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Old 11-26-2022, 11:09 AM   #1
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Question Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

I have been doing some some research work regarding this group known as Lords Recovery, for personal reasons and information. I went to their website Localchurches.org, and I see a lot of different locations. There are a few contacts in the area that I’m in or within 100 miles or so, but it looks like they no longer have meetings in this town. (I will just say that I am west of the Mississippi River)

I have found it to be interesting that they keep the info up on their website as if it’s legitimate group, but actually its a name only with no address or locations. It’s also looks like maybe a couple of people who have relocated from one town to another to make it look like it’s bigger than what it is. Am I off on these issues? Has there been anyone who actually looked into this, and knows how many of these locations on the map are just less that 10 people who moved from other places and therefore are now considered established churches? Is this more of a house church in a lot of these locations with less than 10-15 people?
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Old 11-26-2022, 09:04 PM   #2
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

You are right. In some cases “the church” in that locality may be nothing more than a family receiving some monthly publication.
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Old 11-26-2022, 09:18 PM   #3
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
You are right. In some cases “the church” in that locality may be nothing more than a family receiving some monthly publication.
Also some churches reside in a city different than their name. The church in Tampa is actually in the city of Lutz. Maybe they started out in Tampa and moved to Lutz later? Technically the name of the church is a lie.
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Old 11-26-2022, 11:27 PM   #4
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by TRG View Post
I have been doing some some research work regarding this group known as Lords Recovery, for personal reasons and information. I went to their website Localchurches.org, and I see a lot of different locations. There are a few contacts in the area that I’m in or within 100 miles or so, but it looks like they no longer have meetings in this town. (I will just say that I am west of the Mississippi River)

I have found it to be interesting that they keep the info up on their website as if it’s legitimate group, but actually its a name only with no address or locations. It’s also looks like maybe a couple of people who have relocated from one town to another to make it look like it’s bigger than what it is. Am I off on these issues? Has there been anyone who actually looked into this, and knows how many of these locations on the map are just less that 10 people who moved from other places and therefore are now considered established churches? Is this more of a house church in a lot of these locations with less than 10-15 people?
I don't recall the localchurches.org website always being like this - it looks like they have a new layout with new information. If I know the local churches, and I think I do, my guess is that since the website looks like it has been "revamped" in somewhat recent years, they probably took the time to confirm that the information was up-to-date. I have not known them to be a group that fabricates this kind of information (ironically enough, given that they fabricate a lot of other kinds of information, namely false Bible teachings). If they say there is a church there, then there probably is at the bare minimum, at least a small number of saints who are meeting regularly enough to be considered "a church". If there is not something there, they would just admit it. The coworkers do not tend to mis-report hard numbers, at least in my experience. They are not averse to telling the hard truth about how dismal their growth is - they have to keep the saints beaten up about something.

It also looks like they keep record on the site of the last time a particular locality's information was updated. It's possible that in the real world the numbers in some localities have shrunk due to the pandemic, but online that locality's information just hasn't been updated.
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Old 11-27-2022, 09:51 AM   #5
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

I have family in this group, so it’s really hard to get any truthful information out of them. It always some weird ways that it’s presented, as if they are not stating the truth upfront. I figured I’ll try to find something that actually isn’t twisted enough to be spoken out loud.

I’m having hard time reading through any of their explanations and interpretations of things. Again, smells like something that’s not being said there upfront. The poster “two cents” said that: “If there is not something there, they would just admit it.” I’m having a hard time finding any records of such behavior, maybe someone could point me into the right direction. I don’t mean to be a pest, but I only find a lot of doubling down, how dare you to questions type responses. Their website Shepherdingword is full of it, so please forgive for just being honest. Maybe I should just get on the phone and check out these “churches” within 200 miles of me, and see how many are actually real.
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Old 11-27-2022, 11:30 AM   #6
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by TRG View Post
I have family in this group, so it’s really hard to get any truthful information out of them. It always some weird ways that it’s presented, as if they are not stating the truth upfront. I figured I’ll try to find something that actually isn’t twisted enough to be spoken out loud.

