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Little Flock/Local Church Spinoffs Various groups or ministries which are lead by former members/followers of Watchman Nee's Little Flock or Witness Lee's Local Church

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Old 05-20-2019, 07:28 PM   #1
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Default Bill Mallon's Passing

I have been notified that Bill Mallon has passed away.
Is there any information available?
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Old 05-23-2019, 03:31 PM   #2
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by Weighingin View Post
I have been notified that Bill Mallon has passed away.
Is there any information available?
Who was Bill Mallon?
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Old 05-23-2019, 03:44 PM   #3
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Bill Mallon was one the first home grown Americans who became one of Witness Lee's "co-workers" back in Los Angeles in the 1960s. Bill and his wife were foreign missionaries before coming to the Local Church. At some point he was sent or migrated to Miami I believe. Later he helped establish the church in Atlanta. Unfortunately for Bill and those around him, they were caught up in the turmoil surrounding Phillip Lee and "the Office" fiasco of the mid-late 1980s. Of course when push came to shove, Witness Lee betrayed Bill and considered him and his 25+ years of service to Lee and his ministry as dispensable.

Lots more to say about brother Bill Mallon. Somewhere on the forum is a long letter he wrote to Lee, resigning from "the work". Maybe someone can dig it up and re-post it here.

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Old 05-24-2019, 07:17 AM   #4
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Here's a link to the letter.


If this is so, my heart is heavy but also rejoices for he is in the presence of our Great God and Savior.
Bill and his wife Barbara were awesome peeps.
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Old 05-24-2019, 07:46 AM   #5
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by manna-man View Post
That letter is an amazing window into what it was actually like and the stress elders and leading ones were under. When you read that letter you are not impressed with the love for all the saints, nor are you impressed that "these are the Lord's disciples". Rather they appear to be manipulative, back biting, false witnesses for self advancement.

When I read the entire letter it bothers me the lengths he went to in the first two paragraphs to soften the truth. How many times did he have to say that he respected WL as though everything that followed should not be ascribed to him.
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Old 05-24-2019, 08:19 AM   #6
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I remember my takeaway finding and reading brother Bill's letter as I departed the program: WL demands loyalty over righteousness, and those who treasure a good conscience before God will always be expelled.

The case of Bill Mallon during the "New Way" movement of the late '80's is a textbook example of the real operation of the Lee family. All personal character and integrity must be sacrificed for unwavering loyalty. Bill Mallon believed that he could appeal to WL's godly sense of decency, uprightness, and honesty to right a wrong. Bill appealed to his personal relationship with WL and his perceived sense of righteousness as an elderly Christian minister.

Brother Mallon found out the hard way how very wrong was his impression of WL and his circle of co-workers. Lee threw Mallon under the bus, making him and John Ingalls into historic examples of what a true MOTA was all about. In so doing, Lee violated every spiritual principle he ever taught from the podium.
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Old 05-24-2019, 03:48 PM   #7
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I remember my takeaway finding and reading brother Bill's letter as I departed the program: WL demands loyalty over righteousness, and those who treasure a good conscience before God will always be expelled.

The case of Bill Mallon during the "New Way" movement of the late '80's is a textbook example of the real operation of the Lee family. All personal character and integrity must be sacrificed for unwavering loyalty. Bill Mallon believed that he could appeal to WL's godly sense of decency, uprightness, and honesty to right a wrong. Bill appealed to his personal relationship with WL and his perceived sense of righteousness as an elderly Christian minister.

Brother Mallon found out the hard way how very wrong was his impression of WL and his circle of co-workers. Lee threw Mallon under the bus, making him and John Ingalls into historic examples of what a true MOTA was all about. In so doing, Lee violated every spiritual principle he ever taught from the podium.
Compare what you have just shared with this:

4 But thou hast a few names in Sardis that did not defile their garments: and they shall walk with me in white; for they are worthy. 5 He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments; and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

WL tried to blot out the names of JI and Bill Mallon, therefore the it is righteous judgement to blot out his name "as thou hast done it will be done unto you".
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Old 05-24-2019, 04:00 PM   #8
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Compare what you have just shared with this:

4 But thou hast a few names in Sardis that did not defile their garments: and they shall walk with me in white; for they are worthy. 5 He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments; and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

WL tried to blot out the names of JI and Bill Mallon, therefore the it is righteous judgement to blot out his name "as thou hast done it will be done unto you".
Excellent find ZNP.

