View Full Version : Orthopraxy - Christian Practice

  1. Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and then fire away!
  2. Ground of Locality and Generality
  3. What determines divisiveness
  4. Raising the Children of Christians
  5. New Light from Old
  6. Should you leave the denomination?
  7. The Not-So Practical Expression of the Church
  8. Reconciling Barnabas
  9. Changing the System
  10. What is an Apostle
  11. Eldership
  12. A Pratica De Witness Lee
  13. The Path After Eight Decades
  14. The Ground Of The Church
  15. Witness Lee contra Sectarianism
  16. Asia Leaving Paul
  17. Does "Baptist" Mean to a Baptist What "Recovery" Means..
  18. Teaching on Calling on the Name of the Lord
  19. Brotherly Love the Source of Oneness?
  20. Titles in LSM
  21. Two Lees and the Council of Jerusalem
  22. Witness Lee on Elders Needing to be Ezras
  23. So, What Torpedoed The Genuine Vital Groups?
  24. The LC's Flawed Basis Of Discernment
  25. A Word of Love
  26. Why Did We Totally Miss the Mark?
  27. The "Lord's Recovery": A Christian Perspective
  28. God is Sovereign
  29. Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?
  30. Each one has
  31. The Relationship Between The Churches And The Work
  32. Evaluation of Elders
  33. Who Said It?
  34. Does LSM Hold to Apostolic Succession?
  35. Did Witness Lee believe his teaching on "One city one church"?
  36. Hiding religion in the church
  37. Concerns about the Local Churches
  38. Does 2 Peter 2's warning of false teachers describe Witness Lee?
  39. Taped conversation between Sal Benoit and Witness Lee circa 1977/8
  40. Witness Lee's failures a blessing in disguise?
  41. David Yonggi Cho - Witness Lee x100?
  42. Is it the Message, or the Men?
  43. Christianity Baggage
  44. On the Virtues of a Child
  45. Where Has All the Orthopraxy Gone?
  46. Nothing New under the Sun
  47. Pattern of LC Families Sacrificing Children on the Altar
  48. Covenant
  49. Stumbling
  50. Against the LC Practice of Prophesying
  51. The Experience of Christ
  52. In this manner pray: Our Father in heaven...
  53. Examine Yourselves: Forgiveness or the Repercussions of Unforgiveness
  54. Practice of Deputy Authority in the Bible
  55. Life in the Brothers/Sisters houses
  56. Confessing your Sins One To Another
  57. The Sin of Noah?
  58. Opposer
  59. Double Standards
  60. Attempting to SEEM inclusive
  61. Rebaptism
  62. Music in the Christian Church
  63. Denominations — Really Bad?
  64. LC Gibberish
  65. "Home Trainings" (with video)
  66. What It's Really All About
  67. One Church - One City - Biblical?
  68. The Fallacy of Ecumenism
  69. Wait, It's A Cult?
  70. Major Errors of Witness Lee’s Teaching
  71. Women's Role
  72. 'Ground of the Church'
  73. Should a church seek for incorporation?
  74. Relationships/Courting
  75. How the LCM Affects Personality
  76. If you were in Scottsdale would you take the Table..
  77. How to Detect a Sect
  78. Attending Different Churches: Divisive attitudes
  79. Discernment of spirits
  80. Need fellowship here
  81. Corporate Living
  82. Charismania, truncation, and understanding
  83. Lee and LC: Home Runs and Strikeouts
  84. Lee as Lt. Colonel Nicholson
  85. Exercise the spirit and saying amen for each sentence the brother spoke
  86. The Divine and Mystical Realm
  87. Eating & Drinking Jesus Daily - Who emphasizes this besides the LC?
  88. "Lord Thou Saidst"
  89. Pray-Reading is Scriptural
  90. Indwelling Christ in our Human Spirit - who emphasizes this now besides LC?
  91. How do you experience the Cross?
  92. Problems with the Local Church - Merged Thread
  93. The Main Problem with the Local Church
  94. It's about life
  95. It's wrong to say denomination is bad
  96. The Witness Lee Mind Control Method
  97. Daily Devotional Inspirations
  98. Home Ekklesia Gatherings
  99. A.W. Tozer -
  100. Binding or Liberating
  101. Daily Devotional Inspirations — Analysis
  102. Why Do We Keep Doing This?
  103. John Lennox - if I said my last words.....
  104. LSM: To observe Christmas, its doubtful you’re a new creation