Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 08-13-2018, 06:27 AM   #226
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I numbered the post in question. Let the reader decide if I misrepresented your statement.

For all of your indignation you mount no defence. If you can show an extensive paper trail of scripture commentary going back thru Clement of Alexandria and Origen we might think differently. Otherwise we conclude that this "thousand years of torment" is a recent idea, designed to paper over the perceived gap between OSAS Calvinism and Arminianism.
Yes, let the reader decide if you have represented my views accurately. As the one who you are quoting I am making it clear you are not and you are fabricating., putting words in my mouth, etc.

I’m not indignant, but you don’t get to define what I believe or or teach. If you misunderstand I’m always happy to clarify., if you purposefully put words in my mouth then I will object. Substantiate your argument on the facts, not on selective references, not on slices and dices, and not on fabrications about what I “admitted”. Okay?

Now, to the last part of your post I disagree. l do not need to trace a paper trail back through history to the church fathers to validate the fact of outer darkness.. They are a good reference as to what the church in the first few hundred years taught but their teachings are not the authority of the Bible. We can use them as a touch point to understand how the early Church viewed a certain matter in the scriptures but they do not replace the scriptures.

Rather, we have the Bible.. in there are parables about outer darkness and the reason servants are cast there. If you disagree with Brother Lee’s explanation, which is similar to mine, then have a go at one yourself.

Let hear it.

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