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Introductions and Testimonies Please tell everybody something about yourself. Tell us a little. Tell us a lot. Its up to you! |
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#1 |
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 173
Hello there! Don’t know who’ll see this, but I figure I’ll add a bit of my story to this site. I met with a local church for a little over nine years. I met them as a freshman in college. For many years, I was involved in their Christians on Campus college ministry as a student, participating in just about every event/meeting they had. I enjoyed my time there, and over the years I developed what I believed were strong connections with my mentor, a full-timer and now elder. He served as a father-figure to me and I often butted heads with him regarding the scriptures and various other trivial matters. Exactly as a son should, right? Anyhow, I became one of the leading students on campus, helping to reach out to and usher in many new ones to our group and setting up meetings and whatnot. My favorite way to help was to lead the singing times with my (most likely) obnoxiously loud voice and my guitar. I went to most of the college conferences, internship trainings (these were trainings for students who were interested in reaching out to the incoming freshmen during the summer months), internships (already described), bible studies, Saturday fun times, Lord’s day meetings, etc. I joined the children’s ministry and worked with the coordinator for seven years up until the point where I left. In my later years in The Lord’s Recovery, I often also worked with a certain woman who had a heart to restart the young people’s meetings since they were dropped during the splendiferous COVID era. Many of the years were good to me, and I am grateful that God provided me with a community to keep me alive during what was an extended period of chronic depression and one gratefully small period where I experienced passively suicidal tendencies (lasted about a week or two). As the years went on, I picked up on more and more of the common red flags that ex-members pick up on, and one particular incident occurred back in January which was my tipping point. The last several months have served as a detox period for me, and although they’ve been painful, I’ve been feeling greater and greater relief after having left The Lord’s Recovery. It was also after my departure that I decided to do more research and ended up finding out that the history of The Lord’s Recovery is rife with controversy, abuse, and conflict. The most striking stories for me were those of Jo and Greg Casteel, Harvest House Publishers, and John Ingalls’ testimony in his book “Speaking the Truth in Love.” Anyhoo, that seems like enough for an introduction.
Yours truly, A Curious Fellow |
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#2 | |||
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
Posts: 5,631
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The more you dig, the more you understand. Why would anyone join this group? Why stay on, as it feels more and more troubling, less the magical dream world it was sold as, you know, the "glorious church life"? It all starts to look less rosy, but then people stay on - why? Examining the history from several angles opens it up and explained a lot. Of course, others may say not to bother, or may quit in confusion, but for me, it all began to make sense. As an example, I noticed Watchman Nee had close 'senior' and 'apostolic' co-workers that were women - Peace Wang and Lee. Look in WL biography - "A Seer of the Divine Revelation" and there's a whole chapter on these pillars, along with similar 'lights' like Dora Yu, Margaret Barber, Miss Elizabeth Fischbacher (travelling companion and speech transcriber). Yet, no woman could be local elder or deacon under Lee... when I asked why, only one person responded, "That's because the situation was different with Nee." Otherwise, nobody would touch the question. And yet even Lee's biography said Ruth Lee was a person of 'great spiritual weight'. So you realize there's compartmentalization going on. Inharmonious parts of proposed worldviews are being walled off from each other, because they can't be reconciled. Another example: I noticed some Psalms railing against foes called "Christ defeating Satan" in the RecV footnotes. Likewise, where David killed Goliath, Saul slew Agag, Joshua put people to the sword, etc, was interpreted as "We're fighting for the Lord and His interests." Usually, however, such Psalms are dismissed with comments of "low" and "natural", because the RecV says "we all know we must bless and not curse, and turn the other cheek". I asked why the contradictions, and was told, "Maybe that's how it is", by a previously loquacious defender of all things Recovery. And, nobody else would even touch the issue. Another example: a young woman was there and heard Nee confess to producing and holding pornography. She published the book on what she saw and heard, and if you look on Amazon, one review goes to great length and detail, how the book was "shoddy" (it was), how the author was biased (she was), how poorly the Chinese Communists treated Christians (which they did), but nothing on Nee's actual confession in court, which underpinned the whole book. https://www.amazon.com/My-Unforgetta...ps%2C96&sr=8-1 My point is that what you'll see, here and elsewhere, that people can go on and on about things that help construct and preserve their worldview, but will "wall off" aspects of the very same reality and experience that question or challenge it. Certain verses (or parts of verses [!!]) will get exhaustive attention while whole sections are waved away as irrelevant and faulty, as "fallen human concepts." Stories are repeated again and again, but unhelpful parts of those very same stories are scrupulously ignored. The more you look, the more you realize that you're seeing the creation and maintenance of a very deliberately and carefully circumscribed worldview. If the "wrong things" get in, it will collapse.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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#3 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
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A: "Witness Lee is the minister of the age. Look at all the revelations that he saw. Nobody else gave us the lofty vision of God's economy except WL." Q: "But how do you know his vision of God's economy is according the NT? Have you actually examined it?" A: "It's from the wise master builder himself! How dare you question God's deputy authority! That would be rebellion against God!" So, the teaching carries it's own 'poison pill' that provides a buffer against critical examination and exposure. As long as a sufficient number of people speak this to each other, it can go on indefinitely. Then with Living Stream, there are various campus recruitment teams and post-Uni training centres round the globe, stuffing their brains with this supposed vision, and continually warning them of outsiders. Look at the Mormons - there's no independent evidence that I know of, showing us that the current Native Americans were descended from the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. Yet the Latter Day Saints church, founded solely on this supposed revelation from God, continues apace, as if that glaring lack of corroboration isn't relevant. They didn't have DNA testing in 1823, but they do in 2023, yet a religious body which should be most interested in finding out remains deliberately unawares, and resolutely obtuse, as if centuries hadn't passed. It's as if the effort had now become