I would like to hear from Drake how he would explain Lee's gross mistreatment of Bill Mallon.
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Old 05-26-2019, 02:17 PM   #9
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing


Bill Mallon has passed; and now both he and John Ingalls have gone to be with the Lord. Bill had suggested to me once that I write a narrative of my experience in the church life. I had another consideration that he thought would be good also, and that was to address The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, and to do so point by point, concerning the late 80s turmoil in the churches. I began that day. It took two years to do but became a careful rendering of our church history that includes pertinent facts and important detail left out of the official version given to the church.

The book, Deviating from the Path in the Lords Recovery, does not mislead people. It has no agenda, its sole purpose is to tell people the truth by facing the facts of our history, which has been kept hidden. If the current leadership would respond well, their full repentance would be unto life in the whole Body of Christ.

then click on Witness Lee Button

What is well-worth noting is that the blending brothers ignore this type of appeal to them, and they do so for a reason. They are busy with more important matters to them than dealing with devastating misrepresentations of men and events, and the true causes of division. To be sure, brothers and sisters, they have no conscience (in operation) about their past, but there are many sources, including Bill Mallon's letter to Brother Lee, and John Ingalls' book, Speaking the Truth in Love, that shine ample light upon this dark chapter of our church history. Meanwhile, in God’s sovereignty, however, the brothers are determined to keep rolling, AND THEY HAVE DONE SO, positively, as if the past sins in the leadership have been put on hold.

Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and their ministries have indeed been key to establishing a solid spiritual foundation for the blending brothers in their labor of love in many places around the world. Particularly, this is true in the Philippines, as I am finding out. I know that Bill and videos of saints raised up under the ministry brought to them through Live Webcast, trainings, conferences, and the labor of the blending brothers in their visits, who alongside dear Philippine leaders have been pouring themselves out in prayer and purposeful contact for many years.

If our hearts are for the Lord's interests, maybe we CAN rise up to acknowledge certain accomplishments of others, wherever they meet; humbly learn from them, and perhaps adapt for ourselves diligent practices of others that work well toward the increase, and for building up the Body of Christ - our goal.

FAC Fellowship among the Churches – Malabon, Philippines

“God’s Move in the Philippines” - History, narrated by Chris Wilde, LSM

I was in the Philippines in 2012 and made contact with several groups of born-again believers. I saw their needs both spiritual and practical, and am still in contact; so I have special feeling about their spiritual welfare and high appreciation for LSM’s efforts there and the spiritual impact they have contributed to greatly in the Philippines, as these videos and more indicate.
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Old 05-28-2019, 12:39 PM   #10
Matt Anderson
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

I saw Bill in mid-February. I hadn't seen him for many years. I did not know Bill very well, but he played a very important role in my life. On his journey away from the Local Church he came through the city I lived in two times for several weeks at a time. My parents hosted him (and Barbara when she was with him). I listened to him minister to various saints and he gave me some critical instruction on how to "discern" the will of God in the process of prayer and listening to the Lord. I was around 19-20 years old.

Bill taught me core principles that helped establish my walk with the Lord in a way that has helped me greatly over the years. He also sent me a few books in the mail. He did not identify himself as the giver of these books, but I realized at some point after I received them that they were from him. I believe the Lord led him to send them to me. Selected excerpts from one of the books were used by the Lord to help set my direction with the Lord in a few key ways.

Bill never realized how much he helped me because I did not spend a substantial amount of time with him.

Late in 2018 and into early January 2019, I understood from the Lord that I needed to visit Bill. The Lord put it on my heart that I needed to take the time to honor him for his service to the Lord as it related to me. I had thought of this on a few previous occasions, but the Lord used several circumstances to allow me to know where Bill was living (only about 3 hours from my current home) and that I should make time to see him soon.

When I saw Bill, I had the opportunity to thank him and share some of the results of what I had learned from him years before. I recounted a good number of key items he taught me that he didn't know about. He was surprised and then shared a brief testimony with me. He said that as he left the local churches he felt to regularly pursue the truth of the Word of God. He did this well and he taught others out of this pursuit of truth.

In honor of Bill, I will share the most important thing I learned from Him. Interestingly, it is not about the truth of the Word of God based on logic and reasoning, but it is still about knowing the "truth". Bill taught me four principles of how to determine whether something is the will of God for my life or not. Think of these as tools that require practice.

Each person must learn to use these on their own in fellowship with the Lord. I took these tools from Bill and applied them regularly. I have made mistakes, but these tools have served me well. They are not just for purpose of establishing the objective truths of Scripture, but for walking with the Lord in a living relationship. I am very grateful that Bill shared them with me in a way that was so accessible. He emphasized the need for knowing the truth of the Word, but also taught me that I must know how to hear accurately and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

1. You believe the Holy Spirit is saying something to you or leading you in some way - seems rather obvious, but it is a core principle for those who have listened too much to the voice of man as a substitute for the Lord and followed their leading rather than hearing the Lord for themselves.

