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Old 06-05-2024, 09:49 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 98
Default God Is Silent In The Local Church.

As LSM publications always love to boast that Lord’s Recovery always has God's speaking, when I got my personal problems and need the divine guidance and some answer, it seems i can't hear His speaking or guidance anymore.

The Lord remains silent and no so-called help from the head through the members of the Body. Everything is in vain And my faith starts to be shaken. It's getting worse and worse because I felt there's no God. There's just human opinions in publications and in prophesy meeting.

This situation is unbearable for me. And I have begun to join denomination meeting and the first sermon that I enjoyed have come to timely help for my situation. I feel i starts to hear Lord’s speaking little by little and my faith is going to be empowered and strengthened.

Praise the Lord for helping me get out of the area which blocks Your voice, the area submerged under human opinions and teaching.

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Old 06-05-2024, 05:18 PM   #2
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Default Re: God Is Silent In The Local Church.

Blessings to you Truthseeker. You’re right. Little by little your faith will be restored and empowered…not by men but by the voice of God. Continue to talk to him and continue to be a truth seeker.

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Old 06-15-2024, 06:54 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
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Default Re: God Is Silent In The Local Church.

Greetings everyone!
It’s been a long time since I have been here. This thread was very timely for me An abandoned building two blocks away from the street I live on it’s been beautifully restored, and there is A beautiful sign Facing the main street called “ The meeting hall of the church in San Antonio”.

It has not yet opened to anyone as they are still working on it Initially, I was tempted to go to a meeting just to see what it’s like after 40+ years

So this thread and others have reminded me that it’s not a good place to visit and it’s best to stay far away from it even though I have to pass that building almost every day!!

The Lord bless everyone here and strengthen everyone by the power of his Holy Spirit Do not be discouraged! God is an awesome God. His Love for us is immeasurable His mercy and His goodness follows us all the days of our lives

Carol G
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 06-15-2024, 09:30 AM   #4
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default Re: God Is Silent In The Local Church.

So good to hear from you Carol! And thank you for your uplifting words of encouragement and inspiration! Don't make yourself so scarce my dear sister!
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11
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Old 06-17-2024, 09:00 AM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 98
Default Re: God Is Silent In The Local Church.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Greetings everyone!
It’s been a long time since I have been here. This thread was very timely for me An abandoned building two blocks away from the street I live on it’s been beautifully restored, and there is A beautiful sign Facing the main street called “ The meeting hall of the church in San Antonio”.

It has not yet opened to anyone as they are still working on it Initially, I was tempted to go to a meeting just to see what it’s like after 40+ years

So this thread and others have reminded me that it’s not a good place to visit and it’s best to stay far away from it even though I have to pass that building almost every day!!

The Lord bless everyone here and strengthen everyone by the power of his Holy Spirit Do not be discouraged! God is an awesome God. His Love for us is immeasurable His mercy and His goodness follows us all the days of our lives

Carol G
Did you join local church before?
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Old 06-18-2024, 10:30 AM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,377
Default Re: God Is Silent In The Local Church.

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Did you join local church before?
Yes. I joined the LC back in 1975 at the young green age of 21. I did not get saved at a meeting. I became born again at work when a Christian coworker led me to the Lord by sharing the Word of God using his KJ Bible. I had a very strong salvation FILLED with the Holy Spirit and the cleansing POWER of the Blood of Jesus. People at work saw an immediate change in my countenance and was asked all week “what happened to you?” The brother who led me to the Lord in prayer was a member of the LC.

There was a Christian girl at work who was a Believer but did not attend the LC meetings. I don’t think anyone knew she was a Christian. After she witnessed my transformation she began going to the meetings. One day she “confessed”. LOL that she had said to the LORD at work “ LORD there is no hope for that girl is there?” HA-HA. The LORD GOD showed her!!

I was one that smoked both cigarettes and weed and cussed like nobody’s business both in English and Spanish! LOL. When I have given my testimony of being born again and immediately filled with the Holy Spirit and His Power working in me, they scratch their heads in unbelief. 🤠 They can’t picture me being a “partier”.

