View Full Version : Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here?

  1. Where I don't want to go from here
  2. Where have I gone?
  3. life after LC
  4. "Wrecked, Ruined?"
  5. Where DO we go from here?
  6. Psychological Damage in the LC
  7. The question is: Can a group of believers practicing....
  8. Where do we go from here?
  9. Integrity, BBs, and a Man from Hollywood
  10. We go on.
  11. Living in the Past or Living for the future?
  12. The Change in the Practical Expression of the Oneness
  13. 15 Years Later
  14. I'm a mormon/ex mormon videos on youtube
  15. What have we learned?
  16. Local Church Double-Speak
  17. The Process of Moving On
  18. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  19. Helping those still in the Recovery
  20. Combating LC Arguments
  21. The Judgment Seat of Christ
  22. Elvis has left the building
  23. "A House Divided", or "A House with Many Rooms"?
  24. Sunday Meetings with 3 Groups - observations
  25. Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast
  26. Go forth into the wilderness
  27. Local Church Interactions
  28. Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches
  29. How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"
  30. The Real Church in the City
  31. Everyone Interested in The Church Should Read This
  32. Should I Stay or Shoul I Go?
  33. Tips on Making Leaving the LC Easier
  34. A vent on being "known by God"...
  35. These days
  36. Should Members Obey or Submit to Church Leaders?
  37. Shepherding one another
  38. More Clarity About www.afaithfulword.org
  39. Help in Becoming "Normal"
  40. Answer to Mr. MacDuff.
  41. What is a True Christian?
  42. Scriptural Approach to Confrontation
  43. Forgiving Witness Lee
  44. Don't Give up. You Will Make It.
  45. kicked out!
  46. Wikipedia
  47. Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Eight Criteria for Thought Reform(aka mind control)
  48. Witness Lee's movement part 1
  49. Excommunicated!
  50. Abuse of the word Saint
  51. Good Material
  52. Wonderful Church Meeting Today!
  53. The Lord led me to...
  54. Happy Thanksgivukkuh
  55. Hubris
  56. Bible Translations
  57. "Have you ruled out stupidity?" The Mania Theory
  58. Feeling shame and learning to trust again after leaving the LCs
  59. For OBW - What is the nature of Faith?
  60. How to take Jesus at his word and not be stumbled.
  61. Learning from Past Mistakes in the LC by Guarding Our Heart
  62. LSM people desperately need to read this
  63. A Public Service Announcement
  64. Our LC history in relation to God's Sovereignty
  65. Repost: Advice on Making Leaving the LC Easier
  66. Supernatural Worldview/stories of power the Holy Spirit
  67. Faith through experiential knowledge of God
  68. What God's Economy Means to Me Now
  69. 52 Verses for Current and Former Local Churchers
  70. Build a bridge and get over it
  71. Merged Thread: Various Themes by Evangelical
  72. The Bible record describes God leading people into and out of things
  73. Brothers, what shall we do?
  74. Helpful Insights from old posts
  75. Ron Kangas Message
  76. Is the LC a cult? (A comparison of JW & TLR)
  77. How many people have heard of LSM/Lee/Recovery
  78. Christmas anyone?
  79. Ideals and Institutions, or People?
  80. Do you think that highest truth of Witnesse Lee can satisfy your hunger?
  81. One New Man And Not Show Your Person
  82. Local churches condemn themselves through HWMR for today.
  83. Recovering from the Recovery
  84. Some Good Things to Come Out of the Recovery?
  85. All About His LOVE!
  86. Being disciplined by the Lord
  87. What is the Lord showing you fresh these days?
  88. Depression and the LCs
  89. Wives taking husband's last name
  90. How do you know the Lord's leading?
  91. Blending
  92. Forgiveness
  93. "sovereign of"
  94. I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!
  95. What is true?
  96. How to deal with leaving the LC.
  97. 1 John 2:27 versus following "The Ministry" in "The Lord`s Recovery" today
  98. I cant deal with any of the LSM and LC stuff anymore.....
  99. Pay Attention To What They Say "They Are Not"
  100. Being Cast Out Of The Synagogue
  101. Questions and Concerns for Current and Former LC Members
  102. Any Good Writtings Besides the Local Church?
  103. Musings of a New Heart and a Partially Renewed Mind
  104. How to decide?
  105. The Shunning
  106. Responsibility Of Christians In Responding To Aberrant/Abusive Groups
  107. Confessing Sins After Salvation?
  108. What does it mean to trust God?
  109. Do You Try To Speak The Truth To Your Parents, Or Let Them Be?
  110. Thoughts On The Libel Suit?
  111. I was deceived
  112. Encouraging News!
  113. Is the LC more susceptible to the outward vs. inward?
  114. How to bring friends & family out?
  115. WL: The Father is the Mother!
  116. YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained
  117. A Song (a bit late)
  118. Helping Church Kids On The Forum
  119. Should I Quit Reading LSM Publications?
  120. Victory over the digital world.
  121. Smear Shame Shun
  122. Lee Ws A Mindbender For Profit
  123. Observations