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Old 09-29-2020, 12:31 AM   #1
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Default My Testimony Of This Cult - With Some Information About Who They Really Are

Hello. I want to share my testimony of this group, to support peoples claims that they are a cult.....

This church is called the "Lord's Recovery" or Local Church and it is a cult, following "man's" heresies over the word of God (even though they love to make it seem like their not following Witness Lee, but in reality, they are).This cult has many different localities around the world, and are sometimes very difficult to recognize (as they are very good at staying under the radar - They sort of have to do this due to the many outrageous statements that their leader said over the years). But if their webpage says, "The church in such and such city", it's probably them.

The cult is not Christian, it is a new-age, extremely deceptive, controlling, manipulative, exclusive, man-made religion which professes to know the word of God, but falls well short. For example, they insult the deity of Jesus, believe that man is becoming god (in life and nature), believe that Satan dwells in our flesh, have "made-up" the ground of church doctrine to make their cult the only the legitimate group on the planet, call all other groups but them "death" ect ect..and they wonder why so many people call them a cult???? i know why...

And of course they would never in a million years tell you any of this up-front (or even early on). They often initially "dupe" people into the cult through "extreme kindness and acceptance" (what they call "cherishing the people"- meaning to help people to be more "open" to receive their brainwashing), and once they feel as though they have gained the person's trust, and have built a strong relationship with the person, they will "slowly" but surely start to reveal more and more about who they really are, what they truly believe and what they want from you (e.g. to be like them, and live according to the gospel of Witness Lee).

Very important to note that the cult's main focus is to bring people into the "Lord's Recovery", not to Christ. They also have a very strong agenda to bring people out of their Christian groups (what they call "leaving behind religion"). Being Christian and glorifying the Lord is simply not good enough for this cult, as they believe all other Christians (and luke-warm LC cult members) will go through through a temporary hell (Witness Lee's version of purgatory) where they will learn nothing but the ways of WL until they are ready to join the Lord in the New-Jerusalem (they call this process "summer school" lol). Of course they wouldn't dare say this to a "new-perspective member" upfront. Instead, being the honest group that they are, they deceive them, by saying "we all need to be one in Christ" lol. But in reality, what they really means is, "you need to join our cult brother, be like us, and obey everything WL has told us. If you disagree with WL, you are using your mind, and the mind is death'"(this is a very common brainwashing technique and twisting of the scripture that this cult uses to eliminate critical thinking from their followers). From my experience, the chanting (what they call "exercising the spirit" - this particularly refers to being extra crazy, heathen, goofy, loud, chanting repetitiously in their meetings etc- pretty much what the bible tells us not to do) also plays a big part in the brainwashing procedure.

Also, don't be deceived if you hear them talk positively about main-stream Christian church's, or aspects related to this. They sometimes do this to make themselves appear more normal, and inclusive to the "new perspective member". But what they really believe is that "all" other churches are committing spiritual fornication against the Lord, by not "meeting like they are".

Me: I was in this cult for 8 years, and was contacted on the college campus (which is generally their main fishing pond- they like to get the vulnerable young people). I new hardly anything about the Bible at this stage, and was absolutely deceived into this cult by their extreme acceptance and love for me. Of course I never found out about who they really were until I was completely dedicated to this cult. By then, I was brainwashed, and was taught to diffuse any accusation against this cult (they are very good at doing this). It took me a couple of years to "fully" realize the truth about this cult, and I was able to finally get myself out, and have been blessed ever-since (even though the mighty man himself said anyone who leaves his special group will go through immense suffering - classic cult-trapping technique).

One of the biggest things I learned about being in this cult was "to not judge a book by it's cover"... This cult does appear outwardly very good, but they are inwardly brainwashed by what "one man" has told them. This one man was from the pit of hell

For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.(2 Timothy 4:3)
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Old 09-29-2020, 11:39 AM   #2
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Default Re: My Testimony Of This Cult - With Some Information About Who They Really


Welcome, and wow! Great post, telling it exactly like it is!

