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Old 06-25-2013, 10:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 71
Default 106 things not many Christians know (but Witness Lee knows)

After reading just the first few pages of the LSM Life Study of Ephesians, the phrase "Not many Christians know" jumped out at me again and again. I found this quite distasteful (and fueling the fire of the arrogance of my home group) so I did a little research project...

Here, for your viewing pleasure, are "106 things not many Christians know (but Witness Lee knows)", according to seven Life Studies (Genesis, Exodus, Ephesians, Hebrews, 1 Corinthians, Colossians & Revelation).

Enjoy - this is not intended for apologetic or theological discussion, simply to show Lee's arrogant writing style "enlarged ad absurdum"
  1. “That we may be no longer babes tossed by waves and carried about by every wind of teaching in the sleight of men, in craftiness with a view to a system of error.” Not many Christians have paid adequate attention to this verse, a verse which indicates that doctrine can damage the Body of Christ.
  2. A number of Bible teachers have pointed out that the altar typifies the cross and that the sacrifices typify Christ. However, not many teachers have gone on to find out how Christ is typified by other items in chapters twenty-one through twenty-three of Exodus.
  3. Above us there is the sphere ruled by Satan, the ruler of the authority of the air. Not many Christians have an adequate understanding of this evil power in the air.
  4. After they were baptized they could say, “Once we were on the other side of the river, but now we are on this side.” not many have had this understanding of baptism.
  5. All Christians are familiar with the name Christ, but not many understand the term the mystery of God.
  6. All Christians know that Christ has ascended into heaven and that He is in heaven today. However, not many are familiar with the scene in heaven after Christ's ascension.
  7. All Christians know that God has redeemed us, but not many realize that He has also qualified us to partake of Christ as the portion of the saints.
  8. All Christians realize that Christ was born through incarnation, but not many regard His resurrection also as a birth.
  9. All Christians think that a priest is one who serves God, but not many Christians know that, ultimately, a priest is one who ministers God to man.
  10. Although all genuine Christians recognize that Christ is the Son of God, not many have an adequate realization that He is the embodiment of God.
  11. Although every Christian knows that God is the mighty One on the throne, not many Christians realize that God today needs a temple, a church, a building, for His expression.
  12. Although many are familiar with Joel's prophecy regarding the Holy Spirit, not many have paid attention to the fact that receiving the outpoured Holy Spirit requires our calling on the name of the Lord.
  13. Although many Christians pay attention to gifts, not many concentrate on transformation
  14. Although many Christians realize that Christ is our High Priest, not many know what this truly means.
  15. Although many Christians talk about substitution, about Christ's having died in our place, not many realize the matter of union.
  16. Although many Christians understand the word of grace (Acts 14:3; 20:32), the word of life (Phil. 2:16), and even the good word of God (Heb. 6:5), not many know what the word of righteousness is.
  17. Although many Jews and Seventh-Day Adventists keep the Sabbath, not many know the true significance of keeping a day unto the Lord.
  18. Although the Lord often spoke as a Bridegroom conversing with His bride, not many Christians have realized this aspect of His word.
  19. Although there are millions of Christians in this country, not many have paid adequate attention to Christ in us, the hope of glory.
  20. Although there is much talk about the Body, not many have a proper understanding of the Body. Furthermore, Christians rarely even speak of the one new man.
  21. Among the millions of today's Christians, the genuinely redeemed and saved people, not many enjoy the experience of having become God's habitation.
  22. As far as the experience of the tabernacle is concerned, the writings and messages of the various Christian teachers mainly speak of the altar. But once we go on from the altar to the Holy Place, we find that not many have touched the real experiences there.
  23. As we have seen, the book of Hebrews makes a great turn at 7:1. Not many readers of Hebrews have seen this point clearly, but by God's mercy and grace He has shown us this turn.
  24. Because of shallow, inadequate teaching, not many Christians realize that the redemption of Christ rests upon the power of the eternal Spirit.
  25. Because this revelation is so high and because Paul's writing is complicated, not many Christians have a proper understanding of this book.
  26. Before we consider the matter of putting off the old man and putting on the new man, the church (4:22-24), we need to see that the abolishing of the ordinances for the creation of the new man is part of the gospel. Not many Christians realize that this matter must be proclaimed as part of the gospel.
  27. But have you ever asked the Lord to forgive you for not living by Christ? not many Christians have prayed in this way: “Lord, forgive me for not taking You as my life today.
  28. But what about the second beginning, the beginning related to the building of God's dwelling place? It is a fact that not many Christians realize the need to have this second beginning.
