View Full Version : Orthodoxy - Christian Teaching

  1. ... What HE says!
  2. The Ministry - What Is It?
  3. Deification
  4. The changed role of women in the LCM
  5. The Gospel Versus "God's Economy"
  6. Fooling the gate-keepers
  7. Oil and the Holy Spirit
  8. Putting to Test the Recovery Version
  9. The Bible
  10. Reading the Bible does not Give us the Spirit
  11. Delegated Authority -what many Christians today do not understand
  12. GotQuestions and Norman Geisler on the Local Church
  13. Calling God Father
  14. Outer Darkness?
  15. "We don't care for doctrines." - Lee
  16. The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the Age
  17. The Sovereignty of God
  18. Smoking Gun?
  19. Why Everyone Else is a Denomination
  20. What is a Good Church Anyway?
  21. The Judgment Seat of Christ, Great White Throne
  22. LSM versus Christian teaching, 1965 - 2015
  23. Eternity - what will it be like?
  24. Where are we in time?
  25. Quotes and Quips
  26. Lists of unbiblical teachings and practices in the LC
  27. Does it even matter?
  28. What Exactly Does a Believer Follow?
  29. Three questions for Local Church Christians
  30. Billy Graham - Tribute to Faithful Gift in the Body
  31. Apostles and Prophets - Biblical Basis for Claims
  32. Lee's errorous teaching concerns being in spirit and out of mind.
  33. Our Citizenship
  34. Self serving doctrine of Lee
  35. Partial Rapture
  36. 3 parts of man
  37. "God, if I could, I'd live without You . . ."
  38. We can put it off because of His Victory!
  39. Christ is the Body, "the Body-Christ"
  40. The Intensified God
  41. God doesn't care for right and wrong, only life
  42. Erroneous Teaching of Lee Concerning Natural Affection
  43. Hebrews - Awesome & Encouraging Book! ("warnings" are not the main focus)
  44. 1,000 Years of Outer Darkness
  45. False Prophets
  46. We are the flesh and bones of Christ
  47. The Pros vs "The Little Children" in Matthew 11
  48. "Church" is not in the Bible!
  49. Does the Bible say we are Sinners?
  50. Abraham's Seed (& The Law was like a Booster Rocket)
  51. Apostasy?
  52. "Only the church?"
  53. Praise God He sent His Son - Twice!
  54. Christ Becoming The Live-Giving Spirit
  55. The Lord is not going to build His church by the method of lying
  56. Finding Biblical Context For Women 'Are More Easily Deceived'
  57. TA Sparks - Love Heart
  58. We don't follow men, we're following the vision?
  59. The Chief End of Man: Glorifying & Enjoying God
  60. There Are No Overcomers Outside of the Local Church, What a Stupid Claim.
  61. Soul & Spirit - Same or Different?
  62. POLL: How do you generally view the LC?
  63. Quotes and Memes
  64. Christ Living through His Believers as the Best ____?
  65. Bone of My Bones & Flesh of My Flesh
  66. The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)
  67. What is the Church really?
  68. The ministry - one ministry
  69. His Purpose - Christ in us
  70. Recovery Version Translation Issue: "Reality" in place of "Truth"
  71. Your thoughts on Near Death Experiences and testimonies
  72. What is Man?
  73. Was Lucifer/Satan a cherub, seraph or archangel?
  74. Looking for Books by Bill Freeman
  75. The Spirit of the Glorified Jesus, Andrew Murray
  76. Awoken
  77. Awoken
  78. Trichotomy
  79. How to Be Delivered from Demons - Derek Prince
  80. Today's Most Encouraging Message from Colossians (Scottsdale Church)
  81. What Is The Human Spirit?
  82. Quotes & Quips (05/04/2021
  83. What about Inner Life?
  84. Mustard seed parable interpretation…
  85. Prophecy - The End Times
  86. The Origin of Angels OR Stan Lee did not write the Bible.
  87. Is God’s Second Coming Dependent On Man?
  88. Witness Lee's Incorrect Interpretation of Subdue?
  89. Merged Thread - Rewards and Punishment
  90. A Theological Question
  91. Do You Believe In Your Heart?
  92. Is Jesus Christ still a human being?
  93. parts of man (concentric circles)
  94. The Shroud of Turin
  95. Progressive Dispensationalism
  96. Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works
  97. Merged Thread - Did Witness Lee Teach Modalism?
  98. Separation and/or Exclusion - God´s way of dealing with unrighteousness
  99. Is Baptism the Requirement for Salvation?
  100. Who were the Nicolaitans?
  101. Is Christ Both the Creator and a Creature?
  102. Church in Toronto's Salvation Theology
  103. Christian Zionism Influence In the Local Church
  104. A Refutation of Millennial Exclusion Theology by Middletown Bible Church
  105. Paradise was taken to heaven
  106. Revelation 2:26,27
  107. Witness Lee Went Too Far; Christendom Probably Not Far Enough