2. It doesn't violate the truth of the Word of God - this can be a challenging one because we must know the Word. This is a life long process.

3. For more major items we can expect that God will establish His will (i.e. speaking) at the mouth of valid witnesses - at multiple key moments in my life I have prayed and asked the Lord to help me be clear that I am being led by Him (not my own thoughts, not any other spirit). When it has been for key/major items the Lord has sent His witnesses (not ones I tried to make) to establish His will/speaking to me.

4. It works out circumstantially - this may seem contradictory to faith, but it is not when it comes to our lives. There are many times God communicates to us well in advance. He then expects us to faithfully wait on Him (i.e. waiting on the Lord). We don't take action on our own from our own initiative. We receive what He shows us and believe in Him. When the time is right and He leads, we act and the pieces fit together circumstantially. If we begin to take action and hit a wall, we should pause and check again with the Lord before we proceed. This is a great protection against our fleshly ways.

I will summarize all of these principles from a few scriptures:

Romans 12:1–2 (ESV)
1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness

I know that it was time for Bill to go home to be with the Lord. I am very grateful for his service to me and to others. I believe he may have felt he did not accomplish as much for the Lord as he desired, but I feel that he did what the Lord led him to do. There are many who teach that do not see the full impact of their sound doctrine shared with others because it is worked out in the lives of those they teach after they have left the presence of their teaching. This is especially true for those who are not building up a ministry for themselves, but working in service of the one ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. For me, Bill was one of these kinds of excellent teachers.

God sees the heart and gives true credit for our service whether it is seen or recognized by man or not. May God credit Bill with his due according the truth of his service to the Lord. I know he blessed me greatly through his pursuit of the truth of the Word in fellowship with the Lord.

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Old 05-28-2019, 12:54 PM   #11
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

P.S. The most beneficial thing Bill taught me about finding the objective truth of Scripture was this...

- Be sure to separate the "prescriptive" aspects of the Word of God from the "descriptive" aspects. Doctrine built on top of "descriptive" text is potentially dangerous.

A specific use of this principle would be to consider the "teaching of locality". There is NO "prescriptive" Scripture for the doctrine of locality. It is all based on "descriptive" Scripture that is extrapolated into the teaching of one church, one city.

(... and no, I don't mean to move this thread in any direction other than honoring Bill...)
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Old 05-28-2019, 03:05 PM   #12
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Thank you Matt for sharing your positive thoughts from Bill’s teaching and explanation of God’s Word that helped you in your relationship with God.
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Old 05-28-2019, 04:47 PM   #13
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Great stuff, Matt! And a timely word for me. How to know God's will: Holy Spirit, Word, Witnesses, Circumstances.
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Old 05-28-2019, 07:50 PM   #14
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by Matt Anderson View Post
P.S. The most beneficial thing Bill taught me about finding the objective truth of Scripture was this...

- Be sure to separate the "prescriptive" aspects of the Word of God from the "descriptive" aspects. Doctrine built on top of "descriptive" text is potentially dangerous.

A specific use of this principle would be to consider the "teaching of locality". There is NO "prescriptive" Scripture for the doctrine of locality. It is all based on "descriptive" Scripture that is extrapolated into the teaching of one church, one city.

(... and no, I don't mean to move this thread in any direction other than honoring Bill...)
Thanks Matt and others for sharing re Bill. Being in California, I only saw Bill from a distance at trainings and conferences before he exited, but had a lot of respect for him based on what I heard. Can anyone share about what Bill did church and Christian work wise after 1986?
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Old 05-30-2019, 07:04 AM   #15
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

During one of his visits, years after his exit from the LC, Bill told us one of his realizations of Witness Lee and how the realization came about.

Many of you may remember when Lee experienced a detached retina prior to a scheduled 10 day Conference in Los Angeles. You may have attended this Conference. This was before “ministry meetings”, before Trainings, before the rise in power of the LSM. His health issues would not allow him to speak in the Conference and they considered whether to cancel it. Instead, the Conference went forward with 4 brothers sharing: John Ingalls, James Barber, Bill Mallon and Max Rapoport.

Witness Lee attended the final meeting to say a few words. He was in a wheel chair and had bandages around his head which covered his eyes. The atmosphere was sobering and tears began to flow...seeing Lee in such a state. When he began to speak, his voice was weak...like nothing we had ever heard. It seemed that there was not a dry eye in the house.

In this setting, Lee began to speak “Life is mysterious for life is God Himself...” If you were there, or remember, this brief message was a synopsis of the entire Bible. It was brilliant. Later it was published as a song, but it never again had the impact as when it was first spoken in that conference. To me (and others) it seemed that Lee was saying “goodbye” and that this could be his last message. Though this was certainly not the case, it was an unforgettable moment.