The meetings at my “locality” were fun and joyous. But by 1976, the “sermons” given were all on “Brother Lee’s” messages. Little did I know they were his interpretation and Watchman Nee’s insights. I did not think they were bad. Much of it was TRUE YET LIMITED. Their insights were NOT ALL GOSPEL TRUE!

Very soon thereof, the messages were about “The Lord’s Recovery”. You know the rest of the story. By 1977/78, I could no longer take the “idolization” of Brother Lee.

By moving to another locality, I was able to escape the clutches of Lee’s ministry.

Because my salvation was so strong. And I KNEW Jesus had saved me plus my continued reading of GOD’s WORD, HE rooted and Grounded me so that I never EVER questioned my salvation even when years later around the 80s and 90’s I backslid as some might call it. I never went back to smoking or cussing though. I merely made friends with “worldly people” who were good and decent friends who were unbelievers.
In 2004, I hit rock bottom, a testimony for another time. Just know I surrendered my life through tears of deep repentance. One day after feeling healed and right with the Lord again, I asked Him to bring me up to speed, where I would be had I not put Him in the back burner. I believe He did.

Fast forward to where I am in my spiritual walk. I have never been happier and content in my relationship with ALMIGHTY GOD. I truly am one who takes the scripture “pray without ceasing pray” LITERALLY! LOL!

I address my prayers to GOD the Holy Spirit and have wonderful conversations with Him for The Holy Spirit is my/our Counselor, Teacher (the BEST there is!!) and Comforter. I am truly enjoying getting to know Him intimately. He makes me smile and chuckle a LOT. OH How I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE The Holy Spirit!! Even right now as I write my heart is so joyous I have tears in my eyes. He is just soo LOVEABLE!!!!

The Holy Spirit led me to Jesus. He pointed HIM AND to each of us that are saved, to JESUS. I KNOW and LOVE my Savior, LORD and KING JESUS because the Holy Spirit revealed JESUS TO ME!! The Holy Spirit reveals JESUS (and GOD THE FATHER) to each and everyone of us whether we know it or not!

And OH how I LOVE JESUS ! He is the AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH IN GOD. Jesus shed His Precious Blood so that we could enter the Throne Room without guilt or Shame. In my spirit I am in the Glorious Throne Room ALOT!!
Jesus is the Peace of God in us that surpasses ALL HUMAN UNDERSTANDING!! Jesus is truly my Best friend. He truly is my Savior , LORD, KING OF GLORY. He is my Fortress, my High Tower. And it is Absolutely TRUE The JOY of the LORD is my Strength!

My physical body has been through the wringer! It is riddled with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have 2 new knees, 2 new hips but crooked hands and feet. I walk with “Cane and Able” 🤠. 2 canes. I had sepsis that almost killed me but GOD said “ NOT SO FAST! It maybe better to be absent from the body and be present with ME, the LORD” BUT I guess He’s not done with me! I think He wants me to “SUFFA” a little more Ha-Ha.

And now to our BLESSED FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN Whose Name is soo HOLY, Awesome, Glorious and MAJESTIC.

I KNOW our ABBA Father because I know Jesus as intimately as I know the Holy Spirit. Jesus told Phillip “if you have seen ME, you have seen The FATHER, Phillip! For I am the Way, the Truth and the LIFE AND (absolutely) NO ONE can come to the FATHER BUT THROUGH ME!!

I soooo look forward to be face to face with our ALMIGHTY GOD, Father, Son and Holy Spirit — THREE in ONE.
THANK YOU ALL for allowing me to share my testimony

May the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding guide your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Remember JESUS PROMISES to never leave you or forsake you. His GOODNESS and MERCY follows us all the days of our lives. He will supply your EVERY NEED and if you truly delight in HIM (without an agenda) simply because you love Him, Worship Him, Glorify Him because He is WORTHY of all Praise and Glory whether we are up or down, our emotions don’t matter. No matter how we feel or what we might be going through, GOD WILL grant us the desires of our hearts. HEY !! He is soo Good even if you don’t delight in Him, Hecwill grant you the desires of your heart because you are HIS SON/DAUGHTER and loves each and everyone of you (and me) soo very, very much!!


Shower of Blessings to All of YOU IN the Name of our Precious FATHER, IN THE NAME of our KING AND Lord Jesus Christ and in the Name of our Precious HOLY SPIRIT of TRUTH.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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