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Old 07-04-2018, 06:26 PM   #45
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Doug Krieger testimony

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Doug Krieger spoke and sold books at a conference in Sacramento early this year involving Henry Hon and several other Christian speakers. Here is a link to his authors page at Amazon.

He also spoke at a conference in Denver and was videod
This is just as an update on his current status, not a recommendation to read or not (I haven’t bought or read his books nor heard enough of his speaking to form a recommendation.
Wow - Henry Hon too?! I thought a lot of Henry and was around him more than I was Doug (since Doug so quickly got the boot after I came on the scene).

I looked at some of Doug's writings and other Internet things. Appears like he's very big on eschatology and trying to decipher biblical numbers. For me, I've lost my appetite for all the numbers. In the end, a bunch of knowledge like mostly produces a fearful response, and not a loving knowing of Christ Himself. I know several people who follow this sort of thing and my opinion is that it's one big snorkeling in the weeds/rabbit hole.
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