intrinsically valid, just because they have large stone buildings and libraries, as if Joseph Smith's revelations were from heaven. Look at the golden angel statue with the trumpet! How could this not be from God? Or the Luz Del Mundo church from Mexico, with several hundred thousand members spread through North America. Their current leader is in Federal penitentiary for sexually assaulting minors. Yet the group continues, telling one another that he's being persecuted for his faith. He's God's apostle - how could he have done what they say? It must be all lies, an attack from Satan. So, the web of mental concepts and social relations are enduring. Additionally, Living Stream operatives can drop hundreds of millions of dollars in donations and real estate investments at Harvard and its environs to aid campus recruiting. They own an apartment building - they must be legit, right? They can buy off former critics like Christian Research Institute. Their leaders host international trade meetings with the likes of Russia's Putin. Surely WN and WL would be pleased with the work of such devoted followers. The entire narrative is that this organizational mass equates to "God's building". Everything useful for today's narrative is shoehorned in, and anything unhelpful is excluded pro forma. **There are a few high-profile cases where the "ministry" is exposed as an invalid sham and the whole thing collapses into utter ruin, but that's rare. See, e.g., Ravi Zacharias and RZIM.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' Last edited by aron; 08-14-2023 at 11:18 AM. Reason: footnote |
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#4 |
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
God bless You in Jesus Christ! I wish You quick recovery and growth in Christ! What You described is very common way of Christendom:" I was there, doing this, we did this..." Very opposite to disciple of Christ talking about his beloved. No matter what group we can attend, but this very simple rule can help us recognize even our own heart's condition. Believe me or not, but several saints visited my home ( I am still open, as brother of Christ should be) and for over 2 hours not that much was spoken about Lord. It was hard to come to flow of life. Two day ago: 5,5 hours in "saints" house, only my few sentences about Bible. Haaard to talk with "saints" about Lord and Bible at homes. God bless You and have a good time with our Lord in His Word! |
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#5 |
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 173
Thanks for the blessing. I hear what you're saying. When I was in The Lord's Recovery I noticed that it got rarer and rarer for people to share from the scriptures as the years went on. They often preferred to share from Witness Lee's books rather than the word of God, and anyone who challenged Lee's teachings using the scriptures was often ignored, shunned, told to be silent, or told to leave. It was quite disheartening to see that the denomination that calls itself The Lord's Recovery turned out to be much like the "Christendom" that they claimed was so degraded, deformed, devilish, and satanic. Just another organization full of hierarchy with much truth concealed by tradition and faulty religion. Luckily, I've been blessed with much fellowship outside of that sect created by Witness Lee. I've found people who actually prefer the bible to Witness Lee's works, and we've fellowshipped sweetly over the scriptures at homes, at church, over lunch, and online. I've also had a proper opportunity to test scriptures and debate with brothers and sisters regarding the truth of the scriptures, and it has provided much growth in my knowledge and love of God's word, in my love for my brothers and sisters, and in my patience and grace with those who hold different ideas than me. The Lord has been good to me by removing me from such a deadened and lifeless group as The Lord's Recovery. For this, I give him praise.
A Curious Fellow |
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#6 | ||||
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 173
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A Curious Fellow |
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#7 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
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This means that not just Witness Lee's ideas, but all ideas should be open to examination and debate. Watchman Nee was famous for doing just that, for looking at the sweep of Christian history and reframing them to his own ideas (aka 'revelation'). Any of us can, and should do this, according to Chan. So, we have two choices. Either we can be two-faced and go back to church and pretend we didn't hear this, or we own it. Either people should read widely and think deeply, discuss and debate, or they shouldn't. Obviously with my volume of posts on this forum, I agree with Chan's publicly stated position. Why were local church websites instructed by Anaheim to put, "affiliated with Watchman Nee, Witness Lee" if they were local? By that matter isn't the Catholic diocese affiliated with Rome also local? You are either local and autonomous, or you are affiliated, according to WN's own definition, when he started the Little Flock. How can you possibly be both local and affiliated? How could WN have senior apostolic co-workers who were women, when WL 80 years later wouldn't allow women to give a Sunday morning message in the congregation? Where would Dora Yu fit in WL's glorious church life? How could some Psalms of imprecation be said to be types of Christ victorious over Satan, whilst others were deemed fallen, natural human concepts, as we should turn the other cheek and love our enemies? Should David have turned the other cheek with Goliath? It appears nonsensical. How can there be 6 different centers of the universe? The throne of God, the tree of life, the human spirit, the altar of God, etc etc? All were variously posited by WL as the center of the universe. A simple Google search shows this. I'm sure local church members, could come up with more, if they were given the freedom to think, to discuss and debate. Or was that public urging to ruminate and reflect, and come up with novel postulations just lip service from the group leader? Just window dressing to keep up appearances, or another layer of whitewash?
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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#8 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Greater Ohio
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No doubt about it. Even Lee himself said that local elders had the local "authority" to decide what time the church prayer meeting would begin. Nothing more than that. Elders were not able to decide the content or ministry of their meetings. Their song book was decided, along with the permissible musical accompaniment. Quotas were established for offerings to Anaheim (and Cleveland too) and training attendance numbers. Elders were surveilled to check compliance.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
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#9 | |
Join Date: Sep 2023
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#10 | |
Join Date: Jul 2023
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Perhaps one day the next generation of believers within The Lord's Recovery will be willing to take a hard look and realize what has been happening throughout the history of that denomination/sect and make a genuine effort to acknowledge the mistakes of the past and to adjust themselves and let go of their collective pride.
A Curious Fellow |
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