  29. By staying in the homes of many Christians in the course of my travels, I have learned that the appetite of many believers is still for the things of Egypt. Not many have a genuine hunger and thirst for Christ.
  30. During the past centuries, a great many Christians have sought for the overcoming of sin. However, not many of them ever succeeded in this matter because they were seeking something that is on the second floor while they were on the ground floor.
  31. Even at present there are thousands, even millions, of Christians, but not many are strong.
  32. Few Christians have ever fought for the revelation of God, and not many have fought for the revelation of Christ.
  33. Have you ever heard a message on Christ offering Himself to God by and through the eternal Spirit? Christians do not ordinarily speak this way, for not many have this knowledge. Because they do not have the knowledge, they do not use the language of Hebrews 9:14. Nevertheless, such a word is found in Hebrews 9:14.
  34. He mingled divinity and humanity, humanity and divinity, into one. This is our Lord Jesus Christ. Not many Christians have this concept of the Lord Jesus.
  35. However, not many believers realize that the flesh is so evil.
  36. However, not many Christian teachers realize that what is revealed in Romans in the way of a sketch is fully illustrated in 1 Corinthians.
  37. However, not many Christians have observed that in His conversation with Nicodemus the Lord pointed that gentleman to the serpent (John 3:14).
  38. However, not many Christians realize that they are kings by birth.
  39. However, not many Christians today take care of God's house. Most are primarily concerned about their own needs, and the pillar they set up is only a testimony of God's care.
  40. However, not many people, including Christians, know the significance of man's first fall.
  41. However, not many understand the crossing of the river Jordan as having a typological significance.
  42. In 5:26 and 29 there are four crucial words: sanctify, cleanse, nourish, and cherish. Because the enemy has veiled these matters, not many Christians have a clear understanding of their significance.
  43. In Genesis 35 we see a crucial and radical turn. However, not many children of God appreciate this. They read this chapter again and again without recognizing the radical turn contained in it.
  44. In Luke 17, the Lord used Lot's wife as a warning example for His disciples. However, not many Christians today live under this warning.
  45. In most Christian groups there is very little ministry of Christ as life.
  46. In the eyes of God, the ordinances, rituals, and ceremonies of the law have been crucified on the cross. However, not many Christians realize this.
  47. In the same principle, if we would get out of the world, we must get into the wilderness. However, not many Christians have been brought into the wilderness.
  48. In their experience not many Christians have come to the mountain. any of us can testify that before we came into the church life, we were not at the mountain, the place of revelation.
  49. In their experience, not many Christians stay in the house after their conversion.
  50. In their reading of the book of Revelation not many Christians have paid their full attention to the revelation of Christ contained in it.
  51. Jacob is the prototype in the Bible. Romans 9 tells us this. But throughout the generations not many Christians have seen this, thinking that the chapters dealing with Jacob's history are merely interesting stories. Few Christians view these chapters as the record of the model of a transformed life.
  52. Many Christians have sung this hymn, but not many praise their Savior all the day long.
  53. Many Christians know that Christ resurrected, ascended, and has been crowned with honor and glory, but not many know that after Christ's ascension, enthronement, and glorification He also received gifts.
  54. Many Christians know that during the years of wandering in the wilderness, the children of Israel ate manna. But not many of them know in a thorough and adequate way the significance of the manna in Exodus 16.
  55. Many Christians know that on the cross Christ dealt with sin, the flesh, the self, the old man, the world, and the Devil. But not many also realize that on the cross Christ dealt with the ordinances.
  56. Many Christians only experience God as their individual God. Not many have the experience of God as the God of the house of God.
  57. Many Christians realize that Peter and John were disciples and apostles, but not many realize that they were also pillars.
  58. Most believers know that Christ is the heavenly manna; however, not many know how to eat Him.
  59. Most Christians have only the limited experience of Christ as their Redeemer. Not many have the experience of Christ as their life.
  60. Most Christians have the book of Revelation, but not many have the unsealed scroll, because they do not realize that Revelation is the unsealed scroll.
  61. Most Christians realize only that they need Christ as their substitute for redemption. Not many realize that in order to be a living sacrifice to satisfy God, they also need Christ as their substitute in sanctification.
  62. Nearly all Christians have seen the eternal life in John 3:16, but not many have seen the serpent in John 3:14.
  63. Not many Christian preachers have given messages concerning the inward aspect of Christ's sufferings on the cross.
  64. Not many Christians are able to take in God's Word in a proper way or utter it in a strong way.
  65. Not many Christians are willing to pay the price to follow the Lord strictly, because they do not want to suffer in their soul; they want to enjoy their life today, desiring luxurious cars, large houses, and many worldly things. They are unwilling to lose their soul.
