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Introductions and Testimonies Please tell everybody something about yourself. Tell us a little. Tell us a lot. Its up to you!

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Old 07-12-2008, 03:40 PM   #1
Only by Grace
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Default Forum First Timer -- Shhhaaking in my boots!

I have never been (and never plan to be!) a member of the “LC” – LSM version or otherwise, but I am a born again believer in love with our Lord Jesus Christ, so I trust I will be “received” here. I feel like I “know” most of you, as I’ve been a lurker on the BARM LC sub-forum for several years. I’ve been wanting to join a community of Christians to chat with, and since I’m already comfortable with y’all, I decided to hop over from the BARM and jump in with a tentative toe in the water! This is my first participation in an on-line forum, so be kind! You guys (and gals!) get a little rough and tumble now and then, and, though I’ve been a Christian for over 35 years, I don’t think I’d want to get into a deep theological tangle with many of you. However, I can hold my own when it comes to following the Lord Jesus Christ with my whole heart, and my life! I thought I could maybe offer my occasional two cents on how “we” (or at least some of us "outside of the LC") might look at things from the perspective of never wearing LC colored glasses. (I don’t mean that disrespectfully, just as a matter of fact).

VERY brief testimony: Grew up in dysfunctional non-Christian home, came to know the Lord Jesus Christ when I was in my early teens shortly after I started attending a little Baptist church with a friend. I was overwhelmed with the fact that the creator of the Universe was also a loving Heavenly Father who wanted to have fellowship with me. Even as a young teen, I had a “knowledge” of my sin (and resulting guilt)…even with never holding a Bible in my hand! Hearing that evangelical pastor preach the salvation message was a vehicle the Holy Spirit used to convict my heart and show me my “need” for a Savior. I cried when I heard that God had given his Son to die on the cross – to take MY sins upon Himself! How could I resist such a love? I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and have never looked back. And, frankly, if Heaven and eternal life weren't "part of the deal," knowing the Lord in THIS life would be enough for me, truly. I’ve been attending “churches” in a couple of “denominations” the past 3+ decades (churches that I never even thought of being denominations!) I never thought of myself as a “Baptist” – just a Christian. When we moved a few years ago, I left a Baptist church, and didn’t set off looking for another one (nor was I looking for a “non”-Baptist church!) I just wanted to find a group of believers in our new community where the Bible is the first and last WORD, the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ is preached, where Christians can mature in Christ, and where each member’s spiritual gifts are recognized and used for the body of Christ and as light and salt in the community. Turns out, it’s not a Baptist church this go ‘round! The local congregations I have been a part of have never been controlled by a headquarters, but have been churches in my community where I felt that I fit…local congregations led by elders, solid grace-based Bible teaching, believer baptism, communion, singing/music, and other folks like me who want to worship the Lord together as a group, and who want to follow Him in their lives beyond Sunday. It’s funny (not ha-ha funny), if I were sharing my testimony anywhere else, I would probably not even be sharing about “where” I attend “church,” but rather just about my relationship with the Lord. But, being that I’m entering this LC forum, I know this is probably of importance to the gang.

My interest in joining this particular forum is that I have some “friends” who are already here! (That takes away a little of the fear and trepidation! ) I look forward to engaging in occasional discussions with you all…who I sense are just like my “real life” friends – lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ, who remain amazed at His extravagant love for us, and who are seeking to know and to be known, to learn and to share, to exhort and encourage, and to sharpen and be sharpened! Blessings to you all!

Only By Grace (or, you can call me Gracie for short!)

PS to YP...I thought the comic strip was pretty hilarious...which might give a glimpse of my personality...So...say good night, Gracie!
For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not harm you...plans for a future and a hope...
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Old 07-12-2008, 04:00 PM   #2
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Welcome to shaking in boots!
I will introduce myself as one saved for at least 50 years, in the LC for 32 years in Mansfield Ohio till the Lawsuit Ministry reared it's monsterous head here.
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Old 07-12-2008, 07:40 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Only by Grace View Post
I cried when I heard that God had given his Son to die on the cross – to take MY sins upon Himself! How could I resist such a love? I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and have never looked back. And, frankly, if Heaven and eternal life weren't "part of the deal," knowing the Lord in THIS life would be enough for me, truly.
Excellent testimony; welcome Only By Grace . I have always hoped that our forum discussions would not be restricted to ex-members hashing over our past, and the current state of affairs related to the LC, but would be relevant to the larger christian community as well. What we experience as 'local' problems (pun intended) are often aspects of larger themes which touch ALL the believers. In fact, we often can't really deal very well with the here and now unless we touch the larger themes which affect all: forgiveness, redemption, being merciful to one another, receiving one another just as God has received us in Christ Jesus, exhorting one another to go on in the faith, etc etc.

It has been my contention for a long time that either you are a believer or you are not. Either you have seen the glory in Jesus or you have not. Either you have heard the heavenly call in His voice or you have not. Other distinctions are minor: "ex-LC'er" only means that the believer was in the LC fellowship for a while and found it uncomfortable for some reason and got out. Our story is Christ, it is not the local churches.

That you have found our conversation worth joining is very encouraging to me as a christian. Thanks for sharing your portion. I think I can speak for others when I say we look forward to hearing more from you. Peace and grace to you. aron
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Old 07-12-2008, 08:48 PM   #4
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Welcome, Gracie! Your particular perspective is most welcome. Looking forward to knowing you better.
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Old 07-13-2008, 06:30 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Only by Grace View Post

Only By Grace (or, you can call me Gracie for short!)

PS to YP...I thought the comic strip was pretty hilarious...which might give a glimpse of my personality...So...say good night, Gracie!
Welcome Gracie,

I'm glad you gave us your name preference "Gracie", otherwise you'd probably end up as "Only" or "OBG" or something equally chopped or sliced! Gracie is much better!

I may be wrong (children will be children), but I anticipate a kinder, gentler forum here.

I enjoyed your testimony very much, my friend.

Goodnight, Gracie!

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Old 07-13-2008, 08:33 AM   #6
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Just remember that those boots were made for walkin...

Your moniker reminded me of this beautiful song:

Welcome to the forum Gracie!!
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Old 07-13-2008, 09:41 AM   #7
Thankful Jane
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Ditto to all the other responses to your introduction. I haven't started posting much yet, but hope to do so. I look forward to your input.

You said:
"...if I were sharing my testimony anywhere else, I would probably not even be sharing about 'where' I attend 'church,' but rather just about my relationship with the Lord. But, being that I’m entering this LC forum, I know this is probably of importance to the gang."

Thanks for being willing to participate with us and for recognizing that the church issue is a big deal to LCers past and present. I guess that's not too hard to figure out since it dominates so much of the dialogue . To my thought, the church topic was talked about way, way, more in the LC than Jesus was. Our mission was producing the "true" church.... so you don't talk to LCers easily (present or past) without this topic rising to the top. I hope we get to have more dialogue about our walks with Jesus here.

I believe your perspective will be a big help.

So, welcome from one newbie to another! (Hey, we're all newbies here!!) I think you picked a safe place to step into the water in your shaking boots. (The other place has people who throw boots ... and I speak from experience having been whacked with a few of them.) (I agree with KSA, we need more varieties of smilies !!!!!)

Thankful Jane
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