View Full Version : We go on.

08-13-2009, 10:09 PM
It's Don Jr, and I say we go on.

After the great divide of the Local Church, the saints need to take a time out and reflect on what they've been through from the moment they touched the LC until now. They need to not be in a hurry for answers. And to not be afraid because they are now in the pature where the Shepard is!

Remember dear saints, Deuteronomy 6:23 we read “And he brought us out from there, that he might bring us in and give us the land that he swore to give to our fathers”. So trust Him and be patient and give Him praise as you come to realize that He has you exactly where He wants you. And know He has plans for you even for tomorrow.

So lets go on! Let's follow the Lord in faith and see where He will lead us.

That's it for now,

His love flows down in a shower of Grace,

Don Jr.

08-14-2009, 02:06 AM
Dear Saints,

Wherever we are, in or out of the Local Church we go on. Because Jesus Christ is our leader. He is the one that has sustained us even until this very moment! He is our Shepherd, our encouragement our life. It's not about the Local Church it's about Christ. It's not about the Baptists It's about Christ! Nothing can be above Christ. Dear saints, He is calling us! Calling us into oneness. Dear brothers and sisters how can we be one when there is such turmoil? Let go on! We have our Leader! We have Jesus Christ our Commander in Chief. WE don't need a new way! Jesus is the Way! Let's go!
Lets go on!

You know, Jesus will stop at nothing to get obstacles out of our path if we let Him Lead.

May the Peace of Christ pour and pour all over you!

Don Jr.

08-14-2009, 07:40 AM
How 'bout going UP? I'm not referring to the Rapture in particular but since I believe one day soon there will be a 'catching away...being caught UP', I look forward to being among the firstfruits picked.

However, what I'm actually aluding to is our spiritual 'promotion'.

Every saint's journey is a little different but we will all end up in the same place.

For me, The LC was my 'Gilgal'.(Joshua 5:9) The place where I got saved and became rooted and grounded in the Word. The place where I was fed corn (the Word) and a place of comfort There was some genuine growth in Christ and some degree of brokenness, of dying to self. Aww...but my spirit hungered for more & thus I left and journey'd towards "Bethel". YIKES! That is where I truly died to self, & crucified the flesh, AFTER I wrestled with GOD. It is the place where I truly surrendered & in real life, the RA (rhumatoid arthritis) that attacked my body, produced a limp in my leg for several years. LOL! What a reminder of Jacob's journey! The limp is gone now THANKFULLY. It was there where I 'saw' the Face of GOD, after I gave in. It was/is not a physical location but a spiritual location. God then led me to Jericho where I covered myself with the Armour of GOD, the WORD of GOD that I received at Gilgal. It is a place we ALL should be in right now...a place fighting alongside our Captain Jesus who leads us into spiritual battle. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.

But there is another pitstop to make on the way up...and that is Jordan. I'm not sure I have arrived there...I might be on the outskirts. :D

08-14-2009, 02:58 PM
Dear brothers and sisters how can we be one when there is such turmoil?

Because we are one, even in the turmoil. The turmoil is not what's real.. The oneness in Spirit is, and is above even our turmoil. Keep eyes on Christ while in the turmoil, and the turmoil means nothing.

08-14-2009, 03:20 PM
Because we are one, even in the turmoil. The turmoil is not what's real.. The oneness in Spirit is, and is above even our turmoil. Keep eyes on Christ while in the turmoil, and the turmoil means nothing.

Amen Harold!

Most Excellent Point!

08-14-2009, 03:27 PM
Because we are one, even in the turmoil. The turmoil is not what's real.. The oneness in Spirit is, and is above even our turmoil. Keep eyes on Christ while in the turmoil, and the turmoil means nothing.

We have ONE FATHER, One LORD. There is One Spirit. We are IN Christ Jesus.
But we are all have different personalities and different experiences. Some of us are in 1st grade and keep repeating 1st grade while some of us are getting our 'PhDs' from the Holy Spirit 'University'.

We must exercise patience with each other and learn from the BEST...JESUS who was extremely patient and yet firm in teaching his disciples. He loved Peter and yet how many times did he rebuke him? And now compare Peter to John? How many times we read Jesus rebuke 'the one He loved' who we all assume was John.

Did Jesus love John more than Peter? Noooooo but Peter didn't catch on as quickly as John did imho.

Compare the hand and the foot. How often does the foot and the hand meet? Yet they are both connected to the body...both very important members with very different functions. We don't walk with our hands and we don't write with our feet...and unless the brain tells the hand to touch the foot, they're not going to touch.

If we keep searching the scriptures prayerfully with CHRIST as our focus, our center, loving Him as He loves us, the Holy Spirit will guide us and teach us how to be One with each other.

08-15-2009, 08:10 AM
Amen Harold!

Most Excellent Point!

I don't know if the turmoil means nothing, the turmoil is there for whatever reason. If we are wise we will notice that the turmoil is a symptom and we can search out the cause which has broken our corporate oneness.
Then maybe we can turn to the Lord and be restored to the corporate oneness."In the LC"

It is obvious that corporately our oneness has been divided. At least in the LC.
Individually we are one with the Lord.
But how can we be one if we are not one with the body of Christ? ( I speak of the LC crisis.)
What a paradox!