Also, very hard to read, precisely because of how true it is. It's so hard to come to terms with the fact that this is an irrevocable part of my life, and I had no idea for most of the time I was there.

This statement of yours struck me: "Very important to note that the cult's main focus is to bring people into the "Lord's Recovery", not to Christ."

It's true, even if you just take a step back and realize they call themselves "The Recovery".....that alone screams "cult"!

And also: "They also have a very strong agenda to bring people out of their Christian groups (what they call "leaving behind religion")."

Also so strikingly true. They are literally peeling believers AWAY from the body of Christ into their own aberrant group which self-admittedly wants nothing to do with the rest of the body of Christ!! The weight of it all just crushes me. You really nailed it.

I had one question about one thing you said regarding insulting the deity of Jesus. To my knowledge they fully profess Jesus is God. Do you mean they insult His deity in the very true and shameful sense that they put Lee over Jesus? Just wondering what you had in mind when you wrote that.

You're very well spoken. Great to have many things distilled down to the real issues at hand. We welcome any other contributions you want to make!

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Old 09-29-2020, 01:23 PM   #3
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Default Re: My Testimony Of This Cult - With Some Information About Who They Really

1. Preach my man, so many things right with this post. They do Indeed only reveal their trues self little by little and reveal more the more "trustworthy" they deem you are to their cult. The Full-timers/responsible ones/elders are devious swindlers and/or delusional simpletons who lack critical thinking, and who have been duped since childhood, into the cult of Emperor Lee.

2.They supposedly "exercise" their spirit and call on the name but in reality. They chant and shout continuously like they are pagans circling a dummy idol/statue screaming- ABOGA BOGA BOGA BOGA BOGA BO, SHAKA SHAKA BO, DONG DONG HU (Hilariously stupid and hideous).

Matthew 6:5-8, 5 “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners [d]so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6 But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

7 “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. 8 So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

2.5- Mistreatment of the Psalms- Followers of "eMpErOr" Lee will discredit Psalms (especially from David) say there is no Christ and the psalms are full of human emotion and sentimentalism. The funny thing is the Psalms teach you how to praise and pray. The Psalms are a prime example of how to call to the lord the proper way and pour your heart/mind/and soul onto him. Instead followers of "eMpErOr" Lee are mindlessly told to perceive the Psalms in such a heretical way. Their "Pray Reading" was some of the most dumbest, mindless, stupidest things I have seen in my life. Pumping your arm and shouting a verse 20+ times is senseless chanting. If you want to pray then pray the proper way, don't mindlessly chant like a mongoloid pagan. The Gospel of Matthew states this specifically and even gives a specific example (Isn't that great)? The Psalms gives many more perfect examples on how to pray and praise.

Matthew 6:9-13, 9 “Pray, then, in this way:

9.Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 ‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 ‘Give us this day [e]our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from [f]evil. [g][For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’]

3. The Mind Control of "eMpErOr" lee. Followers of lee don't even have their own mind. When I asked how they interpret or perceive a verse/story/parable. Its always straight to a footnote in the "recovery bible". When asked about beliefs of theology/god/practices of church- its straight to the works of Lee. Every behavior, interpretation, perception of the bible- is based on Lee. When you are having a conversation with a lee follower and are discussing the bible or theology- you are not talking to that individual, their independent mind has been discarded for lee. You are talking to a lee drone who is going to consume his/her mind with only the words of lee and will only speak on the words of lee.

