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Old 06-28-2020, 12:16 PM   #1
Sons to Glory!
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Default How is the Virus Affecting You?

As the world goes into the second half of 2020 dealing & reeling with COVID-19, I thought to start this thread to fellowship about how the virus is affecting everyone and those near you. In this way we can maybe provide comfort to one another and also know how to pray for you, your family, etc.

As for us, no one in my family or small church group here in Arizona has knowingly had the virus. But now, after the earlier so-called statewide "lock-down" was lifted a few weeks ago, the thing has gone quite viral (pun intended) in the population, with over 2,000 people in the state testing positive for it every day over the past week. Hospitals here are nearing 90% capacity. A week ago local governments reacted with mandatory face mask coverings in public (where social distancing isn't possible), and some businesses (e.g., bars & nightclubs) have shut themselves down again.

But the thing that makes it all the more real is we, and others we've talked with, are starting to hear of people in our extended circles who are getting it. This week a brother, who we see only occasionally, appears to have come down with it and much of his family. (His test results are currently pending - he said he had mild symptoms & has fully recovered now.) And someone else we fellowship with regularly, but is not so much a part of our specific little group, said their pastor now has it. Again, this has made it all just a little more real to us . . .

So that's what's going on with us regarding the bug - how is it all affecting you & yours?

May the Lord have His way in our hearts these days! We're not living in fear, but are taking all the basic precautions to keep ourselves, and highly susceptible people around us, as safe as we know how. However, if we get it, we get it . . . the Lord will be our guide even unto death! (Psm 48:14)
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 06-29-2020, 07:15 PM   #2
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Yes things are getting more concerning, I feel my long comparasin of historical and theological theoretical assessment of this pandemic in the first hread you set up on this topic, as a bit heartless now.

Thankyou for the offer to connect in support of each other by prayer and Internet care. I know one person who caught it and died, by shock. He was not old or having underlying health issues that I knew of. He lead a worship group and facilitated many young musicians to develop confidence and skill in a group setting. But gone in a short, shocking way. It is a disturbing new reality and we are all affected.

Keep safe as possible STG and everyone else. Blessings to all.
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Old 06-30-2020, 07:27 AM   #3
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Curious View Post
Yes things are getting more concerning, I feel my long comparasin of historical and theological theoretical assessment of this pandemic in the first hread you set up on this topic, as a bit heartless now.

Thankyou for the offer to connect in support of each other by prayer and Internet care. I know one person who caught it and died, by shock. He was not old or having underlying health issues that I knew of. He lead a worship group and facilitated many young musicians to develop confidence and skill in a group setting. But gone in a short, shocking way. It is a disturbing new reality and we are all affected.

Keep safe as possible STG and everyone else. Blessings to all.
Wow - we actually have not known of anyone who died in our circles. We knew of a business associate in the midwest that got it early-on back in March. He's over 70, but very healthy, and came through it quite well. Then a couple others here and there, but all out of state and in our business network. Then just this past week, as mentioned, suddenly it's starting to hit closer to home.

Yesterday the governor decided to do a partial "lock-down" again, since the numbers have gotten way out of hand. He closed down the bars & nightclubs, where a lot of the irresponsible behaviors were emanating from. But then he also closed down the gyms, which really impacts me and my wife! ( - I know, we have "big" 1st world problems) In the AZ heat we don't do a lot of outside stuff this time of year, and so we depend much more on gyms to keep our physical fitness up in the summer.

But it's all in His hands - we pray the Lord would touch many hearts as things in our environment are shaken!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 06-30-2020, 07:54 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Wow - we actually have not known of anyone who died in our circles.
Early on, we had one distant family member who we heard died of the Covid, but then afterwards we learned that he was already hospitalized with some terminal illness.

Folks, these covid stats are padded. Lots of Medicare fraud is going on. Hospitals have huge financial incentive to have everyone die of Covid.

I heard another story the other day from a friend of a family member. Her husband was in hospice with a number of complications. After he died, she told the medical staff, "I don't want to see no Covid on his death certificate, I know better."

I think that the side effects of this pandemic (isolation, depression, financial ruin, abuse, riots, looting, etc.) are far worse than the disease itself. But they are hiding this data from us.

And to think that this Fauci (fow-CHEE) guy actually paid this Chinese bat-doctor in Wuhan $millions to study this virus. Is this sinister or insane?
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Old 06-30-2020, 08:11 AM   #5
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
As the world goes into the second half of 2020 dealing & reeling with COVID-19, I thought to start this thread to fellowship about how the virus is affecting everyone and those near you. In this way we can maybe provide comfort to one another and also know how to pray for you, your family, etc.
Ok, let's stick with the theme that StG! has presented here. All the other side issues are really outside of the purview of our forum. Thanks!
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11
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Old 07-02-2020, 02:02 PM   #6
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Life is getting more "interesting" in the coronavirus bubble! Today my stepson informed me his wedding is postponed due to New Mexico putting a 14 day quarantine on those traveling there from out of state (being sandwiched betwen two high rate states: AZ & TX)! They had been planning this wedding for a year. Hope no other nearby states do this as it would mean we'd probably have to do a "stay-cation" this summer (Again, we have "big" 1st world issues.)

