Originally Posted by Jo S
Sst, by your introduction it seems you left the LC 4 years ago. May I ask why you are concerned about these sisters? Are you still in a relationship with them?
But just as Igzy said, God doesn't tear down. However, He is an all consuming fire. A stone structure won't be effected by flames, but any wood, hay, or stubble present in the house and on the property will be. God is like a fire. If you allow Him, He will burn up everything that doesn't provide real structure in your walk.
God is light. No darkness can stand in His presence, including fear. Maybe there are certain things in your life casting a shadow and standing in between you and the Lord that need addressing? Could it perhaps be through this yoke you are maintaining with these sisters?...
I’m ashamed to admit I keep up appearances to maintain peace with my aunt and while I agree that the LC has many cult-like tendencies it is the only “way” I’ve known. I gave myself to Christ and the church (meaning the LC) to go to a denomination is worse than pursuing on my own. It’s like getting a divorce and not being allowed to ‘remarry’ because the ‘divorce’ wasn’t legit or hasn’t ‘gone through.’ Deep within I still hold onto that ridiculous belief that the LC is the only way. I don’t even know why. It’s truly an enigma to me- these thoughts that consume and contradict