Fast forward to Bill Mallon’s comments many years later. Bill stated something like “seeing Witness Lee then, years ago, with his physical eyes bandaged, he had the thought that Lee’s spiritual eyes were also fading or blinded.” Whoa! Where did THAT come from? At the time, Bill was 1000% pro Lee. If there were indications that Lee was going off the rails, Bill didn’t appear to be aware of any problem/s. Bill spoke at that Conference on Lee’s behalf. Where did this thought come from?

Consider all that has happened since that Conference. Consider the rise of the “family business” and “the office”. Consider the devastatingly sinful behavior of his sons which was condoned by Lee. Especially Phillip. Consider that Lee’s “ministry” became a train wreck from which the Local Churches have never recovered. Consider that of the four who spoke in that Conference, only James Barber was with Lee at the end of both of their lives. Where did this thought come from?

What to make of it? Unknown. It didn’t seem t be something Bill dwelt on. It was just a thought...until it wasn’t.


Note that this “song” appears on hymns.com. It’s not the exact words but an attempt to make a song of it. It appears to be longer than the message itself given by Lee that day. I only remember the first line.
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Old 05-30-2019, 10:29 AM   #16
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
During one of his visits, years after his exit from the LC, Bill told us one of his realizations of Witness Lee and how the realization came about.

Many of you may remember when Lee experienced a detached retina prior to a scheduled 10 day Conference in Los Angeles. You may have attended this Conference. This was before “ministry meetings”, before Trainings, before the rise in power of the LSM. His health issues would not allow him to speak in the Conference and they considered whether to cancel it. Instead, the Conference went forward with 4 brothers sharing: John Ingalls, James Barber, Bill Mallon and Max Rapoport.

Witness Lee attended the final meeting to say a few words. He was in a wheel chair and had bandages around his head which covered his eyes. The atmosphere was sobering and tears began to flow...seeing Lee in such a state. When he began to speak, his voice was weak...like nothing we had ever heard. It seemed that there was not a dry eye in the house.

In this setting, Lee began to speak “Life is mysterious for life is God Himself...” If you were there, or remember, this brief message was a synopsis of the entire Bible. It was brilliant. Later it was published as a song, but it never again had the impact as when it was first spoken in that conference. To me (and others) it seemed that Lee was saying “goodbye” and that this could be his last message. Though this was certainly not the case, it was an unforgettable moment.

Fast forward to Bill Mallon’s comments many years later. Bill stated something like “seeing Witness Lee then, years ago, with his physical eyes bandaged, he had the thought that Lee’s spiritual eyes were also fading or blinded.” Whoa! Where did THAT come from? At the time, Bill was 1000% pro Lee. If there were indications that Lee was going off the rails, Bill didn’t appear to be aware of any problem/s. Bill spoke at that Conference on Lee’s behalf. Where did this thought come from?

Consider all that has happened since that Conference. Consider the rise of the “family business” and “the office”. Consider the devastatingly sinful behavior of his sons which was condoned by Lee. Especially Phillip. Consider that Lee’s “ministry” became a train wreck from which the Local Churches have never recovered. Consider that of the four who spoke in that Conference, only James Barber was with Lee at the end of both of their lives. Where did this thought come from?

What to make of it? Unknown. It didn’t seem t be something Bill dwelt on. It was just a thought...until it wasn’t.


Note that this “song” appears on hymns.com. It’s not the exact words but an attempt to make a song of it. It appears to be longer than the message itself given by Lee that day. I only remember the first line.
I'm glad you shared this Nell,I was at that conference it was very moving. And what Witness Lee shared was very inspiring. It's strange how things changed after that. Max Raporport is the one who wheeled him in with a wheelchair.
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Old 05-30-2019, 12:32 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
During one of his visits, years after his exit from the LC, Bill told us one of his realizations of Witness Lee and how the realization came about.

Many of you may remember when Lee experienced a detached retina prior to a scheduled 10 day Conference in Los Angeles.
Nell, do you remember what year this was?
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Old 05-30-2019, 03:38 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Nell, do you remember what year this was?
I don't. I'm trying to find out. I'm pretty sure it was in the LA Convention Center. Is that your recollection JB482?

Here's an interesting list. https://www.lsm.org/pdfs/AudioVideoTapeCatalog.pdf

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Old 05-30-2019, 10:03 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
I don't. I'm trying to find out. I'm pretty sure it was in the LA Convention Center. Is that your recollection JB482?