And the day after the order to close gyms this week happened, I thought I'd go to Wallyworld to buy some cheap weights to workout at home with. . . . the entire aisle there was cleaned out! (I'll trade someone toilet paper for a set of dumbbells! )

But even bigger than all that is our monthly church potluck was cancelled for this Sunday, and I love the potlucks!!

So no one else on here is being impacted by this bug & the resultant restrictions right now?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 07-06-2020, 09:31 AM   #7
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The virus has been "with us" for these few months now and does not seem to be going away. Someone elsewhere made mention of the start of a 2nd wave. But that is premature. This is still the first wave.

In January, my mother-in-law totaled their car in East Texas. Since she was too shaken to even considering driving again, and my father-in-law who has poor eyesight and the need to go 30 miles every other week for immunotherapy (cancer treatment), we moved them into a retirement community in the near Dallas suburbs in late February. They were just barely settled-in when the facility closed us out due to the virus. I could meet him at the door and take him to his treatments (now nearby). But only one person could be designated to go in to see them. My wife and her sister sort of ganged up on them and did some switching, but we otherwise complied.

But over the course of the few months, his health was clearly failing. Began to eat less and less. Started having additional problems of undetermined origin. Then, just after going to bed on June 1, he died in his sleep. We had a very short gathering of 10 family members a few days later and that was that.

The retirement facility had just barely begun to allow us back in a little more frequently when they returned to only one designated family member or health provider.

In the midst of this all, my wife continues to work in a pediatric Medicare clinic, so a risky environment. There have been a couple of medical assistants that have come down with the virus. But other than those, I only know of one person, a friend of my dad that has now returned home, that has had CV-19. But the impact is still very real.
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Old 07-06-2020, 09:43 AM   #8
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Hello everyone,
Everyone's situation is different. Everyone is affected to some extent.

Here's my story:
My 'joke' is-- With all that I've been through physically, 3 surgeries in this last year due to infections etc, that could have killed me and didn't, (Glory to King Jesus) no virus is going to kill me!

In all seriousness, I take precautions, wearing a mask when I go to the store etc... More importantly though, not a day goes by where I don't cover myself in the Blood of Jesus for protection. I have done deep studies in the Power of the Blood and it is life changing. I apply the Blood on my mind that it would be renewed day by day. I apply the Blood on my eyes to see clearer. I apply the Blood on my ears to hear the Holy Spirit guide me and I apply the Blood on my heart to receive His instructions and follow through. I also apply the Blood on my loved ones. I truly believe no weapon, no covid, no disease formed against me will succeed in killing me. That doesn't mean I won't be attacked physically or emotionally but always wearing the Full Armor of God and walking in that Armor is my protection.

We are instructed not to be anxious, not to worry in Philippians 4:6-7. It took me 35 years to understand deeply and obey by FAITH those scriptures. I had memorized and meditated on those scriptures since 1975. I prayed over it and meditated on it.. and it was one of my favorite scriptures. Still I did not truly 'believe' that scripture. I still worried. I still stressed out.. I would get anxious from time to time.

About 10 yrs ago, I was in a situation that scared me to my core. Immediately The Holy Spirit imprinted that scripture in my spirit. I saw Philippians 4:6-7 CLEARLY in my spirit. I then told the Lord "You tell me not to be anxious, not to worry, not to fear. I confess I am still scared but I trust You in this matter. Whatever happens happens. So with a heart filled with thanksgiving, I am requesting you to protect my wallet from being taken. I thank You and Praise You Lord Jesus for receiving my petition." Needless to say, someone turned in my wallet with everything in tact.

I also know had I not found my wallet, the LORD would have guided me and counseled me in how to take care of that situation.

That day I entered into a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit of Jesus and Abba Father God.

God did not give us a spirit of fear. But of Power in the Holy Spirit. He imparted in us a spirit of LOVE and that of a sound mind. No matter what we go through He will never leave us or forsake us and will always, ALWAYS supply all of our needs. That is GOD'S PROMISE and He is a Promise Keeper.

Blessings to all,

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Life is getting more "interesting" in the coronavirus bubble! Today my stepson informed me his wedding is postponed due to New Mexico putting a 14 day quarantine on those traveling there from out of state (being sandwiched betwen two high rate states: AZ & TX)! They had been planning this wedding for a year. Hope no other nearby states do this as it would mean we'd probably have to do a "stay-cation" this summer (Again, we have "big" 1st world issues.)

And the day after the order to close gyms this week happened, I thought I'd go to Wallyworld to buy some cheap weights to workout at home with. . . . the entire aisle there was cleaned out! (I'll trade someone toilet paper for a set of dumbbells! )

But even bigger than all that is our monthly church potluck was cancelled for this Sunday, and I love the potlucks!!

So no one else on here is being impacted by this bug & the resultant restrictions right now?
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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Old 07-06-2020, 12:19 PM   #9
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CMW thanks for the great post!

We should be wise as serpents yet reject the spirit of fear consuming this world.

