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Old 10-06-2019, 04:46 AM   #147
Gospel Nerd
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Default Re: 1,000 Years of Outer Darkness

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Yeah, that could be. But also I've been seeing that our sense of time is not that good. For instance, everyone says time seems to go quicker the older one gets. This makes sense, because a year to a ten year old is one tenth of their life - seems like a long time. However, to a 60 year old, one year is just 1/60th - relatively speaking not as long. So how does a year seem to someone who is ancient? I suspect it's quite momentary (as in our "momentary light affliction"). The Bible says a man's life is like a fleeting vapor - here and then gone almost immediately. In the Old Testament, for instance, several hundred years passed before God fulfilled the promise to give the children of Israel, captive in Egypt, the good land. So what is even a thousand years then in God's wise timing?

From our perspective, it's a very, very long time. From His perspective, I think it's "quickly."

Actually, there is good scientific basis for the thousand years/one day phenomena. Scientists as eminent as the late great Stephen Hawking in his study of black holes in deep space (I suggest his book "A Brief History of Space and Time"), and even Albert Einstein with his Theory of Relativity, have long contended that Time does not run at the same pace throughout the entire universe.

For example, if you were to travel in a rocket ship to the gravity well of any nearby black hole, the immense forces of gravity at work there would warp the passage of time for you relative to the passage of time on the Earth . In effect, what might pass as five minutes for you near that black hole would parallel the passing of five years on Earth (this is just an illustration; for more accurate calculations consult the NASA website).

Unfortunately, since the nearest black hole is light years away doing an actual experiment is out of the question for now. Plus, black holes not only affect Time, but also bend and trap light waves as well so that they cannot escape; and so any return from such an experiment with our current technology might not be likely. (E = MC squared, when extrapolated, shows a close correlation between the speed of Light and Time)

However, the above limitations notwithstanding, it has been amply demonstrated that Time runs differently EVEN within the Earth's orbit. NASA discovered that Atomic Clocks that spent a considerable period (months) on the International Space Station ticked slower than their counterparts on the surface, albeit by only a few seconds, even though they were initially synchronized to billionths of a second.

All said and done, I find it amazing that a simple, uneducated fisherman living over two thousand years ago knew by faith what we are only discovering now with our advanced instruments and so-called scientific enlightenment. And it is no wonder. Not so long ago, while the whole world believed the Earth to be flat, the oldest book in the Bible, Job, spoke of the 'circle of the earth'. I think the Psalmist, too, points out how the planet is, in fact, round, in much the same words. Simply amazing.

After all, Paul did say that 'the foolishness of God is wiser than men' (1 Cor 1: 25)

Grace to all the believers on here,
I apologize for all the rambling, folks.

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