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Old 04-29-2020, 04:51 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Ron Kangas at the Waters of Meribah

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
It seems that each time these types of so-called "turmoils" have occurred, the LC manages to completely mishandle the situation. Especially considering that almost all of these situations have been internal matters, there is no reason for them to make the automatic assumption that the member who is speaking out is acting in bad faith.
And yet, they do make that assumption. Oh boy, do they ever.

One of the sinners in the church sins and you'd like the situation to be handled according to Scripture?

You'd better expect repercussions.

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
In the past, they have called people who speak out all kinds of names - rebels, lepers, etc. This time, they took that same approach, however, the outcome was extremely tragic. There was a recording posted recently where Ron stated that he felt no responsibility or remorse for what happened, even though much of the initial reaction from the LC was related to his own speaking during that summer training.
For them not to say one word about the suffering of his widow, or one word about care or love or reaching out to people in pain, but instead say they are not afraid at all? That should terrify the saints. That's a seared conscience. That's almost mock the situation and have no feeling in the face of tragic death.

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
The LC really needs to come to terms with the path that it is headed down. It's one thing to have a group where people who speak out are called names. But now they have a tragedy on their hands, and I believe that is going stick with them as long as they try to pretend that it doesn't matter. Do they really think that current members aren't questioning their handling of the situation? Do they really think that current members haven't empathized with this family that they hurt?
Sadly, I don't think so. Anyone saying anything besides "what a rich ministry!" is automatically a rebel. The co-workers post publicly that the saints cannot expect to know how situations are handled. Questioning that is labeled "questionings" which are negative and poisonous. The members may be in mental turmoil for a little bit, in fact I know some were, but just shut their mind off and block it out and chalk it up to "God's judging of rebellion".

I've seen saints clearly distraught at the hearing of Greg's suicide, and then weeks later saying the fault is on the nature of the letter - public, rather than approaching the co-workers privately. "And what do you expect when you do things in a wrong way like that?" It's grievous.

It's thought control, plain and simple. I just can't help but picture all the saints with little iron-bar cages around their heads, trapping them like animals.
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