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Old 11-23-2021, 07:48 AM   #1
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Our God, Is An Awesome God!

Ever since the creation, the biggest battle that exist in this universe, is a battle for man’s soul. Although, God has already done everything, completed everything on His end that’s necessary to accomplish the task from start to finish, there remains one big obstacle, which is a man himself!

Everything in this universe is set up by the ruler of this world, to give a person a very close second appearance of God, but preventing one, by all means necessary to experience a Living God. One of the most used ways that he succeeds in doing so, is by providing an avenue, providing a temporary solutions to a permanent problem, by offering people religion. Religion is, was, and always will be, a manmade, God denying, man satisfying set of rules, means, conditions, requirements, that only lead to temporary satisfaction of self, uplifting of a man, and satisfaction of those who invented it! It has no real substance, it has no permanent solutions, it has no ability to satisfy the thirst of anyone who is searching for Real Living God. As a matter of fact, religion’s only existence and intend, is to seek out and destroy anyone who has anything of life sprouted in their being! Religion, is the biggest, the most vicious constricting snake in this world! As soon as it feels any kind of movement, even a little jab towards life, it squeezes tighter and tighter, it grips stronger and stronger, until it suffocates everything that’s living and of life that sprouted in a person.

Most people that are satisfied with it, never realize in what kind of horrible situation that they are in. They are not able to recognize the signs and the power of the predator that got a hold of them, and devoured their whole being. When we read the gospel of John, particularly the first 10-12 chapters, we see how Jesus delt with, what He said of, and how he treated the religious crowds and religious leaders. There is a very clear picture of how this predator tries to, and at times effectively, eliminates all Life, everything of Life, and everything of a Living God!

God created man with ability to see, smell, taste, touch and feel. And because of those senses, man was able to recognize Him, communicate with Him, hear Him. But ever since the fall of man, and no different today, that same predator lurks around, slithering unnoticed, seeking his next prey. Its main goal, is to destroy all those God given senses, make you blind, make you not be able to taste, not be able to touch and feel, and mainly not be able to smell that snake from far away, and feel its grip on you, until he destroys you, and make you settle for second best, that fake religion, and when you do, he will devour you whole, without even a movement.

When you get stuck in any of those movements, regardless of the name, its only by the mercy of God, that one can be freed from the grip of its scales, from the power of the predator. Its only by the mercy of God, one can cry out to Him, while gasping for those last breaths of life. To Him, who is able to free, who is able to breathe in life, restore the senses to see the Light again, hear His voice in your being, able to touch Him, able to feel His power and love, and be able to smell that nasty snake when he comes back.

If one never recognizes that he is trapped, and that he has been devoured by this beast, and his or her live and existence is only to satisfy the appetite of that predator, he will become just like him. He will be come just like the predator! And just like Jesus said to religious leaders, “you are of your father, the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do”. It’s the same as it was in the time of Jesus, and I would say its even worse, because the dead man can only progress one way. These people are very religious, very zealous individuals. They can't recognize anything that is Living, anything that is of the Living God, and in most cases, unless it fits that belief system that devoured them, they will do everything possible in their power, to destroy, to condemn, to question every move, to even go as far as to tell a Living God that He has a demon. Unless that which is of life is destroyed, all life is destroyed, then, and only then those people are satisfied!

Paul, was a perfect example of this, but the only way he was freed and converted from it, was by the miracle of God Himself! He wasn’t converted by anything that came from him, he didn’t follow the procedures, he didn’t go and get the life coach, he didn’t follow a man, he didn’t invent the event. It was a moment of true regeneration, restoration, and recognition of the Living God. God, who restored his senses to see, hear, feel, smell, by His mighty touch, and His mighty light. And in one instant, he went from satisfying that religious predator, to satisfying living and loving God.

Today, unlike any other time in this world, that big snake, that big predator, is suffocating millions of people, by offering his god to people. He is telling them that they just need to do a certain set of rules, follow a set of parameters, follow a man, discover their being, get a life coach, to go and see a priest, even to go to a so called church, that’s build by man and for man. That snake never changed! Because the man never changed! And instead of remembering what God said, we just take that easy way out, we take that what looks good on the outside, what looks good on Sunday! We just paint a dead man, cover up the casket, put on some perfume, and pretend that there is something living inside. But if, there will be any movement toward Life, it will be destroyed instantly!

Have you ever experienced a Living God? Have you ever had a moment in your life, where you saw that light at the end of the tunnel? You had a little hope that there might be the end to this madness you are in? You thought that you finally there, only to see it slip away between your fingers? It didn’t slip away because God slipped away, it slipped away because instead of going to that light, you went to see a priest, you went to see a man, you checked in to see if it goes with the rules and regulations, if its approved by man that you always trusted and believed. If its approved by the church, just like in the time of Jesus.

Well, I got a solution for you, and its nothing that you haven’t heard before, its nothing that is new, nothing that you can’t do. Next time, when you see even a spec of that light at the end of the tunnel, RUN to it, don’t walk, don’t take a stroll down to your church, don’t call you favorite pastor, your life coach, your best friend, after all, what do you have to lose? Well, you will find out for yourself! But it’s totally up to you, no one can do that for you, NOONE! Not your church, your pastor, your priest, NOBODY! You don’t need a priest, you have ONE! You don’t need a man, you have ONE!, because after all, the reason you are where you are, because you followed a man, you trusted in the man! You need God! You need to be freed, and He is the only One who can do that! Even if it’s a smallest spec of the light that there now, GO, RUN, because if you don’t, it might be the last time you see it, and it will be lights out from there on!

May the Light of God shine on you! For His Glory! His satisfaction! For the total destruction of that predator, that snake, that constrictor. You will feel the freedom of His mercy and grace, you will feel His love. You will experience the power of His restoration, the power of His regeneration. You will get your senses back, you will hear His voice, you will be in the light, and you will smell that slithering beast from far away. You will be able to tell that scum when he comes back to offer you the second best, that “You have been defeated! you have no power over me! And if you don’t believe me, go look in the mirror, and you will find a footprint on the back of your head, and its not just a footprint, its got a hole in it, which is of my Redeemer, my Savior and My God!”. You will experience a total freedom in Him, in His Life, in His death, and in His resurrection!

Give Him all the Glory!
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