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Ex Church Kids (of Local Church) Ex Church Kids from Local Church of Witness Lee

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Old 12-10-2024, 10:06 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2024
Posts: 9
Exclamation LSM & A&C "Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith."!!

LSM- & A&C (Affirmation and Critique) just announced Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith. I did not read the full 96-page magazine A&C that has been put out, but I am responding to the LSM announcement at the end of Message 4 at the Thanksgiving Conference last month.

Direct Quote:

“…our need to evaluate Christian thought In light of the up-to-date ministry in the Lord’s Recovery….Many of us may have the mistaken view that our understanding of justification is the same as Luther’s … in Luther we see the recovery of faith however Luther did not recover justification by faith, he only recovered faith, he was not so clear regarding justification”

Below is a link to hear the announcement at the end of the Thanksgiving Conference just a few weeks ago, Message #4, time marker 2:08.00, only available till Dec 30, 2024.

Affirmation and Critique (A&C) has completed a 600-page project of church history. We know from history and even recent events that when you bring down monuments or statues or change history it is a very dangerous thing. One can “rewrite the narrative” the way they see it and not according to real history. Thus, the result is you do not know where you came from and from “whose shoulder’s we all stand upon.”

Martin Luther who suffered greatly is now under attack again even after death! He did in fact recover Justification by Faith. This is not only proven by every scholar who has done historical research, but you can look and see for yourself in the translated documents from Luther’s writings. See “The Freedom of a Christian” written in 1520. An Open Letter to Pope Leo X. To Leo X, Pope at Rome at this link,
See page 14 “Justified by faith alone”

A word search from the above document (hit control F then type the word justification) and you will find it 28 times. Many times, Martin Luther connected Justification and faith! Also, regarding the history of what he was fighting, the Catholic Church was selling certificates of forgiveness for indulgences i.e. sin. So, in their view you needed to pay the Catholic Church for your sins to be forgiven. Well of course Martin Luther saying all you need is faith in Christ and you are justified and free is a threat to the cash cow of the Catholic Church selling forgiveness. Of course they wanted to stop him to keep the money flowing. He suffered emotionally, mentally, physically and was put in jail.

Now of course we are saved for more than only to be justified. Ok I agree we are saved for more than just “justification” but the fact and the truth is, we do stand on the shoulders of heroes like Martin Luther who did recover Justification by Faith!
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Old 12-10-2024, 12:25 PM   #2
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Default Re: LSM & A&C "Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith."!!

Hi Truthinlove,

”…our need to evaluate Christian thought In light of the up-to-date ministry in the Lord’s Recovery….Many of us may have the mistaken view that our understanding of justification is the same as Luther’s … in Luther we see the recovery of faith however Luther did not recover justification by faith, he only recovered faith, he was not so clear regarding justification”
That is, of course, complete nonsense. Unlike today, people in the late Middle Ages had a lot of faith, so much so that they even believed in letters of indulgence. Faith was not the problem, it was that they did not know how to be justified before God! And Luther was given this point crystal clear. It was his central insight. The problems in Luther's theology lie in church doctrine. Certainly not in that of justification.
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Old 12-11-2024, 06:00 AM   #3
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Default Re: LSM & A&C "Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith."!!

In light of the up-to-date ministry in the Lord’s Recovery…
I’m always curious about the use of the phrase “up-to-date ministry”. Lee died in 1997. So how “up to date” is it? At least 25-26 years old.

Example, I noticed that the online version of the Life Study of Revelation now has a 2nd edition. Was this edition created by the original author, Lee, or someone else? Does anyone have access to this “up-to-date” edition? I do not because a subscription is required. I now notice that all the New Testament life studies have a second edition. Can we assume this is the “up to date” ministry without Lee’s input?

I have been a personal witness to the fact that Lee’s live speaking is sometimes heavily edited when published in print…perhaps to bring it “up to date” a few weeks after being spoken live.

Just curious—-
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Old 12-11-2024, 06:39 AM   #4
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Default Re: LSM & A&C "Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith."!!


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Old 12-11-2024, 09:04 AM   #5
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Default Re: LSM & A&C "Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith."!!

“…our need to evaluate Christian thought In light of the up-to-date ministry in the Lord’s Recovery….Many of us may have the mistaken view that our understanding of justification is the same as Luther’s … in Luther we see the recovery of faith however Luther did not recover justification by faith, he only recovered faith, he was not so clear regarding justification”
Well, this kind of a progression you will see when you follow dead men who pretended to be some special light for half a century. What’s really unfortunate for these cowardly and bashful statements, is that they tell them to the congregation rather than having some bravery and fortitude to answer basic questions to Christians outside their bubble and cult. Also notice that they keep reviewing history from 500 years ago, but refusing to check history over the past century, and where and how their master builder came up with a bunch of nonsense and lies!

Like a dog that returns to its vomit, so is a fool who repeats his foolishness - is a perfect description of this group’s leadership. They keep trying to find a way to somehow fit themselves into the history of the church for 2000 years, unfortunately they just can find a space that would fit their ideologies and lies. They have to keep bashing and taking on people who actually did stand for something, rather than fall for a foolish men.

I was told when I left this group that we are all the same believers, just some of us are more advanced in the LC than anywhere else. Well, if advanced means that they have went further and further away from Biblical truth and godly ways and principles - then absolutely they are! Otherwise they need some real light, real shining. This kind of post from them just confirms that they have become visually impaired over the past many years, or just went completely blind and looking for something to grab on as they try to make their way forward.

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Old 12-11-2024, 04:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: LSM & A&C "Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith."!!

I agree Nell, as you referenced LSM is editing the entire New Testament life studies which can be seen online (2nd ed) but as far as I know we do not have access to them yet unless you are an inside LSM worker. LSM is the “ground of the church” if you do not agree with WL or LSM that means you are an opposer, negative, need to be quarantined or you have been poisoned.

LSM controls the churches when it should simply and only be a publisher, period. LSM controls the narrative, who really knows what Nee and Lee really said, after all who has the original Chinese documents? I would not be shocked if a lot of “controversial issues” like negative speaking toward Christianity other portions magically disappear.

Usually, 2nd Ed is only to correct grammar or correct mistakes the ISBN of each edition belongs to the publisher and not to any individual, any change in publisher must result in a new edition of the book with a fresh ISBN number (tbc time will tell). But this raises some huge red flags.

It also would not surprise me if it were announced “New from LSM the entire New Testament 2nd Edition Life studies is now also available for purchase in book form”! $$$

Some hymns are also being updated to remove the negativity LSM had which has caused them a lot of problems, take for example if anyone had the black hymn book hymn #1273 Chorus in there says
“Overcome, Overcome, Overcome degraded Christianity”
Now the new version says Overcome, Overcome, Overcome the degradation of the church”

(hymnal.net 1273). Clean up underway! Without admitting it LSM is admitting it makes big mistakes.
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Old 01-14-2025, 04:20 AM   #7
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Default Re: LSM & A&C "Martin Luther did not recover justification by faith."!!

one day soon God will righteously judge this sect.

The only way for A&C's claim that Luther did not recover Justification (by faith) can be true; is if believers are not actually justified by faith (alone) - in other words there must be some additional requirement to faith.

This would make perfect sense, because they believe in the mediator Witness Lee. According to their faith, one cannot possibly be right with God, Christ or the church apart from having a proper relationship with Witness Lee.

Naturally, it follows that they do not believe in justification by faith (as the Bible and Luther taught).

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