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#1 |
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 8
My walk with the Lord started many years ago before touching the Local Church. I was, like most people I have met in the LC, a catholic. Many times over the years people have questioned if I was truly saved before coming into the recovery, but I can testify that I was. Eventually, I came to understand that I had “learned” everything I could as a catholic but there was a true longing and desire within me. At the time I didn’t know what this desire was about, I guess I would describe it as an empty, life sucking hole. There were many things wrong in my life at the time I came into the recovery. The curious thing was that outwardly everything seemed fairly “right”. So, I don’t think people would have guessed my turmoil, but I knew it existed. By a series of incredible coincidences I met the saints at a local church. I was invited to a meeting. I was immediately turned off by speaking of the saints because it seemed so foreign to me. However, my mother, a strong catholic, thought the speaking was based in reality. Therefore her encouragement led me to explore the church more in depth. For a time, I had one foot in the recovery and one in Catholicism. Eventually the Lord gave me light to see that for my own personal growth I had to leave all ties to denominations. I openly embraced the LC and even though at first calling someone a “saint” seemed really weird, I progressed to understand that it actually applies to all who are separated out of the world and are called into God.
I have enjoyed my time in the LC church for many years but recently the Lord has once again called me out for my own personal growth and to continue forward in seeking His fellowship with believers without denomination archetypes. When reading some of the threads here in this forum, I truly understand your pain. For me, I am coming to grips with the fact that I agree with the theory of the LC but not with the practice. So I am praying with the Lord to guard my spirit and lead me to Him continually that I would not become embittered in any way. I know a lot about bitterness in my lifetime, not always my own, but still affected by the results of it. I am praying daily that everything I have learned in my walk with the saints of the LC would not be in vain. I am praying for the Lord to rise up in all of us that we would search Him out first, and that should I be so fortunate, the Lord would bring saints (true saints) those who seek Christ first into fellowship with me. This forum is apparently very cathartic for venting the frustration, and I thank all those saints who have voiced their fears because without that voice, I would have thought myself alone, shallow and duped, not by the saints but by Christ Himself. Why? Because when your whole being has been set on Christ, when our whole resolve is to live Christ, finding that there are Pharisees in your midst is so difficult. But I believe now, with all my heart, that the Lord has asked me not to judge them, but to instead pray for them. In my experience Brother Lee was right in stating that our natural ambition is truly our biggest curse. I pray now and always that the Lord take away anything ambitious about my nature and replace it with more Christ. I am privileged to have come out of the struggles into resurrection life, all the while experiencing Christ. Recently I have considered more and more what Paul struggled to say to the Corinthians, Galatians and Ephesians. In everything I am so struck by his integrity and his unwillingness to be moved off point just to accommodate others. In Paul’s writing I am learning just how low and meek I need to be in order to become inwardly strong. I really enjoyed this portion of the word today. I hope it touches you saints out there. I am here searching for the oneness of fellowship in Christ. I am not here to provoke, damage or struggle ambitiously. I just want to share my Christ with you and eagerly await your Christ to be shared with me. I believe no matter what our past experiences have been, the one thing we all know is that Christ should be our life and when He is not, we experience an emptiness that only He can fill. Not only can fill, but should fill. So this is what I read today and I hope it encourages your spirit to rejoice and Praise!!!! May we all endeavor to glorify the Son through our speaking. 1 Cor 2:11 For who among men knows the things of man, except the spirit of man which is in him? In the same way, the things of God also no one has known except the Spirit of God. To whatever and through whatever the Lord has brought us, may we come rejoicing and in Praise! Amen Saints may the Lord’s grace be with your Spirit. |
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#2 | ||||||||||||||||
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,377
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Welocme TOC (ThisOverComer) I too was raised as a Catholic and while I don't recall ever being taught what it is to be truly saved, once I gave my life to the Lord Jesus and was enlightened by the Word and the fellowship of the LC saints, I realized in looking back, I got saved, truly saved as a young child by 'accident'. That's another story for another time. I am very thankful to the Lord, I was raised as Catholic for I have a better handle in reaching out to them for I understand their upbringing. I am also grateful for my time in the LC for it was there I was truly rooted and grounded in the Word of God. It took me a long time to get the LC 'leaven' out of me but nonetheless I pretty much have. However as the saying goes, I did not throw out the baby with the bath water. I threw out the bath water only. I am who I am IN CHRIST because of being raised a Catholic and being in the LC. They were learning tools! Quote:
Perhaps it did not take me long to see in the Word of God that Paul addressed the living church in all his journeys as SAINTS. He greeted the living saints in Corinth, Ephesus, Phillipi, etc.... they were not dead. They were not 'perfect' but they were alive and following Jesus, growing in Christ through the fellowship of the saints especially Paul's fellowship. Quote:
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Continue to ask the Lord DAILY to give you Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Him. (Ephesians 1:17) and to Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Pray for your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. (Colossians 4:5-6) And may the Holy Spirit make it manifest, as you/we ought to speak (Colossians 4:4) to one another and to people in general wherever we are. Quote:
