- Where I don't want to go from here
- Where have I gone?
- life after LC
- "Wrecked, Ruined?"
- Where DO we go from here?
- Psychological Damage in the LC
- The question is: Can a group of believers practicing....
- Where do we go from here?
- Integrity, BBs, and a Man from Hollywood
- We go on.
- Living in the Past or Living for the future?
- The Change in the Practical Expression of the Oneness
- 15 Years Later
- I'm a mormon/ex mormon videos on youtube
- What have we learned?
- Local Church Double-Speak
- The Process of Moving On
- Does anyone have any suggestions?
- Helping those still in the Recovery
- Combating LC Arguments
- The Judgment Seat of Christ
- Elvis has left the building
- "A House Divided", or "A House with Many Rooms"?
- Sunday Meetings with 3 Groups - observations
- Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast
- Go forth into the wilderness
- Local Church Interactions
- Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches
- How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"
- The Real Church in the City
- Everyone Interested in The Church Should Read This
- Should I Stay or Shoul I Go?
- Tips on Making Leaving the LC Easier
- A vent on being "known by God"...
- These days
- Should Members Obey or Submit to Church Leaders?
- Shepherding one another
- More Clarity About www.afaithfulword.org
- Help in Becoming "Normal"
- Answer to Mr. MacDuff.
- What is a True Christian?
- Scriptural Approach to Confrontation
- Forgiving Witness Lee
- Don't Give up. You Will Make It.
- kicked out!
- Wikipedia
- Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Eight Criteria for Thought Reform(aka mind control)
- Witness Lee's movement part 1
- Excommunicated!
- Abuse of the word Saint
- Good Material
- Wonderful Church Meeting Today!
- The Lord led me to...
- Happy Thanksgivukkuh
- Hubris
- Bible Translations
- "Have you ruled out stupidity?" The Mania Theory
- Feeling shame and learning to trust again after leaving the LCs
- For OBW - What is the nature of Faith?
- How to take Jesus at his word and not be stumbled.
- Learning from Past Mistakes in the LC by Guarding Our Heart
- LSM people desperately need to read this
- A Public Service Announcement
- Our LC history in relation to God's Sovereignty
- Repost: Advice on Making Leaving the LC Easier
- Supernatural Worldview/stories of power the Holy Spirit
- Faith through experiential knowledge of God
- What God's Economy Means to Me Now
- 52 Verses for Current and Former Local Churchers
- Build a bridge and get over it
- Merged Thread: Various Themes by Evangelical
- The Bible record describes God leading people into and out of things
- Brothers, what shall we do?
- Helpful Insights from old posts
- Ron Kangas Message
- Is the LC a cult? (A comparison of JW & TLR)
- How many people have heard of LSM/Lee/Recovery
- Christmas anyone?
- Ideals and Institutions, or People?
- Do you think that highest truth of Witnesse Lee can satisfy your hunger?
- One New Man And Not Show Your Person
- Local churches condemn themselves through HWMR for today.
- Recovering from the Recovery
- Some Good Things to Come Out of the Recovery?
- All About His LOVE!
- Being disciplined by the Lord
- What is the Lord showing you fresh these days?
- Depression and the LCs
- Wives taking husband's last name
- How do you know the Lord's leading?
- Blending
- Forgiveness
- "sovereign of"
- I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!
- What is true?
- How to deal with leaving the LC.
- 1 John 2:27 versus following "The Ministry" in "The Lord`s Recovery" today
- I cant deal with any of the LSM and LC stuff anymore.....
- Pay Attention To What They Say "They Are Not"
- Being Cast Out Of The Synagogue
- Questions and Concerns for Current and Former LC Members
- Any Good Writtings Besides the Local Church?
- Musings of a New Heart and a Partially Renewed Mind
- How to decide?
- The Shunning
- Responsibility Of Christians In Responding To Aberrant/Abusive Groups
- Confessing Sins After Salvation?
- What does it mean to trust God?
- Do You Try To Speak The Truth To Your Parents, Or Let Them Be?
- Thoughts On The Libel Suit?
- I was deceived
- Encouraging News!
- Is the LC more susceptible to the outward vs. inward?
- How to bring friends & family out?
- WL: The Father is the Mother!
- YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained
- A Song (a bit late)
- Helping Church Kids On The Forum
- Should I Quit Reading LSM Publications?
- Victory over the digital world.
- Smear Shame Shun
- Lee Ws A Mindbender For Profit
- Observations