The Thread of Gold by Jane Carole Anderson "God's Purpose, The Cross and Me" |
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02-04-2013, 05:43 PM | #1 |
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A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
I don't know where to put this thread so I am putting it here with the rest of my testimony, since this is, in some ways, a continuation of it ....
This is not something I can write about well at this time because it is underway and we (my husband and I and some others) are watching and participating as He leads us to do so. He has been appearing in a way that, to me, is close to signs and wonders with respect to several different matters--one of which is Him moving to clear up some things from our LC past. All this actually started in October 2011. God began moving ahead very specifically and openly, and we followed, for a period of about six months. Then these things stopped and for the next 10 months as God uprooted us out of our old living situation and moved us to our new location. Then, after we were settled, last week, much to our surprise, like the cloud leading the children of Israel in the wilderness, God started moving again, picking up exactly where we left off last year in the previously mentioned matters, almost as if the 10 months in between had just been in a parentheses. Incredibly, some of the things that have happened in these different matters are woven together or maybe I should say have crisscrossed or intersected each other. Okay, I am sorry that this all sounds kind of mysterious and maybe even like a heavenly 'teaser' but that's the best I can do for now. I wish I had words that could convey what I am seeing of Him. He is faithful, oh so faithful, and oh so awesome. Observing what has been happening, and through it hearing His speaking from the heavens, I have begun to understand a little more of the fear of the Lord ... it makes me tremble in awe, almost fear, on one hand, while at the same time it causes me to feel secure, knowing how He--the holy, righteous and true One--deeply loves and cares for each and every one of us and always acts for our highest good. I loved reading this week what Moses said when the cloud went up off of the tabernacle and the children of Israel began to move: Numbers 10: [35] And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee. [36] And when it rested, he said, Return, O LORD, unto the many thousands of Israel. After witnessing a few more of what I can only call God's actions this past week, I received a Youtube this morning from a friend. I watched it, and it moved me to the core, as it also did my husband when I showed it to him at breakfast. The end of it brought both of us to tears. Parallels to what has been happening around us were sounding out to us through the Word that he (a Messianic Jew) spoke ... honestly I have no words. So, I will just post the link, since my main reason for starting this thread is to share it. This Word was spoken at the Inaugural Day Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC on the day of the Presidential Inauguration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr2H9fniQTY Thankful Jane |
02-05-2013, 03:17 PM | #2 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Thank you for sharing what you have Sister, The message given here was something that had touched me as well - I've read his book and heard him a number of times in his speaking engagements. I believe what he is saying, about God's speaking to us in our days... and what he believes God is telling us.... but I think many, many Christians do not believe him. For too long, Christians who affirm that there are 66 books in Bible somehow neglect the 39 of them that are in the Old Testament, and particularly the Prophets. While on the one hand, we say "God is the same yesterday, today and forever" we seek to know Him only in the New Testament... and through "good feelings". We preach that "God is love", and "He loves everyone", but God's Word is clear - He is also Holy and Righteous and Just, and He will not be mocked. Unfortunately, LSM isn't alone in it's aberrant theology of God - making of Him little more than a teddy bear who just wants to snuggle, a "Jesus-is-so-sweet!" God, soft and syruppy. We seem to so easily forget that when He comes again, He will come spattered in the blood of His enemies (Isaiah 63:3), to Judge the nations for their treatment of His people Israel. Truly the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Lord, drive your people to Read Your Word! PS: Really appreciated the ministry of Kay Arthur, whom I saw with my wife the weekend past in Edmonton, Alberta. Kay's burden is for us all to get into the Word - and NOT into another man's commentary. If you want to love God and truly know Him, you need to understand Him from His own first-hand account of Himself! She too has an Inductive Study Bible - and it's a REAL Study Bible - no footnotes or shortcuts or private translations. Just an NASB with wide margins for your own personal notes, and a list of questions to ask of the text as you dig into it: Who said this? When was this said? What was being said? Where was this said? Why was this said? How can I apply what is said? Sounds simple, doesn't it? Really opens your eyes though, when you apply it.. and don't think study is a light or quick matter. We spent two and a half hours on a single excerpt from a chapter in Romans. Incredibly eye-opening. I recommend hearing what this sister has to say, if you never have. She has an incredible testimony as well. www.preceptministries.ca |
02-05-2013, 09:04 PM | #3 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
I couldn't listen beyond about 6:30. Likening America to Israel in terms of national blessing, prosperity, etc. from God and setting an agenda to "get it back" is an effort in futility. It is not a "biblical" line of reasoning.
