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Old 09-11-2011, 03:03 PM   #1
Sons to Glory!
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Thumbs up Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

For over a decade there has been a brothers’ breakfast every Thursday in Scottsdale, Arizona. This breakfast has proven to be the most enjoyable and pure gathering many of us have experienced, and I want to share the experience with those on this forum.

Early every Thursday morning the brothers get together to have open fellowship and breakfast. We rotate who brings the breakfast, and it can be very simple (bagels and fruit) to much more elaborate (egg casserole, etc.). Anywhere from about eight to over twenty brothers show up. I would say that maybe half of the brothers don’t meet with us at other times, and meet with various other groups and denominations the rest of the week. We have one thing in common, and that is Christ in us, the hope of glory!

Christ is really the center of these meetings, and most everyone says that the open sharing and fellowshipping around Christ is what draws them back year after year. There are no forms or leaders to these breakfast meetings. We pray, sing, praise and fellowship at will. Often someone will have something that has touched them from the Word or from a devotional they read, or some other writings. Some may have concerns they share, and we often pray about their concerns. As the breakfast continues, various brothers leave to go to work or other obligations when their time comes. As things wind down, there is often a few of us who stay (who don’t have set obligations to go to) and continue fellowshipping . . . sometimes for hours.

The openness, trust and caring of the ones who come to the breakfast is most heart-warming. We venture into all kinds of areas in the discussions – nothing is taboo. The healthy focus on Christ and experiencing Him is awesome. One never knows who the light will come from next. I have tasted Christ and His love for others in this breakfast as I have no where else. I can tell the brothers there anything, and have simply the best discussions on any topic. The loving wisdom and mind of Christ is so apparent with these ones it astounds me. (There is also a certain nobility of Christ present – a foretaste of fellowship in the Kingdom – but I don’t quite know how to express that here.)

So that’s the outline of the precious brothers’ breakfast we have in Scottsdale. You may already be enjoying such fellowship where you are. If not, it is certainly something you might want to consider, pray and fellowship about!
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Old 09-12-2011, 06:05 PM   #2
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Greetings brother Sons to Glory!

We have a similar breakfast get together in Fort Lauderdale Florida.

I recently joined this get together when I started to meet with a group of saints in the area. We mostly meet at Ihop or such places on Saturdays. The fellowship is an encouragement in Him.
Glad to hear that you have such a rich experience in The Lord.

Much Peace,

Don Jr
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Old 09-12-2011, 07:01 PM   #3
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by manna-man View Post
Greetings brother Sons to Glory!
We have a similar breakfast get together in Fort Lauderdale Florida.
Awesome! If I'm in the area, I might stop by!
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Old 09-13-2011, 02:18 PM   #4
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Awesome! If I'm in the area, I might stop by!
Oh, do stop by.

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Don Jr.
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Old 09-14-2011, 06:11 AM   #5
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
For over a decade there has been a brothers’ breakfast every Thursday in Scottsdale, Arizona. This breakfast has proven to be the most enjoyable and pure gathering many of us have experienced, and I want to share the experience with those on this forum.

Early every Thursday morning the brothers get together to have open fellowship and breakfast. ... As the breakfast continues, various brothers leave to go to work or other obligations when their time comes. As things wind down, there is often a few of us who stay (who don’t have set obligations to go to) and continue fellowshipping . . . sometimes for hours.

So that’s the outline of the precious brothers’ breakfast we have in Scottsdale. You may already be enjoying such fellowship where you are. If not, it is certainly something you might want to consider, pray and fellowship about!
Is it a men's meeting or are women invited too ? You emphasized brothers so I am merely curious. Btw, I think it's fine if it's a strictly a men's club made up of brothers in Christ that gathers for fellowship.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 09-14-2011, 08:03 AM   #6
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Is it a men's meeting or are women invited too ? You emphasized brothers so I am merely curious. Btw, I think it's fine if it's a strictly a men's club made up of brothers in Christ that gathers for fellowship.
It's always been a brothers only breakfast, and I don't know of any sister who has wanted to come. We can share most openly with each other that way. When we speak of our wives, I am amazed how much love and wisdom comes out concerning marriage - and other relationships. (Most often it is how God spoke through our wives, or how smart they are.)
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Old 05-29-2018, 03:08 PM   #7
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

An update on an old post - the Thursday brothers' breakfasts are still awesome! It stays small (16 came last week) and we like it like that, so that there is plenty of freedom for open sharing. We start off with a song or two and raise the roof!

About half of the bros that come don't meet with us on Sunday, and participate in other groups. So there's lot's of "cross-pollination." Through the years, this has been such a blessing and nourishment of Christ to all of us.

BTW - The sisters have their own breakfast and another function they started a while back.

