Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-13-2018, 11:10 AM   #238
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
This matter of "Outer Darkness" is not a simple teaching or "doctrine" in the Local Church of Witness Lee. It is part and parcel of a larger system of error. It is impossible to take this teaching and discuss it apart from the entire gambit of the teachings, practices and history. I know that current LC members find it convenient to attempt to steer the discussion in a direction which diverts attention away from the realities that were, and now are, faced by followers of Witness Lee. So, steer away fellows...but don't expect to have much success around here.
No need to steer anything.... just offer an alternative explanation for the outer darkness. Aron, can’t.

Somebody step up.

Maybe some think it doesn’t apply to believers and that it is a picture of hell... or maybe some believe it’s just a story and we shouldn’t make too much of it, maybe some are convinced that when the believer stands before the Lord He will judge them but then intervene and rescue them because of His shed blood and grace. Maybe some just mentally clip that part out of their Bible. I really don’t know how members in this forum interpret this scripture,, except StG and his three excellent points, Evangelical by his detailed explanations, and perhaps Trapped who seems to accept the outer darkness teaching but disagrees with how it was applied.

Other than that what we have so far is just nay saying... no alternatives. I’m ready to discuss an alternative explanation. Let’s hear it.

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