I originally had a lot more to say. Suffice it that I am more inclined to follow the thinking in a book entitled The Myth of the American Nation (or something like that) that I read several years ago. Now I do not say to skip praying for the nation. Praying for the president, the leaders and members of the government. Keep it up. Mostly, pray for the peace of the nation, both within and without. But expect pain and suffering. We were told not to expect better than our Master. The gospel is about the forgiveness of sins, not the legislation of a better life for Christians. It is changed lives due to something inside, not changes in laws to force behaviors. It is not a popular position among many of my Christian friends and even relatives. Probably not here either.
Mike I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel |
02-06-2013, 07:29 AM | #4 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
02-06-2013, 10:09 AM | #5 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
That could e right. But he was building up to it through this point. It makes the tolerance for continued listening difficult. If the first part was not necessary to get to his "point" then I might try to skip forward to some relevant part later. Can someone give me a reasonable time marker to skip forward to? I'm willing to give it a chance.
Mike I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel |
02-06-2013, 10:52 AM | #6 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
02-08-2013, 03:29 AM | #7 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
02-06-2013, 11:47 AM | #8 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Thanks Nell.
There's not many times in life when one can hear someone speak for God with such passion and conviction. Could he sound much different than Isaiah, Jeremiah, or the other prophets of old? Time to take a look at his book ...
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
02-06-2013, 02:41 PM | #9 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Nope. I don't see how. He sounds like a prophet to me. Based on his message and the message in his book, his demeanor, like you say, passion and conviction. If he's not a prophet, I don't know what/who is. I downloaded his book and am on Ch4. I can't put it down. It's really connecting the dots for me. |
02-09-2013, 11:57 PM | #10 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
I read -The Harbinger- last year or the year before after hearing about it on different forums. And just as on this forum some people were very moved, others were not.
Jonathan Cahn's testimony of how he came to write the book was very captivating. I really believe he was led by the Holy Spirit to make the comparisons between Israel and the U.S. I have seen him on -Prophesy in the news-, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, I think he was also on Perry Stone's program. I also heard him on the radio..not just Christian radio but on George Noory's Coast to coast radio show!! He will be at a prophesy conference in Florida next month and I am certain it will be telecast in April or May on "God's news behind the news". I also agree with alwayslearning that our country is Christian in name. I have done my share of reading on the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the powers that be. I think our founding fathers were religious Christians who quoted the scriptures but did not walk with the Lord. I think our country has been richly blessed for 2 reasons: 1) the preaching, converting, and disciplining new and young believers. There have been many great revivals in the USA. More importantly, it is us "unknown" believers who have prayed and brought people to Christ, ministering to them so they can also share the Gospel and lead people to Christ that is the real Revival. 