View Full Version : How to Be Delivered from Demons - Derek Prince
03-25-2021, 07:35 PM
Here is an incredible sermon on "how to be delivered from demons" - in the 2 hours of the video a lot of material is covered, but it may be particularly helpful to anyone who is struggling with issues of enslavement. Maybe some of you who have been caught under oppression for a long time in the LCs and haven't seen any help from the "just enjoy more Christ" doctrine may benefit from getting a more Biblical perspective on Jesus's ministry, in which the unique miracle that Jesus performed which was never performed anywhere in the Old Testament was the casting out of unclean spirits/demons -
Mark 1
23 Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit. And he cried out, 24 saying, “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of God!”
25 But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be quiet, and come out of him!” 26 And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice, he came out of him. 27 Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.” 28 And immediately His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee.
The subject of spirits of deception is also briefly covered at 28:36; if you don't want to watch the whole thing I'd at least plead that you start there and watch for a while - grace to you!
I guess I’ll have to reconsider, but Derek Prince was all the rage in the early 70’s for us Jesus Freaks coming out of the drug culture. It got to a point where 18 and 19 year old “elders” were casting out demons of smoking, cursing etc from the other young people. I don’t know, maybe but once the “elders” started “shepherding” us and telling folks who to marry, where to live and what job to take I kinda exited into the boring and conservative Navigators (who were often referred to as the never daters). In fact, my first date with my wife was at a Navigator rally where she accidentally spilled blueberry pancake syrup over her nice white jeans! It was love from then on. I met the Navigators at Explo 72, now I’m bragging!!
03-28-2021, 04:39 PM
I know deliverance from demons seems on the loopy edge of Christianity for some. But Jesus did quite a lot of it. I agree with awoken. My advice to a skeptic is, don't dismiss it out of hand, it might just be the breakthrough a person needs. I had some deliverance this way a long time ago I my life. And then something quite recent as well. It doesn't have to manifest in a dramatic way, although it may, it's not always the case. (no need to fear some horror-movie type experience!)
Combined with healing focused prayers it can really help seperate a person from the tangley threads of oppression that can still be hanging over a person and not budging any other way. That's my 2 cents worth anyway. Some things seem too incredible until you try them!
Thanks, awoken for highlighting this!!
It has been noted in recent years that there is not much recorded of demons over much of history, yet for a brief period surrounding the time of Christ, mostly in what is the Middle East, there was a relative flurry of such things recorded. Some have concluded that it was activity designed to make opposition to Christ and to the fledgling church of the first century or two. I can't verify the truthfulness of this, so don't just say "OBW says . . . ."
I will note that a brother I knew in my college days told of going to a conference (pre local curch) that was centered on understanding the uptick in devil worship and such. He said that at one point, one of the people started reading the names of some of the main demons referenced in some of their literature and that as they said each name, he had the sense of something entering the room and almost suffocating him. He decided he knew enough about it for the time and just got up and left.
There is no way to know exactly what he sensed, but while I do not suspect the same kind of demonic activity today that there was in the time of Jesus, I would never say that it is simply over and there is none. Our world of facts, physics, and science just does not allow room for what it cannot touch and study. But if you think that extremely about demons (that they don't exist), then how do you have faith in Christ who also cannot be touched, prodded, and proven in the same way. I guarantee that I believe in Christ. And there is insufficient modern scientific evidence to prove it. Yet I cannot help but believe.
1 Timothy (KJV) 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Chapter 1: A Biblical Survey of Satanic Deception
Truth of every kind sets you free, while lies bring you into bondage. Ignorance of truth gives ground to Satan. Man's ignorance is a primary and essential condition for deception by evil spirits. The ignorance of the people of God concerning the powers of darkness has made it easy for the devil to carry out his work as a deceiver.
... Every man should keep an attitude of openness to all truth, and shun the false knowledge that has kept the Church in deception.
