View Full Version : Encouraging News!

Sons to Glory!
03-22-2021, 11:10 AM
For the past year now I've been in contact with some ex-LC saints from both east & west coasts and some places in between, and have some encouraging things to report. Some of these ones I've had contact with through this forum, and some have come through Scottsdale. What is occurring is quite exciting to me!

What's been happening is that a number of these former members (and some who are still meeting with the LC) have been getting together regularly for fellowship and sharing with one another via Zoom and in-person. This includes a few ex-elders and other former leading ones from the LC.

I've participated in some of these group fellowships, and have spoken with a number of these ones individually in person or on the phone and also via Zoom. I can tell you it has been a real and fresh blessing from the Lord to see this occurring! :hurray:

And this forum has provided a good place for helping to connect some of these ones with others to fellowship with! So praise the Lord for this - may He continue to use this forum to help more members of His body in making those healthy connections with one another!

One thing expressed a number of times is the desire for continued general anonymity, at least as far as this forum is concerned, and that is why I'm not giving names of these ones. This is because some are sensitive to family and friends who are still meeting with the LC and who may view this forum, and I need to be sensitive and respectful of their wishes. This includes those who may still be meeting with the LC. (BTW - Not all these ones are totally anti-WL/LC, but may just be bothered by certain practices. For them, getting together with other believers outside the LC is providing needed, healthy fellowship.) Others don't care much if I do share their name on here, but it just seems simpler to not give any names, at least for now. Lastly, I hope this posting is not construed as being anti-all things WL/LC in any way . . . everyone agrees that we love all blood-bought believers and we just want to know Him and report what we see the Lord is currently doing.)

Praise Him!

03-25-2021, 04:17 PM
Thanks "Sons to Glory",

This IS encouraging news you're giving. I have had limited contacts and experience in what you're describing but it has been good to get a taste of what is happening and be a part of that fellowship to some degree. It even extends to trips from the U. S. to other countries for some. Yes, praise the Lord!

03-25-2021, 05:15 PM

One thing expressed a number of times is the desire for continued general anonymity, at least as far as this forum is concerned, and that is why I'm not giving names of these ones. This is because some are sensitive to family and friends who are still meeting with the LC and who may view this forum, and I need to be sensitive and respectful of their wishes. This includes those who may still be meeting with the LC. (BTW - Not all these ones are totally anti-WL/LC, but may just be bothered by certain practices. For them, getting together with other believers outside the LC is providing needed, healthy fellowship.) Others don't care much if I do share their name on here, but it just seems simpler to not give any names, at least for now. Lastly, I hope this posting is not construed as being anti-all things WL/LC in any way . . . everyone agrees that we love all blood-bought believers and we just want to know Him and report what we see the Lord is currently doing.)



A forum member or guest may ONLY reveal their own name.

Names of other forum members or names of anyone else, other than public figures, cannot be posted on this forum under any circumstances. Public figures, e.g., would include elders, but not their wives or families. If someone asks you to share their name/s on this forum, please respectfully decline the request. Encourage them to register and reveal their own information at their own discretion.

Posts which violate the anonymity of others will be deleted. Accounts of offending members are subject to suspension.

The privacy of others is a great concern to us. If you have questions, please send us a PM.

StG, this is not directed at you personally. This will added to the forum Mission Statement and Rules.

Forum Admins

Sons to Glory!
03-26-2021, 08:36 AM


A forum member or guest may ONLY reveal their own name.

Names of other forum members or names of anyone else, other than public figures, cannot be posted on this forum under any circumstances. Public figures, e.g., would include elders, but not their wives or families. If someone asks you to share their name/s on this forum, please respectfully decline the request. Encourage them to register and reveal their own information at their own discretion.

Posts which violate the anonymity of others will be deleted. Accounts of offending members are subject to suspension.

The privacy of others is a great concern to us. If you have questions, please send us a PM.

StG, this is not directed at you personally. This will added to the forum Mission Statement and Rules.

Forum AdminsI appreciate that stance! Yes, there are plenty of opportunities for possible troubles, hurts and offences if people are named! The LC has such an unfortunate history of shunning those who have left, or possibly merely hinting at some dissatisfaction or even just questioning certain LC practices or teachings. It can be quite daunting and we wouldn't want to set anyone up for that kind of thing!

I assume this doesn't mean mean mentioning WL or the Blendeds by name, right?

03-26-2021, 10:46 AM
I appreciate that stance! Yes, there are plenty of opportunities for possible troubles, hurts and offences if people are named! The LC has such an unfortunate history of shunning those who have left, or possibly merely hinting at some dissatisfaction or even just questioning certain LC practices or teachings. It can be quite daunting and we wouldn't want to set anyone up for that kind of thing!

I assume this doesn't mean mean mentioning WL or the Blendeds by name, right?

Public figures...all.

03-26-2021, 02:00 PM
I assume this doesn't mean mentioning WL or the Blendeds by name, right?Public figures...all.There are a number of LSM-affiliated churches in S America (for instance), that have publicly placed links to audio, video, and teachings of RK, WL etc. One assumes that this is with permission. And if those ministers allowed such publicly-attributed presentation of their speaking, there should be allowance for public citation and commentary of the same.

03-26-2021, 02:44 PM
There are a number of LSM-affiliated churches in S America (for instance), that have publicly placed links to audio, video, and teachings of RK, WL etc. One assumes that this is with permission. And if those ministers allowed such publicly-attributed presentation of their speaking, there should be allowance for public citation and commentary of the same.

Legal Definition of public figure
: an individual or entity that has acquired fame or notoriety or has participated in a particular public controversy.

03-26-2021, 03:02 PM
For the 15+ years I've been moderating/administering these forums, it's always been as simple as this: If you are a church leader, a ministry leader, a public speaker or a prominent person in any public or religious organization, you are a public figure and should expect that your name may be printed or posted in a public manner. In the case of the Local Church of Witness Lee, this would include church elders (or in some cases "responsible brothers"), Living Stream Ministry leaders, speakers and board members.

Any and all family members (wives, children and relatives) are not to be named unless they are already widely known in Local Church circles.

Some exceptions would be in the "Calling All Saints" sub-forum, where the stated purpose is trying to reestablish contact with another current or former Local Church member. If the person is under 18 years of age you will need to get the permission of one of the admins.

Sons to Glory!
03-26-2021, 03:50 PM
Okay, now that we got all that clarified (thanks UntoHim) . . . isn't it great that many former, and even some current, LCers are getting together to just fellowship and pursue the Lord!? This is certainly one of the more positive things I've seen recently.

If you are a former LCer, or even if you just have questions, and want to fellowship with someone near you, private message me and I may be able to put you in touch with someone near you. Of course, we can always converse on here, over the phone or Zoom - whatever works best. Just for fellowship with nothing heavy, etc.