Here's an interesting list. https://www.lsm.org/pdfs/AudioVideoTapeCatalog.pdf

I've been trying to remember where and when it was,I looked through the pdf file and couldn't seem to find anything. I know it was in L.A. and am certain it was when Max was first coming to the forefront. It could have been in 1974 after the consolidations when the saints in Phoenix were told to go to San Diego or Anaheim. But I distinctly remember at that meeting Max pushing the wheelchair with bro Lee in it up the aisle to the front of the room to speak. I know this post is about Bill Mallon,I got to know Bill when I was in the church in Atlanta from 1976--1981 He was a very dear brother who cared deeply for the brothers and sisters.
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Old 05-31-2019, 03:12 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by JB482 View Post
I've been trying to remember where and when it was,I looked through the pdf file and couldn't seem to find anything. I know it was in L.A. and am certain it was when Max was first coming to the forefront. It could have been in 1974 after the consolidations when the saints in Phoenix were told to go to San Diego or Anaheim. But I distinctly remember at that meeting Max pushing the wheelchair with bro Lee in it up the aisle to the front of the room to speak. I know this post is about Bill Mallon,I got to know Bill when I was in the church in Atlanta from 1976--1981 He was a very dear brother who cared deeply for the brothers and sisters.
Wasn't 1974 the first Life Study -- Gospel of John or Romans?

Nell's chart shows no messages in 1974 until the emd of the year.

I had heard that 4 brothers had to speak for WL because he was sick.

Btw, Bill's comment would then correspond with Don Hardy's observation at this time -- post-Daystar -- that the "anointing on WL was waning."
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Old 05-31-2019, 03:56 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Wasn't 1974 the first Life Study -- Gospel of John or Romans?

Nell's chart shows no messages in 1974 until the emd of the year.

I had heard that 4 brothers had to speak for WL because he was sick.

Btw, Bill's comment would then correspond with Don Hardy's observation at this time -- post-Daystar -- that the "anointing on WL was waning."
I believe WL was giving life study/ministry messages in 1974 because at that time period the church in Phoenix which I was in,was told to move to Anaheim or San Diego. It was up to the brothers and sisters to go to either one of those localities. I remember some bro's went to Anaheim one weekend to check it out and they said WL was having a ministry station there,but I don't think that big meeting hall in Anaheim was built yet. But about that conference Nell mentioned there was 4 brothers sharing instead of WL because of his eye surgery. Those brothers were Bill John Max and James. It was a long time ago and my memory is sketchy on some details.
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Old 06-01-2019, 09:59 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Wasn't 1974 the first Life Study -- Gospel of John or Romans?

Nell's chart shows no messages in 1974 until the emd of the year.

I had heard that 4 brothers had to speak for WL because he was sick.

Btw, Bill's comment would then correspond with Don Hardy's observation at this time -- post-Daystar -- that the "anointing on WL was waning."
For what it's worth,I found on that pdf file that Nell posted if you go to page 61 it shows that on Oct 1st 1974 the first life study messages were given on Genesis in Anaheim. But any reference to that conference when the 4 brothers spoke has probably been purged from their catalog file because of who they were.
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Old 06-01-2019, 12:16 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by JB482 View Post
For what it's worth,I found on that pdf file that Nell posted if you go to page 61 it shows that on Oct 1st 1974 the first life study messages were given on Genesis in Anaheim. But any reference to that conference when the 4 brothers spoke has probably been purged from their catalog file because of who they were.
I think you’re right. If you look at 1997 past the date of Lee’s death, all who gave messages are not named beyond “Misc.”. How petty.

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Old 06-01-2019, 11:49 PM   #24
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Your love and service to our Lord Jesus and your care for others will always be appreciated by many many brother's and sister's Bill Mallon.
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Old 06-03-2019, 01:39 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Bill Mallon letter to Witness Lee
Later, at an Irving training, the office called on the carpet Brothers who represented the churches in the South. With video cameras trained on them, the office reprimanded them for not financially supporting Roger Fiero, berated them for not being one with the ministry, and pressured them for monthly pledges under a cloud of intimidation. In fact, the brothers were asked to write out checks totaling $6,000 right on the spot for his personal debts, and then to pay monthly amounts for his pledged support.

But before this time, not once was the opportunity for fellowship given to the brothers, for they were not aware of this matter. Afterwards, when Tom Cesar asked Ray Graver for an explanation for the seriousness of the meeting, Ray sharply answered, "we do what we are told!" This incident is contrary to your fellowship with the churches in that the full-timers should be approved by the churches. (Recently, it was discovered that Roger had received double, overlapping support for a few months after this training from both the office and the churches--what a bungled mess!)

