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Old 04-02-2013, 11:18 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 1
Default duty of the unemployed

what should a brother or sister do when they are unemployed? Witness Lee talks about how we should do our duty but not do it out of anxiety. What is the duty of an unemployed person? How hard should they strive for employment if we are not to have anxiety? I am a college graduate and I have been unemployed for about a month but I was unemployed for about a year before i found an internship in 2012 with housing but even that was not full employment. I have applied to several jobs and have had interviews but have not landed a job yet. Should I apply to every job in my vacinity even if it doesn't require my degree?
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Old 04-02-2013, 04:58 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
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Default Re: duty of the unemployed

Originally Posted by aburg25 View Post
what should a brother or sister do when they are unemployed? Witness Lee talks about how we should do our duty but not do it out of anxiety. What is the duty of an unemployed person? How hard should they strive for employment if we are not to have anxiety? I am a college graduate and I have been unemployed for about a month but I was unemployed for about a year before i found an internship in 2012 with housing but even that was not full employment. I have applied to several jobs and have had interviews but have not landed a job yet. Should I apply to every job in my vacinity even if it doesn't require my degree?
I have no idea what Lee meant when he said "we should do our duty but not do it out of anxiety".... I am sure there was more to the statement. But we should not rest our faith in what he said or what man says rather we put our Faith in God's Living Word.

For starters... Take hold of Psalm 34:1,2 6 and verse 7.

I will bless the Lord at all times. [remove the word "will" as that implies the future, something you are not doing right now. So pull the future into the present]:

I bless You O LORD ALMIGHTY GOD at ALL times. I may be struggling and frustrated even anxious that I have no job, but I continuously Praise Your Glorious Name for You are Good. My soul boasts in You for I am IN You and You are in me.

According to Your Word in Deuteronomy 29:11, Your Thoughts and plans for me is to succeed, to prosper, plans for my well being to have Peace, to give me Hope and a bright Future.

Abba Father, with a grateful heart, reveal to me through Your Spirit in me what those Plans are. Lead me to the job, to the place You want me to be in so that Your name will be Glorified. Thank You for those plans You have for me to prosper in my line of work and in Your Kingdom.

Many are the afflictions of the Righteous but You Lord (Jesus) delivers him out of all his troubles. I may be afflicted but because I am in Christ Jesus, I AM Righteous. And You are my Deliverer and Provider. Thank You for delivering me out of all my troubles. I may not -feel- delivered but by FAITH IN YOU, I AM! To You be all Glory and Praise.

Thank You for being my Fortress, my Hightower, my Strength,my Deliverer and Provider. You are my Shepherd. I shall not lack because You say I will not lack. As You lead me to green pastures I trust only IN You to lead me to the right employer.

Your Word in Philippians 4:6-7 says not to be anxious. So by Faith, by the power of Your Spirit working in me, I will not be anxious. I have made my prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING be made known unto You. My request is in Your Hands. I thank You for receiving my request. Praise You Father God. Praise You Lord Jesus. All Honor and Glory to You Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, You tell us where 2 or more are gathered in Your Holy Name, You are in our midst. So we are standing with our sibling in Christ to provide him with a most excellent job to Your Praise and Glory.

Bless aburg25 NOW by revealing and leading him to the place he will prosper and succeed. Bless him as well as all Your children Father as You blessed Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Ruth, David and Solomon. Sprinkle the Precious Blood of Yeshua on us all and on our finances so that no weapon formed against aburg25 or us will succeed in pulling and weighing us down.

Thank You Abba Father for blessing aburg25 and all Your saints IN Christ Jesus. Amen.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 04-02-2013, 07:57 PM   #3
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Default Re: duty of the unemployed

thank you for the prayer brother or sister. I just got off skype with my blood sister and she is not a believer and all she speaks is death. She spoke a lot of "ifs" what if my father passes, what if this, what if that... etc. Your words encouraged as well as motivated me to pursue the Lord's plan diligently.
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Old 04-03-2013, 08:51 AM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
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Default Re: duty of the unemployed

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
thank you for the prayer brother or sister. I just got off skype with my blood sister and she is not a believer and all she speaks is death. She spoke a lot of "ifs" what if my father passes, what if this, what if that... etc. Your words encouraged as well as motivated me to pursue the Lord's plan diligently.
You're welcome.
Many people (beginning with the news) speak negative. We are bombarded by negative speaking that comes from negative thinking.

Part of our commission is to infuse Life and Light into our loved ones, our friends, neighbors and acquaintances. But we must first begin by infusing the Living Word into us. For the Word of God is Living and Powerful, sharper than any two edged sword...and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12).

It is not always to think and speak positively infusing Life and Light. However my experience has taught me the more I speak the Word of Life into me, the stronger I/we become in Christ and the Holy Spirit then gives us Wisdom on how to reach those who are filled with fear and insecurity. He will make manifest how we ought to to speak; to walk in Wisdom to those who are without redeeming the time. As we season our speech with Grace and salt (giving it flavor while preserving the Truth), we will know how to answer every person. (Colossians 4:4-5). I do not "preach" anything I have not experienced. If I have not experienced the Power of the Precious Blood of the Lamb, I would not be able to encourage others to apply the Cleansing and Protective Blood of the Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Last year, I went to the grocery store. As I paid for groceries, I helped load them in the shopping cart, leaving my wallet on the counter. I drove off and stopped to fill up my gas tank. It was there that I realized I left my wallet on the counter. As my heart and mind began to panic with fear, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind Phiippians 4:6-7. So I told the Lord: Your Word instructs me not to be anxious. So I am placing my Trust in You to protect my wallet. Encamp Your Angels around it so that no one takes it. But no matter what happens, it is in Your Hands and You will protect me and my finances. Thank You Lord Jesus for receiving my prayers, my request. Thank You Holy Spirit. Praise You Abba Father."

I mustered every speck of Faith in me!!! It was not easy not to be anxious!! As much as was in me, I obeyed the Word not to be anxious.

When I got to the store, my wallet was in the manager's office completel in tact. Nothing was missing.

I believe I was rewarded and my level of Faith shot up a notch!

Remember. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. (Matt 12:34). If we think negatively, we are going to speak negatively. Speaking the Word of God into us changes our stinking thinking. By His Spirit working in us, we are empowered with a sound and clear mind and a spirit of Love. (2 Timothy 1:7)

[Thank You Lord Jesus for blessing me/us with the Power of Truth, of Love, with the Power of a sound Mind. I have a sound mind because I/we have have the Mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16). To You be all Glory and Praise.

May our Wonderful, Loving and Gracious God continuously bless and grant each and everyone here supernatural Favor that we may prosper in spirit, soul, body and financially to the Praise and Glory of our Great and Awesome God. :-)

Carol Garza
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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