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Old 04-30-2020, 01:46 AM   #9
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: Ron Kangas at the Waters of Meribah

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
When I listened to the recordings from the last summer training, it was interesting to hear Ron talk about the situation as if to imply that his intention was just to let God deal with the whole situation and to not interfere. Then of course right away Ron starts talking about rebellion, making reference to the people he's upset with, etc. He ended up doing the very thing that he said he wouldn't do, thought I'm sure that was his intention all along.

It seems that each time these types of so-called "turmoils" have occurred, the LC manages to completely mishandle the situation. Especially considering that almost all of these situations have been internal matters, there is no reason for them to make the automatic assumption that the member who is speaking out is acting in bad faith.

In the past, they have called people who speak out all kinds of names - rebels, lepers, etc. This time, they took that same approach, however, the outcome was extremely tragic. There was a recording posted recently where Ron stated that he felt no responsibility or remorse for what happened, even though much of the initial reaction from the LC was related to his own speaking during that summer training.

The LC really needs to come to terms with the path that it is headed down. It's one thing to have a group where people who speak out are called names. But now they have a tragedy on their hands, and I believe that is going stick with them as long as they try to pretend that it doesn't matter. Do they really think that current members aren't questioning their handling of the situation? Do they really think that current members haven't empathized with this family that they hurt?
I’m going to explain something here. I have made effort in my posts to be clear to the LC top brass that the way is open for their redemption. I have covered forgiveness for them and thought about ways they could sort things out and be respected for it and helped through it.

The reason is, I nearly died once. It happened suddenly, without warning, and it was real. At the time, I was not right with God and I knew it. (I only knew it once I realised my life was in threat, while I felt confident of my existence this knowledge was not in me).

Hours before Saul died, he knew it was all over. Same with Haman, Esther’s adversary. In both accounts, terror overtook them such that all the strength went out from their bodies. In both accounts they had intended to harm and kill innocent lives in order to further their own ends, both considered the lives of others expendable, in their selfish ambition. They had a cheap regard for the lives of others, then were left to face their own end with the knowledge in their conscience that it was over for them and God would not be with them in it.

I know something of what that terror feels like, and I would never wish that upon any human soul while there is still a heartbeat in their chest. I won’t try to find words to describe how it feels. I will just leave it there.

The complete lack of conscience, care, concern, even human curiosity about what they could have done differently that might have avoided this outcome for Greg Casteel…..this causes me to shudder inside at what a dreadful place I perceive they are in. Not unlike Saul or Haman, and completely ignorant of the frailty of their own existence. When the end comes for them it may all come crashing down with nothing left but raw brutal terror, and a knowing that they’ve repeatedly squandered, even scoffed at, multiple opportunities to recant and change, and reflect something of the nature of Jesus whom they hope in.

Saul wasn’t short of the ability to ‘prophecy’ with the prophets. ‘Prophesying’ did not change his heart. LC leaders can ‘prophecy’ according to LC style all they like. God looks at the heart and how they have handled this issue does not bode well for them at all, in my opinion, and I say that sadly.
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