I’m having hard time reading through any of their explanations and interpretations of things. Again, smells like something that’s not being said there upfront. The poster “two cents” said that: “If there is not something there, they would just admit it.” I’m having a hard time finding any records of such behavior, maybe someone could point me into the right direction. I don’t mean to be a pest, but I only find a lot of doubling down, how dare you to questions type responses. Their website Shepherdingword is full of it, so please forgive for just being honest. Maybe I should just get on the phone and check out these “churches” within 200 miles of me, and see how many are actually real.
Welcome to the forum, TRG!

I would agree with "two cents" (welcome to the forum, two cents!) that the local church doesn't generally claim there are members in a place if there really are no members, except in the situations where the data just hasn't been updated yet.

The local church would consider a small gathering of even 6-8 believers in a home to be enough to identify a place as being a meeting of the church. (I don't have a problem with that - there is no requirement that there be 20 or 50 or 100+ people for a gathering to be considered "a church"). So it may be that there are not large 300+ congregations in a particular owned or rented building, but just small groups of believers who they would say have "taken the ground". I cannot recall specific localities right now, but I know there are some GTCA cities (a GTCA city is one that the local church picked to have a "gospel push" there in order to start a new locality) that are no longer listed as a locality. If there is no one there, they don't usually lie about it.

They lie about all kinds of other things - like you rightly noticed on Shepherding Words, every single article there is packed with misdirects, obfuscations, lies, and Bible twistings.

Is there something in particular you are trying to figure out? Are you just trying to find out if they are reporting their church numbers correctly?

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Old 11-27-2022, 07:37 PM   #7
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
Welcome to the forum, TRG!

I would agree with "two cents" (welcome to the forum, two cents!) that the local church doesn't generally claim there are members in a place if there really are no members, except in the situations where the data just hasn't been updated yet.

The local church would consider a small gathering of even 6-8 believers in a home to be enough to identify a place as being a meeting of the church. (I don't have a problem with that - there is no requirement that there be 20 or 50 or 100+ people for a gathering to be considered "a church"). So it may be that there are not large 300+ congregations in a particular owned or rented building, but just small groups of believers who they would say have "taken the ground". I cannot recall specific localities right now, but I know there are some GTCA cities (a GTCA city is one that the local church picked to have a "gospel push" there in order to start a new locality) that are no longer listed as a locality. If there is no one there, they don't usually lie about it.

They lie about all kinds of other things - like you rightly noticed on Shepherding Words, every single article there is packed with misdirects, obfuscations, lies, and Bible twistings.

Is there something in particular you are trying to figure out? Are you just trying to find out if they are reporting their church numbers correctly?

Thats fine, Trapped. Obviously you guys know more here that I do, so I will leave it at that when it comes to the legitimacy of the localchurch.org.

My goal isn't to try to say its fake, but to try to understand the things that I have been told, which are:

-supposedly it's the Only God's move on earth, but unfortunately 99% of the earth didn't get the message, since 99% of people never even heard of this thing.
-they claim to be the church or the new recovery of the original church the way I understand, but even if it is so, why be so deceiving about the way you go about it????
-the reason I went to their website, (and I actually drove 30 miles by one of the meeting halls this weekend, at least that's what they call it), there is no sign, no identification, nothing. looks like a residential house. If you claim to have received the true revelation and you are the ONE TRUE CHURCH, why wouldn't you be very confident about it and shout from the roof tops, put a sign out so that people can see it from the street?? what are you all hiding?

Am I asking reasonable questions?

I drove by half of dozen normal churches who identify who they are, and promote Christ in some way or another, but these people seem very fishy and slimy, as if there is some sort of cover for who they are.
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Old 11-28-2022, 07:00 AM   #8
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by TRG View Post
Thats fine, Trapped. Obviously you guys know more here that I do, so I will leave it at that when it comes to the legitimacy of the localchurch.org.

