things the Anointing taught me was that 1) The Anointing is true 2) Abide in Him 3) Apart from Him I can do nothing 4) Love and grace is what God's purpose is all about and this is what gives the real meaning to "God's Eternal Purpose" 5) No group has the corner on knowing Him ("They shall all know me . . .") and we all share His riches to some degree 6) The church is inclusive of all blood washed believers and thoughts of exclusivity are evil (but of course common in Adam) 7) The Church, while glorious, is still dealing with aspects of the fall, so therefore funky things can and do occur with EVERY group of Christians - only God can heal and transcend these occasions!

I do treasure the scripture that got into me while in the LC. But I have to say the real revelation and experience of what many of those passages (Romans 8, for instance) where about, only came to light in the realization of His love while here in Scottsdale. Love is the key to truly understanding His purpose - bringing many sons to glory! Without love any understanding of God and His grand purpose is simply hollow.

I don't greatly lament the time in the LC at all, and I'm actually quite thankful for it. Back in 1974 the Lord wondrously honored a prayer to take me to those who loved Him the way I did, and I found myself transported in a very short time, 2300 miles away to the church in Berkeley. I also believe the Lord preserved me by having me leave fellowship with the LC for periods of time, before I got too indoctrinated and cemented in religious forms (I was a rebellious hippy type).

Eventually, in the depths of despair in just wanting to know Him and be with those who experienced Him in a simple way, I was led to the book, "Desiring God," by John Piper. (This book demonstrated someone currently alive, who was enjoying the Lord and was seeing and experiencing Christ's riches - who wasn't in the LRC!) Because of this book and the the touch with the Lord I regained largely through it, I was led to start meeting with the group nearby in Scottsdale.

Again, the Lord's sovereignty stepped in and arranged that there was a big blow-up in Scottsdale immediately before I started going there regularly (the week before in fact!). Certain troubling ones departed, and as far as I was concerned all that was left to experience was love, sweetness and glory! (So yes, you might accurately say it all happened because my Father was looking out for me . . .)

I saw and experienced more of Christ, divine revelation, and the experience of love and grace in a very short time in Scottsdale, much more so than all the years spent in the LRC. As someone once pointed out, it was like film had been put in the camera, but I needed the light (His love) to expose the film and realize what the images were. You could also say that I just needed to mature in order to be able to receive, and this is most likely true as well. However He did it, it was all according to His perfect timing.

I have no doubt that I belong now with those in Scottsdale, who keep me focusing on the simple and fresh, daily experience of Christ. My ongoing prayer is to know Him, to regain the love of Him as my first love, and to obey Him - i.e., learn to just abide in Him. There are a few of us here who just want that, and we constantly seek to refocus each other on just looking at Jesus (and not failing self).

While traveling to the NW this summer, I visited churches along the way - two nondenominational, and also the LC in Tacoma. I had some enlightenment about these groups, which I will save for my 2nd post.

Praise Him! Let all we do be done in love!

09-05-2011, 03:11 PM
I have been meeting with what would probably be termed a LC spin-off here in Scottsdale, AZ, since 1998. Prior to that I was involved with the LC in Berkeley (starting 1974), then Columbus, Ohio. Just found this forum last night.

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

I also did a stint in Columbus decades ago, perhaps our paths have crossed.

I should warn you that some posters here disagree with even LC spin-offs. Ugh! Be careful about saying anything "good" about WL.

Scottsdale is an "interesting" place since the Freeman's have had their influence there.

But as I said, Welcome!

09-05-2011, 03:21 PM
Welcome, great to see more adding their voice and experience to this forum

09-05-2011, 04:33 PM
I should warn you that some posters here disagree with even LC spin-offs. Ugh!
Not to worry Sons to Glory, unlike the Local Church, IT'S OK TO DISAGREE HERE!:hurray: Can you imagine that? You can even be disagreeable if you choose...though you may not make as many friends that way. This is a community of former and current LC members and everyone in between. You can agree with everything that Witness Lee ever taught, or disagree with everything he ever taught, or something in between! No problem!

Be careful about saying anything "good" about WL.

My friend Ohio is a little over sensitive here...and he overstates things at times. You can say just about anything you want about Witness Lee - Good, bad and everything in between, and you don't have to be the least bit "careful". Personal insults are not welcome though.

But as I said, Welcome!

Amen to this!

09-05-2011, 06:49 PM
My friend Ohio is a little over sensitive here...and he overstates things at times. You can say just about anything you want about Witness Lee - Good, bad and everything in between, and you don't have to be the least bit "careful". Personal insults are not welcome though.

Yeah ... you're right, brother UntoHim. I was just funnin' with another Sons to Glory!

Did you notice his Avatar? That ought to get OBW's adrenalin pumping. This guy likes the Moodies.

He's from Ohio too, so he won't scare easy. I just wanted him to put on the whole armor of God before he gets "scarred up."