You know, the rest of Christianity has the same problem. The only difference is that some fall away and some move on. Kinda reminds me of the parable of the sower!

Jesus is still Lord and I see that as His problem. I hope for the best in that case however I MUST go on.

"And I can because I am not under the authority of the blended ones."

"Can You" ( That questions for everyone.)

Much Grace to the saints,

Don JR.

08-15-2009, 11:23 AM
Manna-man = Blue
I don't know if the turmoil means nothing, the turmoil is there for whatever reason. If we are wise we will notice that the turmoil is a symptom and we can search out the cause which has broken our corporate oneness.

Well that's an easy one bro Jr. The turmoil is caused by flesh, or attention to flesh, or the need for flesh.

The flesh is our most persistent realty. It's like my garden. The weeds grow faster than my crop, and if you cut them down, or pull them up, they'll still out grow the crop. Weeds are the most persistent plant in my garden, and flesh is my most persistent reality. Moreover, minus killing yourself, ya can't ever shake this fact.

And I'm not really talking about the nagging sinful flesh (the porn side you are a bigot of) , I'm talking also about the fact that "we need it in the flesh" so bad, that we have to lift up people like Lee, and so many others. Its' like we have to have flesh in front of us to relate with God.

Then maybe we can turn to the Lord and be restored to the corporate oneness."In the LC"

I know what you want bro. You want us to all be really one, like Jesus said in John 17 : "As you and I are one," Jesus said to the Father.

Me too!!!!

It is obvious that corporately our oneness has been divided. At least in the LC.

Well the LC certainly does say "It's all about Christ." Just as "The Family" says "Jesus plus nothing." (Be sure to check out The Family at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_(Christian_political_organization) They are the ones we need to look out for. They make the LC look like child's play.)

But back to the LC. The LC says "Christ is All and in All" and "Christ is our center," and lots of other great sounding cliches, but if you publicly resist "The Ministry," you'll see what their center truly is.

I submit that it wasn't me that started the turmoil in the LC. I didn't start the fight. I was going on in the LC, putting Christ as my center, just as happy as I could be, and wham, they hit me. They hit me with something that made something other than Christ as my center, and told me I had to be totally given to that, or get out. They, the authority structure in the LC, started that fight when they came to disturb my walk with Christ as my center.

Thus, bro Jr., they needed fleshly relations with God, and told me that I roo had to have fleshly relations with God. I was basically told, "You have to except our fleshly leader, and the fleshly authority coming from from him thru his loyal fleshly pinons, or get the hell out of here, you devil."

And they did that while shouting “Christ is All!”

But only fools follow the flesh. And that’s why we have the turmoil.

Individually we are one with the Lord.
But how can we be one if we are not one with the body of Christ? ( I speak of the LC crisis.)
What a paradox!

I know it's confusing, and it's hard to express in words. But really and truly, if "individually we are one with the Lord," then we are one with the body, as we are living members of his body by his indwelling. We can't not be one with the body. It's impossible. With the indweling Christ we are one like Jesus and the Father were one." Get it?

You know, the rest of Christianity has the same problem.

Same flesh, and fleshly needs.

Jesus is still Lord and I see that as His problem. I hope for the best in that case however I MUST go on.

Go on to where?

"And I can because I am not under the authority of the blended ones."

No one is, unless they want to be.....

"Can You" ( That questions for everyone.)

Yes. I'm doing it in this post, that you claim is Christless.

08-15-2009, 05:02 PM
Go on to where?

Where ever the Lord leads. I will go on with the Lord is what I meant.

Grace to you Harold.

Don Jr

"Can You" ( That questions for everyone.)

Yes. I'm doing it in this post, that you claim is Christless.

I don't think that other board is Christless. However I do know that I didn't appreciate the spirit/attitude towards other saints regarding the LC crisis. And from the content of a lot of posts over there I didn't see an expression of love or concern for them, just harping. I'm for confrontation if it is done right. And for the right reason. It's Healthy. I'm even for exposing a wrong on a message board over and over if it is done in love. And most importantly if I'm lead by the Lord to do so. There has been many wrongs in the LC and those wrongs will be posted over and over not just to expose the LSM but also to warn anyone getting caught up in it. And that is good if it is done in the Spirit and In love and ultimately with the leading of the Lord. Otherwise it is motivated by the flesh and will not endure.

Grace to you Harold and all the saints where ever you are!

Don Jr

08-15-2009, 05:08 PM

Let me share an experience I encountered yesterday with an LSM sister..that could have led to Turmoil if I had not finally said, "You're entitled to believe Brother Lee's OPINION (on a particular point). But in the end, our focus is in Christ Jesus." To which she replied: "Amen."
The discussion began with her telling me she and some sisters were reading Lee's footnotes on the 4 horsemen. As you know he held to the OPINION, the 1st white horse was the gospel and explains why.

IMHO, MOST of the 'sheep' in Lee's fold believe Lee's OPINION. He studied, wrote it and spoke it therefore it must be 'gospel truth'.