We have a special needs daughter in a long-term care facility. We brought her home during the lock down period. It was the best thing we could ever do. Thank the Lord. Otherwise she would have had zero contact with any of those who love her. Even those without the Covid are dying from loneliness and depression. Also my mother-in-law, a feisty 90 yo lover of God, eventually declared "I'm going out, I'm tired of being imprisoned in this apartment! Jesus will take care of me!"

Praise the Lord! God's love, care, and wisdom should guide us at this time, and not these corrupt power-hungry leaders who can never make up their minds.
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Old 07-06-2020, 12:44 PM   #10
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Thank you so much for all of that, Carol! Amen and AMEN!!!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 07-06-2020, 04:58 PM   #11
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Fabulous post, countmeworthy. Your message really hits the mark. I had a picture in my mind of thousands of people all over the world holding on to the hem of His garment. Like the woman in the crowd when Jesus was passing through. Finding God's peace, and looking to Him in all circumstances.... these have eternal value.

Thanks again for your words of truth, insight and hope.
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Old 07-09-2020, 06:01 PM   #12
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Thank you all for reading and responding to my post. The world says 'we are all in this together'..that's a counterfeit phrase stolen from the hearts of true believers in our Savior and Deliverer, our Protector Jesus Christ. We true believers are in Christ Jesus together. We are the Light of the world. We may not look it or feel it. But we are.

Blessings and prayers of Protection for my brethren from deception, from confusion, from anxiety, from fear, from loneliness, from depression. Christ in us is the HOPE of GLORY.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 07-10-2020, 07:02 AM   #13
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Amen & AMEN!

Yes, this is the best the world has to offer and is being more & more manifested now. I'm reminded me of a brother who recently was quoting Rodney King (from the LA riots in the early 90s), "Can't we all just get along!?" This brother's answer was a resounding "NO!" because in Adam we can't get along with one another. It only results in what Jude talks about - constant finding of fault and hopelessness. Our message as believers is that there is only one answer - JESUS CHRIST! Christ alone will do it.

Yesterday a brother shared that it is like we have snakes all over the place, trying to bite us like they did to the children of Israel in the wilderness. God's one answer is to look at the Brass Serpent being lifted on the pole. Look and live! He is our Savior, our hope, our life, our song!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 07-15-2020, 01:07 PM   #14
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A quick update from one of the "Covid Hotspots." It's been a rough couple of weeks, with hospitals hovering around 90% capacity with their ICU beds and the percent testing positive has been over 25%! But the positives are that we seem to be steady at that 90% ICU capacity, the deaths appear to be dropping a little, and the number of daily cases is down from a shocking 5,000+ per day to under 3,000 or 2,500 daily. While these numbers are still high, they don't appear to be getting higher, or are coming down just a little. Thank you Lord!

At my Tuesday brothers group some good sharing was this - if we get Covid and die, it is unto the Lord; if we don't get Covid and we live, it is unto the Lord. Whether we live or not - IT IS UNTO THE LORD!!!
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Old 08-01-2020, 06:38 AM   #15
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Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.


2 ... a corona was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Someone shared this with me. Interesting, huh?

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Old 08-01-2020, 07:05 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.


2 ... a corona was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Someone shared this with me. Interesting, huh?

Where does "corona" come from? I don't see that rendering in the Greek.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 08-01-2020, 07:38 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Where does "corona" come from? I don't see that rendering in the Greek.
Corona is Spanish for crown. I am not a linguist but I am fluent in Spanish.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 08-01-2020, 08:11 AM   #18
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Latin word corona (meaning crown) comes from Ancient Greek κορώνη (koróni - garland, wreath) which probably derives from the Proto-Indo-European root *sker- (turn, bend). The name has been applied to the COVID-19 coronavirus and other viruses in this group allegedly due to the crown-shaped protein spikes around the virus particles when viewed under the microscope


It’s a Spanish word too, per Carol. Maybe other languages, too, use the word. Interesting, huh?
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Old 08-01-2020, 11:45 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Latin word corona (meaning crown) comes from Ancient Greek κορώνη (koróni - garland, wreath) which probably derives from the Proto-Indo-European root *sker- (turn, bend). The name has been applied to the COVID-19 coronavirus and other viruses in this group allegedly due to the crown-shaped protein spikes around the virus particles when viewed under the microscope


It’s a Spanish word too, per Carol. Maybe other languages, too, use the word. Interesting, huh?
Okay, that is interesting . . . thanks.
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Old 08-01-2020, 10:00 PM   #20
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I am wondering where we are in the timeline of the end times. People mostly scoff at the thought saying “we’ve been in the end times for 2000 years.” My answer is usually “Yes. But one day the end times will be upon us.”

What began as a virus has upended the world. I don’t know that we can ever get back to Dec. 2019. The upcoming election may result in massive foundational “antisocial change” on one hand, or civil war on the other.

I also wonder if the temple is under construction or being prefabricated somewhere.

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Old 08-02-2020, 03:05 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
I am wondering where we are in the timeline of the end times. People mostly scoff at the thought saying “we’ve been in the end times for 2000 years.” My answer is usually “Yes. But one day the end times will be upon us.”

What began as a virus has upended the world. I don’t know that we can ever get back to Dec. 2019. The upcoming election may result in massive foundational “antisocial change” on one hand, or civil war on the other.