My goal isn't to try to say its fake, but to try to understand the things that I have been told, which are:

-supposedly it's the Only God's move on earth, but unfortunately 99% of the earth didn't get the message, since 99% of people never even heard of this thing.
-they claim to be the church or the new recovery of the original church the way I understand, but even if it is so, why be so deceiving about the way you go about it????
-the reason I went to their website, (and I actually drove 30 miles by one of the meeting halls this weekend, at least that's what they call it), there is no sign, no identification, nothing. looks like a residential house. If you claim to have received the true revelation and you are the ONE TRUE CHURCH, why wouldn't you be very confident about it and shout from the roof tops, put a sign out so that people can see it from the street?? what are you all hiding?

Am I asking reasonable questions?

I drove by half of dozen normal churches who identify who they are, and promote Christ in some way or another, but these people seem very fishy and slimy, as if there is some sort of cover for who they are.

Your questions are very reasonable. But the local church doesn't deal with reason, logic, sense, "if X then Y" type of thinking. If you ask those kinds of questions that make them examine their own statements at all, they either consider you to be "in the mind" or they get defensive or they give you disingenuous answers. They might say "it's so good that TRG is inquiring, we welcome all inquiry!" but their answers will never be satisfactory.

For example, they say things like "oh, we are not the only church, we are ONLY the church!" In other words, when they are pressed to defend their actual teachings that "the church" hasn't been in a city for hundreds of years until they showed up, even though many Christian churches have been there the whole time, or that only they are the genuine expression of the church (i.e. extremely elitist and arrogant), they turn it upside down and pretend what they are REALLY saying is "all we are is simply just the church" (i.e. humble and self-deprecating). But that's not what they are saying, and they know it. Because sit in their meetings and they are never humble about it - they finger point at everyone else and they uplift themselves. So when you call them out on their stuff, they turn the tables on you. This is slimy, as you figured out.

The answer to every single one of your questions is - because they are not what they say they are. They are not the center of God's move, they are not the only true church, they are not the recovery of the church, and the "revelations" they have received are made up. They are cagey and deceptive because they are liars. They lie to college students and other gospel contacts about what they are because what they really are is a cult, and if they tell the truth and show their cards, then everyone they contact will run in the other direction.

If there is a meeting hall, it is not unusual for a meeting hall to have a sign out front, but I have never seen a sign if they meet in a house. Typically the sign would say something like "a meeting place of the church in (city)". But the problem with being a real open church (like all the other churches that they think are not churches) is that people who come in off the street don't know the countless "unspoken rules" in the local church. Their meetings rely on all the members understanding "how things are done". It's much easier for them to just remain isolated and insular, feeling like they are on "the ark" and no one else is, rather than face the very simple questions that arise and problems that are called out when "outsiders" put fresh eyes on the weirdness in the group.

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Old 11-28-2022, 07:07 AM   #9
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Smile Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

I would like to answer your first question. Many members of the local church believes they are the only ones who have gotten hold of the Lord’s Move on earth is largely because that’s what they’ve been told and experienced.

If you’ve been told this is it AND you have not experience this ANYWHERE else, you are going to believe that this is it and there’s nowhere except in the Local Church where you can be apart of God’s Move.

This is completely false.

It’s very hard to change their thinking because that’s all they’ve known and all they’ve experienced. When you tell them other Christians outside of the Local Church also knows, they are astounded… how can that be?

Sometimes you will receive this response: that can’t be, because if they see, they would be called out of where they are, just like Abraham was called out of Chaldea and join us.

That is also completely false as far as joining the Local Church group. You maybe called to be planted among this group or another group or denomination or such and such. From my observation so far, it seems that God is placing his children in many different places. As ones who hear the word and understand it and one who sees, we should keep earnestly loving one another, whether through speaking or ministering with all patience, forbearing one another until He comes back again.