I disagree with HIS OPINION on this conclusion. Is mine correct (that the white horse is not the gospel but the Anti-Christ) ? I don't know. But based on my findings, my research, it's more plausable to me the 1st white horse is the AC than Lee's personal explanation that the 1st white horse is the gospel. I was at the Revelation training and have read the life studies and his footnotes thank you very much.
I have done a lot of research, praying and studying. So I'm quite comfortable and confident in my findings. I tried to explain to her how I arrived at my findings but she kept interrupting with but "NO! NO! NO!! Brother Lee explains......" So I shut up. She was in the LSM mindset and wasn't going to receive anything I was going to say.

You see how TURMOIL was created on HER part towards me? After her rambling, I told her our opinions and findings are just that. JESUS is our focus. And then she shut up.

So If YOU truly believe the white horse is the gospel and have done thorough research and do not hold to your conviction because LEE said, wrote it and spoke it. Then Fine. I have no problem.[/B]But most people in the LSM always hold tight to what LEE believed and wrote on a subject matter.

When I'm expounding on a scripture, my LSM friends go right to the footnotes of the Recovery version to see what Lee wrote about it. IF my thoughts coincide with what Lee wrote, and often times they do I get a response like "WOW!! That's EXACTLY what HE wrote OR That's EXACTLY what the BROTHERS were sharing ON !!" They are beside themselves with glee !
To ME, it comes across as a relief to them that I'm 'one with them'.
and that attitude creates TURMOIL.
I sometimes use the Recovery Version as one of my cross reference bibles when trying to understand a passage. Do you or anyone in the LSM ever refer to another bible for understanding?

About a month ago, this same sister was again beside herself with a message given by one of the blendeds regarding secular rock music. The message was if a person plays a record backwards, there will be many demonic words clearly heard in them.
I think she thought he made that discovery. She had never heard that reported as probably MOST long time LCrs haven't. She called me with that 'revelation.
I simply told her I learned about that back in the 80's !! Led Zeppelin for instance supposedly casts spells on their audience when in concert..or were in concert.
So... where did the blendeds get this info from? They heard it on Christian radio or TV I'm sure...then reported it as if THEY had received the revelation.
Why do I say this? Because they never gave credit where they got it from.
Maybe they heard it from Pat Robertson but loyal to Lee's legacy, they would never admit to it. (I do NOT know where they got the info from btw.) But what would make anyone think God gave them that revelation. You really think God told them to take a secular record and play it backwards?
Now... what IF someone new to the LSM..a young believer who knew this reported it in a meeting years ago. Do you think the church would have received this sharing?
This is yet another example of how TURMOIL in the LSM is created.

........I have shared I got saved through the LC brethren leading me to the Lord and then dove right in to the church life, I give credit to where credit is due. I really got rooted and grounded in the Word of God there. In the 70's, the LC's were just starting to get into the Life studies. We still read from the KJ and the NASB for the most part. We focused on Salvation, the Blood and Sanctification ...at least in my locality AND we were also looking for the return of the LORD. We were preparing ourselves as the Bride..pure and spotless w/o blemish. For my time there, I will be forever thankful. I am equally thankful, I have MOVED ON and better yet UP!
I do a lot of studying on the Endtimes we are living in...and personally speaking, I believe we are very, very close to the Lord's return. I believe in the Rapture of the Firstfruits. I think Lee believed in this too. I also believe and think there is going to be a general harvest during the 1st half of the 7 yr Trib. Lee might also believe that. I don't really know & I don't care if he did or not.

We are living in the here and now and I'm studying the signs of the times. Based on my findings, it COULD be the Rapture might occur this year, very possible in Sept/Oct because of the Jewish Fall feasts. Many are looking at the Feast of TRUMPETS when we will put on the INCORRUPTIBLE! :hurray:If we are not raptured, I won't be disheartened for we are STILL very, very close but most importantly, I am focused on my relationship with our LORD and KING Jesus, my relationship with my/our Heavenly Father, the LORD GOD Jehova and His Holy Spirit. His Glory will usher us into the Raptureous event...which I believe is soooooooooon. :)
I am watchful because we are instructed to be watchful and alert and prayerful.
So....let's see......Manna-man I know for a fact there are some awesome and then not so awesome Christian conferences in our country and around the world. I've been to many. Some were absolutely anointed with the Presence of God and HIS WORD incredibly rich and life changing. Others were so-so.
Would YOU ever go to a Christian conference not being hosted by LSM? And would you go without a critical attitude?
Really...Manna-man, going to a Christian gathering not affiliated with LSM or former LSMrs is HARD for an LCr or former LCr. I've been there - done that.

I also know the Universal church which includes the LSMrs have a LOT of religious and carnal baggage attached to them. I might also but at least I ask the LORD constantly to sanctify me, purify my thoughts, my mind and to permeate my mind with HIS for I have the MIND of CHRIST. The more I speak it, the more HIS mind will be manifested in me!

08-15-2009, 06:18 PM
CountMeWorthy quote the Blenders:
The message was if a person plays a record backwards, there will be many demonic words clearly heard in them.

Poppycock superstition, whoever came up with it. The Devil long ago left rock behind. He's now into Rap.