Through her will come the "Seed" which will triumph over the devil and his seed. Through her will arise a new race. The promised Seed (Gen. 3: 15) will be antagonistic toward the serpent until the end of time because of the enmity implanted by God. Therefore, the story of the ages consists of the record of a war between these two seeds: the Seed of the woman--Christ and His redeemed, and the seed of the devil (See John 8: 44; 1 John 3: 10). This story continues to the end when Satan is thrown into the lake of fire. WOTS, pp 4-5
...There is another war. A war waged by Satan upon the womanhood of the world. Satan retaliates in malignant revenge for the verdict upon him in the garden. He wages war by trampling women in all lands where he, the deceiver, reigns. He wages war upon women in Christian lands, by misinterpreting the Word of God as he did in the garden. He insinuates the lie into the minds of men throughout the ages that God pronounced a "curse" upon the woman, when in truth she was pardoned and blessed. He incites men of the fallen race to carry out the supposed curse upon woman, which was actually a curse upon the deceiver (Gen. 3: 14).
"I will put enmity between thee and the woman," said God, as well as between "thy seed and her seed." This vindictive enmity between Satan and his hierarchy of evil, and woman and all believers, has not lessened in its intensity from that day.
From Neil T. Anderson
Misconceptions about bondage (from his book The Bondage Breaker):
- demons are no longer active
- we call it mental illness
- Misconception: some problems are psychological, some spiritual:
no, there is no problem which is not spiritual, and no problem which is not psychological, because there is never a time when your mind, emotions and will are not invovled.
- Misconception: Christians aren’t subject to demon activity:
but if Satan can’t touch us, why are we told to put on the armour of God?
- Misconception: demonic influence evident only in extreme behaviour and gross sin.
No. Satan’s first strategey is deception.
- Misconception: freedom from spiritual bondage is result of a power encounter with demonic forces:
no, a truth encounter. Pursue truth, not power.
It's difficult for me to look around at the current events in the world today and NOT see demonic activity.
03-29-2021, 11:34 AM
Thanks Nell!
Men, especially any young men coming out of the LC, here is a personal testimony; you will NOT be able to treat a woman rightly until you deal with your personal demons; and in doing that, and loving someone properly, you will be greatly strengthened in pursuing Christ and His truth together (with your jointly-gifted partner).
(I DO believe we are given power to cast out demons and it is one of the signs that will follow us, by the way - and that we are also going to bear witness to "greater things than these" - and that the Lord's Spirit will be poured out upon His people in the last days. So that's more encouragement to prepare yourselves now, so we will be able to witness the greater things together!)
There's a Chinese phrase, 加油! - "Jiayou!" - which means, persist! Fight! Keep going!
Chapter 1: A Biblical Survey of Satanic Deception
Truth of every kind sets you free, while lies bring you into bondage. Ignorance of truth gives ground to Satan. Man's ignorance is a primary and essential condition for deception by evil spirits. The ignorance of the people of God concerning the powers of darkness has made it easy for the devil to carry out his work as a deceiver.
Before the fall, man in his pure state was not perfect in knowledge of truth. Eve was ignorant of "good and evil," and her ignorance made her susceptible to being deceived by the serpent. The devil's great purpose is to keep the world in ignorance of himself and his ways. The Church accommodates him by remaining ignorant about him, his ways and the work of his demons. Every man should keep an attitude of openness to all truth, and shun the false knowledge that has kept the Church in deception. War on the Saints, Jesse Penn-Lewis
Not only false knowledge, but false teachings. What do you think was the first false teaching? My belief is this:
Gen. 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Beware of false teachings! Have you ever been stumbled by false teaching? My hand is in the air.
1 Timothy (KJV) 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
The thought that there is little recorded demonic activity over much of history is in itself deception. Recorded or not, demonic activity is is the result of the enmity God placed between the serpent and the woman. This pronouncement is where it all started and has not stopped. We were warned about the sublety of the serpent...more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
This should be a big clue about the nature of the serpent and its capacity for deception...another clue? 1Timothy.
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