Want to say again, it is very hard to change people’s perspective once they are locked in. We as humans beings, we want some kind of control. To tell someone, they have been misled, is like yanking that control or stability out of their lives. However, God is sovereign, He will work it out. Be open to speak with love as the Lord leads.

Another response you may get: well, God would have told me so…

This response I’ve heard everywhere, it doesn’t matter where you meet or which group you belong to!
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Old 11-28-2022, 10:10 PM   #10
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Thanks for giving me some pointers. I’ll just have to do some more searching and try to find ways to speak to my family members about it.

Just a comment to the last poster about the God being sovereign, He truly is. But God will never go against a human will, although He can create circumstances to lead a person in a particular way or to repentance, but it will still be up to each individual to make a decision and seek Him, rather that some lightning strike on you head to realize that you are following a man. The way I understand now from what I read and discovered, all of those times when God is trying to lead people out of this movement by giving people sickness or other problems, is attributed to satans attack. What a horrible way to live a life, blaming everything on satan rather than recognizing God trying to tell you that you have left the path. Satan is a defeated foe, but I guess not in this movement.
Good luck all, and God bless.

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Old 11-29-2022, 08:25 AM   #11
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
The answer to every single one of your questions is - because they are not what they say they are. They are not the center of God's move, they are not the only true church, they are not the recovery of the church, and the "revelations" they have received are made up. They are cagey and deceptive because they are liars. They lie to college students and other gospel contacts about what they are because what they really are is a cult, and if they tell the truth and show their cards, then everyone they contact will run in the other direction.
LocalChurchese: "We are not the only church, we are only the church!"

Translated into what they really think: "Yes, we are not the only church, we are only the church (wink wink .)....but it just so happens that we are the only church that is only the church!" -
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11
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Old 11-29-2022, 09:54 PM   #12
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Exclamation Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

It doesn’t matter how many of these so called churches are real or not, or if there are 2 or 10 people there, what matters is that local church is using the Christian terminology, the name of Jesus, and the God of the Bible to promote man, and the foolish ideologies of theirs. There is absolutely nothing that anyone will gain by following any of its teachings or people, unless you looking to be special breed of hybrid creatures known as a Godmen. Just a warning for those that do want to try it: here are the side effects that you will experience at some points in the near future. All of these depend on how hardcore you are willing to eat and drink of it:

1. Loss of all relationships or most of them that you had prior to “tha church”.
2. Extremely offensive spirit that will take over your life. You will always be offended unless it’s what is the status quo of the LSM.
3. You will feel as if you are a special breed of man, receiving some special blessings by following the leading of the LSM and its minions. Tha church will sweeten your taste buns with “reality”, unlike you had never experienced, just so you stay chained to its membership.
4. Your marriage and your family will suffer greatly, due to extreme devotion to the church as a replacement mechanism. Your existence must be terminated, but the one new man must be established and build by all of you sacrificing.
5. Your spouse or loved once will no longer give you any affection or compassion, because it’s comes from satan. Your human person must be annihilated, and destroyed, and they will use your family members to accomplish their mission.
6. Eventually, your family life will be destroyed, your children will be adopted by some “spiritual mothers and fathers”, who will take over their lives as a primary source of care, in all things.
7. Your constant practice of getting out of your mind and allowing other being and people take over it, could lead you to deep depression, emotional blow up, and even suicidal thoughts. Some suicides have occurred over the past 40 years, although they have been always mislabeled for the sake of protecting “tha church”. Church shootings also may occur, so be careful who is on the church premises!
8. In some cases, your wife or husband may leave you, since you refuse to follow or as you are now full of “death”, and they must take refuge from your Leprosy at all costs.
9. You will be labeled a problem for all of these issues, due to the fact that you have never even been a part of it to begin with, but were faking it for your duration in the local church.
10. You will be left alone, shunned, cut off, considered spiritually dead, or in worst cases demon possessed, speaking on behalf of the satan if you chose to raise your voice.