08-15-2009, 07:00 PM

Let me share an experience I encountered yesterday with an LSM sister..that could have led to Turmoil if I had not finally said, "You're entitled to believe Brother Lee's OPINION (on a particular point). But in the end, our focus is in Christ Jesus." To which she replied: "Amen."
The discussion began with her telling me she and some sisters were reading Lee's footnotes on the 4 horsemen. As you know he held to the OPINION, the 1st white horse was the gospel and explains why.

IMHO, MOST of the 'sheep' in Lee's fold believe Lee's OPINION. He studied, wrote it and spoke it therefore it must be 'gospel truth'.

I disagree with HIS OPINION on this conclusion. Is mine correct (that the white horse is not the gospel but the Anti-Christ) ? I don't know. But based on my findings, my research, it's more plausable to me the 1st white horse is the AC than Lee's personal explanation that the 1st white horse is the gospel. I was at the Revelation training and have read the life studies and his footnotes thank you very much.
I have done a lot of research, praying and studying. So I'm quite comfortable and confident in my findings. I tried to explain to her how I arrived at my findings but she kept interrupting with but "NO! NO! NO!! Brother Lee explains......" So I shut up. She was in the LSM mindset and wasn't going to receive anything I was going to say.

You see how TURMOIL was created on HER part towards me? After her rambling, I told her our opinions and findings are just that. JESUS is our focus. And then she shut up.

So If YOU truly believe the white horse is the gospel and have done thorough research and do not hold to your conviction because LEE said, wrote it and spoke it. Then Fine. I have no problem.[/B]But most people in the LSM always hold tight to what LEE believed and wrote on a subject matter.

When I'm expounding on a scripture, my LSM friends go right to the footnotes of the Recovery version to see what Lee wrote about it. IF my thoughts coincide with what Lee wrote, and often times they do I get a response like "WOW!! That's EXACTLY what HE wrote OR That's EXACTLY what the BROTHERS were sharing ON !!" They are beside themselves with glee !
To ME, it comes across as a relief to them that I'm 'one with them'.
and that attitude creates TURMOIL.
I sometimes use the Recovery Version as one of my cross reference bibles when trying to understand a passage. Do you or anyone in the LSM ever refer to another bible for understanding?

About a month ago, this same sister was again beside herself with a message given by one of the blendeds regarding secular rock music. The message was if a person plays a record backwards, there will be many demonic words clearly heard in them.
I think she thought he made that discovery. She had never heard that reported as probably MOST long time LCrs haven't. She called me with that 'revelation.
I simply told her I learned about that back in the 80's !! Led Zeppelin for instance supposedly casts spells on their audience when in concert..or were in concert.
So... where did the blendeds get this info from? They heard it on Christian radio or TV I'm sure...then reported it as if THEY had received the revelation.
Why do I say this? Because they never gave credit where they got it from.
Maybe they heard it from Pat Robertson but loyal to Lee's legacy, they would never admit to it. (I do NOT know where they got the info from btw.) But what would make anyone think God gave them that revelation. You really think God told them to take a secular record and play it backwards?
Now... what IF someone new to the LSM..a young believer who knew this reported it in a meeting years ago. Do you think the church would have received this sharing?
This is yet another example of how TURMOIL in the LSM is created.

........I have shared I got saved through the LC brethren leading me to the Lord and then dove right in to the church life, I give credit to where credit is due. I really got rooted and grounded in the Word of God there. In the 70's, the LC's were just starting to get into the Life studies. We still read from the KJ and the NASB for the most part. We focused on Salvation, the Blood and Sanctification ...at least in my locality AND we were also looking for the return of the LORD. We were preparing ourselves as the Bride..pure and spotless w/o blemish. For my time there, I will be forever thankful. I am equally thankful, I have MOVED ON and better yet UP!
I do a lot of studying on the Endtimes we are living in...and personally speaking, I believe we are very, very close to the Lord's return. I believe in the Rapture of the Firstfruits. I think Lee believed in this too. I also believe and think there is going to be a general harvest during the 1st half of the 7 yr Trib. Lee might also believe that. I don't really know & I don't care if he did or not.

We are living in the here and now and I'm studying the signs of the times. Based on my findings, it COULD be the Rapture might occur this year, very possible in Sept/Oct because of the Jewish Fall feasts. Many are looking at the Feast of TRUMPETS when we will put on the INCORRUPTIBLE! :hurray:If we are not raptured, I won't be disheartened for we are STILL very, very close but most importantly, I am focused on my relationship with our LORD and KING Jesus, my relationship with my/our Heavenly Father, the LORD GOD Jehova and His Holy Spirit. His Glory will usher us into the Raptureous event...which I believe is soooooooooon. :)
I am watchful because we are instructed to be watchful and alert and prayerful.
So....let's see......Manna-man I know for a fact there are some awesome and then not so awesome Christian conferences in our country and around the world. I've been to many. Some were absolutely anointed with the Presence of God and HIS WORD incredibly rich and life changing. Others were so-so.
Would YOU ever go to a Christian conference not being hosted by LSM? And would you go without a critical attitude?
Really...Manna-man, going to a Christian gathering not affiliated with LSM or former LSMrs is HARD for an LCr or former LCr. I've been there - done that.

