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Old 07-17-2019, 04:33 PM   #58
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Posts: 488
Default Re: Erroneous teaching of Lee concerning natural affection

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Are you speaking abstractly or specifically?
Both. the problem starts at leadership and then works it way down into breeding a culture of victimhood. My broad brush stroke was meant to be broad, it's a big picture.

I understand most members of LSM and GLA churches weren't directly involved in the leadership decisions which led to the quarantine, but many were. If you weren't then members on both sides can see themselves as victims however there's another perspective to consider.

It wasn't my fault that I was born into sin. I didn't have a say in that. As long as I continued to view myself as a victim of circumstance there was justification for my lack of repentance. Yet I had to repent. Whether or not I was ignorant I still partook of sin and was found guilty.

It's been 13 years since the quarantines yet no real changes to core doctrine made by leadership. If you're given the opportunity for a fresh start and to make change yet do nothing, accountability falls on you. So you can either change your ways or focus on the superficial and adopt a victim mentality/martyr complex to continue to justify your lack of repentance.

There's a difference between being a victim of circumstance and victimhood. Even if you've inherited a circumstance, it doesn't mean you have to stay a part of that circumstance. This goes for both sides. The problem wasn't coups or quarantines, it was false doctrine all along yet no attention is given to that by either side..As long as leadership willingly stays ignorant to that, then they won't understand what the real cause of their division is and many under them will continue to suffer.

Even if you've left completely, you may no longer be bound by the decisions of the Local Churches, but it doesn't change the fact that you partook of the doctrines and practices of the Local Churches.

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Indignation about injustice can sometimes be confused with bitterness. I supposed the former can possibly lead to the latter, but it ain't necessarily so.
When there's partiality and a lack of accountability in indignation, that's when you know it's bitterness.
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