I also wonder if the temple is under construction or being prefabricated somewhere.

The sixth seal, a major earthquake, seems to be a major signal of end times.

I heard long ago that all of the materials for the Temple are prepped off site.
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Old 08-02-2020, 07:42 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
I am wondering where we are in the timeline of the end times. People mostly scoff at the thought saying “we’ve been in the end times for 2000 years.” My answer is usually “Yes. But one day the end times will be upon us.”

What began as a virus has upended the world. I don’t know that we can ever get back to Dec. 2019. The upcoming election may result in massive foundational “antisocial change” on one hand, or civil war on the other.

I also wonder if the temple is under construction or being prefabricated somewhere.

Of course, for us it's hard to tell where in the scheme of the end of the age timetable we are. I always come back to 2 Peter 3:9 - "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." To me, this puts it all in perspective that while we might not know the exact time, we can rest assured that His love toward mankind is still His primary motivation for all of it!
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Old 08-03-2020, 05:16 PM   #23
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This might also be helpful. Instead of focusing on 'The mark of the beast', focus on 'the seal of the lamb'. Which is given to each beleiver and is provided by God so is more powerful than what satan does. Instead of focusing on the 'harlot of babylon', focus on 'the bride of Christ'. These parallels exist in the text of the book of revelation. There may be more parallels too. Everything the devil does is an opposite to what God initiates. So many Christians try to scare others into God by talking about the mark of the beast etc. But we do better to think of God's provision for us in it all rather than being driven by fear.

That's my comment on this matter. We are sealed by God for this time and whatever is ahead. To meditate on this will drive away fear and anxiety. He's got us in this and we are sealed. We can feel secure in His plan for us. We are part of the bride of Christ, satan's whore exists too, and will rise up but will never be as powerful as God's bride.

Focusing what is said about God and His provision for us, and our status in Him in this, not the 'enemy of our souls'. This is where we can find courage and peace no matter what is ahead.
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Old 08-03-2020, 08:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Curious View Post
This might also be helpful. Instead of focusing on 'The mark of the beast', focus on 'the seal of the lamb'. Which is given to each beleiver and is provided by God so is more powerful than what satan does. Instead of focusing on the 'harlot of babylon', focus on 'the bride of Christ'. These parallels exist in the text of the book of revelation. There may be more parallels too. Everything the devil does is an opposite to what God initiates. So many Christians try to scare others into God by talking about the mark of the beast etc. But we do better to think of God's provision for us in it all rather than being driven by fear.

That's my comment on this matter. We are sealed by God for this time and whatever is ahead. To meditate on this will drive away fear and anxiety. He's got us in this and we are sealed. We can feel secure in His plan for us. We are part of the bride of Christ, satan's whore exists too, and will rise up but will never be as powerful as God's bride.

Focusing what is said about God and His provision for us, and our status in Him in this, not the 'enemy of our souls'. This is where we can find courage and peace no matter what is ahead.
But...but...but...Curious...aren’t you just a little bit curious?

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Old 08-03-2020, 08:54 PM   #25
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Yes I am curious, I just don't want to be trapped in fear, or for others to be either. My curiosity has led to me investigating much that is negative and distorted. I'm thinking to focus more on what is true and uplifting for a while now. Just for me. Not being ignorant of the toxic stuff, but allowing myself to be built up more by the truth and the promises of God. I'm just taking a partial break from looking at evil in its many forms. It's just where I am at, at the moment.

I enjoyed the question tho, based on my username!!
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Old 08-03-2020, 10:44 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Curious View Post
Yes I am curious, I just don't want to be trapped in fear, or for others to be either. My curiosity has led to me investigating much that is negative and distorted. I'm thinking to focus more on what is true and uplifting for a while now. Just for me. Not being ignorant of the toxic stuff, but allowing myself to be built up more by the truth and the promises of God. I'm just taking a partial break from looking at evil in its many forms. It's just where I am at, at the moment.

I enjoyed the question tho, based on my username!!
The other side:
Luke 21:28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.

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Old 08-04-2020, 07:15 AM   #27
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

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Yes I am curious, I just don't want to be trapped in fear, or for others to be either. My curiosity has led to me investigating much that is negative and distorted. I'm thinking to focus more on what is true and uplifting for a while now. Just for me. Not being ignorant of the toxic stuff, but allowing myself to be built up more by the truth and the promises of God. I'm just taking a partial break from looking at evil in its many forms. It's just where I am at, at the moment.

I enjoyed the question tho, based on my username!!
I'm with you! I really limit my exposure to the news these days. I can actually get everything I need to know in the space of a couple views. On Adam's side it's all basically the same - a ball of confusion and blaming. But being in Christ is the still the same too - glorious and full of blessed hope!
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Old 08-06-2020, 05:44 PM   #28
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
I'm with you! I really limit my exposure to the news these days. I can actually get everything I need to know in the space of a couple views. On Adam's side it's all basically the same - a ball of confusion and blaming. But being in Christ is the still the same too - glorious and full of blessed hope!
Yes, it is so important to focus on the permanent and not the temporary. There is much comfort in just reading more of God's word every day, and repeating bits out loud, a fairly recent practice for me. Colossians 3:1-4 is encouraging me today.