It's all about Christ and building up one another in love!
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Old 05-29-2018, 04:29 PM   #8
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

What about a sister's and brother's combined breakfast do they do that? I ask that because any denomination I've been in always has a "men's breakfast" and I've never seen a combined one. I believe this is because it's an old tradition that women don't eat breakfast, they get up early to cook breakfast for their husbands and a church-run men's breakfast gives them a chance to rest.
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Old 05-29-2018, 09:05 PM   #9
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
What about a sister's and brother's combined breakfast do they do that? I ask that because any denomination I've been in always has a "men's breakfast" and I've never seen a combined one. I believe this is because it's an old tradition that women don't eat breakfast, they get up early to cook breakfast for their husbands and a church-run men's breakfast gives them a chance to rest.
Well that's still the case, isn't it - just ask my wife! So the bros make and bring the breakfast, because being a grown-up woman-haters club, we don't want no wimin there!

Okay, just in case you wanted a serious response to that, here's one - I don't know 100% why that is. We do have monthly potlucks after a Sunday gathering, in which the whole family is there. I will just say that the fellowship in Thursday breakfasts is extremely rich. So I wonder - why none of the sisters groups have wanted to merge with ours? Maybe they enjoy the break from us! And who knows, if the Lord would so lead us to do that . . . well sure!

(BTW - I have the pleasure of making breakfast most mornings for my wife.)
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Old 06-01-2018, 06:45 AM   #10
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
For over a decade there has been a brothers’ breakfast every Thursday in Scottsdale, Arizona. This breakfast has proven to be the most enjoyable and pure gathering many of us have experienced.....The openness, trust and caring of the ones who come to the breakfast is most heart-warming. We venture into all kinds of areas in the discussions – nothing is taboo. The healthy focus on Christ and experiencing Him is awesome. One never knows who the light will come from next. I have tasted Christ and His love for others in this breakfast as I have no where else. I can tell the brothers there anything, and have simply the best discussions on any topic. The loving wisdom and mind of Christ is so apparent with these ones it astounds me. (There is also a certain nobility of Christ present – a foretaste of fellowship in the Kingdom – but I don’t quite know how to express that here.)
Sounds wonderful.

Why only once a week? What prevents you from gathering on this basis all the time?

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Old 06-01-2018, 07:25 AM   #11
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Sounds wonderful.

Why only once a week? What prevents you from gathering on this basis all the time?

Good question! Lots of other commitments I suppose. Plus a few come from some distance.

Additionally, various ones meet in smaller groups for coffee and fellowship on other days too.
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Old 06-01-2018, 07:43 AM   #12
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Good question! Lots of other commitments I suppose. Plus a few come from some distance.

Additionally, various ones meet in smaller groups for coffee and fellowship on other days too.
Excluding the ones who come from a distance... why don't those who are geographically closer meet on that basis 24X7?

And why should the fellowship the brothers enjoy in coming together not be enjoyed by every member of their congregation? What prevents those brothers from taking the initiative to bring their congregations together to enjoy the fellowship in the same way?

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Old 06-01-2018, 07:55 AM   #13
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Excluding the ones who come from a distance... why don't those who are geographically closer meet on that basis 24X7?

And why should the fellowship the brothers enjoy in coming together not be enjoyed by every member of their congregation? What prevents those brothers from taking the initiative to bring their congregations together in the same way?

Hmmmm, I don't know. There are various gatherings that take place all the time, but I don't know that anyone keeps specific track of all of them (and I don't think they need to be tracked).

For instance, a few of us (four to eight typically) bros meet every Tuesday for fellowship, prayer and then we go out to dinner. We've been doing this over 15 years. Different ones show up as they can (some live a long ways off). A couple of them don't generally meet with us any other time of the week. It's always real and always rich! But not in any way organized by the "church." (unless you use the proper definition of church as the "called-out gathering" - the group certainly is that)
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Old 06-01-2018, 12:12 PM   #14
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Hmmmm, I don't know. There are various gatherings that take place all the time, but I don't know that anyone keeps specific track of all of them (and I don't think they need to be tracked).

For instance, a few of us (four to eight typically) bros meet every Tuesday for fellowship, prayer and then we go out to dinner. We've been doing this over 15 years. Different ones show up as they can (some live a long ways off). A couple of them don't generally meet with us any other time of the week. It's always real and always rich! But not in any way organized by the "church." (unless you use the proper definition of church as the "called-out gathering" - the group certainly is that)
That's commendable.... really..... but unless the whole congregation benefits then the profit is limited.

This sounds like what Brother Nee described as "shaking hands over the fence". The brothers breakfast is satisfying on the personal level to those brothers but after the fellowship you each go your separate ways.

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Old 06-01-2018, 12:47 PM   #15
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
That's commendable.... really..... but unless the whole congregation benefits then the profit is limited.

This sounds like what Brother Nee described as "shaking hands over the fence". The brothers breakfast is satisfying on the personal level to those brothers but after the fellowship you each go your separate ways.

I think the whole group benefits because when one member benefits, all do. That is, the walk we have with the Lord certainly has an impact/overflow on others when we get together. Our time Sunday would undoubtedly be much poorer, if we weren't all having our individual experiences of Christ - don't you agree?

Logistically speaking, members are all going their separate ways, then we come back together . . . then we go our way . . . then . . .
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