They were not made apostles by the Lord directly, nor were they constituted by the Lord’s revelation directly. They were produced by the Lord’s directly appointed apostles. They were produced apostles, produced by Paul. A certain brother was told that there were seven apostles among us in the Lord’s recovery. He went to a brother to get the list of these seven apostles. When I looked at this list and considered the names, I realized that all the seven were my students. They all learned of me. I am not likening myself to Paul, but the principle is the same. There are apostles who have been appointed directly by the Lord and have been constituted directly through the Lord’s revelation, and there are apostles produced by the Lord’s directly appointed apostles.
Further Light Concerning the Building Up of the Body of Christ, Chapter 5, Section 2
If you have been listening to God in my speaking, you have been blessed. My speaking of these main, new revelations in the past twenty-five years has been the oracle of God.
Further Light Concerning the Building Up of the Body of Christ, Chapter 5, Section 1
With statements like this, it’s easy to see how those in the Lord’s Recovery are trapped. They believe they are under the Oracle of God’s teachings. Is there any biblical evidence that supports such claims?
When did you realize that Witness Lee was indeed not an apostle or the Oracle of God?