These are the words of Lee himself in regards to the people he "tRuStS"
- "A sincere person is always simple. I do not trust those who are complicated, because they are too clever. However, I can trust those who are simple, for I know that, being simple, they are sincere. When we have simplicity, singleness, we shall also have sincerity. Because Paul conducted himself in the simplicity of God, he was truly sincere, living in the divine attribute of sincerity"- "eMpErOr Lee

Conclusion to this topic of Mind Control-
Warning from Paul- Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

4. Lee relies on the division of the "rEcOvErY" from other Christians in order for him to maintain control. There are many in the world that wont play his nonsense and he wants those people to stay far away. He takes advantage of people whose mind can be deceived and whose hearts desperately needs comfort. He rips what you have been taught your whole life on the qualities and attributes of a true christian and adulterates it with his ideology. His teachings are in the name of power, greed, control, and manipulation. His authorative control was maintained no matter what and discarded who ever came into his path.
Anything that did not come from eMpErOr lee or was not approved by Lee such as-Music, Publications, sermons/teachings, advocation/speaking out- were condemned and abolished with the accusation of being rEbElLiOuS and aMbItIoUs. He is a tyrant that destroyed anything that stood in his path.

Romans 16:17- I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

4.5- He wrote letters saying he was sorry but were very vague want who knows what resulted in him doing it in the first place. I'm thinking he knew his time was soon to be up and it was any day know. He probably realized all his flaws and needed to come to peace with what he has done. I don't know how he truly felt in his heart about all the things he has done. But I do know the image he has created about himself lives on through the Local Churches to this day and is preserved by power hungry despots at Anaheim.
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Old 09-29-2020, 02:22 PM   #4
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Default Re: My Testimony Of This Cult - With Some Information About Who They Really

Hi Asher
And also Welcome

I have a couple of questions for you but before I ask, I want to share a couple of quick things about me. I grew up Catholic so I knew about Jesus. But I did not know Him nor did l know anything about the Bible either. Like you in that respect, that is I did not know much about the Bible.

In 1975, I met Jesus, got filled with “the Life Giving Spirit “ and totally experienced being cleansed of my sins. The guys that brought me to the Lord also introduced me to the LC.
It was a better time in the LC back then than it is today.

It did have earmarks of a cult which I picked up as the years went by. I too left. But by and large everyone treated me well and I have fond memories. I am mostly grateful for them introducing to the Lord Jesus, my Savior and Deliverer, for teaching me the power of the Blood of Jesus. I am thankful for all the psalms I memorized through the singing with them.

I have no regrets leaving either. When I left the adulation of Witness Lee was forging full steam ahead. The cultish face was rearing its ugly head. I could not take it anymore...
And this forum has opened my eyes to practices I never imagined they would have. I never imagined the abuse etc...

So I totally understand how you feel as does everyone here.

I am just curious if they led you to Jesus? If they helped you read the Bible? I know they are into the footnotes etc... But if they led you to Jesus or on a path to reading and studying God’s Word, that is something to be thankful for. You also know now what to watch out for in “group think”. That is something you might have learned after some time being there. So that’s a good thing too.

Blessings and may God continue to shower you with His Love and inner peace supplying all your needs, financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual of course.��. Thanks for sharing btw
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 10-02-2020, 02:47 PM   #5
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: My Testimony Of This Cult - With Some Information About Who They Really

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting! Hopefully you will return here to respond and post more.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
In 1975, I met Jesus, got filled with “the Life Giving Spirit “ and totally experienced being cleansed of my sins. The guys that brought me to the Lord also introduced me to the LC.
It was a better time in the LC back then than it is today.

And this forum has opened my eyes to practices I never imagined they would have. I never imagined the abuse etc...
My experience is very similar to countmeworthy's, both chronologically and in experience. I am thankful the Lord brought me to the LC in Berkeley in a miraculous way in 1974, and I'm also thankful He lead me back out in the late 1980s! And this forum has filled-in a lot of the blanks regarding what was happening in the background of the LC. I heard about these things in a general way back then, but this forum has exposed the seedy details of those things - certainly not good what was covered-up.

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
I had one question about one thing you said regarding insulting the deity of Jesus. To my knowledge they fully profess Jesus is God.
I too am wondering about this. My belief and experience says they do fully believe in the deity of Christ, so can you tell us more of what you are referring to?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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