2) Our support of Israel. I believe God has also blessed our country because in spite of the moral or lack of moral conduct of our founding fathers, they publicly displayed God's Word in their writings and are even plastered on the walls of Washington DC's monuments. Who knows how many people have gotten saved reading the words on Jefferson or Lincoln's monument. Our motto has been "One Nation under GOD" (The One True God).. Not one nation under Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, or a pagan god. I do not know how many countries aside from the US and Israel have used the Holy Scriptures in their constitutions. I also think our nation is losing God's blessing and protection because we have pushed Him out of our lives. The Blessing and protection however IS with the True believers because we are the Light of the world right now. As we edge closer to a one world government, one world currency and one world religion, the world is becoming more chaotic, violent, evil, and deceptive. I agree with Thankful Jane to pray for our country (as well as the people, nations) to repent of their/our sins. I pray everyday for the Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of people, to point them to Christ Jesus our Savior, THEIR Savior. I pray for us to be sanctified, to be set apart, to shine the Love and Light of Jesus. I pray for people to be drawn to the Living Word of God, for God to create in us all (believers and non believers) a clean and pure heart and for HIM to renew a right spirit within us all. For years I too have been praying the Words "Thy Kingdom come, THY WILL be done on earth AS IT IS in heaven. May God's Spirit and Word move us all to pray for one another, to pray for people to repent and return to our Creator with a loving and obedient heart. Peace & Blessings all. Carol Garza
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
02-16-2013, 06:27 AM | #11 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
1. He said “America was founded on God’s word to give God glory” – This statement seems to be referring to the Mayflower compact, not to the constitution because he then says “America was to be a city on a hill, a nation to which others would look, it was to be a holy commonwealth.” For someone with the supposed extensive background in history that Alwayslearning purports this seems to be an intentional mistake. 2. He says “they brought forth its first governments in the name of Jesus”, this also does not appear to be a reference to the constitution but rather to earlier city and state governments that preceded the constitution. This appears to be a direct reference to Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina and the recent Supreme court case. I listened to this quote several times and it was very clear that he said "governments" plural and not "government" singular. Since this was a recent Supreme Court ruling that these states could no longer use the name of Jesus in their oaths it seems to be a glaring mistake by those who have interpreted this as referring to our constitution, again it seems to be an intentional mistake. 3. “They established its first school system for the purpose of teaching the word of God”. The Bible and Hymnals were used by a number of the first school systems. It has been well documented and as far as I can see not even a matter of debate that Bibles and Hymnals were used as textbooks in the first school systems. 4. “America would become the most blessed nation on Earth, a refuge for the exiles, a light for the oppressed. A beacon against the dark forces of tyranny.” This is a direct quote from the speaker and is a direct reference to several verses in the Bible that refer to the basis for God's blessing. AlwaysLearning dismissed my references because I hadn't heard this talk, apparently AlwaysLearning hadn't heard it either. Again, I have only listened to 7 minutes but it is very clear to me that this entire discussion about the US constitution has nothing to do with what the speaker actually said. |
02-16-2013, 11:34 AM | #12 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
What discussion on the US Constitution? Now I recommend you not only listen to Cahn's entire talk before commenting but also read the entire thread!
02-16-2013, 06:38 AM | #13 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
He asked “Can a nation forget her God?” But the context was very clear. He said a pastor was banned from praying during a public ceremony because years ago he had preached a sermon in which he said that those things the Bible calls sins are sin. The context was clearly that schools have eliminated the references to God in their books and songs. The context was that TV used to end their day of programming with sermons and now they are filled with violence and lust that were once unimaginable. There was no reference at all to the US constitution. Instead the reference was to a Bible verse in which God asks Israel the same question.
