Originally Posted by Trapped
I'll add that, yes, somehow when we eat of the tree of life we keep living, and when we eat of the TOTKOGAE we get the knowledge of good and evil. But knowledge is not a bad thing in scripture, and neither is discerning good/evil. So I continually do not see any evidence for "what they took in" being bad.....possibly just premature (since discerning good/evil is a characteristic of mature believers, as shown in Hebrews).
Wasn't the result of that eating bad as God had said, that is --> death?
I see the knowledge of good and evil tree as allowing man to take control of matters for his own purposes. That is, man could independently decide for himself whether he should pursue something or not, rather than seeking the Lord and following His choices - as Jesus demonstrated in His actions that He sought His Father's will and did not act in His independent knowledge of things.
I think it comes down to what the source of the knowledge is.