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Old 09-04-2020, 02:41 AM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 31
Default Re: The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam

I am meeting with a group of saints outside the LSM so-called churches in Viet Nam. There are a few saints in their congregations who told me some of their remarks as follows, hope you are the ones who are ahead of us in the right way of recovery, please guide us so that we can help many others saints in Vietnam-

1/ A young saint told me in 2013: “I believe through Watchman Nee. and Witness Lee the Lord's recovery come to a zenith, and that the culmination is the daily reading of Morning revival holy word published by the LSM. I cannot leave W.L. to follow Titus Chu or John So, because their teachings and books are far behind and inferior to the books of W.L."

2/ An elderly saint said to me: “Do not bring us back to the Stone Age, in that we had to work hard to find some bible verses to share on Sunday morning meetings according 1 Corinthians 14:26. Today with the help of LSM, everything is ready, why not accept the documents they print? "

Thank you,

September 4, 2020
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