Sons to Glory!
09-06-2011, 10:12 AM
He's from Ohio too, so he won't scare easy. I just wanted him to put on the whole armor of God before he gets "scarred up." Funny story. When we first moved to Columbus (north side) my boss asked me what I thought of the neighborhood. I said it was good, but I was a little concerned about everyone there flying these peculiar flags with big zeros on them. I asked, somewhat jokingly if he thought we had moved into the middle of a cult or something. He looked real concerned for a couple minutes as he considered this, then busted out laughing big time. He ran into the next room, and the next thing I knew the whole office was absolutely in stitches!

There are all kinds of "cults" . . . :lol:

09-06-2011, 11:00 AM
There are all kinds of "cults" . . . :lol:Like the Freemans .... watch out for them ... they are sneaky and crafty. There's warnings info on them on the web ...

09-06-2011, 11:05 AM
Like the Freemans .... watch out for them ... they are sneaky and crafty. There's warnings info on them on the web ...

And how about that forum cult with their bizarre, perpetual Lee-bashing ritual. :eek2:

Whoa! Be careful dude.

Sons to Glory!
09-06-2011, 11:11 AM
Like the Freemans .... watch out for them ... they are sneaky and crafty. There's warnings info on them on the web ... Yes, I am very aware of that, and witnessed firsthand by many I meet with now. While I enjoyed the ministry coming from Bill Freeman (we used to listen to his shortwave radio broadcasts in Columbus in the 1980s), and some of his writings, the Lord preserved me from being exposed to them directly.

So OHIO, we were there 1983-88. We also met with a very small LC group in Cambridge, OH a couple years prior to that. When were you in Columbus?

Sons to Glory!
09-06-2011, 11:16 AM
And how about that forum cult with their bizarre, perpetual Lee-bashing ritual. :eek2:

Whoa! Be careful dude. We can find fault with any brother, to be sure. And often it descends into "endless genealogies," which profits little. In the end, it comes down to one thing - Love. That is, is Christ our first love and does He really know us; and do we love the brothers?

09-06-2011, 07:03 PM
Yes, I am very aware of that, and witnessed firsthand by many I meet with now. While I enjoyed the ministry coming from Bill Freeman (we used to listen to his shortwave radio broadcasts in Columbus in the 1980s), and some of his writings, the Lord preserved me from being exposed to them directly.

So OHIO, we were there 1983-88. We also met with a very small LC group in Cambridge, OH a couple years prior to that. When were you in Columbus?I left at the end of '83.

You went from Berkeley to Cambridge?!? Who did you know there?

Hmmmm ... where did you live on the "north side?" What were those flags with "big zeroes?"

Sons to Glory!
09-06-2011, 08:54 PM
I left at the end of '83.

You went from Berkeley to Cambridge?!? Who did you know there?

Hmmmm ... where did you live on the "north side?" What were those flags with "big zeroes?"Yer gonna laugh, but you are displaying one of those flags "with big zeros" as your avatar! :jester:

I didn't go directly from Berkeley to Cambridge. There were at least a couple years in between. We actually lived in Moundsville, West Virginia at the time, and would drive over to Cambridge. My new wife, who hadn't been exposed to the LC was absolutely enamored. She said she never experienced the Lord like at the LC meetings. Cambridge was very small, maybe 4 couples. We hung around with a dear and simple couple there named Wally & Marilyn. So when I got laid off, I looked for work in Columbus, and we moved there to be in the "church life."

Was Louis a leading one in Columbus when you were there? I always liked him, even though he always seemed razor sharp and serious. I heard there was a big blow-up there as well, in the late 80s or early 90s, but don't know much detail.

09-06-2011, 09:36 PM
Ahhh yes ... my old memory comes through ... I do remember you. In fact, I seem to remember visiting you in Moundsville, and then later on in St. Clairsville. You probably would like to forget that last visit. ;)

Them "big zeros" are not big "zeroes," but "BIG O's" for BIG O-H-I-O! :)

Yes, LouisC was an elder. We migrated together from Cleveland in '77. Yes, there was a big blow-up. Actually, several of them. Cambridge also went up in smoke. So many sad and tragic things occurred in the LC's, which all seemed to start with leadership abuse.

Anyways, glad to see you are doing well in Scottsdale!

Sons to Glory!
09-06-2011, 11:21 PM
Yes, them were the days my friend! You visited me? Hmmm, my old memory doesn't seem to be doing as well as yours!

Sons to Glory!
05-29-2018, 04:14 PM
Ahhh yes ... my old memory comes through ... I do remember you. In fact, I seem to remember visiting you in Moundsville, and then later on in St. Clairsville. You probably would like to forget that last visit. ;)

Them "big zeros" are not big "zeroes," but "BIG O's" for BIG O-H-I-O! :)

Yes, LouisC was an elder. We migrated together from Cleveland in '77. Yes, there was a big blow-up. Actually, several of them. Cambridge also went up in smoke. So many sad and tragic things occurred in the LC's, which all seemed to start with leadership abuse.

Anyways, glad to see you are doing well in Scottsdale! Okay . . . just found this old post. Old age (I'm 62) is like meeting everyone you've already met, for the first time! Too funny! Did I not pick-up on your comment from several years ago that you (may have) visited us in Moundsville and/or St. Clairsville?! I have no recollection of any of that. Please tell me more! (and did you tell me your name?)