- Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and then fire away!
- Ground of Locality and Generality
- What determines divisiveness
- Raising the Children of Christians
- New Light from Old
- Should you leave the denomination?
- The Not-So Practical Expression of the Church
- Reconciling Barnabas
- Changing the System
- What is an Apostle
- Eldership
- A Pratica De Witness Lee
- The Path After Eight Decades
- The Ground Of The Church
- Witness Lee contra Sectarianism
- Asia Leaving Paul
- Does "Baptist" Mean to a Baptist What "Recovery" Means..
- Teaching on Calling on the Name of the Lord
- Brotherly Love the Source of Oneness?
- Titles in LSM
- Two Lees and the Council of Jerusalem
- Witness Lee on Elders Needing to be Ezras
- So, What Torpedoed The Genuine Vital Groups?
- The LC's Flawed Basis Of Discernment
- A Word of Love
- Why Did We Totally Miss the Mark?
- The "Lord's Recovery": A Christian Perspective
- God is Sovereign
- Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?
- Each one has
- The Relationship Between The Churches And The Work
- Evaluation of Elders
- Who Said It?
- Does LSM Hold to Apostolic Succession?
- Did Witness Lee believe his teaching on "One city one church"?
- Hiding religion in the church
- Concerns about the Local Churches
- Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?
- Taped conversation between Sal Benoit and Witness Lee circa 1977/8
- Witness Lee's failures a blessing in disguise?
- David Yonggi Cho - Witness Lee x100?
- Is it the Message, or the Men?
- Christianity Baggage
- On the Virtues of a Child
- Where Has All the Orthopraxy Gone?
- Nothing New under the Sun
- Pattern of LC Families Sacrificing Children on the Altar
- Covenant
- Stumbling
- Against the LC Practice of Prophesying
- The Experience of Christ
- In this manner pray: Our Father in heaven...
- Examine Yourselves: Forgiveness or the Repercussions of Unforgiveness
- Practice of Deputy Authority in the Bible
- Life in the Brothers/Sisters houses
- Confessing your Sins One To Another
- The Sin of Noah?
- Opposer
- Double Standards
- Attempting to SEEM inclusive
- Rebaptism
- Music in the Christian Church
- Denominations — Really Bad?
- LC Gibberish
- "Home Trainings" (with video)
- What It's Really All About
- One Church - One City - Biblical?
- The Fallacy of Ecumenism
- Wait, It's A Cult?
- Major Errors of Witness Lee’s Teaching
- Women's Role
- 'Ground of the Church'
- Should a church seek for incorporation?
- Relationships/Courting
- How the LCM Affects Personality
- If you were in Scottsdale would you take the Table..
- How to Detect a Sect
- Attending Different Churches: Divisive attitudes
- Discernment of spirits
- Need fellowship here
- Corporate Living
- Charismania, truncation, and understanding
- Lee and LC: Home Runs and Strikeouts
- Lee as Lt. Colonel Nicholson
- Exercise the spirit and saying amen for each sentence the brother spoke
- The Divine and Mystical Realm
- Eating & Drinking Jesus Daily - Who emphasizes this besides the LC?
- "Lord Thou Saidst"
- Pray-Reading is Scriptural
- Indwelling Christ in our Human Spirit - who emphasizes this now besides LC?
- How do you experience the Cross?
- Problems with the Local Church - Merged Thread
- The Main Problem with the Local Church
- It's about life
- It's wrong to say denomination is bad
- The Witness Lee Mind Control Method
- Daily Devotional Inspirations
- Home Ekklesia Gatherings
- A.W. Tozer -
- Binding or Liberating
- Daily Devotional Inspirations — Analysis
- Why Do We Keep Doing This?
- John Lennox - if I said my last words.....
- LSM: To observe Christmas, its doubtful you’re a new creation