Once again, it is becoming very clear that the discussion about the US constitution has nothing to do with this man’s speech and is a straw man. |
02-16-2013, 07:17 AM | #14 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
What did God say about that? Deuteronomy 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire… 18:12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. According to Deuteronomy the reason God gave the Good land to Israel and drove out the inhabitants is because they aborted their children and burned the foetus in the fire. This reference is clearly a good analogy with America and our killing 50 million babies through legalized abortion. |
02-16-2013, 07:28 AM | #15 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
02-16-2013, 07:54 AM | #16 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Isaiah 9:10 1. Instead of repentance they responded to God’s warning with defiance. Isaiah 9:10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. “God you won’t humble us, we will continue down our ways with defiance. We will do so with our own efforts and we will come back stronger than before.” 2. The fifth harbinger is to place a stone of judgment at the place of God’s judgment. The monument at the World Trade Center is a “stone of judgment”. 3. The sixth harbinger a sycamore must be struck down at the ground of judgment. When the second tower came down the debris struck and leveled a sycamore tree, which is a Biblical sign of judgment. 4. The seventh harbinger is called “Eres” it appeared in the sky 2 years after. 5. The ninth harbinger is the vow of judgment. The vow of bricks and sycomores in Isaiah 9:10. One day after 911 Tom Daschle quoted Isaiah 9:10 on capital hill, and this “vow of judgment” is a harbinger. He then says the economic implosion we have recently experienced (the mortgage crisis) is called “the second shaking”. I don’t know what to think. Do I agree that 911 could and should be viewed as a warning from God and that it demonstrates our “hedge of protection” has been removed? I am inclined to say yes. Do I think the 911 memorial is a harbinger of God’s judgment? I am inclined to say this is an interesting idea. I am not sure which tree he is referring to and since I am very familiar with ground zero, having visited the site before and after 911 I feel this may be a reach. I do not know what the sign is that appeared in the sky unless it was the Red moon on October 2004, but that was 3 years later, not 2 years later. I think that Daschle’s quote from Isaiah shows the hypocrisy of arguing that this country is not based on the word of God. Why didn’t he quote the Greek Scholars, etc. Everyone knows that we swear in officials on a Bible, we promise to tell the truth swearing on a Bible, and when push comes to shove we quote the Bible. I think it also demonstrates how clueless they are. They quote the Bible without having the faintest idea what it means. The basic premise in all of this is that God is in charge and that nothing happens without His allowing it. So although I can’t verify much of what he says I can’t dismiss it either. |
02-16-2013, 08:07 AM | #17 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
1. No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency. 2. Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained: And since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people. I do not understand all the discussion by AlwaysLearning, etal about his connecting God to America. This quote from Washington is his thesis. This was what was spoken at the first inauguration and many years later on this inauguration he is reminding us what was spoken to us. |
03-05-2013, 04:21 PM | #18 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
What we are so heavenly that we are of no earthly good? We see lies and deceit and just keep quiet? My experience with WL, WN, PL, etc. is that you do not ignore lies and deceit. You have to challenge it head on. Churchill said that in a democracy the people get the government they deserve. The constitution guarantees the right to free speech, the flip side is we cannot shirk our responsibility as citizens by saying "what could I do". You were given the right to speak up. If you keep silent you are without excuse.
Last edited by Cal; 03-05-2013 at 05:04 PM. |
03-05-2013, 05:09 PM | #19 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
I'm afraid I had to move most of your post to the closed Abortion thread. Let's not make this discussion about abortion specifically. The issue is about how in general Christians should engage themselves in affecting the laws of the country they live in. |
03-05-2013, 05:16 PM | #20 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Hebrews 5:6 As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. 5:7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; 5:8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; 5:9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; 5:10 Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec. 5:11 Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 5:13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. |
03-05-2013, 05:55 PM | #21 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
In a democracy, focused minorities (special interests) often trump a blasé majority. This is why we get things like the wool and mohair subsidy on the books for decades. Although it greatly benefited sheep and goat raisers, it was not worth the 30 cents saved in per capita annual taxes (or whatever small amount went to the subsidy) for the average citizen to raise a ruckus about it. There's nothing insidious about that. It's just the nature of democracies.
