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Old 04-13-2018, 08:29 PM   #256
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by clever sister View Post
I have been in the same room as Paul Hon while he strongly stated that we needed to give at a minimum 10% of whatever income we had.

On the matter of photocopies of ministry (Or Xerox as Drake has been calling it), yes my locality did sometimes make photocopies, but it was nearly always for new ones. Once you were more established in the LC you were expected to buy your own copies of the HWfMR.

At conferences we were always strongly encouraged to buy ministry books.

And I don't know how many ministry books I had to buy when I went to FTTH. We weren't allowed to just use the online versions (I doubt they were all available online anyway).

And a lot of saints have invested a lot of time and money to support the giving away of the Recovery Version NT Bible for free. My parents included. If I remember correctly the cost is about $10 per bible (may not a bit cheaper in $US). Who gets that $10?

A devotional book goes for about 6-8 weeks. That's no more than 10 books a year. At $10 each that's only $100 per year. Hardly a burden for most. Anyway, I always buy the online version, it's only about $5. So yes, if you are new, or forgetful, a copy may be done, but I think it's right to pay for them eventually.
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