***Not all of these symptoms will happen to everyone, but depending on the dosage and intake of LSM materials and giving yourself over to them, all may will occur at some time. You may also be harassed by the members of this group if you chose to file a complaint on a site like this, so be adequately prepared for a blowback.

Thank you for choosing the local church experience, please enjoy it. We are all in this together, for the sake of the “body”. If you experience any of the above symptoms in your life, please close your eyes and look the other way, but never, ever, consider it to be anything but the Gods move on earth! In worst case scenario, blame it on the satan and just come to the meeting hall, and all your problems will disappear! Just trust us, we have the answers, we received the last message from God through the oracle himself. Don’t believe us? you just can’t differentiate between the spirit and the soul, so just get into your spirit and we will be on the same page! Just repeat after me, OLJ, OLJ, how about we do this 20 times more, you feeling better? You enjoying yourself now? Well, just get out of that mind of yours and stop thinking! I promise it will get better eventually! If it doesn’t, just repeat the process again! Thanks for coming!
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Old 12-01-2022, 05:19 AM   #13
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by TRG View Post

Just a comment to the last poster about the God being sovereign, He truly is. But God will never go against a human will, although He can create circumstances to lead a person in a particular way or to repentance, but it will still be up to each individual to make a decision and seek Him, rather that some lightning strike on you head to realize that you are following a man.

Last poster responding… I am registered but I haven’t perused this site in many years. I completely agree that God will never force human will or rather choose for him. Since the beginning God has always wanted us to choose: Him or everything else.

The sad part is as you say that it’s taking tragedy for his people to turn. Recently, I’ve been studying Jonah… this condition isn’t new. In some ways we all at one point may fall into this trap.

In additions, many saints in the local church have been told that the ministry has compiled the best of best from church enlightenment starting with Martin Luther. And now there’s no need to read other people, because they compiled it all. So easy! I’m sure many mindset is “if we have it ALL here, why do we NEED to go out there.” Many saints do not have the sense to go out there, if they’ve been filled here. So that’s why sometimes God has to break us or our life, so that we would seek Him.

In Matthew 11, it says the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence and only the violent take it by force. As one who has been called to stay with this group, it is very hard to talk people out of their perspective and belief. The changes (though there’s still a mountain to be moved) I’ve seen so far has been through a lot of prayer and for me, not caring what others think and just diligently die and live before the Lord. It’s not easy, but there is that joy… the joy set before Him…
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Old 12-01-2022, 12:30 PM   #14
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If you’ve been told this is it AND you have not experience this ANYWHERE else, you are going to believe that this is it and there’s nowhere except in the Local Church where you can be apart of God’s Move.

That is also completely false as far as joining the Local Church group. You maybe called to be planted among this group or another group or denomination or such and such. From my observation so far, it seems that God is placing his children in many different places.
Exactly! If you read the Lord's letters in Revelation to the 7 churches, there are overcomers in every one of them! So maybe someone might say, "Yes, there are overcomers there, but they're not really in God's move." Really!? If they overcome, are they not in the will of God?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 12-09-2022, 08:41 AM   #15
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Angry Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Hello all again,

I was reading this letter here on this site, The True Account - David Wang.

I couldn’t get these quotes out of my head, after reading them. You would think that the red flags 🚩 should be popping up in every person’s mind about this movement when they heard these people do their “trainings”. Mind blowing, unreal! How can anyone with any kind of discernment say this group is just some Christians that lost their way, when this is the way you proclaim the Gospel, and that’s the history of the beginning of this movement in this country? Wow!

