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Old 08-05-2019, 12:40 PM   #1
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: The Divine and Mystical Realm

Originally Posted by stillseekingtruth View Post
Very little. They do talk about spending time with the Lord and confessing our sins, however, we can't change. I mean, we can't change our behavior. Only God can if we eat Jesus by calling on the Lord, pray reading, and going to to the meetings. So the message is don't try to change just eat Jesus.
Don't see much wrong with the statement that "we can't change." The business I'm in is actually about helping people change behaviors, habits, set & reach goals, etc. We provide them an agreed upon structure that helps them change behaviors over time. And they do change . . . at least it seems to a degree. But it's a tough slog at best, and without support people frequently go back to what they were doing before. So I would say they may change, at least superficially, but their real nature - not so much.

Now we also are very aware of people's strengths, so we look for changes that are inline with these inherent strengths. But when we're talking about who a person really is in nature, then I agree that only God can make those changes, and that is one of the big messages in the Bible, right? Man's heart is desperately wicked; the flesh is totally corrupted; no one seeks God; etc.

Now much of Christianity tries to perform the New Covenant in largely an outward way (which is not much different than what we try to do with clients in my business). But God promised, "This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds." (Hebrews 10:16) He also says, "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD" (Zech 4:6)

Now how you think God will exactly will go about doing this writing in us may be open to different interpretations . . . but it is by His Spirit and not by man's efforts. If you touch Him by praying, do that. If you touch Him by singing, do that. If you touch Him by reading His word, do that. Or by pray-reading, do that. Or getting with other believers who are enjoying Him, do that.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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