I also know the Universal church which includes the LSMrs have a LOT of religious and carnal baggage attached to them. I might also but at least I ask the LORD constantly to sanctify me, purify my thoughts, my mind and to permeate my mind with HIS for I have the MIND of CHRIST. The more I speak it, the more HIS mind will be manifested in me!

Would YOU ever go to a Christian conference not being hosted by LSM? And would you go without a critical attitude?
Really...Manna-man, going to a Christian gathering not affiliated with LSM or former LSMrs is HARD for an LCr or former LCr. I've been there - done that.

Of course it's hard if you think you are something your not!

Of course I would and of course I would. Are you kidding me? I've been to some LC meetings where some have shared and inside my head there my eyeballs were rolling. But for the sake of that dear one not one word was said. And that was good! That dear saint needed to be encouraged to testify. Kinda reminds me of message boards. In fact KTS was sharing on something the other day and knit picking started right away. That very knit picking could have been channeled in another way because what KTS was saying was relevant. So.... it wasn't perfectly said, yet the idea was conveyed. Now KTS thinks he has to respond to something he didn't even want to touch on anyway otherwise he appears inept or insensitive. A bit controlling I think. C.S. Lewis used to write about how the enemy attacks the saints even before the meeting began. I guess you didn't read that and it didn't affect you.

I was thinking on the drive to work today on how there is no difference between mainstream Christianity and the LC. That might sound absurd but please first consider the state of the LC right now and tell me it's better than the alternative.
I'd rather mainstream Christianity at least there are droves of open minds there and they are not all puffed up with something "NEW AND FRESH". God Forbid! that we would think of the rest of Christianity as some form of trailer trash!

Grace to you beloved,

Don Jr.

08-15-2009, 08:07 PM
Poppycock superstition, whoever came up with it. The Devil long ago left rock behind. He's now into Rap.

LOL!! Good one Awareness! :D

08-15-2009, 08:55 PM
Of course it's hard if you think you are something your not!

BINGO !! That would be the experience of many of the die hard LSMrs. I was out for more than 25 yrs and when I went to my first lively church service, I had a critical attitude: The music-too loud, too carnal, worldly. People were not praying 'in spirit'. I felt uncomfortable but yet I knew God was trying to teach me a thing or two...

Like....not being so JUDGMENTAL !! :D

I've been to some LC meetings where some have shared and inside my head there my eyeballs were rolling.

I remember some of those meetings !!
But for the sake of that dear one not one word was said.
And that was good!

IMHO, I think they needed more in-depth teaching and understanding of the Word of God while the LORD rooted HIS WORD and Grounded them IN His WORD...so when they did testify, they would be a blessing to the congregation.
But...that's in hindsight. :D
That dear saint needed to be encouraged to testify.

Manna-man....you do know the meetings now have a warning bell so the person testifying or prophesying...will wrap it up. I think the reason this was instituted is for the very observation you just pointed out. Ya think? If I'm wrong, call me out on it. I don't go to the LSM meetings. But I've been to a few since 2005.

I was thinking on the drive to work today on how there is no difference between mainstream Christianity and the LC.

I'm not quite sure I understand. I'm all over the place checking out the Christian community state of mind. There are some good teachers out there. EXCELLENT in fact. BUT imo, much of Body of Christ does not know how to reach out to unbelievers or young ones in the Lord. They don't know how to share the gospel. They prefer to 'invite' people to come to 'church'.

Here's an example: The group I meet with is farely grounded in the Word. There is a sign facing the main road with the words "JESUS IS LORD" and the 'name of the church'. It is simple -white letters on a black background-.

The congregation is not growing..in fact many have left over the years. The Pastor has decided to get a new sign..with neon lights that can be seen 3 miles away. He believes that is going to draw people to 'the church'. Uh-huh...yeah right. It's a very expensive undertaking that the congregation is going to pay... It is MIND BOGGLING that with the WORD being taught as it is, people don't know how to share the Word of God with people!!! The best they can do is 'invite someone to church'. Now they want A BIG OLE' flashy expensive sign to draw people to the building !!!

That might sound absurd but please first consider the state of the LC right now and tell me it's better than the alternative.
I'd rather mainstream Christianity at least there are some open minds there and they are not all puffed up with some high teaching.

Now what exactly do you mean 'Mainstream Christianity'? You are correct there are a lot of open minded people BUT there is a lot of leaven out there too. The 'Word of Faith' people get bashed a LOT by the conservative 'Baptist' bunch. The WoF are criticized for 'naming it and claiming it'. Some WoF people have gotten very discouraged...and you know why? Because they don't confess the Word of God from their spirit. They also don't have a deep relationship/walk with the Lord. You can't just confess your healing and not dig deep into the FULLNESS of the WORD of GOD.
I believe the LC was the first TRUE WoF bunch. But the church stayed inside its' box and never stretched the box out.
Too bad.

Then there is the Pentecostal bunch...jumping and shouting and casting out demons all over the place... There is the 'Prophetic Ministry' too. That one is really hard for me to figure out although I believe the more we are in the Presence of God, the more Prophetic we become...if that makes any sense.

