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Old 07-19-2016, 10:02 AM   #1
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Default To Local Church members, I heard a voice in the garden...

Today as I walked in the cool of the day, I began to see more clearly in mind that "life" is in something to look forward to... as this vision of the word in mind began to fade and then evolved into "seek/look forward firstly to the kingdom of truth and all life and life abundant shall be added unto you", as you are being set free daily from the natural mind's burden of the deception in our human mind, as the old adamic mind is put to death and then made alive/quickened by truth when "set/focused on the spirit of truth which is freedom, life and peace"... 'n "the lord is that spirit"
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Old 07-19-2016, 06:18 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Default Re: To Local Church members, I heard a voice in the garden...

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Today as I walked in the cool of the day, I began to see more clearly in mind that "life" is in something to look forward to... as this vision of the word in mind began to fade and then evolved into "seek/look forward firstly to the kingdom of truth and all life and life abundant shall be added unto you", as you are being set free daily from the natural mind's burden of the deception in our human mind, as the old adamic mind is put to death and then made alive/quickened by truth when "set/focused on the spirit of truth which is freedom, life and peace"... 'n "the lord is that spirit"
As I told my son; Christ is life, but life is not always Christ. There are many kinds of life; demonic, satanic, human, animal, angelic, and divine.
Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (KJV Version)
Look to Jesus not The Ministry.
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Old 07-20-2016, 09:05 AM   #3
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Default Re: To Local Church members, I heard a voice in the garden...

If that is what you believe, so be it unto you... I thought you would understand I was speaking of life eternal...
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Old 02-05-2023, 06:25 AM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Default Re: To Local Church members, I heard a voice in the garden...

More Than a Slogan - The Lord is The Spirit, Time to Obey Him

A song sung to Boston’s “More Than a Feeling”

I woke up this morning the sun was gone
Recalled an old musing to start my day
I fit those thoughts in a familiar song
He opened my eyes when it hit me:
It's more than a slogan
the Lord is The Spirit
It’s not just an empty chant, when I hear that old song playing
He’s really quite freeing!
He’s so liberating!
More than a slogan
I hear it’s my Lord saying “walk away”
So I obey and just walk away.

So many people in TLR
Entrapped in the lies as the years go by
Yet I still recall as I ponder on
As clear as the sun in the summer sky
It's more than a slogan
(More than a slogan)
When I hear First Corinthians
Now The Lord is The Spirit
It’s time to obey Him!
(More than a slogan)
Be free and just walk away
I see my Lord saying “walk away”

When I'm tired and thinking back
I hide in my Jesus, forget those days!
Stretch forth for the goal, His upward call
It’s all about He, don’t slip away
Don’t slip away
It's more than a slogan
(More than a slogan)
When I hear that old verse saying
(More than a slogan)
Seems like I’m dreaming
Not really, He’s freeing
Obey Jesus, walk His Way
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 NASB)
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Old 02-07-2023, 10:15 PM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Default Re: To Local Church members, I heard a voice in the garden...

Here’s a link to the Boston song, in case it didn’t ring a bell what the tune is:


And the verse it refers to is here: https://biblehub.com/2_corinthians/3-17.htm

OK so I am a child of the 60’s and 70’s who grew up listening to this stuff.

The story behind the lyrics I tried to fit to this Boston song is this:

At one of the last LSM conferences I went to in Anaheim a “Blended Brother” was giving yet another regurg of old Witness Lee “message” material and shouted with arm swinging “Now the Lord is the Spirit”, trying to get a rise out of the crowd. At that point it hit me that my understanding of that verse was bass ackwards. The Lord is the Spirit. So when the Spirit speaks, my obedience and freedom in Christ (not slavery to a ministry) should follow, because He is the Lord Spirit.

It seemed to me that this brother who was speaking wouldn’t know The Spirit of God if He was hit across the face with Him. Not much longer after that I decided I needed to heed the Lord Spirit’s direction to leave TLR (which is what He had been speaking to me).

Hopefully somebody get’s something worthwhile out of this.
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 NASB)

Last edited by JJ; 02-08-2023 at 05:11 AM. Reason: Added verse for context
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