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#1 | |
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 31
Something I considered:
Let`s say that the blended brothers in LR is truly Gods move on earth today. Since they are constituted and trained by the minister of the age and have matured in life in ways we cannot fathom, they now are the only ones that are equipped by the Lord to receive the newest light from the Lord. Well, even if this was true, that they are today like Noah + 8 souls... what about these verses? Quote:
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#2 | ||||
Join Date: Jul 2008
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When I first heard of The Blended Brothers I rolled on the floor busting a gut. The Blended Brothers? What the you-know-what is that?, I thought. Who's the minister of the age now?, I continued wondering? How could anyone buy into that? Are the Blended's dissected Lee? Like dissecting jelly fish into pieces, sort of? Are they just the one many headed minister of the age now? Funny stuff. That takes blind faith to follow. And that's not funny. As to the "God's Move" thing? What? Really? God's move is the Blended Brothers? Funny God. Quote:
But then you might not be please with what the Father is revealing so in that case get different light from the Blended's ... and become Leebots.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to. There's a serpent in every paradise. |
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#3 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
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The Hebrews had two main foci - one was humanity's failure, and the other was God's beneficence. God's goodness, patience, kindness, long-suffering, his outstretched arm, power, wisdom, holiness and blessings were incomparable, and more than enough to make up for our many lacks. His ability to make good on his promises outstrip our inability to see, to lay hold, to appreciate.
Now, how does this relate to Jesus and his teachings? Those who are "something" in the world, because of sin, are actually "nothing" in the kingdom, and those who are least in the world become great in the kingdom. Any who elevate themselves above others, and take pride of place here on earth, are automatically demoting themselves in the kingdom. Conversely, those who lower themselves, and take the least place, can be positioned for blessing. (I could quote 15 or 20 verses in Jesus' teachings covering the above points. They are endemic to his message). This is especially true in learning. Those who seem to be learned, who are wise, who have spiritual experiences, are in danger of getting blocked from learning. Those who know nothing/see nothing/have nothing are well-positioned for blessing. That's just the way it is - as soon as you think you have something you have nothing. Because of sin, no "experience" is trustworthy. Only at the Bema, when the Master says, "Come up further" can one move up in safety. Until then, any position is probably ruinous. My theology today is that God raised Jesus on the third day, and gave him glory. Don't see how I can be Christian otherwise. But beyond that, I can hold no "truth". Maybe, "Love one another", but even that... how does one love? Lip service? Do I really know what love means? --- Let me give an example. There are a lot of folks out there explaining things. Most of it is, frankly, rubbish. But if you sort around, someone may just blow your mind. The other day, I was reading about "faithfulness" - and it was presented quite different from "faith" a la Martin Luther - you know, as opposed to "works". In the context of Hebrew Scripture, to be a "faithful" person, or one having faith, meant continual obedience to instruction. So the Hebrews had to be constantly obedient to God's command. You couldn't obey some, and ignore others. You couldn't keep the commands on Monday and Tuesday, then take Wednesday off. It was all in, at all times. THAT was what "faith" meant, in action. To have faith without works was nothing - don't be passive hearers of the word, but be doers of the word. It was about what you continually do. It is your life, your living, in toto, 24/7/365. Now here's this guy Jesus being presented in the NT. He was the personification of the preceding paragraph. He was THE OBEDIENT JEW, and as such he was and is the King of Israel, the King of the Jews. He alone was the truly righteous one. "I always do the Father's will". Not sometimes - always. And now we recognise who he is, and what he is, and surrender. He's the King. As the Obedient One he's the Lawgiver, the New Moses. And as he obeyed the Father, we must obey him. That's our faith: to believe, to confess, and to obey. To hear, and to follow. And I learned that from one who knew of "faith" in Hebrew language in the OT and was able to transpose it on Paul's writings on "faith" in the NT, e.g., Romans. So it was good, for me... food for thought. Now "faith" as a concept took on a deeper root within. --- Ironically, LSM has always touted Watchman Nee for taking just this approach - he availed himself of thousands of sources of Christian learning. Witness Lee said that Nee had a library of 3,000 Christian books. How many different views did he open to? How many unique and disparate points of view, by quite different authors? Shouldn't we all do the same? Why limit ourselves to only one source? What do you think Nee's spiritual output would have been, with just one source of interpretive guidance, one source of spiritual light?
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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#4 |
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 31
[QUOTE=aron;89492]The Hebrews had two main foci - one was humanity's failure, and the other was God's beneficence. God's goodness, patience, kindness, long-suffering, his outstretched arm, power, wisdom, holiness and blessings were incomparable, and more than enough to make up for our many lacks. His ability to make good on his promises outstrip our inability to see, to lay hold, to appreciate.