You are right, this old life is just full of fallen Adam and Eve. It just goes round in Circles. The kingdom of heaven breaks through here and there, but we can live the kingdom of heaven in our hearts every day! For Paul, his conviction was so much that he didn't care for his own life, and could bear persecution with a bouyant heart. That is amazing, yet also a revelation I covet.
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Old 08-07-2020, 09:15 AM   #29
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Curious View Post
Yes, it is so important to focus on the permanent and not the temporary. There is much comfort in just reading more of God's word every day, and repeating bits out loud, a fairly recent practice for me. Colossians 3:1-4 is encouraging me today.

You are right, this old life is just full of fallen Adam and Eve. It just goes round in Circles. The kingdom of heaven breaks through here and there, but we can live the kingdom of heaven in our hearts every day! For Paul, his conviction was so much that he didn't care for his own life, and could bear persecution with a buoyant heart. That is amazing, yet also a revelation I covet.
Amen and those are some of my fav verses! We are like sponges - whatever we focus on we absorb and start to take on those characteristics. Mankind in Adam is nothing but a train wreck, and these days the train wreck is becoming more and more apparent. But as we see all these things being more manifested, hopefully it will spur us to look away more & more unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith! Then we will soak-up Him and manifest His characteristics - peace & joy!

Here in Arizona the numbers have greatly improved, and people are starting to begin to commence to breath a sigh of relief. However, I think everyone is very cognizant that certain measures might be helpful to still follow for the immediate future. As I mentioned before, really the biggest impact to my wife and I has been the reclosing of gyms. Supposedly gyms will reopen next week, it they demonstrate they are taking certain measures. (Bars will still remain closed I believe, but that doesn't affect us much directly, one way or the other! )

On a more somber note, we were informed last week a brother In India named Joseph and and wife had come down with Covid. They run a small, Christian orphanage of around 50 children near the eastern India coast. Joseph had connected with John Smith (who some on here know of) perhaps around 20 years ago, and was really enamored with John's message of the indwelling Christ. Joseph said that this was completely different than the message they were hearing from all the other Christian groups in India, which presented a much more works/performance based teaching. So he invited John to come and speak to a gathering of local Indian pastors, which John did. After a few years and a number of these conferences, a leading brother here in Scottsdale, Dan Elkins, started going over to this area with John (perhaps 15 years ago).

These periodic conferences in India grew and grew, so that eventually 300-400 Christian pastors from all over that region would come to hear the basic message of "Christ in you, the hope of glory!" Eventually, John's age and health didn't allow him to travel there, so Dan has gone over a number of times since, with a small entourage from Scottsdale & usually Moses lake. The church here has also supported the orphanage in various ways (as has some other churches). Then we heard two days ago that Joseph had passed away, and that his wife is still in the hospital. We pray the Lord be merciful and heal his wife, and that the good work that Joseph started with the orphanage and the pastors' conferences there continues!
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Old 08-29-2020, 09:20 AM   #30
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A little update here on the whole virus thing in our area. Not sure how it's going in your neck of the woods, but Arizona's numbers are way, way down. The gyms are starting to open up now, if they can demonstrate they are taking intensive precautions. This opening pleases my wife & I as the blazing heat makes it difficult to exercise in Phoenix outdoors in the summer (which has been extreme this season - breaking many records).

So we took to the road in our RV a couple weeks ago, to the Colorado mountains to sort of escape both the heat & Covid situation there. During this time, we've been watching things in AZ, and have been thankful to see all the Covid measurements in our state go to low levels they haven't been in months (from apparently being highest in the world for awhile).

One obvious thing that has impacted our culture, is the whole face mask thing. I used to look at wonder when seeing people wearing masks in the far east, but now I understand. We've become somewhat acclimated to wearing them (although I refuse to wear one outdoors when there's plenty of distance - unless mandated, as one town we've visited in Colorado dictated). I'm thankful to the Lord that none of our family, and none of the little flock I meet with, have been sick with it. However it turns out . . . that this thing was either over-sensationalized or not, He is our Protector!!! "He will be our guide, even unto death!" Psalm 48:14

The lesson for me, as I've stated before, is a reminder not to look on anything as being "normal" in this world, and therefore get complacent and comfortable with it all. With this world, we are watching a slow train wreck, and it is in the process of fully manifesting the poor choice our ancient parents made to be independent from God. So it's actually all a mercy, that we are all the more reminded to look away unto Jesus Christ!

How are things where you are?
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Old 08-31-2020, 05:54 PM   #31
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
A little update here on the whole virus thing in our area. Not sure how it's going in your neck of the woods, but Arizona's numbers are way, way down. The gyms are starting to open up now, if they can demonstrate they are taking intensive precautions. This opening pleases my wife & I as the blazing heat makes it difficult to exercise in Phoenix outdoors in the summer (which has been extreme this season - breaking many records).

So we took to the road in our RV a couple weeks ago, to the Colorado mountains to sort of escape both the heat & Covid situation there. During this time, we've been watching things in AZ, and have been thankful to see all the Covid measurements in our state go to low levels they haven't been in months (from apparently being highest in the world for awhile).