Grace to you beloved,

And Grace, the FAVOR of God be with you also Don Jr. :)

08-15-2009, 09:21 PM
"Now what exactly do you mean 'Mainstream Christianity'?"

Mainstream by the power of God is saving the world. (That's anything apart from the LC.)
LSM is an offshoot stream pouring it's vast wealth of spiritual knowledge into a dead sea/minerals. So much information coming in so fast and no means to distribute it into the world! What a waste!It's a really harsh environment to exist in not much can survive ,


Don JR

08-15-2009, 09:38 PM
"Now what exactly do you mean 'Mainstream Christianity'?"

Mainstream by the power of God is saving the world. (That's anything apart from the LC.)
LSM is an offshoot stream pouring it's vast wealth of spiritual knowledge into a dead sea/minerals. So much information coming in so fast and no means to distribute it into the world! What a waste!It's a really harsh environment to exist in not much can survive ,


Don JR

You think the LSM has a vast wealth of spiritual knowledge? I see them regurgitating the Recovery footnotes and the HWMR. The spiritual knowledge is dead knowledge imho. Are you saying the LSM is a harsh environment to exist in? Who is the dead sea/minerals you are referring to?

Thanks in advance,

08-15-2009, 10:14 PM
CountMeWorthy informs:
you do know the meetings now have a warning bell so the person testifying or prophesying...will wrap it up.

CMW, when you tell me something like this the first thing that comes to my mind is : ROBOTS! They've become little robots.

And then I immediately turn and thank the Lord for taking me out when he did. Thank you Lord for knowing way before I that if I stayed until the tinkling bell, and sounding brass, I would have had a conniption with a hole in it.

I'm completely amazed at how far out there they can get without catching on that they become a bunch of duffuses. They actually have become a monkey holiness ; monkey see, monkey do. With even the, monkey see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil, kind of blind monkeyshines.

Lord pour your garce out upon them. Have mercy on them. They know not what they do. And Lord....Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. If not for the grace of God there go I.

08-15-2009, 10:59 PM
You think the LSM has a vast wealth of spiritual knowledge? I see them regurgitating the Recovery footnotes and the HWMR. The spiritual knowledge is dead knowledge imho. Are you saying the LSM is a harsh environment to exist in? Who is the dead sea/minerals you are referring to?

Thanks in advance,

dead sea: Local Church
Minerals: The Word.

I agree CMW but that knowledge is power. And that power is pouring into a dead sea. What good is it? The minerals of the word are not finding their way into the world. Why? because the LSM is sick and not functioning properly.

My point was a parallel. Dead sea: All forms of nutrients flow into it. But it's dead. Yet mankind can harvest the riches from it.

LC: The rich word has flown into it, but what good is the rich word if it isn't mixed into the world?

Can mankind harvest the LC? I'm not sure. But I'm sure the Lord can if there are ears that will hear.

Don Jr.

08-15-2009, 11:03 PM
You think the LSM has a vast wealth of spiritual knowledge? I see them regurgitating the Recovery footnotes and the HWMR. The spiritual knowledge is dead knowledge imho. Are you saying the LSM is a harsh environment to exist in? Who is the dead sea/minerals you are referring to?

Thanks in advance,

dead sea: Local Church
Minerals: The Word.

I agree CMW but that knowledge is power. And that power is pouring into a dead sea. What good is it? The minerals of the word are not finding their way into the world. Why? because the LC is sick and not functioning properly.

My point was a parallel.

Dead sea: All forms of nutrients flow into it. But it's dead. Yet mankind can harvest the riches from it.

LC: The rich word has flown into it, but what good is the rich word if it isn't mixed into the world?

Can mankind harvest the LC? I'm not sure. But I'm sure the Lord can if there are ears that will hear.

Don Jr.

I meant to say the LC not LSM sorry CMW.

08-16-2009, 05:55 AM
I was thinking on the drive to work today on how there is no difference between mainstream Christianity and the LC. That might sound absurd but please first consider the state of the LC right now and tell me it's better than the alternative. I'd rather mainstream Christianity at least there are droves of open minds there and they are not all puffed up with something "NEW AND FRESH". God Forbid! that we would think of the rest of Christianity as some form of trailer trash!

Yes indeed manna-man!

The LC is now under all the same judgments it has meted out to Christianity, even as the Lord Jesus has so rightly prophesied, "Judge not lest you be judged, for with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged." Matt 7.1-2

08-16-2009, 06:17 AM
dead sea: Local Church
Minerals: The Word.

I agree CMW but that knowledge is power. And that power is pouring into a dead sea. What good is it? The minerals of the word are not finding their way into the world. Why? because the 'LSM' is sick and not functioning properly.
My point was a parallel.
Dead sea: All forms of nutrients flow into it. But it's dead. Yet mankind can harvest the riches from it.

LSM: The rich word has flown into it, but what good is the rich word if it isn't mixed into the world?
Can mankind harvest the LSM? I'm not sure. But I'm sure the Lord can if there are ears that will hear.
I meant to say the LC not LSM sorry CMW.