"Now, how does this relate to Jesus and his teachings? Those who are "something" in the world, because of sin, are actually "nothing" in the kingdom, and those who are least in the world become great in the kingdom. Any who elevate themselves above others, and take pride of place here on earth, are automatically demoting themselves in the kingdom. Conversely, those who lower themselves, and take the least place, can be positioned for blessing. (I could quote 15 or 20 verses in Jesus' teachings covering the above points. They are endemic to his message)." "This is especially true in learning. Those who seem to be learned, who are wise, who have spiritual experiences, are in danger of getting blocked from learning. Those who know nothing/see nothing/have nothing are well-positioned for blessing. That's just the way it is - as soon as you think you have something you have nothing. Because of sin, no "experience" is trustworthy. Only at the Bema, when the Master says, "Come up further" can one move up in safety. Until then, any position is probably ruinous." Very good points brother! Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heavens (Matt 5:23). "My theology today is that God raised Jesus on the third day, and gave him glory. Don't see how I can be Christian otherwise. But beyond that, I can hold no "truth". Maybe, "Love one another", but even that... how does one love? Lip service? Do I really know what love means?" Though many circumstances I have also been "simplified" like this, if I may use that word. I studied psychology for 5+ years, and was very interested in Spirit - Soul - Body, since spirit is kinda "erased" in the field, or atleast is not the same as the Bible teaches. Now, years later, having gained a lot of knowledge on this studying all the verses in NT and OT, if someone ask me, I dont have much to say about the topic, I dont really understand or know what it truly is. If I did, my life and living would probably look more like Pauls, but far from it ![]() --- Let me give an example. There are a lot of folks out there explaining things. Most of it is, frankly, rubbish. But if you sort around, someone may just blow your mind. The other day, I was reading about "faithfulness" - and it was presented quite different from "faith" a la Martin Luther - you know, as opposed to "works". In the context of Hebrew Scripture, to be a "faithful" person, or one having faith, meant continual obedience to instruction. So the Hebrews had to be constantly obedient to God's command. You couldn't obey some, and ignore others. You couldn't keep the commands on Monday and Tuesday, then take Wednesday off. It was all in, at all times. THAT was what "faith" meant, in action. To have faith without works was nothing - don't be passive hearers of the word, but be doers of the word. It was about what you continually do. It is your life, your living, in toto, 24/7/365. Now here's this guy Jesus being presented in the NT. He was the personification of the preceding paragraph. He was THE OBEDIENT JEW, and as such he was and is the King of Israel, the King of the Jews. He alone was the truly righteous one. "I always do the Father's will". Not sometimes - always. And now we recognise who he is, and what he is, and surrender. He's the King. As the Obedient One he's the Lawgiver, the New Moses. And as he obeyed the Father, we must obey him. That's our faith: to believe, to confess, and to obey. To hear, and to follow. And I learned that from one who knew of "faith" in Hebrew language in the OT and was able to transpose it on Paul's writings on "faith" in the NT, e.g., Romans. So it was good, for me... food for thought. Now "faith" as a concept took on a deeper root within. I can appreciate this very much. I sense you are on to something... As we personally recognize who is He, and what he is, we surrender. Isnt this also the experience of that perfect and upright man Job, once He recognized who and what God is, said: "My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42). The personal meeting with the living God, that makes everything else in life irrelevant for a moment "Ironically, LSM has always touted Watchman Nee for taking just this approach - he availed himself of thousands of sources of Christian learning. Witness Lee said that Nee had a library of 3,000 Christian books. How many different views did he open to? How many unique and disparate points of view, by quite different authors? Shouldn't we all do the same? Why limit ourselves to only one source? What do you think Nee's spiritual output would have been, with just one source of interpretive guidance, one source of spiritual light?" I agree! All my 16 years in LR, I always continued reading from other sources like F.A.Assisi, Spurgeon, Darby, D.L. Moody, J.P. Lewis, H. Taylor, and Ravi Zacharias, John Lennox and countless others, and even though we were always encouraged to specifically focus on reading "the ministry"/witness lee, I always had inner peace with reading from many other sources. I remember so many meetings, where I actually shared some "pearls" from Darby or from Spurgeon, and many people appreciated and enjoyed it, but it was when I didnt tell the source. Once I told it wasnt life-study or from W.Lee, there were more scepticism. ![]() ![]() As far as I know even J.N Darby became very exclusive in the end. But this is also a mystery to me considering his condition before releasing Synopsis of the Bible. How pure, humble and loving his attitude was at this time. Let me quote: "Firstly, the immense responsibility, which, when it is a question of the Word of God, attaches to the one who would give guidance to the thoughts of Christians; and however modestly it might be, to present ideas as being the intention of the Spirit of God. How grave an error to wrongly direct the dear children of God in the understanding of His thoughts and of His will; or to present as the purpose of His precious communications, that which may not be it!" This makes me realize, in the end, you can never trust man. In the final analysis, you can only put your full trust in God... Otherwise you will probably be led astray, at some point |
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#5 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
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First, the gospel of poor, poor degraded Christianity. It was all about this guy Jesus in the N.T. whom God raised from the dead. He was a man who did the Father's will. He was born of a virgin. He was crucified. He saved us from sin. God raised Him up and exalted Him high above all. We were told this was the "Low Gospel." It merely provided us with hopelessly divided Christianity. Nee and Lee, however, were special, recovering the church back to God's Economy. They were MOTA's were uniquely "raised up" by God on "virgin" soil. As such God now had genuine "Deputies" on earth to "act" on His behalf, speaking as His oracle. We were told that they "made mistakes," yet none of these were ever acknowledged. Instead we heard how every other N.T. minister had failed, including Peter and Paul. Nee and Lee, however, were scandal-free, so-called, and pure as the driven snow. Jesus might have saved us from our sins, but Nee and Lee gave us the church, the Recovered church. They gave us the body of Christ. They gave us god-man living for the building up. They taught us how to meet, what to think, how to talk, how to walk, how to live our lives. They gave us the "High Gospel." Pretty convincing, eh?