One obvious thing that has impacted our culture, is the whole face mask thing. I used to look at wonder when seeing people wearing masks in the far east, but now I understand. We've become somewhat acclimated to wearing them (although I refuse to wear one outdoors when there's plenty of distance - unless mandated, as one town we've visited in Colorado dictated). I'm thankful to the Lord that none of our family, and none of the little flock I meet with, have been sick with it. However it turns out . . . that this thing was either over-sensationalized or not, He is our Protector!!! "He will be our guide, even unto death!" Psalm 48:14

The lesson for me, as I've stated before, is a reminder not to look on anything as being "normal" in this world, and therefore get complacent and comfortable with it all. With this world, we are watching a slow train wreck, and it is in the process of fully manifesting the poor choice our ancient parents made to be independent from God. So it's actually all a mercy, that we are all the more reminded to look away unto Jesus Christ!

How are things where you are?
For a week in August my spouse, my youngest, and I did a looping roadtrip from our home just outside Seattle to Eastern Idaho, Eastern Oregon, Nevada, and into California. Spent a good week with my parents in San Bernardino. Saw quite a bit more outdoor mask-wearing in California than in my resident state. Though it seems with many people wearing masks is just a going through the motions. Have masks ever been tested on their effectiveness? Don't worry I'll get to that another time. I'm with you Ssons to Glory. I refuse to wear masks outdoors.
Thankfully our visit was prior to the area's heatwave. Low 90's in the Inland Empire during the summer time? Quite unusual since when I resided there 100's plus was the norm.
Heading back home we wanted to go through San Francisco and across the Golden Gate Bridge. Glad we did. Northern California coast is a sight to see.
That is why I love roadtrips. To see the beauty of God's creation.
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Old 09-03-2020, 05:52 PM   #32
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Default Mask Facts

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Have masks ever been tested on their effectiveness? Don't worry I'll get to that another time.
That time is now.https://aapsonline.org/mask-facts/
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Old 09-04-2020, 02:00 PM   #33
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Default Re: Mask Facts

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Thanks for sharing that! It's an interesting read and the final thoughts at the bottom sum thing up well. It concurs with what I've seen - many don't wear masks properly (below the nose or don't tighten nose piece).

So we are back in the Phoenix area after our 3 weeks in Colorado (yes, it's still hot, but temps just starting to go down a little). Our gym has just opened with a bunch of very "robust" guidelines, one of which is masks must be worn at all times. I don't think I'll do aerobics there, but if I do I may cheat like punching a bunch of small holes in the mask. The elliptical machines are spaced far apart anyway, so I don't think any harm would be done . . .

The only report that I'd seen regarding risks with using the gym were from Norway SEE HERE , and they said the risk was very minimal. However, now there's another guideline I just saw that says gyms are in the high risk category (i.e., an 8 out of 10 risk), but it doesn't say what measures were in place - is this just exercising intensively right beside someone else, or . . . . ? It's frustrating to see things like this, which don't present the data backing-up the ideas up!

Update: This report out just two days ago saying gyms present very low risks. SEE HERE This report was done by an organization that tracks gym member usage and was based upon nearly 50,000,000 gym visits across nearly 2,800 gyms over three months (and who had safety protocols in place).
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Old 09-04-2020, 07:54 PM   #34
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I have pretty much stopped shopping at Walmart. Why? Because they have closed 2 entrance and exit doors. Parking is a bear now because each door is quite a ways from each other. Long way to walk in the triple digit temps we have been having. (Only today are we getting a reprieve from the blistering heat)

I do not know how keeping the 2 doors closed and locked curtail the virus! We still have to wear masks. And there is a rope dividing the people who are entering from those exiting. So why close the 2 other doors?

The other major grocery store l go to also has 2 entry/exit doors and both are always open!

I think it is all part of the NWO testing out the controlling methods they will implement in the (near) future. Maybe the other store is resisting the powers that be! All except for the masks. They mandate wearing them.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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Old 09-05-2020, 08:32 AM   #35
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
I think it is all part of the NWO testing out the controlling methods they will implement in the (near) future. Maybe the other store is resisting the powers that be! All except for the masks. They mandate wearing them.
Yes, I have this unsettled sense of being controlled every time I go out. I dunno, maybe it's a silly notion, but if/when the one world government gets going, this may prove to be a small foretaste of that. (I say "if/when" because I'm not clear how scripture says this will all play out exactly - except WE WIN!! ).

But I do think there is a "new normal" which it seems the media wants to convince us of. Of course, the world system wants us to look to some super-person with all the answers . . . but as believers who love Christ, we know that while it will happen, it is all only a false hope intended for death & destruction. May He gain men's hearts more fully in these days as we look for His appearing!
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Old 09-06-2020, 09:17 PM   #36
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Yes, I have this unsettled sense of being controlled every time I go out. I dunno, maybe it's a silly notion, but if/when the one world government gets going, this may prove to be a small foretaste of that. (I say "if/when" because I'm not clear how scripture says this will all play out exactly - except WE WIN!! ).