……….But, during the ten days or so that followed, in dozens of big and small meetings, the brothers responsible for the door knocking training used many inflammatory remarks, revolutionary terms, and uttered nonsense. The damage they brought to the church was beyond our wildest dreams. Some of the trainers’ remarks were as follows:

· “Success of revolution depends on propaganda. To take the New Way we need to learn from the Communists in their propaganda techniques. The way of propaganda is through the clever use of our tongues.”

· “We need to learn from the Red Guards. Even, “we need to learn from Satan, for whenever God wants to do a work, Satan is always one step ahead.”

· “The New Way requires no prayers. The more you pray, the more confused you are. Just follow the instructions and do it. You’ll be all right.”

· “At the end of 1987, we’ll have ten new churches set up in the San Gabriel Valley to present to Brother Lee as a present to please him.” “Even though he says he does not want people to elevate him, actually in his heart he likes us to do it. Therefore, just go ahead and do it. This is the secret I have learned in the past years.”

· “We need to squeeze money out of brothers and sisters. For where their treasure is, there will their heart be also.”

Several saints who were originally from mainland China privately expressed that this kind of “leading” resembled the “Communists”. It brought them back to nightmare scenes of the past. One Lord’s Day morning after ten days of gospel “blitz” (a nazi term commonly used for door knocking), …………….
I guess the term SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM sounds ON POINT, which was made by quite a few people over the years, and in letters and other posts I read.

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Old 12-12-2022, 09:15 PM   #16
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Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by TRG View Post
Hello all again,

I was reading this letter here on this site, The True Account - David Wang.

I couldn’t get these quotes out of my head, after reading them. You would think that the red flags 🚩 should be popping up in every person’s mind about this movement when they heard these people do their “trainings”. Mind blowing, unreal! How can anyone with any kind of discernment say this group is just some Christians that lost their way, when this is the way you proclaim the Gospel, and that’s the history of the beginning of this movement in this country? Wow!

I guess the term SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM sounds ON POINT, which was made by quite a few people over the years, and in letters and other posts I read.


Just my two cents here to add to this pot.

Actually, for those of us who had experienced the new way of the church can say that the new way, is precisely one of the most disingenuous, anti-testimony of Christ groups out there. Not many of us got out of it unscathed, and these words from the mouths of these deceivers, are 100% opposite of the truth! They sure try to rewrite history, including claiming that this started 500+ years ago. (It actually hasn’t even been around for 100 years to be exact).

Just to be upfront, the LSM is a publication arm of it, is nothing but a Central Propaganda Department, that puts out a lot of this kind of rhetoric through what they call “The Ministry of the Age”. The Central Propaganda Department (aka LSM), is an organ of the Lords Recovery Movement and ensures that media and all content follow the official line as mandated by the “Blended Bros”, or disciples of Lee. Its orders are enforced throughout the world via local “churches” at the provincial, municipal, county, and city level. The Defense Conformation Project is one of the primary “delegated authority” administrative office that oversees news media. The DCP in turn manages the Internet Affairs of the Local Churches responsible for overseeing all websites that publish their news.

The Blended bros, using LSM as a main publication entity, DCP as a watchdog entity, send out specific instructions to all “coworkers“, and “leading bros”. These instructions range from interdictions against coverage of certain events, to restrictions on sources and requirements in the current and the latest “leading” of the Lords Recovery Movement. The main mission of the LSM is to rewrite history and manufacture “reality”, and to confirm with the current needs of the ruling enlightened or spiritually deceived few. It is to integrate their ways and means on to all who are willing to give themselves over, for the BADGE OF AFFILIATION to the one, the only, undisputed, “Tha church”!

The order for advancing in this movement, or as most people in normal world would call spiritually growing, will depend on the amount of knowledge of the disseminated, approved propaganda, and how totally aligned you are with its founding leaders. Anyone that’s chosen to step over those bold red lines, will be terminated, quarantined, and eventually declared “spiritually dead” for interfering with god’s move on earth, or for questioning the spiritual delegated authority of God’s economy. This movement has very hard time advancing its cause in the western world, such as USA and Europe, due to the fact that people in those regions have not been exposed to tyrannical type of regimes. However, as the influx of refugees and people seeking opportunities in the west is increasing, those will and are becoming primary targets of these type of groups.