Aww.. I get it now. THANKS. I also changed LC to LSM for the sake of the readers.
And you are absolutely correct. We did receive depth and rich, meaty food in the LC but we got fat on it. They didn't want to spread the meaty, rich food with the rest of our Christian brethren not meeting in the same way we met. They preferred to criticize their food. They wanted THEM to come to their feasts and throw away their meat.

Until recently, the Lord did not give me much freedom to share and 'teach' what I gleaned from HIS WORD when I was in the LC. In my time, there was no LSM. We were either the LC or 'the LORD'S RECOVERY'. I think 'the Lord's Recovery' term began to take shape around late 1976 or 1977. The LSM took shape much later after I left. As I wrote earlier, in my tenure there, the Word was so foreign to me that I prayed for wisdom, revelation and understanding of HIS WORD especially in matters of Sanctification, Redemption, and the Power of His Blood. By Faith I spoke the Word of God into me. We all did. Sadly, not many experienced the Power of the Word of God transforming their lives from the inside out. Their outer shell appeared transformed by the way they dressed and spoke. However, we all are tested by Fire...that is how we know whether we pass the test or have to study again and re-test until we get it. The tests never seem easy but staying steady and focusing on our Faith in CHRIST, the WORD becomes TRUTH and REAL in us. Deliverance then is not merely a doctrine but our experience. The Blood is not merely a teaching but we know the effectual working of it because we experience it first hand. We know the POWER of JESUS' NAME because we don't repeat it roboticlly. We call on the PERSON...not just a 5 letter word.

Following the years of leaving the Lord's recovery, I discovered the Power of the Blood of Jesus through deep repentance. How did that happen? I fell flat on my face. I saw the Blood in action speaking on my behalf, washing me and also covering me because I asked the LORD to forgive me, to wash me and to cover me. I was also willing to pay the price for my action. I could have been fired from my job. As much as I hated that job and its unfair treatment, I did not want to lose my job getting FIRED. I had been called out on something I had done wrong. Out of frustration, I tried to cheat but got caught. I explained why I did what I did and was willing to suffer the consequences. Over the weekend, I went to the LORD with a repentant heart for my action. I asked the Lord to forgive me & to cover me in His Blood but I told Him, whatever happened I would accept.I was not fired. I was not embarrassed for no one knew what had happened except me and the supervisor and GOD. That was one of the ways I experienced the Power of the Blood of Jesus and the Power of Repentance. But years before I was taught on repentance and the Blood of Jesus in the LC.
I don't think the LSM teaches on Repentance and the Blood much does it?

Now I can teach on the Power of the Blood and know exactly what the scriptures mean.
One LSM sister who has been there for over 30 yrs is in awe that I 'KNOW' the power of the Blood because she doesn't YET. I ask her 'HOW is it you do not know the POWER of the BLOOD? We were taught the same scriptures.' She has no answer and gets squirmish trying to answer it.

But boy oh boy...she's 'clear' Brother Lee was absolutely 'right' on his opinion of the white horse. See how absurd that is? She'll argue my differing view as if she 'knows' Lee's view is absolutely FACT & uncompromising yet she doesn't KNOW the BLOOD of JESUS is the MOST Powerful FORCE of the Universe.

I don't care whether the white horse is the gospel or the AC. It is the Blood of JESUS that keeps the demons away from me. It is His BLOOD and HIS NAME that delivers me from my enemies & my sins, my transgressions. & Hopefully I am more sanctified than ever that I don't willfully sin anymore. It is the BLOOD of JESUS that allows me to enter boldly into the Holy of Holies, the Throne Room...not whether the white horse is the gospel or the AC !!!

When I talk to people saved and unsaved I tell them and explain to them the wonder working power of the Blood of Jesus and how HIS Name is the Name above every Name. She passes out BFA tracts.
I don't use formulas to share the gospel. I go by the leading of the Holy Spirit. If my LSM friend tries to tell people about the Lord, she always uses the same formula, the 3 circles of man.
My beef is not with her. My beef is how could this 'deep teaching' we received turn people into robots as Awareness wrote?

A few months ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a leading elder & his wife in the LSM at their home. He brought up the Lord's soon return and how 'Brother LEE' believed there could be several raptures. The key phrase here is 'Brother Lee'...what Brother LEE 'believed'. What about what the BROTHER believed through his own findings??? Not standing solely on Brother Lee's teachings???

To that I replied "WHY OF COURSE!! Throughout the Bible there have been several raptures beginning with Enoch who was and was not! There was Elijah who was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire, we know Jesus was 'raptured' but we call it His Ascension. It's also possible that those old testamant saints who resurrected and walked around the city preaching the gospel when Christ arose were raptured too. It's not recorded but it's not recorded they died again either. And I went on...

The brother was thrilled with the info I provided him & his wife with. I didn't get it from the LSM. And I can't say I learned it all on my own either. I learned this info from Perry Stone's teachings !

I sometimes have thought WOW...if the men & women used mightily by GOD could just unite in CHRIST surely we would turn this world upside down. Thankfully, one day SOON this will become a reality. :)

01-29-2010, 05:46 PM
Dear Sister CMW,

I didn't realize or I forgot to reply to your question about the rider of The white horse. I will reply to your question before the weekend ends. Grace to all of the saints!!!!!!!!!
especially if you are counted worthy. :)

Then I just read post 21 and realized it doesn't matter to you. Oh well, I'll still share something about it. I'll do a quick refresh on the matter and like I said I'll get back to you.