But it was a case of the majority being too uninterested to do anything about a law they didn't like. Eventually, however, the majority will stand up to laws pressed by dedicated minorities when those laws become sufficiently objectionable. This is what would happen with any untoward "Christian" laws a minority might get enacted. The rest would be tolerated, simply because the majority isn't bothered enough by them. To the victor goes the spoils. So if you don't like the laws, work to to get them changed. But let's stop the nonsense about "forcing" laws on others. All laws are forced on others, right down to banning single-use plastic bags. BTW, the wool and mohair subsidy was phased out in 1995, having become the poster child of wasteful government spending. |
03-06-2013, 10:14 AM | #22 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Many on this forum feel that the teachings in the LRC were designed to create an isolated group from society and were self serving in teaching they didn't need to care for the poor, or the widows, or the fatherless. However, we don't want the pendulum to swing to the other extreme that our ministry is indistinguishable from worldly foundations like the YMCA, etc. |
03-06-2013, 10:25 AM | #23 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
The problem is how that is done. If our lives affect enough others that we change the face of the nation, then maybe there will be a change in the laws and other societal landscape. But that is the outgrowth of our living the gospel, not politicking for stronger laws. The difference seems to be lost on too many people. For a movement of Christians to start to push, even demand, more "moral" laws (from the Christian perspective) places the very core of the church into the realm of politics. While we do not desire the kind of marriage of church and state that our founders sought to free themselves from, we seem to be determined to obtain the benefit of having it anyway. When that happens how do you assert that we are not simply in bed with the government and find that people who are on the outside are exactly like the Pilgrims. We may not take it as far as they did in England, or in Rome or Constantinople, but we are dancing around the same error. Becoming the "in power" religion that is able to execute God's rules on those who do not claim to follow our God. What shall we do about those who would mock our religion in the media? Who would argue for the freedom to stop at the numerous appointed times during the school day to pray to Mecca? And, picking back on an issue that is now banned here and in the other (locked) thread (but only as an example), how do we deal with the legitimate exceptions on abortion, especially where one or the other is almost certainly to die? Do we just leave it for the natural outcome to decide and punish those who refuse to wait for that? In other words, do we want laws that favor us and our heritage and our religion and disfavor those of others, with the result that we create a sort of Religious state? Stop suggesting that I do not get involved in politics in any way, or that I am insisting on such a thing. I am not. I am merely pointing to a different approach to it. One that is not concerned with my "rights" but with the will of God which is concerned with the salvation of mankind, not the subjugation of it to well-meaning religious masters.
Mike I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel |
04-20-2017, 11:00 AM | #24 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
I have to point out that the video Jane presented has been pulled. Why? I don't know. But prolly cuz Cahn's predictions failed. And I hate to tell you : I told you so.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to. There's a serpent in every paradise. |
04-25-2017, 06:47 AM | #25 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Rabbi Cahn's stuff is still out there on YouTube . A few got caught up in it. I remember at the time when the buzz was growing I wondered if there was any significance to it. Ultimately, I decided it fell into the category "here is the Christ, there is the Christ". We know just before the Lord returns there will be supernatural phenomenon on display. Yet the blood moons were natural phenomenon. We know in the great tribulations calamitous events will occur, but this was not calamitous. We know to look for a change of seasons by the budding of the fig tree, yet He doesn't encourage us to mark our calendars rather just to get ready. The second coming of Christ will be preceded by events that will make the hair stand up on the back of our necks and so terrifying as the leave little room for doubt about what is happening. Assuming we live through it. If the blood moons caused some to turn to the Lord then that is a good thing. If some became discouraged because the predictions failed that is a bad thing. Drake |
04-25-2017, 07:48 AM | #26 | |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Christians are all deceived? Waiting in vain with a false hope?
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
03-10-2018, 06:09 AM | #27 |
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Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Jonathan Cahn's latest: The Paradigm
In a nutshell: Pattern ---- Today Ahab - Bill Clinton Jezebel - Hillary Clinton Jehu - Donald Trump Jehonadab - Mike Pence Naboth - Clinton scandal/s: Whitewater, etc. Joram - Barack Obama Ben-Hadad - Osama Bin Laden Hazael - Bin Laden’s courier Elijah/Elisha - Christians today Before you rush out and buy the book (), do your fact checking in 1&2 Kings and 1&2 Chronicles, but mostly in 1&2 Kings. You should be able to see the pattern based on what you know about these people today in current events, but the details are pretty interesting, too. I had just finished reading 1&2 Kings and Chronicles when this book came out. Quite the "whoa!" factor. It's also all over Youtube. Cahn's footnotes section is fascinating, maybe more than the book, since he gets a little dramatic in the book and on Youtube interviews. Nell |