Several months later, Roger was manifested to be the wrong brother, because of such weaknesses as fabricating stories and practicing opportunism. Once Tom Cesar and John Little called the office about problems he was causing; they were accused of an impure heart, being not supportive of the work on Davison campus.
Bill Mallon's letter showed what we're looking at here: a two-faced, duplicitous ministry. When Ray Graver told Tom Cesar, "We do what we are told!" this was in clear contradiction to Witness Lee telling the newspaper reporter in Seattle WA, "Here we are so free!" I appreciate Bill having the courage to speak truth to power, and to unmask the lies that enabled the ministry to control so many for so long.
Originally Posted by Bill Mallon
Later, Tom was told that the ministry never makes a mistake! Although the brothers in the South are not perfect, having many weaknesses, they nevertheless attempt to run backwards in order to be in one accord, but the office fails to give them the opportunity of fellowship to demonstrate their oneness. The principals from the office who are involved in these affairs are Phillip, Benson, and Ray (I hesitate to mention these dear ones by name, but please allow me this liberty for the sake of honesty). Much embarrassment, confusion, harassment, and demoralization resulted from their attitude and behavior. On June 11, 1986, during the time in your home when you fellowshipped with me, you Identified the problem in every region as having the deficiency of the intrinsic fellowship of the one accord, but in this case, it is not the region, but the office who violates this principle and practice. It takes both the giving and receiving sides to release the intrinsic flow of mutual fellowship.
Disclosure: I'm also duplicitous - only God is good. But I don't hold my ministry above scrutiny or critique. Witness Lee did, and people like Bill Mallon and John Ingalls and Jane Anderson were important to show us what happens to a ministry that covers itself by saying "my ministry never makes a mistake".

If you look at the terminology Mallon uses you may recognise that he's channelling ministry-speak: "in order to be in one accord" and "the intrinsic fellowship to be in one accord", and "the opportunity to fellowship to demonstrate their oneness". But as Ray Graver and Mel Porter and Paul Hon made clear, it's all pseudo-spiritual claptrap.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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Old 06-03-2019, 10:11 AM   #26
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

I fully understand that the civil notion of "checks and balances", and even the general notion of accountability from leaders, is a modern convention of Western civilization. Nevertheless, I think that church history shows us that when any leader within the church becomes too powerful, then the adage that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" rears it's ugly head. Is there any doubt that John Ingalls, John So, Bill Mallon et al found this out the hard way?

For 50+ years Witness Lee reigned supreme in the Local Church. There were no checks - there were no balances. There was absolutely no accountability. Even if he was wrong, Witness Lee was right. I am quite sure that Bill Mallon THOUGHT he was following the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ...and he may very well would have been...in his own heart and mind. But when push came to shove - when the rubber met the road...Bill found out that he was actually, and as it turns out, quite literally, following the person and work of Witness Lee. This stark reality hit him and hit him hard, as evidenced by the long letter he wrote to his "dear brother Lee". I cried the day I read this letter. I cried because I realized that I was just like Bill Mallon. I too thought I was following the Lord Jesus....but I was actually following a man. May God have mercy on us all.

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Old 06-03-2019, 12:13 PM   #27
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

For 50+ years Witness Lee reigned supreme in the Local Church. There were no checks - there were no balances. There was absolutely no accountability. Even if he was wrong, Witness Lee was right. I am quite sure that Bill Mallon THOUGHT he was following the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ...and he may very well would have been...in his own heart and mind. But when push came to shove - when the rubber met the road...Bill found out that he was actually, and as it turns out, quite literally, following the person and work of Witness Lee. This stark reality hit him and hit him hard, as evidenced by the long letter he wrote to his "dear brother Lee". I cried the day I read this letter. I cried because I realized that I was just like Bill Mallon. I too thought I was following the Lord Jesus....but I was actually following a man. May God have mercy on us all.

I have to believe that Bill Mallon, UntoHim, aron, I, and many others were following the Lord Jesus Christ within the LC's. Then at some point Lee and his minions thrust their loyalty demands upon us. Each one of us was then forced to make a decision. Would we then continue to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, or would we follow a man, serve a man, and become man-pleasers. Church history is filled with many cases such as our own. Indeed, perhaps every child of God faces this test, this fiery trial, in their Christian walk. Every single faithful martyr faced this identical trial -- and chose Christ!

