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Old 01-09-2019, 03:26 PM   #265
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Default Re: One Publication

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
You haven't? .....Care to restate?
No, I have spoken the truth as I see it. No need to restate it. Were I to say it differently I would not be truthful to myself or to the Lord. Not your experience? Fine. Don't believe me? Also fine. I answer to a higher power and authority, that is to the One who holds the seven Spirits and the seven stars in His right hand.

Yet, this thread is about the One Publication document so:

...please show us from the One Publication document where it says members have to read only Brother Lee...

.. ain't there...

Please show us from the One Publication document where it says members cannot own or read any other authors..

.. ain't there....

Please show us from the Bible were we are to only publish the Bible

..ain't there....

In case you are wondering why I am having these conversations then I suggest you read the basenote.... it is about the ONE PUBLICATION document.. it is not about what an elder said to you, it is not about what you want to believe about preferences in ministries in the local churches, it is not about what Mormons, Catholics, or JW's, publish.... those are completely irrelevant and a fallacy (it looks like this so it must be the same thing)... it is not about who was quarantined and the reasons for it...

....and ain't about green cheese.

Here the problem, the "One Publication" conversation in this forum is not about the One Publication document and its content.... rather, it is about the things you think are related to it..... it is similar to a Russians allegation.... no other explanation will even be considered because the Russians are involved... let's make everything about the One Publication and yet when you actually read the One Publication document it says none of the things you say it means. Now why is that? Why is it that you, rather than demonstrate from the content of the document itself derive all these evil things from it? Why, can't you stop yourself from doing that?

Now, perhaps you can cease and desist with all the generalizations and show me FROM THE ONE PUBLICATION DOCUMENT where it says what you say it does.

If not, then you are merely engaging in Russian like conversations.... effective perhaps at generating some heat... but no light.

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