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Old 04-25-2023, 10:36 AM   #1
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Default Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Ronnie Chan introduced Vladimir Putin at the 2017 Eastern Economic Forum in Russia.

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Old 04-26-2023, 12:18 PM   #2
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I read most of the transcript. Ronnie Chan is in a room with the Presidents of Russia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia. He introduces them one by one, then they all have a question-and-answer period. At one point, he asks one of them, "So, how's economic conditions in your country?" and they say, "Oh, things are fine here, growth and stability and whatnot". Then he says, "Oh, good, so my 4 billion dollars that I have invested there is safe, I guess." The $650,000 that Morningstar gave CRI for passing grade was like $5 in the collection plate on Sunday morning. Ronnie Chan could buy 1,500 CRIs for 1 billion dollars, and then he still has 3 billion dollars left over! And that's just counting his investments in one country!
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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Old 04-26-2023, 12:41 PM   #3
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I read most of the transcript. Ronnie Chan is in a room with the Presidents of Russia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia. He introduces them one by one, then they all have a question-and-answer period. At one point, he asks one of them, "So, how's economic conditions in your country?" and they say, "Oh, things are fine here, growth and stability and whatnot". Then he says, "Oh, good, so my 4 billion dollars that I have invested there is safe, I guess." The $650,000 that Morningstar gave CRI for passing grade was like $5 in the collection plate on Sunday morning. Ronnie Chan could buy 1,500 CRIs for 1 billion dollars, and then he still has 3 billion dollars left over! And that's just counting his investments in one country!
I thought JND and WN said we should never get into politics because it was "worldly." Apparently hosting the Eastern half of the World Economic Forum sidesteps that problem.
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Old 05-04-2023, 06:13 AM   #4
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Who is Ronnie Chan? What's his involvment with the local churches?
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Old 05-04-2023, 08:41 AM   #5
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

aron, sounds like a good question for you! Fire away!
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Old 05-04-2023, 08:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Who is Ronnie Chan? What's his involvment with the local churches?
Theres a conspiracy on this forum that the Chan brothers paid off CRI to publish the “We Were Wrong” article. This stems from public records that show their foundation has only donated to CRI twice: the year before and the year after the article was published.

The Chans are “coworkers” in the the LR, and some of the richest people on the planet.
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Old 05-05-2023, 09:12 AM   #7
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
Theres a conspiracy on this forum that the Chan brothers paid off CRI to publish the “We Were Wrong” article. This stems from public records that show their foundation has only donated to CRI twice: the year before and the year after the article was published.

The Chans are “coworkers” in the the LR, and some of the richest people on the planet.
Who do you think paid him off?

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Old 05-17-2023, 10:33 PM   #8
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I thought JND and WN said we should never get into politics because it was "worldly." Apparently hosting the Eastern half of the World Economic Forum sidesteps that problem.
I do not understand why he is so busy doing business all aroud the world, while leaving me in trouble from the church life in Seoul, Korea, mostly due to his carelessness during this speaking in the church meeting of responsible brothers. He should have tried to correct his mistake, but he just left Korea for another business destination at that time even without any effort to solve the problem he caused.
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Old 05-18-2023, 05:21 AM   #9
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
I do not understand why he is so busy doing business all around the world, while leaving me in trouble from the church life in Seoul, Korea, mostly due to his carelessness during this speaking in the church meeting of responsible brothers. He should have tried to correct his mistake, but he just left Korea for another business destination at that time even without any effort to solve the problem he caused.
I don't know Ronnie Chen, but when looking for an answer to your questions, consider this as a possibility:

1 Timothy 6:9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Some love/covet the money of others. This usually means, no one holds the wealthy accountable for their sins. You might consider asking RChen your questions face-to-face. That may not be possible for you, but it would be appropriate.

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Old 05-19-2023, 04:23 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post

You might consider asking RChen your questions face-to-face. That may not be possible for you, but it would be appropriate.