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
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#6 | ||
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Contrast that to the so-called "spiritual giants" that you reference. To me such terminology presumes pride of place which can only come from God's hand. Given the fallen human condition, nobody should say, "I have laid hold", or pretend someone else has (Nee, Lee, Darby, Luther etc) so that they as the Chief Promoter thence assume the "mantle". Fancy that - the Top Sycophant becomes the New Top Dog. This is the "way of the gentiles". It is clearly spelled out by Jesus in the gospels. And it doesn't matter if it's a British gentile hierarchy, a Zulu gentile one, a Xhosa gentile one, or a Chinese gentile one. It's still the way of the gentiles. To me this is Christianity 101. They should teach new converts this lesson the first few weeks. Otherwise they may fall into the trap that Nee, Lee, Darby and others seem to get snared by. Their very success became their failure, their great light became their darkness. Quote:
When we see this, it preserves us from being stumbled by our success. And it preserves us from being snared by self-styled "super apostles". We've had discussions on this forum about others, and the similarities with what we've seen in the LC system. Think of David Koresh, today's New Apostolic Reformation, Joseph Smith (the 'Mormon Prophet'), Haile Selassie and so many others. Anyone who thinks they're something, or have something, in this age, it should be a great big red flag to others of the faith. The reason Jesus has the Name above every name is because God raised him from the dead and gave him glory and rule and power and authority and a kingdom which never shall end. Who else can claim such? No one. Look at all the others whom I listed. Their graves are with us to this day, cf Acts 2:29.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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#7 | |
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Haile Selassie is an example. He had no idea he was The Messiah. He got off the plane in Jamaica and didn't understand what he had been made into. It's we the followers that make them great. Luther was proven great by how many joined his following ; even city-states, opposing papal dominance.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to. There's a serpent in every paradise. |
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#8 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
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The fear of man brings a snare: but whosoever puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe. The New Living Translation puts it like this: Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. Lee and the blendeds instilled so much fear in the sheeple that they have trusted Lee more than in their Savior, the Lord Jesus thus finding it very difficult to find safety in the LORD HIMSELF.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
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#9 | |
Join Date: Feb 2016
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Hey, I liked a term I found somewhere on here; ''refried Lee!'' |
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#10 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
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The Blended's are used Lee salesmen.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to. There's a serpent in every paradise. |
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#11 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Then why don't we each also pick the good bits from Nee, and others, and likewise fashion our own? Oh, no! Can't do that! You see, the age turned, and now it is one-stop shopping. In fact, if one should try to cobble together a revelation from disparate sources whole meeting in the LC, one would be deemed a rebel, ambitious, divisive, and so forth. Only Nee could do this. The rest can't. Why? Only he possessed such capacity, apparently. If anyone else tried it would be presumptuous and bring ruin. You see, Nee's conclusions were truth and divine light, whilst yours & mine are mere opinions and lead to stumbling in the flock. Don't think, because someone else did your thinking for you. "Get out of your mind, brother! Only Watchman Nee could go there, and survive the experience." (*including women like Penn-Lewis, McDonough, and Guyon, who supposedly aren't fit to teach.)
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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#12 | |
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"It's all or nothing!" We were told. I said, "OK, have it your way."
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
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#13 | |
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I never really bought into that. Lee was creating a Nee legend, making Nee great, and a spiritual/leader superman -- prolly to cover for Nee's private lascivious life. Plus, Nee had to be great, cuz Lee was riding on his coattails ; Nee gave Lee bona fides.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to. There's a serpent in every paradise. |
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#14 | |
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I know that this is talking about how they spoke about their own teachings, but it is still worthwhile to point out that taking anything from them might be the wise choice.
Mike I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel |
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