Originally Posted by Igzy
This is natural because you've been conditioned to feel this way.
Actually, many LCers do not really know the Lord well. They don't realize how much their "walk" is just going with the program. Then when they try to operate outside of it, they don't really have the established relationship with God. So the transition is bumpy.
This is a real battle. I went through it. Just keep praying and keep going back to the word. I was serious about getting one of those little books that contain nothing but God's promises, and reading and praying them back to God every day.
But Jo S is right. YOU have to discover between YOU AND GOD just what HE is telling YOU to do, without the LR filtering or distortions. In other words, YOU have to ask, seek and knock until YOU YOURSELF break through to GOD. That's a relationship. Others can help, but eventually YOU have to find out what's REAL.
It's so difficult to know what's 'real.' I so often find myself repeating Pilate's question, "What is truth?" What is it to believe? Where does our belief come from? How much responsibility do we truly have as man? The way that the BB's twisted octrine and scripture to make it sound like they were the final authority it audacious. Yet, I'm trapped. I'm caught up in the sticky web of lies and I can't distinguish what is true anymore. Where are you, Oh my God? Are you even real? Yes. I know He's real. Yes. I see Him in His word and in creation, but who am I? Why did God choose me? What is my reponsiblity in this relationship?