07-25-2011, 04:21 PM

Just gleening through some old posts...

07-25-2011, 06:32 PM
Can you share on your recent time in North Carolina?

07-25-2011, 07:53 PM
Can you share on your recent time in North Carolina?


The saints have shown second to none hospitality for starters. I have witnessed a healthy church life here.

Since the 4th of July I havent been to Raleigh. I went home to spend that weekend with my wife and son.
I haven't been to Raleigh since because of the hours I have been working but do believe I will travel there this or next weekend. The temps here have been pretty hot. It's been as hot as 103,5 with a hearttdex of 125 degees. Yikes!

I was fortunate to spend time with Bill and Barbra Mallon. They are just as I remember them ,humble servants of our Lord Jesus.
I don't lift them up but surely appreciate their experience in Christ and also their faithfulness to Him. They are truely a couple I look up too.

Two dear brothers came up from South Florida during their visit and Brother Mallon was gracious enough to share during the meetings as Brother Tom was concerned for brother Rutledge and his family situation, that he would make himself available for the dear brother.

Since I have been here, I have met a wonderful couple who did live in South Florida the brother knew my dad back in the day... They have also shown me much grace and love here in Fayetteville NC.
I gave them the address to the meeting hall in Raleigh and the were tickled not knowing that the saints were meetiing in Raleigh,
Who says He doesn't supply our every need D

As always....

Please keep Daron and the Rutledge family in your prayers.



07-25-2011, 09:59 PM
I was fortunate to spend time with Bill and Barbra Mallon. They are just as I remember them ,humble servants of our Lord Jesus.
I don't lift them up but surely appreciate their experience in Christ and also their faithfulness to Him. They are truely a couple I look up too..I'm confused. If the Malons are such "humble servants of our Lord," with appreciable "experience in Christ, and faithfulness to Him," then why did the leaders of the local church kick them out?

They don't like humble & faithful servants in the Lord?

07-26-2011, 07:47 AM
I'm confused. If the Malons are such "humble servants of our Lord," with appreciable "experience in Christ, and faithfulness to Him," then why did the leaders of the local church kick them out?

They don't like humble & faithful servants in the Lord?

When Bill made the decision to leave, it was because he was listening to the conscience God gave him. This is a great indicator of a faithful servant.

There was no confusion in the matter but a heavy heart for those he had an abiding love for. IMHO...

Surely that love still abides in him.

03-08-2018, 08:27 PM
dead sea: Local Church
Minerals: The Word.

I agree CMW but that knowledge is power. And that power is pouring into a dead sea. What good is it? The minerals of the word are not finding their way into the world. Why? because the LC is sick and not functioning properly.

My point was a parallel.

Dead sea: All forms of nutrients flow into it. But it's dead. Yet mankind can harvest the riches from it.

LC: The rich word has flown into it, but what good is the rich word if it isn't mixed into the world?

Can mankind harvest the LC? I'm not sure. But I'm sure the Lord can if there are ears that will hear.

Don Jr.

I meant to say the LC not LSM sorry CMW.

I reckon it's a flow "issue"

One way...

09-14-2018, 11:03 AM
Your calling is too GREAT
to be derailed by Offence
Continue in your walk!

06-15-2020, 04:02 PM
It's Don Jr, and I say we go on.

After the great divide of the Local Church, the saints need to take a time out and reflect on what they've been through from the moment they touched the LC until now. They need to not be in a hurry for answers. And to not be afraid because they are now in the pature where the Shepard is!

Remember dear saints, Deuteronomy 6:23 we read “And he brought us out from there, that he might bring us in and give us the land that he swore to give to our fathers”. So trust Him and be patient and give Him praise as you come to realize that He has you exactly where He wants you. And know He has plans for you even for tomorrow.

So lets go on! Let's follow the Lord in faith and see where He will lead us.

That's it for now,

His love flows down in a shower of Grace,

Don Jr.
Bumping up....

06-26-2021, 10:19 AM
Hast thou no scar?
No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?
I hear thee sung throughout the land,
I hear them hail thy shining star,
Hast thou no scar? no scar?

Hast thou no wound?
Yet I was wounded by the archers, spent,
Leaned Me against a tree; and rent
By ravening beasts around Me, I swooned:
Hast thou no wound? no wound?

No wound? no scar?
Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
And pierced the feet that follow Me;
But whole? can he have followed far
Who has no wound nor scar?
Has thou no scar?

- Amy Carmichael

07-10-2021, 09:04 AM
Don Hose Jr., you seem to be drunk on Jesus juice.

Harold Dixon Sr.

07-23-2021, 06:14 PM
Don Hose Jr., you seem to be drunk on Jesus juice.

Harold Dixon Sr.

Greetings Harold. Long time!

Drunk? Jesus juice? What could you possibly mean?

Enjoying being in The Vine/Christ.

The justified living by faith....
How are you doing brother?

Abide with me.
Abide With Me (Live) I The Worship
Initiative feat. Bethany Barnard