Take praying in tongues. We did not pray in tongues because Lee did not and taught against it. It was not because the Holy Spirit revealed it to us. It was LEE'S OPINION of how he interpreted the scriptures. So in my/our eyes, any Christian who prayed in tongues was either shallow for the Corinthians who prayed in tongues were carnal..and according to Lee, they were carnal because they prayed in tongues. (btw, the question whether a person should pray in tongues or not is not the issue. Makes no matter to me if a person does or does not.) He believed the 'outer darkness' spoken of in the bible was something like Purgatory and not all saints were going to be in the Millenial Kindom. Those not in it were going to be in outer darkness for a thousand years. He believed it and taught it and thus the saints believed it because that's what he taught. Did anyone ever think Lee could possibly be wrong ? If the saints would study the Word in depth for themselves with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they would realize Lee's teaching is wrong. Now when I first began to tune into to other ministry teachings, having had an RcV, I would check their teachings against Lee. Initially I would believe they were wrong because that's not what LEE taught ! It took me a long time to come to terms that LEE was WRONG and that it was OK for me to say he was wrong ! (Believe me. I do A LOT of studying before I call anyone out. On topics I am not clear yet, I don't give an opinion. But as I kept searching the scriptures, asking the Lord to give me understanding, to enlighten me, I began to see WITH PROOF from the scriptures how Lee was wrong in some of his teachings (NOT all but some!) The Lord is never Wrong. Man is. Quote:
![]() The Word of God tells us to search the scriptures (John 5:39 & Acts 17:11) Do you think we in the LC actually took the time to search the scriptures for ourselves ? I know I didn't ! Quote:
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Thank you for sharing your experiences and what the Lord is revealing to you TOC. May the Lord continue to shine His Lovely Face upon you, strengthening your spirit, your innerman, that you may be counted worthy to receive the Crown of Life (James 1:12) the Crown of Rejoicing, (1 Thessalonians 2:19) the Crown of Righteousness, (1 Timothy 4:8) the Incorruptible Crown, (1 Corinthians 9:25) and the Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:4) .
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
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#3 | ||||||||||||||||||
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 8
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Amen! I believe the Lord always needs a remnant to remain pure of heart. I believe this is what we have been called to. With this comes a tremendous responsibility to be faithful to His word. Ready for His calling, waiting and watching for His return. I learned from the ministry that the Lord operates so hidden and mysterious. We can enter in but only when in spirit. Thank you saint for touching my spirit today, feeding me with your Christ and allowing His testimony in us to flourish. Satan we are not defeated!!! We are becoming an army for Christ. You can not stop what God has deposited. Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers 39 Nor height nor depth nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. |
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#4 |
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Dear Fellow Believer in our Wonderful Lord Jesus Christ,
Your posts have inspired and stirred my spirit. Thank you for posting and opening your experience. I live in Durham, NC and after about six years of personal confusion and seeking, I settled in with a few other survivors of the LSM/LC and we now are going on with others who have never heard of the lc or WL and we do enjoy a fellowship based on Christ alone and open to all who would call Him Lord and Savior. There is a site on this forum where I have posted regarding some of our current or recent activities and experiences. It is under "Way Down South" and begins with post #15. I would welcom a PM. You and your husband are in our prayers. May the Lord bless you richly. A Believer in Christ Jesus the Lord, Hope |
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#5 | ||
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
Posts: 5,631
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Six of the seven asian assemblies at the end of the Bible were told to "repent", to change direction. They must remain compliant with the flowing Spirit, and able to change direction as the Spirit leads them into all of the reality. Those who are "fixed" are unable to be corrected, and not of much use. Imagine having a horse, pulling a plow, and it can't turn and adjust as the farmer needs it to! The only thing that I remain fixed in, is a few essentials. One, is to love the Lord my God with all my heart and soul and strength. I don't see that directive changing anytime soon. Second, to respect the person next to me, my neighbor. Treat them with compassion and as much understanding as I can possibly muster; treat them as I would have them do unto me. Doesn't matter if they are atheist or whatever. God loved us while we were yet sinners, so it seems to me I might profit by following God in this respect. Jesus said, "If you love those who don't love you back, then you will be sons of the Father in heaven." Seems pretty straightforward to me. Whomever God put next to me (my neighbor), God wants me to show them compassion and respect. Quote:
Either you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or you don't. If you believe, then you are a believer. If you don't, you are not. Pretty simple. I notice the practice of calling some people "saints" and some "denominations". But what is calling someone a "saint" but a distinction? In other words, you might say, "I was talking to the saints about the catholics...", and you mean you are talking to one group of believers about another group of believers. You have denominated both. You have to denominate, in order to make sense. So you end up playing word games, like "We are the denomination with no name". Which is of course a name. So, to me, to make distinctions between the XYZ church and the local church is just splitting hairs, and making distinctions between yourself and your brothers in faith. Either you believe, or you don't. If you believe into Jesus and are trying to conduct yourself in the hope of His calling, then placing further burdens upon the saints (i.e. "assembling on the proper ground") is just creating new laws. In my case, I never considered myself to be a member of the local churches. I was simply a believer. Today, I am not an "ex-LC'er". I am simply a believer. My journey at one point led me through the local churches, but that is the Lord's leading, and I count the experience as a blessing from my Shepherd. But I had to remain flexible, and correctable, and at some point the same Shepherd who led me into the local churches led me out.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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