Nell, according to my observations, it would be their hypocirty than loving money itself that has
caused problems. Ronnie Chan is quite famous among Asian churches than those in the West, because he has "ministered" mostly in Asian countries, while doing business. I guess there would have been no time when he visited Korea except for business trip. He seemed to be proud of his dual jobs (both minster and business man), but I can say that is the root of problem.

To appease your possible curiosity, I will tell you the story I experienced.

He was suffering from jet lag on the day he was supposed to speak the word for the responsible brothers in Korea, meaning physically it was impossible to minister Christ for Korean brothers, but some leading brothers in Korea and he just pushed for the meeting. Terribley, he dropped off to sleep during the meeting, and naturally his speaking was not appropriate. The brother who was in charge of presiding the meeting asked the audience if there is any questions to Ronnie Chan, but no brother dared to ask question, so I volunteered to ask a simple question to wrap up the humdrum meeting ASAP. then Ronnie gave us an unacceptable answer(obviously out of haziness from lack of sleep). Upon listening to his answer, I pointed out that I cannot accept his answer simply because the answer was off the chart and inappropriate. Which was followed by sudden verbal attacks to me from some leading Korean brothers, they were so angry at me like who are you dare to be defiant and ask back to "the brother", the example of both sucessful business man and minister of the word in the LC. I was about 25+ years of church life at that time, with some doubts about unbiblical practices of the LC, and this incident made me stop my churh life in Korea.

I've heard Ronnie Chan just left Korea the next day. If he was a real minister of Christ, would he have just left without any effort to solve the problem he caused? In the NT, we have seen a lot of examples of apostles who really cared for local churches day and night, but Ronnie Chan's ministering is just kind of his "hobby" to mimick the speaking of WN or WL, traveling all over the world doing his own some trillion dollars business.
In short, I think I do not need to contact Ronnie for face to face meeting. His leaving Korea just the next day even without any apolozing word by phone or email or message tell us a lot of things.

The story does not stop at this point. The above mentioned experience is just a tip of iceberg. The more serious things have transpired in Korea, partly (if not mostly) due to this kind of bad examples of doing business in the church life. I just want to pause here for now. The story is too shocking to be true, and I'm not sure if or not it is okay to tell you the whole part in this open forum.
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Old 05-27-2023, 09:21 AM   #11
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
Nell, according to my observations, it would be their hypocirty than loving money itself that has
caused problems. Ronnie Chan is quite famous among Asian churches than those in the West, because he has "ministered" mostly in Asian countries, while doing business. I guess there would have been no time when he visited Korea except for business trip. He seemed to be proud of his dual jobs (both minster and business man), but I can say that is the root of problem.
Hello Gubei, I just want to say thanks for share your story. I know it's hard to talk about. But remember that Lord's Recovery damaged so many people. If people know the truth, it can set them free. If people know about Ronnie Chan mixing up his business with the churches in Korea, then they can begin to see the real situation. But if we are silent, then people cannot know, and they continue to suffer.

Maybe sometime you can feel comfortable to share more of your story. (I sent you a private message.)
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Old 05-28-2023, 06:33 PM   #12
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

WitnessAlot, I replied to your PM. All things considered, I still feel my full story should be restricted within person to person conversation, but the following is excerpt as much as I feel comfortable of what has transpired in South Korea.