I believe the Lord allowed each of us, in our own time, or perhaps His own time, to be confronted with this crucial decision. The Apostle Paul addressed this very decision in II Corinthians 10-12. He mentioned all sorts of pertinent criteria in following the leadership of ministers that we would remain as a "chaste virgin to Christ." (11.2)

Peter said the "proving of our faith was more precious than gold which perishes." Isn't it more distressing to see Christians who sail thru life without ever facing this trial?
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Old 10-05-2019, 02:27 PM   #28
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by Nell:
During one of his visits, years after his exit from the LC, Bill told us one of his realizations of Witness Lee and how the realization came about.
Many of you may remember when Lee experienced a detached retina prior to a scheduled 10 day Conference in Los Angeles.
Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Nell, do you remember what year this was?
Just saw this thread and question. I do believe it was 1974. I had just come into the church in Berkeley a month or so earlier, with hair down to the middle of my back and a new love for Christ in my heart! And it was the Anaheim Convention Center because the new Anaheim meeting hall was not quite completed. They called Max, James, John & Bill the "Four Living Creatures." I had certainly never experienced anything like it before (or since) and it was quite the speaking! Many said what a shame it was that I couldn't hear brother Lee speak, but at the time I wasn't real sure who he even was . . .
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 10-05-2019, 08:42 PM   #29
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Some here may be interested in the link below that contains many handwritten notes by Bill Mallon made during two periods of Local Church "rebellions" (1977-78 and 1987-1992).

These notes are collaborative historical evidence that will aid in confirming what is true about these two so-called "rebellions." (Many of today's church-kids were born around the time Bill was making these notes.) His notes have not been made public before now. Over the years, the Living Stream Ministry leadership has rewritten history to support their own narrative (their cover-up) of the truth about things that happened during these so-called rebellions.

Out of respect for Bill, before reading any of his notes please read first all of the material in the topic/thread that begins with “Bill’s Request: ... (It is also found at the link below.)

Bill Mallon Speaks Posthumously
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Old 10-06-2019, 08:38 AM   #30
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
Some here may be interested in the link below that contains many handwritten notes by Bill Mallon made during two periods of Local Church "rebellions" (1977-78 and 1987-1992).

These notes are collaborative historical evidence that will aid in confirming what is true about these two so-called "rebellions." (Many of today's church-kids were born around the time Bill was making these notes.) His notes have not been made public before now. Over the years, the Living Stream Ministry leadership has rewritten history to support their own narrative (their cover-up) of the truth about things that happened during these so-called rebellions.

Out of respect for Bill, before reading any of his notes please read first all of the material in the topic/thread that begins with “Bill’s Request: ... (It is also found at the link below.)

Bill Mallon Speaks Posthumously
Wow - thanks Jane for posting this! As per your request, I have read through the initial back & forth emails from you and Bill 2010-2011, and am looking forward to getting into his actual notes! I am especially interested in reading his notes from the late 70's, regarding the so-called "rebellion" back then, since he was still in the "WL fold" at that time. It should be an interesting backdrop to his notes from a decade later. (FYI - I was in Ba-zerkly a few years in the 70s, and while I was way too young and immature to know what was going on in the leadership, I would still like to get some insights regarding that time.)
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Old 10-06-2019, 11:50 AM   #31
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Bill Mallon? R.I.P. I forgive you for pushing Lee's ruse.
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Old 10-06-2019, 06:07 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Can anyone share about what Bill did church and Christian work wise after 1986?
Early 2000's he was part of a ministry publication with Devern Fromke, John Ingalls, Stephen Kaung, Paul Kerr, and Max Rapaport.
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Old 10-06-2019, 06:23 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
Some here may be interested in the link below that contains many handwritten notes by Bill Mallon made during two periods of Local Church "rebellions" (1977-78 and 1987-1992).

These notes are collaborative historical evidence that will aid in confirming what is true about these two so-called "rebellions." (Many of today's church-kids were born around the time Bill was making these notes.) His notes have not been made public before now. Over the years, the Living Stream Ministry leadership has rewritten history to support their own narrative (their cover-up) of the truth about things that happened during these so-called rebellions.

Out of respect for Bill, before reading any of his notes please read first all of the material in the topic/thread that begins with “Bill’s Request: ... (It is also found at the link below.)

Bill Mallon Speaks Posthumously

Someone brought to my attention that some of the threads containing Bill's notes are missing. (There should be 27 threads with notes from his notebooks and 2 more threads with notes that were in envelopes.)

I finally figured out that all the threads are visible only to users who are registered and logged in. A recent software update may be the culprit. I will put in a support ticket tomorrow. So, for now, until the problem is solved, the only way to see the rest of the threads appears to be to register and log in. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Old 10-07-2019, 12:31 PM   #34
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Thanks Jane - envelop 2 (March 1978 - December 1978) is now visible on the website. Envelop 1 must be just before that, and is still not visible. Reading some of these (there is a lot) brings back a lot of memories!

