Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
But, on the whole, I do think the GOP has the edge in the truth department, only because there are more born-agains in that camp . . .
I have observed that conservatives prefer knowing the truth and applying an objective assessment, and tend to pause until the facts are known. Saw that with Kavanaugh. Same with that Covington HS kid. Another big one was that monuments debate in Charlottesville. Russia collusion. Ukrainian quid pro quo. Trump emoluments. I could go on all day . . .
I even saw it with Joe Biden and Tara Reade. Conservatives paused and wanted due process, same as they did with Kavanaugh, but the Left moved to quickly dismiss and smear the victim messenger.
Being conservative doesn't mean perfection, and there have been many failures, yet being fair and honest is a Christian trait. On the contrary, I see very little fair and honest on the left. Mostly reactionary sheeple who take their marching orders from the daily mass email.