But I do think there is a "new normal" which it seems the media wants to convince us of. Of course, the world system wants us to look to some super-person with all the answers . . . but as believers who love Christ, we know that while it will happen, it is all only a false hope intended for death & destruction. May He gain men's hearts more fully in these days as we look for His appearing!
In my area there's a lot of eye-rolling to the mandates. Lip service. Go to a restaurant wear a mask to enter, but as soon as you're seated, the mask comes off.
At parks not many wear masks.
In contrast to my August Costco visit in Fontana, California, yeterday my spouse and I went to our nearby Costco store. No lines to enter. Of course there's a sign to social distance, but that's lip service. Pretty much people were just trying to get out of each others way.
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Old 09-12-2020, 11:50 AM   #37
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Well the virus numbers in Arizona have gone down to levels not seen since March - PRAISE GOD!!! Daily death are in the single digits and Covid ICU beds to 11%, again, not seen since March. The numbers of new cases per day are more like they were back in May, at 200-400 approximately, but the percentage positive on the tests is around 4% - pretty low (plus the tests are much more available than they were in May). So it seems the thing is being managed reasonably well; so again - PRAISE GOD!!!

And on a personal note, going to the gym all masked-up is not as bad as I thought it would be, now that things have cooled off just a tad temperature-wise around here. These temps have also made it a little nicer for a bit of moderate outdoor exercise, but temperature needs to drop a bit more for more strenuous activity.

I'm curious how it's going with others --> only a few have responded to this thread, so I assume everything is going along hunky-dory with y-all in your respective areas . . .
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Old 09-12-2020, 05:10 PM   #38
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Well the virus numbers in Arizona have gone down to levels not seen since March - PRAISE GOD!!! Daily death are in the single digits and Covid ICU beds to 11%, again, not seen since March. The numbers of new cases per day are more like they were back in May, at 200-400 approximately, but the percentage positive on the tests is around 4% - pretty low (plus the tests are much more available than they were in May). So it seems the thing is being managed reasonably well; so again - PRAISE GOD!!!

And on a personal note, going to the gym all masked-up is not as bad as I thought it would be, now that things have cooled off just a tad temperature-wise around here. These temps have also made it a little nicer for a bit of moderate outdoor exercise, but temperature needs to drop a bit more for more strenuous activity.

I'm curious how it's going with others --> only a few have responded to this thread, so I assume everything is going along hunky-dory with y-all in your respective areas . . .
Happy for Arizona. Ky is still increasing.
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Old 09-15-2020, 10:05 AM   #39
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

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Happy for Arizona. Ky is still increasing.
Sorry to hear that about Kentucky. What measures are being taken and how are people responding?

Things in AZ in the past few days have gone down to near zero deaths - hallelujah! However, more and more people I talk to tell me they are not trusting the numbers at all, yet they are complying with wearing masks (still mandated in indoor, public places).

To sum, only one person we know locally has had it - a neighbor. She is fully recovered and I see her walking her dog every day. No one in our family or our little ekklesia has had it, at least to my knowledge. A client of ours has had a few of their people get it. A nearby church which we have some association with, had a lead person die from it I think.

So as with everything, what can we do? Take problem to Jesus! In Him we have been set free - even from this!

PS: The state health dept. is now going door-to-door in certain zip codes, to test people people for antibodies. Our neighbor who had it, was asked if she would donate plasma, which she said she was going to do.
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Old 01-03-2021, 07:38 AM   #40
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Default ...in ways we could not previously imagine

In the continuing "progress" of the pandemic, this commentary shows that this virus may be affecting us in ways we could not previously imagine.

This video was posted on YouTube in March, 2014. I first saw it around that time. It was chilling then. Now it's beyond chilling.

Democracy doesn't work without Religion

Clay Christensen, professor at (of all places) Harvard Business School, recounts a conversation.

Video Transcript:
"Some time ago I had a conversation with a Marxist economist from China. He was coming to the end of a Fulbright Fellowship here in Boston. I asked him if he had learned anything that was surprising or unexpected and without any hesitation he said 'yes'.

'I had no idea how critical religion is to the functioning of democracy. The reason why democracy works,' he said, 'is not because the government was designed to oversee what everybody does, but rather, democracy works because most people, most of the time voluntarily choose to obey the law.

'In your past, most Americans attended a church or synagogue every week, and they were taught there by people who they respected.'

My friend went on to say that 'Americans follow these rules because they had come to believe that they weren’t just accountable to society but that they were accountable to God.'"

"As religion loses its influence over the lives of Americans, what will happen to our democracy? Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation of Americans that they too need to voluntarily choose to obey the laws, because if you take away religion, you can’t hire enough police.”

Prof. Christensen passed from complications of cancer January 28, 2020. He never saw what would happen in America in 2020 and how right his Chinese coworker might be.

Question: If a Chinese Marxist can see the correlation of Religion/God and Democracy, why can't Americans see it?

What do you think?

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Old 01-03-2021, 12:33 PM   #41
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Default Re: ...in ways we could not previously imagine

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"As religion loses its influence over the lives of Americans, what will happen to our democracy? Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation of Americans that they too need to voluntarily choose to obey the laws, because if you take away religion, you can’t hire enough police.”