The Churches of South Korea have been under two distinguishable leadership camps almost from its inception. One was anti-Witness Lee camp, the other was pro-Witness Lee camp. The context of this unfortunate beginning was due to the fact that Br. Kown, who brought the Lord's Recovery to South Korea from Taiwan was a kind of dissent from Witness Lee. It is known that Br. Kown was Korean but participated in Chinese army during the 2nd world war, ending up settling in Taiwan and he found the Lord's Recovery there.(I heard that most of Taiwanese saints thought Br. Kown was Chinese because his Chinese speaking accent was almost perfect) However, He returned to South Korea without fellowship with the leadership in Taiwan, and began his own ministry in South Korea. Later during 80's, some saints found the ministry of Witness Lee in the States, and they requested opening up of the door for the mutual fellowship with Churches in the States and LSM but the founding brothers of South Korea at that time refused the request (Br. Kown already passed away, so the leading brothers were Br. Kown's 2nd generation brothers with anti-Witness Lee sentiment), and there was serious division and criticism among each camps. To sum up, two camps reached so called "oneness" with opening up for Churches in the States and LSM agreed upon, but rivalry and hostility among each camps lasted. To make long story short, a serving brother under pro-Witness Lee camp started an unreasonable(where, "unreasonable" is quite euphemistic choice of word by me) business of about 1 billion dollars. Then the pro-witness Lee camp brothers jumped into the business in person, set up a legal business corporation, holding several business pitching ceremonies in the training center, introducing the brothers as "business men" to attendees for fund-raising. As usual, their pretext was for the furtherance of gospel. They claimed they would use the fanicial gain through the business for the Lord. However,finally, the business turned out to be a terrible failure, losing most of fund raised from saints and non-believers, the initiating brother was litigated for the crime of fraud. Then, the leading brother of pro-Witness camp abruptly changed his position and began to criticize the initiating brother with his excuse that he himself was a kind of victim rather than perpetrator. The story thus far is all about Korean brothers, but the more serious part is what and from when the leadership brothers in the States and Taiwan know of this unreasonable business, and how they responded after the business failure confirmed and a really big, tsunami turmoil transpired in South Korea in the wake of that failure.I guess saying this much is appropriated for now. Thanks for listening.
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Old 05-29-2023, 12:41 PM   #13
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Gubei, your post has the same flavor I identify with Daystar and Linko. Still 35+ years later no one knows or no one is speaking what happened to the money localities donated for the Linko project.
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Old 05-29-2023, 04:11 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by TLFisher View Post
Gubei, your post has the same flavor I identify with Daystar and Linko. Still 35+ years later no one knows or no one is speaking what happened to the money localities donated for the Linko project.
In this case, saints did not donate but invest for gain, which would be difference, but in essence, the principle is the same. for the furtherance of the gospel.

The initiator brother has been saying that he has discussed with leadership brothrs in LSM about his business. The more serious part is as follows. Some metropolitan Seoul area brothers flied to Taiwan to solve the turmoil caused by the business failure, while hoping that the leading brothers in Taipei(in every time there is difficulty in South Korea, they would fly to Taipei for new direction from Taiwanese leading brothers) would announce that the brothers involved in the business be officially judged guilty from the standpoint of high level of morality in the Lord's Recovery. But, the result was exact opposite. The leading brothers in Taipei scolded those appealing brothers, citing lack of the spirit of forgiveness etc. It is needless to say that those appealing brothers was so shocked. My question is this. Would the leading brothers of Taipie have discussed this matter with LSM borthers before Korean brothers arrived? If so, the result would be as intended from the States?

Now, the leading brother of pro-Witness camp, who was one of integral man of the failed business, survived the turmoil, and re-establised himself as the prominent leading brother of South Korea. And then, the appealing brothers have been put aside gradually year after year.

Holistically speaking, I'm afraid there have been so called internal politics surrounding this turmoil, rather than pure following the principle of the Bible. So sad. I believe real courage from the Lord is to confess wrongdoings to public as needed, of course followed by appropriate correction. Just hiding the truth citing "for the Lord" is another hypocricy in disguise. Even Catholic, LC criticilzes so much as spiritual harlot, has made multiple apologies for their historical wrongdoings, but I have never seen LC apologizing. This is because they think they are perfect, which is a variation of infalliblity notion, no matter how they outwardly deny it.