  66. Not many Christians have realized the full significance of the budding rod.
  67. Not many Christians have seen that Christ is the place of propitiation.
  68. Not many Christians have seen that God's intention is to work Himself into us.
  69. Not many Christians have seen that the renewing of the new man depends on our seeking the things which are above.
  70. Not many Christians know the goal of God's calling
  71. Not many Christians know the two aspects of Christ's priesthood.
  72. Not many Christians know what the ministry of the stewardship is.
  73. Not many Christians realize that concerning both the giving of the law and the function of the law, there are two aspects, the “day” aspect and the “night” aspect.
  74. Not many Christians realize that even their natural goodness is rejected by God.
  75. Not many Christians regard the lack of prayer as sin.
  76. Not many Christians regard the Lord's coming as a warning.
  77. Not many Christians regard themselves as stewards.
  78. Not many Christians see God's intention in His salvation. To them, salvation consists only in being delivered from hell.
  79. Not many Christians throughout the centuries have been able to get fully into the book of Colossians.
  80. Not many Christians today pay attention to the growth in life.
  81. Not many know the real meaning of the word “blessing.” Many Christians simply have not seen the blessings with which the church has been blessed
  82. Not many ministers or workers in today's Christianity carry out the stewardship of God.
  83. Not many of today's Christians realize what genuine growth is.
  84. Not many readers of Exodus 1 and 2 have seen the underlying theme that links these chapters.
  85. Not many readers of Exodus have given adequate attention to chapter sixteen.
  86. Not many readers of this book have seen that the reconstitution of God's people is implied in chapter sixteen.
  87. Of the many genuine believers in Christ who have drunk of the living water, not many experience the flowing of this water.
  88. On the one hand, the church is constituted of God; on the other hand, the church is expressed in a particular locality. Not many Christian teachers have seen these two aspects of the church.
  89. Our believing in Christ is related to both life and authority. Not many Christians, however, realize that they must believe in the Lord for authority as well as for life.
  90. Out of the tens of millions of Christians in the United States, not many will be overcomers.
  91. So, the number eight signifies resurrection. In this new living, the people were in resurrection. Whatever they did was in resurrection. Not many Christians realize the true significance of the type in this portion of the Word.
  92. Some Christians may cause people to rest and even be refreshed; however, not many can supply others with spiritual food.
  93. That He sends the Spirit, who is just Himself, that He might abide in us and that we might abide in Him; and that Christ is living, moving, and working in our spirit, even transforming our very being that we might be His expression. Although this matter is found again and again in the New Testament, not many Christians pay attention to it.
  94. The curse came in through Adam's fall (Gen. 3:17) and was dealt with by Christ's redemption (Gal. 3:13). Since in the new heaven and new earth there will be no more fall, there will no longer be any curse. Not many Christians understand all that the curse includes.
  95. The Lord Jesus is the real manna. In John 6 He indicates that we should seek Him and eat Him. However, not many Christians realize the need for a change of diet.
  96. The sealing of the Spirit must saturate our mind. Not many Christians have seen that the sealing is still going on, that it is not once for all.
  97. The Spirit is speaking to the churches, not to any religion, denomination, or group of seeking Christians. This is the reason that not many Christians can hear the speaking of the Spirit.
  98. The term “fullness” has been misused, misunderstood, and misapplied by today’s Christians. Thus, when Christians speak of the fullness of Christ, they think it means the riches of Christ. However, although many Christians speak of the fullness of the Holy Spirit or the fullness of God, not many speak of the fullness of Christ.
  99. The words redemption and redeemed are commonly used by Christians. However, not many believers realize adequately that in the sight of God redemption includes three matters. First, it includes (blah……)
  100. Their names will be in the book of life at that time, but the names of many others will not be there. Because not many Christians have seen this vision, they cannot understand the verses concerning this matter.
  101. These two matters, blessing and dwelling, are found in the New Testament Epistles. Probably not many Christians have paid attention to these matters in the Epistles.
  102. Today many Christians know only to pray this kind of shallow prayer. They know only to pray on the basis of the blood of Christ shed on the cross. Not many believers know how to pray the kind of prayer that is offered at the incense altar.
  103. Today, not many Christians care for the inward experience. Most Christians care for the outward experiences. The things that are taught among Christians today mostly go as far as the end of Genesis 14.
  104. We have been selected and called for God's purpose (Rom. 9:11). Not many Christians know what this purpose is.
  105. We have seen that many crucial seeds of the truth are sown in the book of Genesis. The house of God, Bethel, is one of these seeds. However, not many Christians know what the experience of the house of God is.
  106. We must admit that not many Christians, even among us, have entered in a complete way into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ.
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