Prof. Christensen passed from complications of cancer January 28, 2020. He never saw what would happen in America in 2020 and how right his Chinese coworker might be.

Question: If a Chinese Marxist can see the correlation of Religion/God and Democracy, why can't Americans see it?

What do you think?

That's quite interesting! Paul tells us the government is put in place by God, so if people see that, they will tend to be obedient to the government. Here's another thought - wasn't it Marx who also said that religion is the opium of the masses? I've actually thought this generally a true statement, if "religion" is put into the context of a form largely devoid of the Living God. But the utopian view of things says people are inherently good and will do better without all the restraints. That is, they see the belief in Christ as just a form (since they don't believe in God) of restraint from reaching some illusive utopia.
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Old 01-04-2021, 12:38 PM   #42
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Default Re: ...in ways we could not previously imagine

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
In the continuing "progress" of the pandemic, this commentary shows that this virus may be affecting us in ways we could not previously imagine.

This video was posted on YouTube in March, 2014. I first saw it around that time. It was chilling then. Now it's beyond chilling.

Democracy doesn't work without Religion

Clay Christensen, professor at (of all places) Harvard Business School, recounts a conversation.

Video Transcript:
"Some time ago I had a conversation with a Marxist economist from China. He was coming to the end of a Fulbright Fellowship here in Boston. I asked him if he had learned anything that was surprising or unexpected and without any hesitation he said 'yes'.

'I had no idea how critical religion is to the functioning of democracy. The reason why democracy works,' he said, 'is not because the government was designed to oversee what everybody does, but rather, democracy works because most people, most of the time voluntarily choose to obey the law.

'In your past, most Americans attended a church or synagogue every week, and they were taught there by people who they respected.'

My friend went on to say that 'Americans follow these rules because they had come to believe that they weren’t just accountable to society but that they were accountable to God.'"

"As religion loses its influence over the lives of Americans, what will happen to our democracy? Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation of Americans that they too need to voluntarily choose to obey the laws, because if you take away religion, you can’t hire enough police.”

Prof. Christensen passed from complications of cancer January 28, 2020. He never saw what would happen in America in 2020 and how right his Chinese coworker might be.

Question: If a Chinese Marxist can see the correlation of Religion/God and Democracy, why can't Americans see it?

What do you think?

Dear Nell,

My own Dad has said exactly the same thing for years. Being an historian and a very intellectual Christian, he narrows it down to not just any religion, but democracy only works in a judeo-Christian world, with layers of generations behind it such that the ideas and values of a Christian world veiw permeate the mentality and values of the people on a profound level.

He said all the efforts to introduce democracy into the poor nations of the world, the Muslim world etc, don't take hold as they did when they evolved in countries like England, and then got transported alongside the British empire to what is now the 'free world'.

(This does not exempt the British empire from its mistakes and abuses, in any way. They exist too just as much. Sometimes the evil done does mask and distract from seeing the deeper underlying dynamic at work, which was more powerful in the long term.)

Catholic nations remain poor and corrupt... (Think of the Philippines and South America). It is the nations founded on protestant Christianity that have flourished. The exception in part, being India.

But the Muslim world, being very religious, is as yet unable to grasp a healthy democratic way of life for its people and no amount of trying to impute such as system onto any Muslim nation has succeeded. An it has been tried. American troops have gone in, tried to established stability, and set up an elected leader, then withdraw gradually, and its never worked!!!

So I think this is a profound truth that this insightful Marxist has seen for himself. An important truth for us all to be aware of, though the world around us won't want to acknowledge it....You can't escape that the God of the Bible IS the source of all that is good in this world, no matter on what scale you look at it.

Big endorsement from me.
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Old 01-04-2021, 04:41 PM   #43
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While we are looking at bigger- picture stuff, I saw the above.

It helps explain how God's laws have determined the family structures we have grown up in, helping us in America and the west generally, to think for ourselves verses conformity. In other words, why WL had more trouble convincing Americans to be conformed by him than Asians. Additionally, it helps Americans to judge fairly, as we are clearly instructed in proverbs. Interesting article, again demonstrating God's laws have much more far-reaching benefits than we appreciate.

By instituting God's laws of family structure, the Catholic Church got something right. Some thing very important that probably contributed greatly to its own downfall in the end!!
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Old 01-04-2021, 07:39 PM   #44
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Default Re: How is the Virus Affecting You?

Originally Posted by Curious View Post

While we are looking at bigger- picture stuff, I saw the above.

It helps explain how God's laws have determined the family structures we have grown up in, helping us in America and the west generally, to think for ourselves verses conformity. In other words, why WL had more trouble convincing Americans to be conformed by him than Asians. Additionally, it helps Americans to judge fairly, as we are clearly instructed in proverbs. Interesting article, again demonstrating God's laws have much more far-reaching benefits than we appreciate.

By instituting God's laws of family structure, the Catholic Church got something right. Some thing very important that probably contributed greatly to its own downfall in the end!!
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
― Ronald Reagan

These words of President Reagan are based on these words in Judges. Reagan relates freedom with “knowing the Lord”.

Judges 2:10 And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.
11 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim:
12 And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Lord to anger.
13 And they forsook the Lord...

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