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Old 03-21-2018, 05:24 PM   #198
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 510
Default Re: Apostles in The Church: Yesterday and Today

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
And I will point out when you are interpreting scripture in a vacuum, and not adequately examining the fruit of fringe doctrines whose validity is far from certain, particular ones that subject people to lording control.
How can one not interpret scripture in a vacuum? If I grew up in the LSM churches or it was all I knew - I wonder where I would be today. Without the Holy Spirit in us aren't we destined to see all things through the vacuum of our fleshly minds?

Where the LSM churches disassociates themselves from other evangelical denominations is the expectation (some could argue for a stronger word than expectation) of "group think" that is derived from the spoken word of Witness Lee. Any diversion from Lee is a cause for alarm - which manifests itself in many different ways.

Do many LSM church members genuinely believe they've found THE way? I think so, from my experience. But then again, I'd answer in the affirmative if the same question was asked about a Jehovah Witness, Morman, a member of Westboro Baptist Church (I actually don't know any of these guys, but have learned a bit about them)....

In mainstream evangelical Christianity, whether non-denominational, baptist, methodist, etc - I have not seen or heard of the thought that 'it is my denominations way or the highway' - actually quite the opposite. I've had many discussions around this thought with different believers and they've also agreed with my observations. I think that is why the LSM churches stick out like a sore thumb for those looking to place a "cult" label.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
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