BTW, TLFisher, I heared of Dayster, but not Linko. Any thread about it for me to read for comparsion?
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Old 05-30-2023, 01:54 AM   #15
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Thread on the Linko scam

Linko search results by post

See post #8 of this great thread
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Old 05-30-2023, 06:44 AM   #16
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Thanks for these links, Ohio. These are reminders of the "bad old days", in which we were deceived into believing they were good. I.e. calling evil good and good evil. These are truly doctrines of demons described in I Timothy:

1 Timothy 4 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Over the years there have been so many naieve requests on this forum that we just "let it go" and "cover the brothers", or, that we "depart from the faith".

Our answer is still no.

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Old 06-07-2023, 08:02 AM   #17
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
WitnessAlot, I replied to your PM. All things considered, I still feel my full story should be restricted within person to person conversation, but the following is excerpt as much as I feel comfortable of what has transpired in South Korea.
Hi Gubei, thank you for sharing this. I did not get your PM. Maybe you hit "Preview Message" but not "Submit Message"?

It's really interesting about what happened in South Korea. I agree with TLFisher, it sounds so similar to Daystar and Linko. Did this event in South Korea also occurred in the 80s?
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Old 06-07-2023, 02:57 PM   #18
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Thanks for these links, Ohio. These are reminders of the "bad old days", in which we were deceived into believing they were good. I.e. calling evil good and good evil. These are truly doctrines of demons described in I Timothy:

1 Timothy 4 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Over the years there have been so many naieve requests on this forum that we just "let it go" and "cover the brothers", or, that we "depart from the faith".

Our answer is still no.

I've heard similar phrases outside the forum.
"Why can't you leave the past in the past?"
"That's ancient history."
It's been 30+ years and LC co-workers are still doubling down on lies they propagate.
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Old 06-07-2023, 04:31 PM   #19
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Why don’t the wordsmiths at LSM dig thru all the WN and WL archives and publish their “shepherding spin” about RC “playing politics, friendship to the world, man-pleasing, serving two masters, etc etc.” like they do with all their other “enemies?”

Oh yeah, ‘cause he gives so much money to them.

Didn’t the epistle of James have something to say about the rich?

Oh yeah, but James was not “clear on God’s Economy.”
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Old 06-07-2023, 09:04 PM   #20
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by TLFisher View Post
I've heard similar phrases outside the forum.
"Why can't you leave the past in the past?"
"That's ancient history."
It's been 30+ years and LC co-workers are still doubling down on lies they propagate.
Yes, indeed. And after 30+ years, there are still ex-church kids thinking about committing suicide and, in some cases, actually doing it.

Yet another reason to let people "know the truth."
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Old 06-08-2023, 04:39 PM   #21
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by WitnessALot View Post
Hi Gubei, thank you for sharing this. I did not get your PM. Maybe you hit "Preview Message" but not "Submit Message"?

It's really interesting about what happened in South Korea. I agree with TLFisher, it sounds so similar to Daystar and Linko. Did this event in South Korea also occurred in the 80s?
I re-PMed to you just ago. Just in case you will not receive my reply (due to whatever reasons, technicall or my mis-handling), my email of anoymous purpose is gaoyuanshanzi@gmail.com. You can reach me via this email.

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Old 06-08-2023, 04:49 PM   #22
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by WitnessALot View Post

It's really interesting about what happened in South Korea. I agree with TLFisher, it sounds so similar to Daystar and Linko. Did this event in South Korea also occurred in the 80s?
It happend in Korea early 2000.
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Old 10-10-2023, 01:14 PM   #23
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
Nell, according to my observations, it would be their hypocirty than loving money itself that has
caused problems. Ronnie Chan is quite famous among Asian churches than those in the West, because he has "ministered" mostly in Asian countries, while doing business. I guess there would have been no time when he visited Korea except for business trip. He seemed to be proud of his dual jobs (both minster and business man), but I can say that is the root of problem. Ronnie Chan's ministering is just kind of his "hobby" to mimick the speaking of WN or WL, traveling all over the world doing his own some trillion dollars business.
Does anybody know by any chance whether or not this distinguished 'brother' has ever passed through the Full Time Training? (or is it his billions that qualify him to speak at conferences?)
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