So his notes presented from the 70's are many times more detailed and prolific than his ones from the late 80s. Did he change his style during that time, or thought it was not needed to be so detailed, or . . . . ?
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Old 10-07-2019, 01:07 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Thanks Jane - envelop 2 (March 1978 - December 1978) is now visible on the website. Envelop 1 must be just before that, and is still not visible. Reading some of these (there is a lot) brings back a lot of memories!
There are still two thread/topics that are not showing up for unregistered users: Envelope #1 and Book #26. I don't know why. I will work on this as soon as I get some more time.

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
So his notes presented from the 70's are many times more detailed than his ones from the late 80s. Did he change his style during that time, or thought it was not needed to be so detailed, or . . . . ?
Possibly because in the 70s, he was still in the LC and was simply doing his job of serving. He was a detailed notetaker, as you can see. In the late 80s, he was in a different environment, one where he was trying to survive both spiritually and physically. He was under a great deal of stress as his eyes were being opened to the reality of the situation with the LSM at home and abroad. A lot was going on and his somewhat cryptic notes appear to be his way of keeping tabs on what was happening real-time. Maybe the style change is like the difference between a war correspondent in the field with pen and paper in hand while bullets are flying overhead, and a copy editor sitting at home in a safe cubicle.

It ultimately came down to choosing between his conscience and walk with the Lord or his livelihood. He took the way of the cross, which is always the right way, but definitely not the easy way. I think a good number of his notes in the 80s were related to finding possible employment at his more advanced age, so they could have food on the table and a place to put the table.
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Old 10-09-2019, 09:35 AM   #36
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Well, thanks again Jane! Over the last few days I have spent hours going over Bill's notes, reading things from your book, and various other sources of LC history, etc. As I've said on other threads on here, the Lord really preserved me while in the LC, and kept the knowledge of 98% of these funky things from me. I see now that these things happening in the "background" (at least to me), were key reasons the level of Christ's life was getting low in various places in the LC.

I did read where a brother who was with WL in the 60s, attributed much of Lee's good ministry at the time to the fact that Lee spent considerable time repenting and asking the Lord for mercy. However, things began to go off the rails in the 70s, as Lee's various weaknesses manifested themselves. He also repented late in life, lamenting about how little love was in his ministry and the LCs. Love is the key ingredient, that I think was missing, and would have made a big difference in many of the unrighteous dealings you and others experienced. Without love the LC was like an unturned cake, and many got burned. I praise Him that he preserved me from many of these things and got me out of that elitist system!

Now (hopefully) comes healing forgiveness in us toward all those leaders acting so unrighteously (because Christ has first forgiven us of so much)!
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Old 08-28-2024, 01:55 PM   #37
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

It was so sad to read about Bill Mallon's passing. I was in the LC in Atlanta when Bill Mallon was one of three elders. I came in 1973 and my husband and I were married in the LC in 1974. We left in 1981. We had a hard time going back to the traditional denominational meetings and it was during that time that the Charismatic movement was begining to flouish, so we went that way for a while for the life. I didn't keep in contact with anyone because once you left you were pretty much ostracized. I didn't realized he had left the LC or I would have contacted him. We had moved to West Palm Beach in 1981. I wish so much that I had known.

I wondered where Bill Mallon and John Ingalls fellowshipped after they left the local church.
Does anyone know?
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Old 08-29-2024, 12:50 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
...I wondered where Bill Mallon and John Ingalls fellowshipped after they left the local church.
Does anyone know?
Regarding your question about John Ingalls' activity post LC, this resource may provide some answers.

The testimonials posted on the Rose Hills Cemetary page are also quite informative.

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, even as we obtained mercy, we faint not; but we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by the manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. [2 Cor 4:1-2 ASV] - Our YouTube Channel - OUR WEBSITES - OUR FAVORITE SONG, ''I Abdicate''
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Old 08-30-2024, 11:33 AM   #39
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Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Originally Posted by JB482 View Post
I'm glad you shared this Nell,I was at that conference it was very moving. And what Witness Lee shared was very inspiring. It's strange how things changed after that. Max Raporport is the one who wheeled him in with a wheelchair.
What happened to Max Raporport?

Did James Barber not confront Lee about the sins of his son's?
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Old 08-30-2024, 05:51 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What happened to Max Raporport?

Did James Barber not confront Lee about the sins of his son's?
Max passed away several years ago. Here.

I doubt James confronted Lee regarding Philip’s sins. I’ve never heard anything about such an event. I attended James’ memorial service held at the meeting hall in OKC, so that wouldn’t happen if he was at odds with Lee.

John Ingalls definitely confronted Lee as documented in his book “Speaking the Truth in Love” posted on the Forum here

You may be interested in writings of former members here.

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