Exchange students, have long been one of the main targets of these groups for a while now, due to a little investment thats required to spread faster around the world. People from regions of the world, where they have been broken and abused by the local governments are naturally more preconditioned to fall for this type of group, due to familiarity, predisposition to group think kind of mentality, which is in most cases happens without being aware of it. Younger generations of Americans who are born after 1990s, and especially in the past 25 years are extremely likely to join these kind of movements due to the educational indoctrinations that have taken place in this country.

In conclusion,

-if you enjoy being lorded over, have your faith weaponized, your mind brainwashed, your entire life turned upside down, you will feel right at home.

-If you enjoy revolutionary mentality, always looking for someone to make you a victim, and have a desire to be part of the exclusive army of “God”, (to bring the lord back, as they claim), you will have every opportunity to put yourself in motion.

-if you love to, and need a constant affirmation of the superiority of this klan over everyone that existed prior to this group in the world, your needs will be constantly met.

-if floating down the river vs swimming upstream, where there is no effort is necessary, but just enjoyment of the central propaganda issued subscriptions, as in “TV dinner” type presentation, you will feast like a king, daily.

-if you don’t enjoy confrontations, any kind of genuine curiosity to consider that you can test, examine, question the status quo, including the minister of the age, but you rather go with the “flow”, you will have great time blending into the masses of likeminded parishioners.

-if you are a type that constantly seeking newest, latest, most up to date speaking from “God”, the highest of the experiences to uplift your enjoyment and your environment, these man can turn even the most obvious, reinvent the oldest, let you experience the latest manufactured “Reality”, all under the slogans of “recovery”.

All of this is to say, can anyone spot a robbery in progress? During daylight hours, while all man should be vigilant and sober, but it’s happening. Not many are looking for the best interest of your family, neighbor, and not even for your own self.

Just my two cents.
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Old 12-13-2022, 07:16 PM   #17
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 969
Default Re: Localchurches.org, how many locations are legit?

Awesome Unregistered!

You are a great communicator and seer of the LSM, LC, LSM, DCP, Being Blinded Brothers deception!

Without providing identifying information would you be able to share how your journey out of the LC occurred?

Quote from Unregistered.

“In conclusion,

-if you enjoy being lorded over, have your faith weaponized, your mind brainwashed, your entire life turned upside down, you will feel right at home.

-If you enjoy revolutionary mentality, always looking for someone to make you a victim, and have a desire to be part of the exclusive army of “God”, (to bring the lord back, as they claim), you will have every opportunity to put yourself in motion.

-if you love to, and need a constant affirmation of the superiority of this klan over everyone that existed prior to this group in the world, your needs will be constantly met.

-if floating down the river vs swimming upstream, where there is no effort is necessary, but just enjoyment of the central propaganda issued subscriptions, as in “TV dinner” type presentation, you will feast like a king, daily.

-if you don’t enjoy confrontations, any kind of genuine curiosity to consider that you can test, examine, question the status quo, including the minister of the age, but you rather go with the “flow”, you will have great time blending into the masses of likeminded parishioners.

-if you are a type that constantly seeking newest, latest, most up to date speaking from “God”, the highest of the experiences to uplift your enjoyment and your environment, these man can turn even the most obvious, reinvent the oldest, let you experience the latest manufactured “Reality”, all under the slogans of “recovery”.

All of this is to say, can anyone spot a robbery in progress? During daylight hours, while all man should be vigilant and sober, but it’s happening. Not many are looking for the best interest of your family, neighbor, and not even for your own self.

Just my two cents.“
Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (KJV Version)
Look to Jesus not The Ministry.
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